What Pokémon TCG Pocket says about the state of the Pokémon TCG

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sahil-p
    @sahil-p 9 місяців тому +299

    the "hello, welcome to the club. I've been here for two years." was so funny

    • @Kevintendo
      @Kevintendo 9 місяців тому

      What happened 2 years ago?

    • @MitholasThor
      @MitholasThor 9 місяців тому +6

      @@Kevintendo PTCGL was developed, and it all went to SHITE.

  • @gabrielcastillo9745
    @gabrielcastillo9745 9 місяців тому +151

    This is what happens when you give an actual budget to the game. It's about time the TCG got some love. Art in Pokémon cards is one of, if not the most beautiful art I have seen in any TCG, and it's quite embarrassing that the "main digital game" fails so miserably in showing out that beauty.

    • @josecarlosrodriguez9876
      @josecarlosrodriguez9876 9 місяців тому +4

      Heck, I'd even say it's not necessarily a budget issue. It's appointing the CREATIVE people to do the job rather than third parties who just see this as another project they need to complete. They need to get the creatives who are passionate about Pokemon to work on these projects instead of what they are doing now.

  • @will2quared
    @will2quared 9 місяців тому +143

    so, so many people are now interested in playing pokémon cards because of the announcement of tcg pocket. i hope pocket gets us some new faces and lives up to expectations

    • @hake3510
      @hake3510 9 місяців тому +9

      I feel like the physical card game is already expanding faster than TPCi can handle with most regionals selling out pretty quickly (at least in europe)

    • @lynchzchiller1416
      @lynchzchiller1416 9 місяців тому

      ​@@hake3510out local game shop had never so many pokemon players as now, for months the amount of players are increasing, on Pokémon day we were with about 30

    • @NotBoringFilms
      @NotBoringFilms 9 місяців тому +3

      im primarily a collector, and i play the videos games, but im going to play pocket for sure. then maybe ill learn to make a deck with all this bulk! the immersive arts, and the 3d card rotation have me sold.

    • @blockchainoverdrive6090
      @blockchainoverdrive6090 9 місяців тому

      When's the launch/release?

    • @DrMocktopus1
      @DrMocktopus1 9 місяців тому

      I play other tcgs but I’ll definitely be one of those new faces

  • @mscozz
    @mscozz 9 місяців тому +258

    I agree with “a step in the right direction”
    Fingers crossed they merge or at least develop the full game mode.

    • @superfukon
      @superfukon 9 місяців тому +2

      yes, I hope they merged when everything established

    • @hake3510
      @hake3510 9 місяців тому +11

      A merge seems super unrealistic. PTCGL would need to match the quality and user experience of pocket. They obviously dont have the ressources for that.

    • @kellyd1910
      @kellyd1910 9 місяців тому +1

      Good luck with that 😂 they don’t even claim this team pci trash 😂

    • @tehpyono2203
      @tehpyono2203 9 місяців тому +1

      I just started playing Pokemon TCG Live a bit and stumble across this video... Having learnt the standard format, I do hope they have a mode for the full game for people who wants to play it. Still would be checking it out when it releases though.

  • @josecarlosrodriguez9876
    @josecarlosrodriguez9876 9 місяців тому +11

    There's NO master plan man. Having worked in many companies throughout the years, I can almost assure you that ALOT OF THIS IS MADE UP AS THEY GO. That is the reason the quality of Pokemon games is not up to par with the current rendering and specs capabilities of Nintendo's current videogame platforms. I REALLY hope they can get their act together and appoint real Creative people behind their projects. This would be a restoration to the company's beginnings where they actually stretched the capabilities of the Gameboy to make the games.

  • @weshverified
    @weshverified 9 місяців тому +101

    The combined Pocket and Standard online client for the TCG that you briefly fantasized about had me genuinely excited before realizing it’ll probably never happen.
    But I’m with you 100% on basically everything you said here, from the improved brand image and identity to the strange lack of public communication between Creatures and TPCI regarding the TCG.
    That being said, this game better have the weird thumbs up emote and “I just ate a whole bottle of ketchup” or else it’ll be DOA.

    • @beanburrito4405
      @beanburrito4405 9 місяців тому +7

      Don’t forget “I am the maddest partier in the game”

  • @beagleboy4ever
    @beagleboy4ever 9 місяців тому +31

    This definitely reminds me of Duel Links with there appearing to only be three columns of cards instead of five to promote a faster, more streamlined game suitable for mobile apps.
    I'm hoping it has a better monetization system than Duel Links though, as that game could be very pricey to remain competitive in.
    Also worth noting, many Duel Links players transferred their attention over to Master Duel once the "real" game got a proper simulator. If this does well hopefully Creatures can either develop a proper TCG simulator to replace Live, or incorporate the full game as a separate game mode in this app.

  • @Kaleidophoenix
    @Kaleidophoenix 9 місяців тому +50

    You have said everything I have thought about this new game, and presented it very well. Nicely done.

