World: 'Pay your taxes!' Foundation: 'We have several manuals for how to end you several times over. Many we contain, most written by others, some we are currently searching for, but a few we wrote ourselves.' World: '... Carry on.'
5:10 is actually accurate to scp 242, the self cleaning pool. Basically any materials that enter the pool are transmuted into sterile water, which even when taken out of the pool does not mix with any other liquids
@@shadowking278 thankfully according to the logs (yes there’s a log on the page showing exactly what this thing does to a human) you would actually have a good deal of time to escape, as the pool doesn’t seem to activate until something gets inside it, and even then it takes a few minutes to start up
Day 4 in SCP containment: they've let me use the internet to watch Dr Sherman, and apparently they're thinking of testing me against the damn lizard, little do they know I'm gonna cause a blackout and escape as soon as I'm put in a new room for a test
I hate the lizard, it cuts off the power every so often and I absolutely hate it! I have to use all these face lights and it drains all my energy then I shut off and- it just bugs me* the hell out!
I laughed so hard at the 297 article. I don't understand why people are so put off. Can you imagine having to be the one to let the team know they're retrieving a nuclear d*ldo? What I would PAY to be a fly on the wall in that room. Lmfao.
@@PixelPawz Now I am thinking about this.... Who made it?? Or did iy just MAGICALLY become a nuclear d*ldo?? And if someone made it why? And are we going to have to worry about the more adult companies OTHER inventions? Is it just NSFW Dr Wondertainment??
3:23 Ah now Dr Sherman, don't think I wouldn't notice the Gravity Falls theme in the background!!! 5:27 Oh, Shermie, you sweet summer child... I'm only recently discovering the SCP Foundation lore and it is AWESOME, and you're probably my favourite creator for it by virtue of how dang funny you are! 6:30 "How in the Scarlet King's jockstrap" I wanna say that just to confuse the hell out of someone now 7:05 PFFFFFFT 🤣🤣🤣 7:10 NO! _I DID NOT JUST GET FREAKING RICKROLLED BY THE GODDAMN SCP FOUNDATION, WHAT THE _*_[REDACTED]_*_ IS THIS_ 7:25 "I thought we were letting the A-Sync guys handle the Backrooms anyway" The crossover we never knew we needed
Re: Bright's "Trolley Problem" The piñata. Both of those suck, but the claw machine produces those puppies out of nothing while the piñata reacts to kids that just wander close to it, so it's a painful but short existence versus a kid with their whole life before and yet to happen being destroyed by being beaten to death.
I have a question: What would the most dangerous SCP? Because I'm pretty sure there is an SCP that could quite literally eradicate all SCPs from existence by hopping into our dimension and removing it from existence.
2747 is the one you are looking for, I believe, but there is also one that’s literally a timeline of the Foundation’s history that establishes order if completed and erases all anomalies, including the Swann Entities, aka us
@??? Except he won't. Because he would have prevented 682s existence at all. 682 can't be immortal if he doesn't exist. If this comment was a joke, then disregard everything I just said, and I'll just laugh. Hahahaha.
the glitchtechs, the fictional company, has some form of amnestics that erase only certain memories, and also dont need to be put in a drink or other consumable.
Meg's outpost are far more advanced and safer Than async but a async bases have exits to the front rooms to bad they won't let you use it and will probably be hostile towards wanderers because they need to keep the entrance/exit and the backrooms as a whole a secret. Meg does not have a solid exit there was an attempt but it ended with un-conclusive result and was unrepeatable... Level 0 used to be 100% safe but due to async's actions a new entity know as the bacteria started spawning in level 0. I find MEG to be more aprochable aswell
I’ve watched all of your compilation videos in one day. The average time for your videos is 8 minutes and 29 seconds. The total is 482 minutes and 11 seconds. I have way too much free time.
2:55 That was actually the inspiration for my OC! That, and the "Pet the Murder Puppy" test from an earlier video. I like to think that it was Dr. Bright who first authorized the 173 Hug Test, and that its success led to two things: My OC's containment proposal, and a new addition to the List Of Things Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To Do. A couple of weeks later, the "Pet the Murder Puppy" incident occurred during one of 682's containment breaches, where my OC was surprisingly able to calm 682 down simply by holding out her hand. The Site Director who was watching the whole thing unfold at the time expected 682 to bite my hand clean off and eat me alive, but 682 allowed my OC to pet its head and escort it back to its acid bath, causing the Site Director to then approve my OC's containment proposal.
