Elevating Your Star Citizen Org

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @hawk2086
    @hawk2086 9 місяців тому

    I can't wait for org 3.0

  • @Regaliis
    @Regaliis 7 місяців тому

    I've been struggling more with Marketing. Seems like no one wants to join the IMC...not sure why :c
    Serious note, any tips on marketing?

  • @solidicone
    @solidicone 9 місяців тому

    I can agree with alot of this, however in my eyes a larger org is just a roving target, they are incredibly easy to infiltrate and or dismantle by using the weakest links.
    I've found especially in this game 1 skilled player can absolutely destroy groups of 20 or more if a wee bit of care and planning is done. Broadly speaking in your average group of say 20 players there are probably only 3-4 who are actually good and the rest are more or less just filler that will crumble the second any kind of pressure is put against them. This usually results in a domino effect of the 3-4 good players scrambling trying to rally the rest of the herd into the right direction often causing them to have actively deal with logistics over tactics and hopefully using greater numbers to stop the threat.
    Example. I was out just patrolling around looking for trouble yesterday. I ran across 3 reclaimers all working on the same hammerhead salvage contract with a two wing escort of a gladius and an vanguard warden. Quick cursory flyby I counted at least 9 people EVA along with the two escort ships. This indicated to me that chances are all of those reclaimers were probably fully manned with a few extra bodies. I just put my ship on cruise control and jumped out of it. The escorts did fly over but after seeing me going in another direction they went back.
    Fast forward about 5 minutes later after having EVA'd over to the nearest reclaimer which of course someone had left open. I got inside and proceeded to murder everyone I saw. I cleared one ship, jumped out of it went to the next. I can hear these guys using in game voice comms just yelling at each other about people dying. I cleared the second ship.. jumped out and went to the next. Right about this time I got ahold of a friend of mine, told him where I was at and I would need an extraction in about 10 minutes. The third reclaimer's crew had a bit of fight in them but not by much. I mowed down the crew that was on board and for some reason a bunch of the guys who were all still EVA tried to all enter through the same side airlock. I killed them all.
    I then just jumped out of the ship and railgunned down the gladius. Right about that time my friend in his scorpius arrived and he took care of the other escort.
    There were still a few stragglers floating about but none of them attempted to stop me from going back and boarding each of the reclaimers, activating their self destructs and jumping off of them. We then got to sit back and watch a pretty light show.
    I didn't steal anything from them. I didn't take any of the cargo. I didn't want to.
    This group went by the name of or some other such tag, they tout themselves as an "extremely organized and pvp oriented org". Yet what I am guessing was the bulk of their members got dismantled by little ol me just because i wanted to on a whim.
    Im not trying to brag about any of that, my point is that large orgs are large targets and the ONLY time they can be useful is if their numbers are so large that approaching them while they're out doing anything is just impossible, but you'd need something like 50+ people in the same area for that to be a thing. A large org is a hinderance not a blessing. I would put my small team of 6 guys up against any large org in any pvp situation no matter the circumstances. Numbers amount for nothing in this game and 1 good player could easily be worth 20 shit ones.
    In a full scale open pvp game where you can lose everything on death. Your best bet is to operate solo or in a very limited group size. This gives you a chance to better know the people you're working with and knowing what each of them are good at. When we roll as a group very little communication needs to be had, when the shots start flying we have one guy who is really good at making calls clearly. He keeps us pointed in the right general direction. We have two of us who excel at FPS pvp, we automatically know our job is to either man a gun and when the opportunity presents itself to go and board a disabled ship. Then we have several extremely good pilots who have worked on pack mentality dog fighting for a long while.
    You start getting more than 10 people and you start running into logistical problems.
    My point is don't believe that you need to be some cog in a massive machine of an org to succeed. One player on their own can very much and in often times earn more credits and get more accomplished than a large group. Get good in whatever area of the game you like and you will naturally run into a few like minded people. Im not telling you what to do or what can or won't work, obviously it can't always be true but out of all my years playing this game and running into orgs doing stuff, most of the large ones are filled with trash that end up causing more issues than they're worth.

    • @TheOneandOnlyCSG
      @TheOneandOnlyCSG 9 місяців тому +3

      I ain't reading all that. I'm either happy for you, or sorry that it happened.

    • @darkwarrior14
      @darkwarrior14 9 місяців тому +3

      All i read is. i don't like playing with others and the reason is I found a group of people doing something and killed them for no reason without them even knowing i was there.. skills