  • @esdeathsenpai5128
    @esdeathsenpai5128 9 місяців тому +42

    The best way to describe this new game is the equivalent of Duel Links for Yugioh, while TCGLive is Master Duel
    Duel Links is a simplified quicker format but much more flashy
    Master duel is full format

    • @Q-TebGamesNL
      @Q-TebGamesNL 9 місяців тому

      i wouldn't call TCGL full though

    • @thunderbirds9001
      @thunderbirds9001 9 місяців тому +3

      @@Q-TebGamesNLbut it is, it's more full than MD imo as it's right up to date whereas Master Duel takes a few months to get the new cards

    • @Q-TebGamesNL
      @Q-TebGamesNL 9 місяців тому +2

      @@thunderbirds9001 it's not even half as 'full' as TCGO was though, which was very disappointing to find out

  • @FromPlanetNoOt
    @FromPlanetNoOt 9 місяців тому +11

    I cannot believe international thought wiping my entire old collection and disallowing play with older cards that didn’t get wiped even in a test mode would incentivize me to keep collecting. Thanks for this video awesome break down.

  • @ericzimmer
    @ericzimmer 9 місяців тому +53

    i just want a official glc format for live.

    • @ChocolateSoda1
      @ChocolateSoda1 9 місяців тому +2

      I just want glc To become official

    • @Dogma7
      @Dogma7 9 місяців тому


  • @ThePainterAL
    @ThePainterAL 9 місяців тому +352

    I hope they delete PTCGL and move the entire standard format to Pocket. I'm tired of losing the game because I can't select the right Pokemon out of the search card.

    • @daledorable6877
      @daledorable6877 9 місяців тому +51

      I don’t see the issue of keeping both. PTCGL is the only online/matchmaking standard simulator right now. So until a better one exist, I like being able to practice or test decks online

    • @lockko803
      @lockko803 9 місяців тому +11

      Who fault is that 😭🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @coolyeh1017
      @coolyeh1017 9 місяців тому +5

      I also want them to have expanded/GLC on Live or whatever.

    • @ThePainterAL
      @ThePainterAL 9 місяців тому

      @@daledorable6877 well, I don't mean to delete it right now but in like 1-2 or maybe 3 years when they establish Pocket and be ready to convert all rare cards to this 3D Holo. Honestly they need to delete Live or interfere or something.

    • @partyprash2000
      @partyprash2000 9 місяців тому +22

      Yeah I used to enjoy PTCGO so much but live is horrible and was the reason I stopped playing all together, but this looks so clean and smooth, hopefully this could overtake live. But “simplified quick battles” doesn’t seem promising 😂

  • @FaryaWolyo_
    @FaryaWolyo_ 9 місяців тому +14

    I like watching your deck ideas and set reviews, but I have major appreciation and respect for the no-nonsense criticism you give to the mess that Live is, and the general state of the TCG. From the horizon of the Online shutdown, to now, great stuff! :)

  • @starmangalaxy2001
    @starmangalaxy2001 9 місяців тому +19

    Even if they weren't to bring in Standard's cards, I still hope they do a 6 prize/point format, just because I really enjoy the lower power level of the Pocket format cards. Reminds me of like Gen 4 but with exs

  • @murderofkrows3107
    @murderofkrows3107 9 місяців тому +13

    I am pretty excited for TCG Pocket. I’m a pretty casual card game player and Pokémon TCG has been are my radar for a while since I’ve been a fan of the series for so long. I think Pocket will be great for me.
    I do agree that the standard mode should get some more love and I hope that happens.

  • @atomneely
    @atomneely 9 місяців тому +10

    I was already excited for pocket as a very casual tcg player (more into collecting), and this video gave me more reasons to be excited. As much as I want to play the tcg, I can't bring myself to play live.

  • @ChaoticMeatballTV
    @ChaoticMeatballTV 9 місяців тому +2

    Honestly I'm hoping this ends up being Pokemon Duel Links, but without the aggressive microtransactions that plague that game with the likes of Selection Boxes timelocking cards that you can basically only get with real money before getting released in actual boxes 3, 6, even 9 months down the line. Just hope it provides a fun alternative format for people to jump into, and hopefully leads into TPC and DeNA taking over development for a Pokemon TCG sim in the future, either sunsetting Live for a 3rd app that finally ticks all of the boxes or just handling development and revamping the entirety of TCGL.

  • @AppleAirsoft
    @AppleAirsoft 2 місяці тому +1

    6:10 I will say as someone who used to be into tcg and stopped when i was quite young, the app got me back into playing so i could play with my nephew and actually learning the game, and getting a decent amount of free decks to try, It taught me how to play and honestly its kept me invested with little history of being invested in pokemon. From what I have read about the new app its just valueless digital cards that you pay real money for and you get a dumbed down version of the actual card game giving you no help if you actually want to learn to play the TCG.

  • @DoubleLayLay
    @DoubleLayLay 9 місяців тому +13

    This app teases vintage cards, and i hope we get some. Would be fun to open a Jungle pack or something similar.

    • @evanchismark3092
      @evanchismark3092 9 місяців тому +1

      Inb4 haymaker, rain dance, or lickitung stall dominates the format.