I have had an epiphany because of "SCP Shower Thoughts Q&A w/ Dr. Sherman and @scpWyatt Round 6," what if you ask the vending machine for a liquid that can make trees scream?
4:31 horizon forbidden west fans rise up thinking of the machines (and possibly the AI that made em, haphaestus and gaia) as scps, how would they be contained? would the machines be deconstructed and the AI trapped in a supercomputer like 079?
Here's how the taxes thing works. At least in my head Basically they follow all the guidelines for the taxation of land in whatever country the location currently is, and pay those taxes to the correct government agency. (TLDR: the IRS just randomly receives a sack of money each month from the foundation, no one knows how except for the 05 council) However, basically everything that the foundation buys is tax deductible. All containment procedures, enrichment items, food, transportation, etc. Is not on anyone's tax list. Either that, or the taxation institutions simply do not know that the foundation or any other such organizations exist.
Hey I have a question, if the invincible snail that will kill you instantly if it touches you is possessed by Dr bright, how much of a catastrophe would it be?
I created my own cap oc and he’s the creator of the universe and is class 0 to his unknown behavior but can be considered class 5.He has the physical appearance of a humanoid black dragon and has every power known to man.His containment procedure is a helmet that is connected to his skull and brain and is constantly pumped with the most powerful anesthetic known and this is also applied to his forearms,hands,legs,and feet.His brain is hooked up to a computer so he can communicate with the personal.The SCP Foundation allow personal to communicate with the enitity if they have recently had something happen like a family member died so he can consult them.The SCP foundation test to see his potential to his power.Like if he can kill the unkillable lizard and almost succeeded until they called the test off.He is extremely compliant to the SCP foundations commands
how would the SCP foundation contain something like the assassin order and templars or would they even try and would the scp foundation start suspecting some members to either be templars or assassins i feel this is a interesting question for Site-42
The Foundation is partially funded by a lot of various nations, and are secretive to the point where these funders aren't aware of what the Foundation actually does, or what they've done.
you should make a video where you FINALLY contain the final scp there is in the universe also i just have a question does the scp foundation have a staion in space?
@ Star•Fish•God. Oh. Okay. Also I am the anomaly. Or at least this gemstone embedded in my chest is. I’m literally in a crystalline void that I can shape to my heart’s desires.
3:57 I don't know much about taxes but given their limitless funds I don't see why they would hesitate to pay tax on things like, material purchases or employee pay
So i just found an SCP. Imma call IT the portal in the ripple. IT is a space time destroying glitch in reality. An appolyon-safe / appolyon class SCP comes out of it every month. Once an omnipotent god peeked out of it, Broke my camera And left. What should i do with it
Honest question SCP-4521, That tree people want to scream. What if its memetic? Just like some of the other entities, You believe you have to make it scream when it cant scream?. Sorry popped into my mind and felt like sharing as i know Sherman likes said tree (just noticed the last part of its description, never mind... unless? Whit nothing to detect screaming.... my question still stands then)
I mean the 999 one could be both I mean imagine the transfer from candy to meat actual solid food it could be poisonous to the little guy and probably wouldn’t taste very good
@ RIPE_CAP. They both do the same thing. Technically. While the SCP foundation studies and contains anomalies. The plumbers keep the word safe from alien threats. While also bringing humans and aliens together. I’d think the two would get along pretty well.
I just got a Thought about scp 055, couldn't they just get the immortal hitler clone or any other painter to go into scp 055 containment cell and tell them to paint scp 055 while in the cell then show the sientist the painting with a label?
Heya! I'm not sure if you've done this already, but could you speak out against the dr Bright writer? He's done some pretty creepy stuff it seems, and more people should know not to trust him. Of course you should ask people not to harass Bright, and mention that the character and the tiktok dr Bright are totally fine, though I imagine you'd think of that yourself. I just want as many people to know about this as possible, so Bright can't abuse his status anymore.
I actually do know about the atrocities committed by the real AdminBright, and I also know how to separate the character of Dr. Bright from the AdminBright who created the character.
@@IMightBeVanny That's not what this was about. This was about him being well known in the community, and him using that status to take advantage of people. If more people know about it, then they're not as vulnerable to it.
The Foundation doesn't pay taxes. But some of its shell corporations do. After all, it's hard to respond to an anomaly in a timely manner when the road is more pothole than road.
Hello everyone hope you're having a good day, I'm alright and a little drunk rn. So it za little hard to type right now. Not sure what else to type so What's your favorite scp? Mine is 001 "the truth".
