Marriage to Non Muslim - Contemporary Issues - Bilal Philips

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  • @usergreenearth
    @usergreenearth 17 років тому +21

    Islam is amazing. The only problem is we the weak followers fail to understand and implement it accordingly. Many of us we claim ourselves as a muslim but our activities do not reflect those so others put a negative impression on us and on the religion. May Allah(SWT) guide us on the right path always.

  • @Soleteol
    @Soleteol 11 років тому +39

    I am a woman raised and living in a western culture and I have been never encourage by my husband to wear in an immodest way nor I was encourage to do anything against the religion just to please him. So please remember all western women like me and majority of my friends while giving lectures because we are not as perverse as it is commonly suggested;)

  • @AllahIsForever
    @AllahIsForever 17 років тому +22

    Right now Im a Luthren..and my boyfriend is Muslim. Im gonna marry him, and Im gonna convert, Im gonna be a muslim.

  • @zeezeebo
    @zeezeebo 10 років тому +44

    Tons of our muslim men are marrying nonmuslim women and they can not stop the women from doing all those things you listed.

  • @hurryupnow1
    @hurryupnow1 10 років тому +58

    im 25, a Christian, . im slim and fairly attractive and yes im a virgin!!!!!!!!!! don't stereotype!!!!

  • @antoniodarren8871
    @antoniodarren8871 6 років тому +19

    My nam is Mujahid,I support you all the way to the Day of Judgement,My Allah reward you with Paradise, Asalamualiakum rahma-tu-Allah-i-barakatuhu BarakAllahfik

  • @rhadiyasampulna9243
    @rhadiyasampulna9243 8 років тому +25

    What if the non muslim guy converts to islam? Can the muslim girl marry him?

  • @laylamohammed3206
    @laylamohammed3206 8 років тому +60

    What?? I don't plan on conforming to my future husbands wishes. Whether he is Muslim or not. The scenarios explained here are not representing individuals who are not brought up in oppressed cultures. I am cringing at this. The conditions of no alcohol and halal lifestyle are versatile to men and women in a marriage. Marriage is a partnership between 2 people not a dictatorship ruled by men.

  • @Jammylune
    @Jammylune 8 років тому +24


  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +7

    Muslim and Jewish people are in my everyday prayers, I really desire to know your path even more. I have Muslim friends, and we share our experiences, in an environment where respect and empathy are primordial.
    I do believe with all my heart that you are going to Eternity along with us. In judgment day, God will look inside our hearts.
    May God bless and enlighten us all, wathever faith we have.

  • @suhanazehra2518
    @suhanazehra2518 7 років тому +11

    what if the non muslim man understands her values and does NOT ask her of all these wishes?

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +8

    "religious christians that openly fornicate"... Very ignorant and inaccurate phrase...
    Can't you see the obvious contradiction in that nonsense you said?
    A flame that produces cold cannot be a flame, a person that commits this kind of sins cannot be called a Christian. The same with a person that beheads a fellow human or bombs a public place tearing adults and children in pieces, cannot be called a Muslim.
    Sinners do not belong to Eternity, light and darkness will never mix.

  • @moosghafal3759
    @moosghafal3759 11 років тому +14

    with all due respect, so he is son of God? like begotten son? if so how does it add up? son of God, there for he is God? and the holly spirit? 1+1+1= 1? im bad at math but not that bad. God is one 1=1. think about the other men that came before Muhammad ( pbuh) and before Jesus ( pbuh ) those men like Abraham, Moses, Joseph etc. ( pbu all of them) they were sent by the same god given different powers but they were all sharing the same message, believe in only ONE God. may Allah bless me and you

  • @mukhtarogle7878
    @mukhtarogle7878 8 років тому +11

    We not here to covert any none Muslim We are here to just a reminder

  • @kbrue082
    @kbrue082 11 років тому +12

    10:00 Any man who asks a woman to do something she is not comfortable with is no man at all, no matter what religion they believe in.
    Thank you for the video. Very insightful.

    @ANaYAH_ABaYAH 11 років тому +5

    (Qur'an) Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:5
    This day are things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. Not only chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time, when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +12

    If I marry a woman that does not share my personal faith, I wouldn't try to disrespect her beliefs, or prevent her to worship God in her own way, because that would be disrespecting her as my partner in life. A wife has the same rights as me. And children can be taught faith, but, as adults, they will have their personal choice, of course.

  • @51Saffron
    @51Saffron 10 років тому +25

    Check our the night clubs, plenty of Muslim men in there lol.