  • @madnessarcade7447
    @madnessarcade7447 9 місяців тому +13

    Path to the peak is like an animated version of the tcgo art style

  • @scottsprojects658
    @scottsprojects658 9 місяців тому +3

    It would be nice if more people played in person. There aren't enough people coming to our local card shops to play any tournaments

  • @j05494
    @j05494 9 місяців тому +2

    I'm new to the tcg part of pokemon. I tried to find tcg pocket when I came across tcg live. As someone new to the tcg, tcg live is great. The hardest part about breaking into the hobby is not wanting to risk money on a deck you might not like, then having your whole impression based on that one deck and limited experience. The app lets you test half a dozen decks right off the bat. There isn't an option to pay to win, and the season pass is f2p if you don't blow your gems like a seven year old (thinking of my nephew). I can't defend the low res or the obvious visual bugs, but the effects on the cards is fine. Id rather have a readable effect when learning a card, and the visual effects help me remember what I have and haven't played. Also, not all the rules are intuitive with the tcg, and the app helped me learn some of the nuances. Tcg live is good for new players. Don't be afraid to share it if you're trying to get someone new into the game.

  • @Kevintendo
    @Kevintendo 9 місяців тому +1

    Just wanted to add - I got the Pokémon TGC iPad game during the summer and got fuckin decimated 3 times in a row.. within the first 2 moves the opponent obliterated me 😂
    Deleted the app within 1 hour and never gave it another shot. This NEEDS to appeal to casuals or else they’ll never get the chance to become hardcore audience…

  • @SignumTCG
    @SignumTCG 9 місяців тому +6

    Thank you for your great video essay!
    I can really relate your thoughts and I'm looking optimistically forward to that new route Creatures has taken with Pokémon TCG Pocket too.
    I miss the vivid gameplay of Pokemon Trading Card Online, the colours, the relaxed flow and those wonderful cards to look at.
    PTCGL took a lot of joy playing Pokémon on an online client... (and I feel sorry for the hard work the people behind Live are doing to keep it running). I play so much more with friends and new people in local league play, but I wish I could jump in the wonderful world of online Pokémon TCG again, playing the formats I like.
    So let's hope that this is a new and promising path onto the online representation of a trading card game, we all love.

  • @imaanlatios6790
    @imaanlatios6790 9 місяців тому +6

    DeNA is a great dev (they make Pokemon Masters EX which is my all time fave game right now), so I would love it if they took over the Pokemon TCG entirely

  • @loziclec.1295
    @loziclec.1295 9 місяців тому +11

    I was never really that into the TCG until I played the GBC game on the Switch Online app. Then I played a fan-made translation of the Japanese sequel. Even if Pocket has a simplified battle system, it'll be nice to have a digital version of the card game with quality production values.

    • @TrickyGym
      @TrickyGym  9 місяців тому +1


    • @TakaTinHey
      @TakaTinHey 4 місяці тому

      The battle music is my favorite part on pokemon TCG gbc

  • @rubyred9637
    @rubyred9637 4 місяці тому +1

    What frustrates me the most is that now Creatures Inc. has clearly demonstrated that they are capable of making a high quality client to play the TCG on, give it a bunch of cool features, and then limit it to mobile devices only and make the rules different so it's this weird miniature/fast version of the game. It seems like Pocket is SO CLOSE to being exactly what we want/need, and yet they're refusing to follow through. I don’t know the details as to how the rules are different, but I can't imagine it would be difficult to add a game mode that uses the standard rules. I'm assuming it's because of two reasons. One, Pokémon Company International already has the rights to make the main "official" Pokémon TCG client, and two, Creatures wants Pocket to mimic Duel Links and Snap, and as long as they're doing that, they don't feel the need to make it a "standard" client. It almost seems like Pocket is the Pokémon GO of the Pokémon TCG world (Miniaturized version of the traditional game designed for quick gameplay on the go). There are a lot of people who only know what Pokémon is because of Pokémon GO. I'm curious if Pocket will have a similar effect for the TCG.

  • @mak_707
    @mak_707 9 місяців тому +5

    The thing about Creatures is that they have a whole game dev background so it stands to reason that any game they work on would be presentable.

  • @SpectreXS
    @SpectreXS 9 місяців тому +9

    Even though this is a different "game", made to compete with duel links, this only solidifies the theory that PTCGL was made as a placeholder for the online client made solely to cut costs, rather than an actual effort into being a quality online TCG experience. And now it represents a big slap in the face of tcg players, when you see how this other game looks. They oddly seem to care more about the game that will have microtransactions.
    The question of "Why?" still stands, and I have no clue what the answer could be. Seems anything but rational, given that, despite the smaller consumer base compared to card collectors who don't play, PTCGL is so atrocious that it does indeed damage their brand more than anything.

    • @haruhisuzumiya6650
      @haruhisuzumiya6650 9 місяців тому

      Wasn't Live a Master duel competitor

    • @SpectreXS
      @SpectreXS 9 місяців тому +2

      @@haruhisuzumiya6650 should've been, but from the beginning it has always looked like a placeholder to cut costs rather than an actual product.

    • @HonestHeartsClub
      @HonestHeartsClub 9 місяців тому

      @@haruhisuzumiya6650live was out before master duel

    • @wenerjy
      @wenerjy 9 місяців тому +1

      I think contractually, PTCGO / PTCGL both aren't allowed to make money from selling any digital cards. It was just a digital companion client to help promote the competitive TCG scene. TPCi got lucky and picked Direwolf as devs back when they were a new studio and unknown. Now, they tried to move development in-house and hired mediocre developers.

  • @icekirbyixi
    @icekirbyixi 9 місяців тому +3

    As someone who played the real TCG competitively and TCG Live afterwards
    .... This HYPES me. I love the idea of having a digital collection with tradeable cards (this invites potential value to cards and buying and selling cards via PayPal). The quick battles, although not exactly like the standard format, keep the cards viable and universal (vs having to rotate and buy new cards...which was why I stopped irl) and hopefully the app will be better maintained (unlike TCG live).