2:00 if im not mistaken is't ther some anomely that helps the fundation hide in plain sight. So when everyone the scp marking they presive it like Suthern Corn Pops ore someting simular. Not unlike the joke in soy movies where someting has the super obvius acronus of like the CIA ore FBI.
Ok so I just did some googling, the "Real life SCP site" is actually a 'Mercyone' hospital and SCP means Schumacher Clinical Group to them... Little did they know SCP is the name of a semi-well-known website about a secret organization that contains anomalies. Although if we get enough SCP nerds on one team we could prob storm one just through sheer numbers and change the logo to be the SCP logo and revamp it to be a museum that just has a bunch of SCP sculptures "in containment" along with the SCP files all in one massive book that you just carry around with you as you walk. Edit: or we could just buy it
If I could choose one, the pinata. The puppies made by the arcade machine are anomalous, the victims of the pinata are not. Gonna protect the non anomalies before I'd protect an anomalous product of an SCP
@ SCP -2526 forgotten soldier. So they still haven’t found you too. I’m starting to get bored. There’s only so much you can do in a crystalline void that you can reshape and control before it starts to get repetitive.
Sherman out here on a crusade against the monster "lovers" as if we aren't like 2/3rds of the foundations recruiting pool
At least a good handful of us know how to pull off lace
Literally me
id like to inform you that I have close ties with the chaos insurgency and are planing to attack on may six tw-
@@adetheaters1111 does the chaos insurgency give me easy access to monster?
@@LordGarryk I don't think they do
World: 'Pay your taxes!'
Foundation: 'We have several manuals for how to end you several times over. Many we contain, most written by others, some we are currently searching for, but a few we wrote ourselves.'
World: '... Carry on.'
5:10 is actually accurate to scp 242, the self cleaning pool. Basically any materials that enter the pool are transmuted into sterile water, which even when taken out of the pool does not mix with any other liquids
Imagine waking by that and accidentally slipping into it.
@@shadowking278 thankfully according to the logs (yes there’s a log on the page showing exactly what this thing does to a human) you would actually have a good deal of time to escape, as the pool doesn’t seem to activate until something gets inside it, and even then it takes a few minutes to start up
according to Greystillplays that is in fact normal in Florida XD
Day 4 in SCP containment: they've let me use the internet to watch Dr Sherman, and apparently they're thinking of testing me against the damn lizard, little do they know I'm gonna cause a blackout and escape as soon as I'm put in a new room for a test
alright guys, time to tighten security on the power-network
@@thehumantemmie2942 Agreed i'll make sure to contact the 05 council to make sure he can't comment on videos anymore
I hate the lizard, it cuts off the power every so often and I absolutely hate it! I have to use all these face lights and it drains all my energy then I shut off and- it just bugs me* the hell out!
@@doctoracebishop4436 nah let him do it the correct the problem he exploited and send him to feed 3000
Hey good news im planin to break you out by day 5... Sike im breakin da SCP's out nerd
I laughed so hard at the 297 article. I don't understand why people are so put off. Can you imagine having to be the one to let the team know they're retrieving a nuclear d*ldo?
What I would PAY to be a fly on the wall in that room. Lmfao.
I know, right??? 😹
@@PixelPawz Now I am thinking about this.... Who made it?? Or did iy just MAGICALLY become a nuclear d*ldo??
And if someone made it why? And are we going to have to worry about the more adult companies OTHER inventions? Is it just NSFW Dr Wondertainment??
@@nobinary2296 Ahh, life's great questions... XD
It's number is 297
Hey, Director Grieves, I've got a crazy story about two employees of the Foundation applying Foundation funds for personal enjoyment.
To quote a silly clown: "I'm crazy enough to take on Batman; but IRS? No thank you!"
Is probably SCP's reaction to taxes
From the foundations response I think you do pay taxes, and it’s an ungodly amount
That first audio is from a show called “what we do in the shadows “ it’s a brilliant piece of work and it is bloody hilarious. You are welcome
3:23 Ah now Dr Sherman, don't think I wouldn't notice the Gravity Falls theme in the background!!!
5:27 Oh, Shermie, you sweet summer child...
I'm only recently discovering the SCP Foundation lore and it is AWESOME, and you're probably my favourite creator for it by virtue of how dang funny you are!