  • @Utopianwinds
    @Utopianwinds 17 років тому +8

    the Quran also says that the woman may refuse the wishes of her husband, so in the case that a muslim woman marries a christian man, and he asks for pork, alcohol and other things, she has every right to deny him, and since she is an equal partner, she has every right to tell her husband, dont drink, dont smoke, dont eat pork. so really, the rules of Quran should allow marriage between any religion, and there should be no problem.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +16

    My humble opinion is that whatever desicion a person takes in her/his life, should be based on free will, mostly on a case like this, where faith is involved. She should do something because she wants to, not because someone is influencing her or because of "fear" of something.

  • @heideenriquez1658
    @heideenriquez1658 8 років тому +6

    I pray I married to the man I love he is is muslim

  • @ginkydichosadichosa3359
    @ginkydichosadichosa3359 8 років тому +8

    thank you so much for videos very appreciate and got more learn thank you so much ..

  • @AmmarNomani
    @AmmarNomani 8 років тому +1

    Actually Jinnah's wife converted to Islam before they got married. His daughter married a Parsi boy who didnt convert and he disowned her. She is still alive at 97 and lives in London

  • @abdulbasithka
    @abdulbasithka 13 років тому +4

    @ohdangitsraisa A true Muslim man wouldn't have that kind of confusion if he is ever in such a situation. Even though Islam gives many rights for parents over their sons, a forcible divorce is not one of them. It's the responsibility of the man to look after his wife in Islam.

  • @Khalidkhan-ke7mn
    @Khalidkhan-ke7mn 8 років тому +3

    thank you bilal brother for posting

  • @MrGoodKingBad
    @MrGoodKingBad 10 років тому +3

    May allah bless you and give you strength in your Jihad to educate the Ignorant and the stray.

  • @hurryupnow1
    @hurryupnow1 10 років тому +8

    muslim men are actually allowed to marry non virgin Christian woman aslong as the woman who has had primarital sex has confessed she sinned and stops having premarital sex . therefore you are very wrong :)

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +2

    I try not to focus on the things that set us appart, but on the huge amount of aspects that bring us together.
    There's enough blood and tears irrigating the planet because of all those unleashed haters that call themselves "Christians" or "Muslims".
    Here, we feel the sorrow of your people, and our anger gets fueled with the crimes that false believers are inflicting on Muslims.

  • @mukhtarogle7878
    @mukhtarogle7878 8 років тому +2

    We Muslims are here to convert any of you none Muslim to be Muslim or accepting ISLAM We Are Here To Reminds You all .Where Is in the Bible Quotes Jesus (pbuh) says he is God's and worship him?Shows Me where

  • @LostInTheGroove
    @LostInTheGroove 17 років тому +3

    you don't even answer the question. He said she's a non-muslim. Instead of trying to use big words in totally senseless sentences, try to see what's in your heart and not what's been pushed into your head, that's it!!!!

  • @mino811
    @mino811 17 років тому +3

    assalamu my question is,what if a non muslim woman is not virgin and she doesn't drink or eat pork and she promised God that she won't be for anyone else but her husband and she even asked the future husband to forgive her is it still the same such marrige is not allowed or what..?

  • @farhinkadir7816
    @farhinkadir7816 8 років тому +1

    Thank you brother Bilal for sharing such a wonderful knowledge. thank you thank a lot may Allah bluss you.

  • @franzcathy80
    @franzcathy80 7 років тому +3

    is nice to heard i am christian teaching is the same us.

  • @moosghafal3759
    @moosghafal3759 11 років тому +7

    65 christian and jew men disliked this video, jazak Allah for educating me more about my faith brother Bilal

  • @olivegreen6587
    @olivegreen6587 8 років тому +4

    Good video....Thank you so much for this knowledge really appreciate!

  • @PrincessMiller
    @PrincessMiller 14 років тому +1

    I was looking into converting to Islam but I am concerned for the fact I am married to a Christan man.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +2

    If you go, for example, to any chatroom, and ask women who are the men that look more perverted and bother and disrespect them more, without a doubt, they'll answer: "muslim guys".
    Of course, regular people will answer like this or using more tough adjectives, but I am a person that tries to care for knowing at least a little bit about others, so I can understand them.