  • @Catven0m
    @Catven0m 9 місяців тому +15

    I was super frustrated. Like: your first TCG doesn’t feel complete, it’s doesn’t even have really expanded! And now you are also developing another game? WTF???

    • @gimpycpu
      @gimpycpu 9 місяців тому +2

      Side note. Pokemon international and Pokemon company are not the same entity. It's a huge mess and it's probably the reason why the onlinetcg never released in Japan. This one will be the first Pokemon online TCG available in Japan

  • @KingGr33N
    @KingGr33N 8 місяців тому +1

    Dope video dude. I just got into TCG and was suprised with the rating in the app store even though i watched people use it. I was also super confused as to why the ad ignored the TCG Live app. Thank you!

  • @Darius2010-r1g
    @Darius2010-r1g 9 місяців тому +1

    "A to Z game" Ah yes thats how Z-A is pronaunced. Inverted makes sense

  • @Martumal
    @Martumal 9 місяців тому +7

    For the same reason they don't make another TCG game like the gameboy one. They didn't care

    • @jakethedragonymaster1235
      @jakethedragonymaster1235 9 місяців тому

      I'm holding on that they do one day...a PTCG game with a campaign. Otherwise its battles. Fun battles, but that's it

  • @reedstr16
    @reedstr16 9 місяців тому +2

    It would be so great if they gave live the same treatment or even just made pocket the one stop shop for both the quick format as well as competitive. Really amazing video I hope this can get the recognition it deserves and changes are made for all the Pokémon fans out there.

  • @joshuasims5421
    @joshuasims5421 9 місяців тому +10

    PTCGL and TCG pocket existing side-by-side is the weirdest, most counterintuitive option, so it is an absolute certainty.

    • @coolyeh1017
      @coolyeh1017 9 місяців тому +8

      I mean Duel Links and Master Duel exist and they have completely different systems and meta.

    • @madnessarcade7447
      @madnessarcade7447 9 місяців тому +3

      Tcg pocket is for casual and new players while tcgl is for competitive hardcore players
      It’s not that deep

  • @zigster1298
    @zigster1298 9 місяців тому +4

    Thank you so much for this video. I was so confused by the announcement, but now I’m optimistic again; you’re such a good ambassador for the Pokémon TCG, and I hope you’re right, and this is a step towards a fully realised, beautiful Pokémon TCG Digital Experience, which both the fans and the cards themselves deserve.

  • @poke_151
    @poke_151 9 місяців тому

    The best analysis I've seen so far. Informative and opinative. Kudos

    • @TrickyGym
      @TrickyGym  9 місяців тому

      Thanks!! Glad you enjoyed it

  • @coolporyg0n
    @coolporyg0n 9 місяців тому

    this is genuinely one of the best videos about this issue, puts pretty much all of my thought and frustrations about live and pocket into a video and articulates it beautifully.

  • @TommyWilliams-Devgeeks
    @TommyWilliams-Devgeeks 9 місяців тому +8

    I am just hoping it gives me a way to get people into TCG proper that might be put off by the initial time investment.

  • @Eskimoose
    @Eskimoose 9 місяців тому +3

    Such a great video, nicely summarises the thoughts I and I’m sure many others have about the state of the online game. It’s been so frustrating every step of the way for dedicated players, even back to PTCGO, and it’s hard not to feel more demotivated and confused by this announcement. But you’re totally right that is a step in the right direction and we can only hope TPC has bigger plans still 🤞

  • @johnnyVSpok
    @johnnyVSpok 9 місяців тому +4

    I planned to finally try to learn competitive with tcg live. Day one of using it I decided not to lol. I’d try again if they put standard on pocket.

  • @TheGooseUWS
    @TheGooseUWS 9 місяців тому

    As a Pokemon TCG player/collector since the very beginning, this is one the best videos I have seen in a long time. Mr Mahome speaks what so many of us feel. Well done and thanks!

  • @SpinDoctor147
    @SpinDoctor147 9 місяців тому +1

    I thought this was TCG live. I’d had been waiting for this for years. Just goes to show how badly they fumbled TCG live.
    As for player bases, it’s possible for them to both succeed. I play both Yu-Gi-Oh digital clients, duel links and master duel, with both having different formats. I also play Snap. Most assumed duel links would die off with the release of master duel, but it still gets new content regularly and has a healthy player base.

  • @JeremiahDaniel
    @JeremiahDaniel 9 місяців тому +2

    As soon as I saw that Pokémon Pocket trailer the first thing I thought was: “oh I can’t wait to see what Mahone and Tricky Gym has to say about this!”. And I was not disappointed ;) Keep up the great work!

  • @FireRay3
    @FireRay3 9 місяців тому +7

    The main concern with Pocket will be the monetization. If it's too difficult for F2P to keep up with paid players, that will not reflect well on TPC as the player base will fall off.

    • @Soloman_Gumball
      @Soloman_Gumball 9 місяців тому

      Aren't all tcg p2w?