6:30 "How in the Scarlet King's jockstrap" I wanna say that just to confuse the hell out of someone now
7:05 PFFFFFFT 🤣🤣🤣
7:25 "I thought we were letting the A-Sync guys handle the Backrooms anyway" The crossover we never knew we needed
Re: Bright's "Trolley Problem"
The piñata. Both of those suck, but the claw machine produces those puppies out of nothing while the piñata reacts to kids that just wander close to it, so it's a painful but short existence versus a kid with their whole life before and yet to happen being destroyed by being beaten to death.
I have a question: What would the most dangerous SCP? Because I'm pretty sure there is an SCP that could quite literally eradicate all SCPs from existence by hopping into our dimension and removing it from existence.
Nah, whas-his-name passed on from our dimension already. He could tho.
@@CalamitasBrimstoneWitch ah. Thanks.
2747 is the one you are looking for, I believe, but there is also one that’s literally a timeline of the Foundation’s history that establishes order if completed and erases all anomalies, including the Swann Entities, aka us
@@Notsussybaka900 And yet, 682 will still end up surviving that.
@??? Except he won't. Because he would have prevented 682s existence at all. 682 can't be immortal if he doesn't exist. If this comment was a joke, then disregard everything I just said, and I'll just laugh. Hahahaha.
This is the last place I expected to hear EATEOT. It’s as if it’s a memetic effect; I just can’t escape it.
Makes me wonder who’s more secretive? The Foundation or Cognito Inc. because the more I think about it the more I compare the two sides
O ya its the (REDACTED) industry of the (REDACTED)
And then there's the Shadow Board, who technically predates literally all the group like the foundation and coalition
Why does the shadow board sound familiar?
@@shadowking278 - Their from Inside Jobs from Netflix
Oh. Okay. 👍
That "wait, WHAT?" Is even funnier when you remember Sherman in canonically Ace. Like, man doesn't even know what it means.
He has a PhD
the glitchtechs, the fictional company, has some form of amnestics that erase only certain memories, and also dont need to be put in a drink or other consumable.
5:19 "Oh, it's just Florida."
Wow, who knew Ohio was such an anomaly-ridden place??
Also, first! :3
Everything fun here is anomalous./g
We like to call it "Land of Reality Benders"
@@IvyDoggins Based on what I've seen here, that sounds about right. Lmao
I know I have said this before. Lord X, Sonic.EXE, Fatal Error, and EYX aren't SCPs, but if they were, how would the foundation contain them.
Contain the files their in, destroy the files
Excuse me for a moment (Takes SCP-297 and heads into 682's containment chamber).
Dr. Sherman, are you going to put me in a box?
Meg's outpost are far more advanced and safer Than async but a async bases have exits to the front rooms to bad they won't let you use it and will probably be hostile towards wanderers because they need to keep the entrance/exit and the backrooms as a whole a secret. Meg does not have a solid exit there was an attempt but it ended with un-conclusive result and was unrepeatable...
Level 0 used to be 100% safe but due to async's actions a new entity know as the bacteria started spawning in level 0. I find MEG to be more aprochable aswell
I love how half the time Sherman just gets bullied by the anomalies
I’ve watched all of your compilation videos in one day. The average time for your videos is 8 minutes and 29 seconds. The total is 482 minutes and 11 seconds. I have way too much free time.
2:55 That was actually the inspiration for my OC! That, and the "Pet the Murder Puppy" test from an earlier video. I like to think that it was Dr. Bright who first authorized the 173 Hug Test, and that its success led to two things: My OC's containment proposal, and a new addition to the List Of Things Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To Do. A couple of weeks later, the "Pet the Murder Puppy" incident occurred during one of 682's containment breaches, where my OC was surprisingly able to calm 682 down simply by holding out her hand. The Site Director who was watching the whole thing unfold at the time expected 682 to bite my hand clean off and eat me alive, but 682 allowed my OC to pet its head and escort it back to its acid bath, causing the Site Director to then approve my OC's containment proposal.
When your parents catch you at 3 a.m. listening to anime 4:02
Bro is salad fingers a SCP?!
Edit: am I am SCP? I can see the dead and I have imaginary friends that are with me every second of every day.
I have had an epiphany because of
"SCP Shower Thoughts Q&A w/ Dr. Sherman and @scpWyatt Round 6," what if you ask the vending machine for a liquid that can make trees scream?
You, my friend, are a genius.
Nothing would come out
Yo guys, try to drown 982 until it grows gills, then
Place it on land. It
Will suffocate right
5:01 They’re going to freeze the foundation, in a pocket universe.