  • @MaureenYOutcalt
    @MaureenYOutcalt 10 років тому +5

    And no we do not teach our children to have sex either.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +2

    By understanding them, I can avoid judging them, watching them with prejudice or being sarcastic about something as important as their faith.
    I surely won't put these people among Muslims, it would be false, and disrespectful to the real believers that try their best to live their life in a dignifying, decent way.
    Sorry if I offended someone, I'm a human like you.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +3

    Also, I don't feel that any relationship based on fear or intimidation is healthy and good. Embracing any faith must involve both heart and mind, you can talk from outside but it is a hugely difficult situation. Fearing hellfire??? I prefer to get close to God by love for Him, never by fear.

  • @antoniodarren8871
    @antoniodarren8871 6 років тому +2

    Asalamualiakum rahma-tu-Allah-i-barakatuhu BarakAllahfik,I love you for the sake of Allah Brother

  • @parkerflop
    @parkerflop 11 років тому +2

    Go for it!!!

  • @thulasi145
    @thulasi145 13 років тому

    i'm loving a muslim man.but i'm a hindu.but we both love truly.what i have to do?

  • @FindMyNaseeb
    @FindMyNaseeb 9 років тому +2


  • @tomanatorness
    @tomanatorness 14 років тому

    @Osamarulx yes it is forbidden but you can marry a non-islam woman... BUT a muslim can never marry a Buddhist/etc... those religions that worship idols... it's kinda like a mortal sin!

  • @h.m.2347
    @h.m.2347 6 років тому

    i was married to an infidel man.. were separated. we maried under civill law. how do i get an islamic divorce.

  • @loquenoseve
    @loquenoseve 17 років тому +1

    We are advised to marry Christian people too, but in the case we are married with a non-Christian person before we accepted Yeshua, then that bond cannot be breaked, and the couple has to keep together.
    West, this, west that... I feel some things are not accurate here. Is the same that happens here, talking about muslims like all of them are terrorists supporters, and have a hostile spirit and are against human rights, etc...

  • @waseemahmed4865
    @waseemahmed4865 8 років тому +1

    thanx brother...

  • @TheMoonRain
    @TheMoonRain 10 років тому

    Are you a converted American Christian to Islam?

  • @Ravax4
    @Ravax4 8 років тому +2


  • @JaefarSABNW
    @JaefarSABNW 11 років тому +2

    As far as faith they can either be people of the book or actual monotheists when not muslimah.

  • @Cosmicmiind
    @Cosmicmiind 11 років тому +1

    brv u may have look on Quran chapter:5 verse 5 its written clearly abt the people of the book thnxx salam !!

  • @faithhopelove7777777
    @faithhopelove7777777 8 років тому +1

    Roman Franta Wise words, ty!

  • @mukhtarogle7878
    @mukhtarogle7878 8 років тому +3

    Jesus (Pbuh) Where is in bible Jesus Say He is God's? And Worship me!

  • @aatiqimtiyaz6922
    @aatiqimtiyaz6922 11 років тому

    hey.. i have a similiar issue.. did you accept islam?

  • @iqbalkashmir4535
    @iqbalkashmir4535 7 років тому +3

    I need a girl for marriage. I'm single but I want love marriage

  • @bluenerdy
    @bluenerdy 12 років тому

    @ThinkLove12 May I discuss this question in private with you as comments length is too short please ?

  • @AntiHypocrisy
    @AntiHypocrisy 17 років тому


  • @MerBader
    @MerBader 8 років тому

    @Aden Adam He will do it :p

  • @saadgangat
    @saadgangat 17 років тому +1

    this is in response to ur msg, i dont know what religion u follow, "tarzan" haha, but im not to sureu understand what this debate was abt, nor do u have any knowledge of the bases of islam, u may live in india and u may live around or c alotta muslims on a daily bases. buy sadly u do not have any knowledge abt islam, while i will agree with u on 1 part, u do barf!!!
    may Allah guide u towards the right path!

  • @shoaib4737
    @shoaib4737 13 років тому


  • @Dogg1980
    @Dogg1980 17 років тому +6

    Jesus is Gods Son. We talk through Jesus TO God. Therefore Jesus "is" God. That Dr. is whacked thinking he knows our religion.

  • @Jerseygirl777
    @Jerseygirl777 17 років тому +3

    How dare you say what god can and cant do!

  • @fathimarashka3498
    @fathimarashka3498 7 років тому +2


  • @mirza0786am
    @mirza0786am 11 років тому

    Soletol Hi the lecturer is reffering to the Majority of western women and not the minority like yourself

  • @SuburbanNinja-yr1mc
    @SuburbanNinja-yr1mc 8 років тому

    Mormons aren't Christians.... Hahahaha its ture

  • @wesandquinn
    @wesandquinn 17 років тому

    nice hat, love the dress