    • @highpol1ce
      @highpol1ce 9 місяців тому +1

      I mean, they aren't aiming this at a F2P audience.
      Also, if you make too much free or the entire thing, than you end up with another PTCGL. Because that's kind of the issue with Live, right? They have no incentive to make it better?
      Also also, what do you mean by reflecting well on them? What do you think when dealing with paper play? None of the real cards are free unless you are winning tournaments. And even then, you had to pay to get to and get in the tournament. Granted, first place at a weekly gets a decent chunk of packs for only a $5 entry. But again, $5 is $5. That's not free. So I mean... Having an issue with the monetization makes no sense, when you boil it down. Especially if that is what is giving them not only incentive, but the actual funds to create the game. Now, very obviously Pokemon on any side doesn't need money by any means. But that's not how companies are ran. They aren't just going to continue to pull money from elsewhere and pump it into things that won't make them money or even possibly lose them money. Because there is no way Live isn't costing them money to run.
      We are lucky the main games are so big and bring in some much money to allow them to print paper decks so that they are roughly $60-$100~ for meta, going through the secondary market. When games like MTG and Yugioh are $1000+ for a meta deck. So to ask them to (Yet again. Because remember, PTCGL is completely free and running right now for you to get on.) not monetize or not to monetize _that much_ is honestly kind of wild. Again, when the main, paper game itself isn't free in any way, shape or form, and asking for that especially with the state Live is in and has been for over 2 years...

  • @milkjugs4771
    @milkjugs4771 9 місяців тому +4

    I loved ptcgo, but haven't played in almost 2 years since they switched to live :/ I miss it but the UI is so terrible I don't see myself going back

  • @gabrielamaro1470
    @gabrielamaro1470 9 місяців тому +2

    I’m actually pretty excited for pocket, because I was honestly going to take a break from the standard game if the next year was gonna be nothing but Charizard ex on top of the meta.
    I just hope upon hope that the monetization isn’t too scummy. 2 free packs a day is encouraging.

  • @Skkull
    @Skkull 9 місяців тому +1

    Honestly I'm extremely excited that this game will be more casual, I really love playing the game but everytime I've played tcg online or live it felt way too competitive for me because all I wanna do is get pretty looking cards and use my favorite Pokemon on a silly deck. I hope this game can become a more standard Pokemon tcg experience for everyone that wants to be more competitive but I also hope they can keep the casualness of it too for anyone that just wants a simpler way to play the game.

  • @BatroSkywatcher
    @BatroSkywatcher 9 місяців тому +1

    Hoping that there’re more settings that can be adjusted. Like skipping animations or lower the quality of certain aspects of the gameplay to quicken the game. Playing the game now feels like such a drag as the animations are too long

  • @Rotorhead023
    @Rotorhead023 9 місяців тому

    I hope people at the pokemon company are listening! I'm an old time pokemone fan and always had cards growing up, yet never learned to play!! I always played video games instead (like many lol ..shame I know). But now at 34 years old and trading old pokemon cards with my 8-9 year old nephew's and niece's and seeing how stoked they get about it, I think its awesome. They say its quite popular at their school still, so I decided to learn how to play recently so I could eventually teach them too. I only started playing a few weeks ago the pokemon tcg online and found it ok'ish.. Since I'm super new I still really enjoyed it to help learn the game more and deck building. I'm stoked to hear about this pokemon pocket app tho! I wanna see pokemon tcg actually being played in school yards and not only traded at the pokemon tree for the sake of collecting... Great vids thank you!

  • @MrWessiide
    @MrWessiide 9 місяців тому +3

    I'm just wondering when pocket will get it's hexagonal update. There is a stunning lack of hexagons in that preview.

  • @ani311
    @ani311 9 місяців тому +1

    I'm just annoyed that they seem to have dialed back the power creep in Pocket compared to the real TCG. Really wish the real TCG went back to stage 2 pokemon ex with 180 HP. This is going to confuse the hell out of consumers.

  • @javaheat4008
    @javaheat4008 9 місяців тому +2

    I agree with all historical company u tell about, and as PTCGO fans I felt deeply sadness when the server sunset & the PTCGLive is not development well. Last year I finally get into IRL PTCG and became a sertificate Judges on 🇮🇩 under TPC. This is all I can do to express big ❤ of PTCG & contribute to the community 😊

    • @javaheat4008
      @javaheat4008 9 місяців тому +1

      I started playing PTCGO since 2016 when PoGO is booming, & become tricky gym lamb, very like to make rouge deck & played it on tournament😂

  • @SLatios
    @SLatios 9 місяців тому +1

    A lot of this sounds a bit like Yugioh duel links and master duel but in reverse since DL was released before. It was meant to be a more simplified game with a smaller, curated card pool and lower life points to make for faster games and was pretty successful in being its own thing, with wildly differing metagames that the standard tcg never had. The major downside being it was very luck dependant with packs.
    Master Duel, on the other hand, is the only official tcg simulator but was released feeling almost unfinished, behind by a year in card releases and otk bots rampant. In the 2 years since, it's become a lot better in being it's own thing with its own unique ban list and set release schedule as well as being fairly free 2 play friendly.
    I truly wish that Pocket is great and finds an audience of new card game players, even for those focused on opening packs and collecting and doesn't fall prey to microtransactions. Then maybe a few find their way to the tcg proper and will inspire Live to be developed into a better product to capitalize on that and provide a better experience.

  • @3grouch
    @3grouch 9 місяців тому +1

    I really look forward to pocket as someone who used to play the tcg but doesn't have the time to play a full game. This gives me marvel snap vibes, which I already enjoy due to its quick 3min games.