If Spamton G Spamton was an SCP
Test idea:
All cat-maid waifu 049's vs the remaining normal 049s
What if the book of the Dead from the mummy movies is the SCP ?
Why would I get a feeling if I would love to hang around with doctor bright that man is my spirit animal
horizon forbidden west fans rise up
thinking of the machines (and possibly the AI that made em, haphaestus and gaia) as scps, how would they be contained? would the machines be deconstructed and the AI trapped in a supercomputer like 079?
IRS: pay taxes
Foundation: We have god. No.
4:42 nah skip the D-Class just feed him to 682
I'm curious who allow doctor bright to be the teacher for ethics committee trainees
Auto stop sleeping with the SCP’s 4:45
Here's how the taxes thing works. At least in my head
Basically they follow all the guidelines for the taxation of land in whatever country the location currently is, and pay those taxes to the correct government agency. (TLDR: the IRS just randomly receives a sack of money each month from the foundation, no one knows how except for the 05 council)
However, basically everything that the foundation buys is tax deductible. All containment procedures, enrichment items, food, transportation, etc. Is not on anyone's tax list.
Either that, or the taxation institutions simply do not know that the foundation or any other such organizations exist.
Hey I have a question, if the invincible snail that will kill you instantly if it touches you is possessed by Dr bright, how much of a catastrophe would it be?
I created my own cap oc and he’s the creator of the universe and is class 0 to his unknown behavior but can be considered class 5.He has the physical appearance of a humanoid black dragon and has every power known to man.His containment procedure is a helmet that is connected to his skull and brain and is constantly pumped with the most powerful anesthetic known and this is also applied to his forearms,hands,legs,and feet.His brain is hooked up to a computer so he can communicate with the personal.The SCP Foundation allow personal to communicate with the enitity if they have recently had something happen like a family member died so he can consult them.The SCP foundation test to see his potential to his power.Like if he can kill the unkillable lizard and almost succeeded until they called the test off.He is extremely compliant to the SCP foundations commands
how would the SCP foundation contain something like the assassin order and templars or would they even try and would the scp foundation start suspecting some members to either be templars or assassins i feel this is a interesting question for Site-42
Sherman looks like a dad who is in a mid life crisis
Im gonna be honest I'd easily choose the pinata the dog machine generates a dog the pinata targets real humans. Hell i kinda want a cookie rn
The Foundation is partially funded by a lot of various nations, and are secretive to the point where these funders aren't aware of what the Foundation actually does, or what they've done.
you should make a video where you FINALLY contain the final scp there is in the universe
also i just have a question does the scp foundation have a staion in space?
I would have both of them continue and also double the funds for future experiments
I'd do some heinous shit to become a D-class in site42.
you can't make drink to forget IT DOESN'T WORK ON ME.
ngl dr sherman gives off doctor who vibes
Don't mind me just a GOC agent watching this don't worry everything is fine
can we see 999. I feel this would be a good cameo!
the king is no longer calm
he desires the true shatter
How do you like find these anomalies? How do you tell if your loved one may be one?
@ Star•Fish•God. Oh. Okay. Also I am the anomaly. Or at least this gemstone embedded in my chest is. I’m literally in a crystalline void that I can shape to my heart’s desires.
3:57 I don't know much about taxes but given their limitless funds I don't see why they would hesitate to pay tax on things like, material purchases or employee pay
Not today, Sherman, I ain't goin' in a box :b... Have a nice day and a cookie: 🍪
2:24 DAMN IT EVERLEI WHY DO YOU TELL EVERYONE- -Birch, random 12 year old with a shark tail
4:31 if any of are that is a tremor tusk from HFW and it's not a anomaly it's just a robot
Ryuji: dr sherman your not supposed to show anything about the SCP Foundation in a public area the 05 council is gonna fire you (and yes i know)
So i just found an SCP. Imma call IT the portal in the ripple. IT is a space time destroying glitch in reality. An appolyon-safe / appolyon class SCP comes out of it every month. Once an omnipotent god peeked out of it, Broke my camera And left. What should i do with it
Wow. Well I have no ideas.
I'm no snitch but.....