  • @johnkingsize
    @johnkingsize 9 місяців тому +1

    I've tried Live a couple months ago when I noticed that it remplaced the former application.
    After playing a single game in which I couldn't draw cards because of a bug, I closed the game, planning to eventually come back after the alpha ended and proper updates were made.
    And here I learn that this is an allegedly finished product!

  • @Spika94
    @Spika94 9 місяців тому +4

    You're right, TCG Live is so ugly I just couldn't bother playing it. I am way more excited for Pocket.

    • @madnessarcade7447
      @madnessarcade7447 9 місяців тому

      Tcgl has a quirky unique charm imo

    • @nicocchi
      @nicocchi 9 місяців тому

      the avatars are like, offensively bad lmao

  • @4evapokemon
    @4evapokemon 9 місяців тому

    I love it when you do these kinds of videos! Super informative, I totally agree with all your points- the dream would be a drip fed release of features building up to an app with all formats. Thanks Andrew, such a high quality of content as always

  • @legendarydragoon
    @legendarydragoon 9 місяців тому +1

    I only casually played TCG Online and was mainly a Yugioh player. When Live came out, I was amazed that it was their answer to updating the core TCG simulator in the face of MTG Arena and Yugioh Master Duel. Live is bad on so many levels that I pretty much haven't engaged with anything Pokemon TCG related since. Pocket looks good enough for me to at least try!

  • @kyleneeley1
    @kyleneeley1 9 місяців тому +1

    The answer to the why is pretty obvious. The online tcg game doesn't sell anything in game so they have no reason to make a good game. They already made all the money from the real life packs. So they made this side game so that people who are interested will double dip and purchase these fake online packs as well as the real world packs, because they are different. And that's why this new game has so much thought put into it. It's not to rival any other game or even itself, but rather a way to make money
    And to add a little bit to your final statement. This is not a step in the right direction, but instead a step sideways

  • @d4vidmx
    @d4vidmx 9 місяців тому +1

    I know PTCG Live has a lot of bugs, but it did something good, its accessible to new players like me to make new decks and try to compete without expending so much money, right now i have like 10 standard decks, in ptcg online the must i could make was 1 deck for standard

  • @cesardka
    @cesardka 9 місяців тому +1

    The weirdest part to me is that is seems they have everything that is still missing from Live handled in such a graceful way. I even wonder how long it will take to load the mobile version, when compared to the long wait we currently have to experience... And the phone starts to heat up, you can't go to other app without needing to reload everything once you get back to PTCGL. And that's coming from an user using a flagship phone!

    • @TrickyGym
      @TrickyGym  9 місяців тому +2

      Yeah, TCG live, unfortunately, is not a very optimized application and is a chore for many users to use

  • @MoonduckPsy
    @MoonduckPsy 9 місяців тому +1

    We won’t even mention the constant freezes, glitches, deletions of cards earned from card codes, total lack of anything cinematic, and avatars that all look anorexic…

  • @alexbiersner3350
    @alexbiersner3350 9 місяців тому +2

    I got walled with one of the solo modes missions on Duel Links which led me to deleting the app. I was doing alright with Marvel Snap; it felt really rewarding to not only win a match, but to win with a Snap on the opponent. Granted, most of my matches were probably with a bot, which is fine for the most part. But the one thing that I don't like is the random battlefields for each match. Sometimes they're fine, most times, they're frustrating and, surprise, the other opponent just have the right cards for the right field at the right time. Meaning, that unless I don't come up with a win at the last minute, I will get snapped on and will loose the progress I've made on my rank...which is severely disappointing. I get that it gives the players a reason to keep playing, but for me, I didn't play that often. So, on the random chance I decide to play a game or two, I get bunked down a couple of ranks. I can hear people telling me to "get good," but how can I do that when the game is holding me back just so I have to, you guess it, pay to win. With that, I deleted the app.
    Now with Pokémon TCG online games, I miss Online with a passion. I had a decent sized collection, with a complete set of Burning Shadows. For some odd reason, the game didn't recognize my login information. So all of my progress was in the balance. In frustration, I put playing Online to the side. And right when I heard that Live was replacing Online, I rushed to get back on Online with having my laptop being bricked and not finding the internet modem...so my collection was gone for good. I told myself that I would only focus on collecting physical cards and not bother with Online. But then Pocket was announced, and I got excited. Sure, it's not a legit way of playing the game, but the app is mainly focused on the collecting aspect of Pokémon TCG. It would be funny if there's a World Championship for Pocket, like how there is/was one for GO. I can see other players frustrations and confusions. But I for one, will be playing Pocket when it comes out.

  • @tercma
    @tercma 9 місяців тому +5

    I was super hyped when it first announced, and then my heart dropped when it mentioned it's gonna be a simplified non standard format. But you are right, your video reminds me maybe this lower entry barrier could attract a lot more new PTCG fans, and when the money is there, they must expand the game for a wider crowd.

  • @CFOGraylineryt
    @CFOGraylineryt 9 місяців тому +1

    I hope they keep new and old cards in Pokémon pocket

  • @dragonsigner
    @dragonsigner 9 місяців тому +2

    Money that could have gone to live, love, time resources and ads went to Pocket. Not live. This is going to confuse kids and some adults like parents..
    And live will still have bugs and glitches. And look like crap

  • @madnessarcade7447
    @madnessarcade7447 9 місяців тому +2

    Pokémon isn’t about graphics it’s about lore and the card game itself

  • @Taylorperchasemccarthy
    @Taylorperchasemccarthy 9 місяців тому

    As a Yugioh player on occasion and nuzlocker/shiny hunter but not TCG player, I can’t help but feel like this is Duel Links to TCG Live’s Master Duel. The smaller format reminds me a lot of Duel Links; smaller packs, half the board, smaller decks. I think it serves as both a way to make more money and work as a tool to hook returning players from the WotC days and maybe bring in new players. They get a free to play simplified fast pace version of the game, that if they enjoy, they can start playing paper or learning on TCG Live, or they can stick to the different format cultivated by the smaller card pool and different game board. I think and hope they can, should, and will coexist. There’s no reason for them to shelve a functional simulator with the regulation card list to phase it out for a simplified game, but rather the opposite, use the simplified game to draw more attention to the intricacies of the main game. That’s just my two cents, Yugioh is my main TCG and I only really watch VGC at majors, so I’m unfamiliar with the current state of the TCG, but I hope both paper/Live and Pocket prosper.

  • @alexandergomez3574
    @alexandergomez3574 9 місяців тому

    Excellent video, I never understood why the online tcg simulators were so bad, but now it makes sense. Hopefully they expand this to standard format.

  • @sladevalen
    @sladevalen 9 місяців тому

    For me i like that the cards look alot more tame thab modern cards. I used to play tcg when it first released up until one of the Hoenn expansions. Looking at games now might as well be a different game since basics now have well over 100 hp, 100+ damage for a single attack, and are super consistent at doing all of this immediately.

  • @Darius2010-r1g
    @Darius2010-r1g 9 місяців тому +1

    The Tcg game for GameBoy is still the best one

  • @mythaniakeroberos2405
    @mythaniakeroberos2405 9 місяців тому

    I really appreciated the background dive on the different development teams. I wasn't around for PTCGO, but I am oddly very aware of Dire Wolf and their physical/digital games. (I love CLANK!) I have low hopes for the future of an online Standard format, as competitive players are sadly the minority and most people are collecting. What I see as unplayable bulk is another person's treasure. Sadly for most, the text and rule boxes are on top of the pretty art and just in the way.

  • @ramenpoodles8856
    @ramenpoodles8856 9 місяців тому

    I really do love tcg, I have for a while, and PTCGO made me call in love with it. I do really enjoy Live, because I love playing. But I hate not being able to trade in live, that was a part of the charm.

  • @joeman123964
    @joeman123964 9 місяців тому

    looking forward to this. as a TCG collector who loves pokemon! i even made a Unity project for TCG collecting. (of course just my own project. i dont wanna get sued lol)

  • @jesuisunstroopwafel
    @jesuisunstroopwafel 9 місяців тому

    I don't know if we are going to have Avatars in TCG Pocket, but bringing back TCG illustrators to do the character design would be cool. That would fix the avatar issue we previously had.

  • @loremaster77
    @loremaster77 9 місяців тому +1

    Pokemon should really put more effort and love into the UI they use for these apps. They feel so cheap and corporate compared to other looks like MTG and Hearthstone.

  • @Skywolve1998
    @Skywolve1998 9 місяців тому

    My main hope for Pocket is that more F2P leaning players can still really enjoy the game. I loved Sleep, but a major issue was that without the monthly subscription, catching new pokemon was pretty tough, and that monthly subscription was *pricey*
    I wouldn't mind spending 5 or 10 bucks every few months, particularly if I'm enjoying the game daily, but if I need to spend 10-15 monthly for just the 1 game, it's just not gonna be feasible for me.

  • @TokenDuelist
    @TokenDuelist 9 місяців тому

    My hope for this is that like Duel Links, we get a physical edition of Quick Battles with reprints of these cards

  • @whitegemgames
    @whitegemgames 9 місяців тому

    If nothing else, I’ve seen lots of potential interest in Pocket from people who don’t play or collect TCG currently (me included). It looks really clean and seems fun to collect for, especially with the promise of two free packs a day. When I collected as a kid it was just because I admired the artwork, and this seems to scratch that itch while potentially getting me into the actual game as well so it has my attention at least.

  • @ryanlehberger8140
    @ryanlehberger8140 9 місяців тому +1

    havent played TCG since online was taken down. I tried TCGL on my phone (where I played TCGO tablet version on my phone) but hated the vertical gameplay and was disappointed with the render quality. Thought maybe it was due to the phone, so I tried on PC granted i was able to see all my cards on the PC however quality was still garbage. It still surprises me that a tablet version of TCGO played on a smartphone performed better than TCGL on a top of the line PC.

  • @lukedanielgalon1596
    @lukedanielgalon1596 9 місяців тому

    I think despite it’s history at least im confident with TCG Pocket given i have played a bit for that back when in my childhood playing itso seeing it now as a game is nostalgic filling
    Hopefully it goes well

  • @locomokuu2471
    @locomokuu2471 9 місяців тому +3

    The art! I've always been so enamored by the art on the cards, more than whichever cards are rare or even the gameplay, so it's definitely the TCG app I'm the most interested in

  • @dustbuckets
    @dustbuckets 9 місяців тому +2

    I was excited for it until I saw the "Two free packs per day"
    Now i'm worried about it becoming pay to win or just filled with microtransactions.