What about the time he told site personnel to hug 173 the go have a friendly staring contest with 096
The IRS is the only anomaly that the foundation dares not even try to contain
The dog and the agent with swords 😂
According to one of the tiktoks foundation staff has done. Things... With 1471-A
Song that never ends longhorn in on my friends some people started singing it not knowing what it was
Honest question SCP-4521, That tree people want to scream. What if its memetic? Just like some of the other entities, You believe you have to make it scream when it cant scream?. Sorry popped into my mind and felt like sharing as i know Sherman likes said tree
(just noticed the last part of its description, never mind... unless? Whit nothing to detect screaming.... my question still stands then)
Halfas are *NOT* SCPs. This has to happen. Do it. This has to happen. We all know this has to happen. Do it. This needs to happen.😺👻
Unironically, I have the sword the dog has
it’s from DC in a medieval theater dinner
6:32 - Who's that demon lady? I need to know for...reasons...
6:33 for a some big [redacted] energy
Who is that, btw?
I mean the 999 one could be both I mean imagine the transfer from candy to meat actual solid food it could be poisonous to the little guy and probably wouldn’t taste very good
i wonder if the SCP foundation had ever come in contact with the plumbers from ben 10
@ RIPE_CAP. They both do the same thing. Technically. While the SCP foundation studies and contains anomalies. The plumbers keep the word safe from alien threats. While also bringing humans and aliens together. I’d think the two would get along pretty well.
@@shadowking278 I guess thats true and i'd also think they would get along well
5:43 *Casually walking to SCP-999*
I feel like they should pay taxes because otherwise the IRS will make them pay it
Just leaving a sacrifice for the algorithm.
Do you think you could do a video on the Unbidden, from Stellaris?
You will never catch me THE LIVING MURDER RUMBA
297 fans be like: BUT PLEASURE
I just got a Thought about scp 055, couldn't they just get the immortal hitler clone or any other painter to go into scp 055 containment cell and tell them to paint scp 055 while in the cell then show the sientist the painting with a label?
sounds like the boys at the laundry would proffer working for the foundation.
3:55 how else do you contain something as anonymous as the IRS? At least the funds go to the UIU.
There's a place in my town called the scp hub, no joke
Heya! I'm not sure if you've done this already, but could you speak out against the dr Bright writer? He's done some pretty creepy stuff it seems, and more people should know not to trust him. Of course you should ask people not to harass Bright, and mention that the character and the tiktok dr Bright are totally fine, though I imagine you'd think of that yourself. I just want as many people to know about this as possible, so Bright can't abuse his status anymore.
I actually do know about the atrocities committed by the real AdminBright, and I also know how to separate the character of Dr. Bright from the AdminBright who created the character.
@@IMightBeVanny That's not what this was about. This was about him being well known in the community, and him using that status to take advantage of people. If more people know about it, then they're not as vulnerable to it.
The Foundation doesn't pay taxes. But some of its shell corporations do. After all, it's hard to respond to an anomaly in a timely manner when the road is more pothole than road.
Hey Dr Sherman what are all the video game related SCP's?
Hello everyone hope you're having a good day, I'm alright and a little drunk rn. So it za little hard to type right now. Not sure what else to type so What's your favorite scp? Mine is 001 "the truth".
im gonna work wit the IRS purely so i can hunt down the scp foundation and force em to pay taxes lmao
4:55 yo, I was wondering where this is from? It sounds like something fun to watch, so ye
“A VR Game that sucks you in” *Looks at The Amazing Digital Circus* Oh uhhh.
2:00 if im not mistaken is't ther some anomely that helps the fundation hide in plain sight. So when everyone the scp marking they presive it like Suthern Corn Pops ore someting simular. Not unlike the joke in soy movies where someting has the super obvius acronus of like the CIA ore FBI.
Ok so I just did some googling, the "Real life SCP site" is actually a 'Mercyone' hospital and SCP means Schumacher Clinical Group to them...
Little did they know SCP is the name of a semi-well-known website about a secret organization that contains anomalies.
Although if we get enough SCP nerds on one team we could prob storm one just through sheer numbers and change the logo to be the SCP logo and revamp it to be a museum that just has a bunch of SCP sculptures "in containment" along with the SCP files all in one massive book that you just carry around with you as you walk.
Edit: or we could just buy it
If I could choose one, the pinata. The puppies made by the arcade machine are anomalous, the victims of the pinata are not. Gonna protect the non anomalies before I'd protect an anomalous product of an SCP
Well I still haven’t found me yet you’ll never find me cause I’m in an anomaly A little hint I’m everywhere nowhere and in your walls
@ SCP -2526 forgotten soldier.
So they still haven’t found you too. I’m starting to get bored. There’s only so much you can do in a crystalline void that you can reshape and control before it starts to get repetitive.
@@shadowking278 Never catch me mainly because I don’t exist well it’s sort of like the upside down and this is the only way I can communicate