    • @RedpandaJourney
      @RedpandaJourney 9 місяців тому

      It's gonna be like Duel Links. It's a mobile game afterall. Heavily monetized and hard to grind for f2p/small spenders.

  • @elneco4654
    @elneco4654 9 місяців тому

    I wanted to believe, then I started noticing the changes on the cards. It seems Pocket will run its own format and cards outside the regular TCG ones (see: DP to Arceus' weakness system, "Energy Zone" as stated on the Brock trainer card, different HP and attack values, no Resistances in sight and so on). As far as I know, I don't think Duel Links has drastically changed its cards to fit a new format. Also weird to see Fossil/Generations' Slowpoke with a completely different card.

  • @asia_crasia
    @asia_crasia 9 місяців тому +1

    Literally always wanted to get into the tcg but it always seemed like it was too little too late with the rapidly changing and high power level of the meta after 30 years. I still tried and downloaded the tcg live client. Didn't even work, stuck on a white screen on both PC and my phone no matter what I did, it's insane that out of all the digital card games out there pokemon never attempted to grab that easy slam dunk as leader of the pack

  • @myramedchan4775
    @myramedchan4775 9 місяців тому

    Art for pocket looks phenomenal. We have no idea what the gameplay will be like and hopefully we don't lose standards format to whatever weird system of playing that we get from pocket... fingers crossed

  • @bduddy55555
    @bduddy55555 9 місяців тому +1

    The worry is that TPC decides that Pocket is "good enough" as an online product, that it's able to replace Live entirely - without having a standard gameplay mode - and finally end their worries about a game competing with their flagship physical TCG product. Hopefully they can get along - after all, they do just fine with Magic and Yugioh - but no one can ever predict Pokemon.

    • @madnessarcade7447
      @madnessarcade7447 9 місяців тому

      Tcgl is for competitive tcgp is for casual its different

    • @TrickyGym
      @TrickyGym  9 місяців тому +1

      Listen just because something is competitive for competitive gamers doesn’t mean it has to have a terrible UI and look / feel hideous to use. Any tool should feel good to use, even if you purely think of it as a means to an end. Live feels awful to use.

  • @nolanhock8888
    @nolanhock8888 9 місяців тому +1

    Honestly for me, I don’t see a point in pocket at all, sure its cool to see the art, but it strips the TCGs nuisance away. Like if the art work never comes to physical that sucks aswell as cards like the meowth and lapras are stunning. If they provide no incentive to interact with the game, its gonna just be another rumble rush where the servers shut down in about a year and you have nothing to show for it.

  • @jorgemedranda9714
    @jorgemedranda9714 8 місяців тому

    Any ETA on the games release this year??

  • @bulbasaurappreciator
    @bulbasaurappreciator 9 місяців тому

    You can really tell you're in your element with this video. Just a well written and thought-out critique.

  • @RoadEnds
    @RoadEnds 9 місяців тому +1

    It looks awsome but as a competitive tcg player I use pokemon tcg live to practice and prepare. So if pocket only has quick battles I'll pass but if in the future they add standard games awsome, but I fear if pocket becomes popular they will keep the short format and not expand.

  • @geraldheffel
    @geraldheffel 9 місяців тому

    Very curious as to what will happen with the code cards that come with each physical pack of Pokemon cards. Will there be any redemption feature for Pocket or will the codes just strictly work with TCG Live?

    • @mythaniakeroberos2405
      @mythaniakeroberos2405 9 місяців тому

      The cards in Pocket are different cards using different systems. So they probably won't cross over. Also If TPCi is responsible for card printing and TCG LIVE they are just supporting their own game(s) not someone else's.

  • @louisantonio2462
    @louisantonio2462 9 місяців тому

    I feel like TCG Live isn't getting the support it needs due to how it's treated as a "western only" companion game for the most part. It's not available in many countries in Asia including Japan (a massive deal since in the end, if Japan's not getting it, TPC is not gonna put in the effort) and they seem to have physical Pokemon events all over the place to not care about not having a digital equivalent.) Hell, I can't even play the game without a VPN just because the card game is available here at a local language and therefore lose access to TCG Live. At least the older Online one wasn't region locked. Here's hoping to this mobile game to being at least half way decent.

  • @inazumatan7050
    @inazumatan7050 9 місяців тому

    A lot of my friends had no idea they could already play the Pokémon TCG on their phones or digitally.
    They had no idea Live existed before Pocket reveal.

  • @ryansosna3432
    @ryansosna3432 9 місяців тому

    When I first saw this announcement I was very confused when TCG Live already exists. I guess thus clarifies things a bit, thanks!

  • @CLaRkMC
    @CLaRkMC 9 місяців тому

    I used to be want to get really into tcg, but tcg live isn't really doing it for me, I loved the old game, but I am looking forward to this new one

  • @zakkaryjenkins2763
    @zakkaryjenkins2763 8 місяців тому

    Does anyone know if I can use my tcgl qr codes in pocket when it comes out. I'm just getting into the game and I'll have a bunch of them. Don't want to just throw them away

  • @corydarrow7313
    @corydarrow7313 9 місяців тому

    Great summary of the situation, I’ll be sharing with friends!