HONEST OPINION! Is Retro Ricks Game Point Worth It?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @PixelDanToyHunts
    @PixelDanToyHunts  Місяць тому +26

    Is this a good store?

    • @alexgarbe1971
      @alexgarbe1971 Місяць тому +1

      This place looks amazing. If I'm ever in the area, definitely will have to check it out.

    • @Harpoquondrax
      @Harpoquondrax Місяць тому +1

      Just started the video but those giant Simpsons make the answer a big 'ol YES!

    • @markheadley125
      @markheadley125 Місяць тому

      I agree with you great store totally awesome❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊

    • @adamwest3266
      @adamwest3266 Місяць тому +2

      BUSTED!! I caught Pixel Dan lying againg in ANOTHER video....and he deletes my comment. Imagine that.

    • @Belmont_79
      @Belmont_79 Місяць тому

      Excellent store! 🤘😎

  • @retroricksgamepoint
    @retroricksgamepoint Місяць тому +45

    You gonna make me cry dude 😭
    Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for visiting the store and coming to the convention!!!!

    • @davidpyott3710
      @davidpyott3710 Місяць тому

      The store looks amazing and the convention looked great too. 🤘👍

  • @randaleastwood6836
    @randaleastwood6836 Місяць тому +8

    45yr old eighties kid here and just want to let yoi know I appreciate your videos so much they are a bright spot in a crazy busy stressful day!

  • @smbcollector
    @smbcollector Місяць тому

    I've been absolutely binging your videos and this might be my favorite UA-cam channel now. I love seeing a toy hunter who's in it for the pure enthusiasm of collecting rather than just being motivated to flip their purchases. Also, I didn't realize you have a day job -- that makes me respect you all the more. I know from experience how difficult it is to balance a job, a relationship, collecting, and making videos, but I appreciate that you manage to do it for us. Thanks for the amazing videos!

  • @CharlieUptownOfficial
    @CharlieUptownOfficial Місяць тому

    My favorite video from you! This truly resonated with me 🤙🏾 Best walk through of Rick’s store showing the toys 🔥

  • @F13fan
    @F13fan Місяць тому

    Awesome store! Loved his tribute display cases. And the it’s cool he has the old store video game setups to play & the McDonald’s toy displays(& the Ronald!). I felt you on the Hook stuff, loved the movie but never got the toys(I just turned 42) & I was still getting toys but was told I didn’t need to start another collection lol Also I never got any carrying cases(kept my collections in different grocery bags). And I own that barnyard commandos vhs from my childhood. Also my collector buddies & I always said it would be great to own a store but we’d want to keep everything lol

  • @MetaLHeade666
    @MetaLHeade666 Місяць тому +6

    NGL that Tails statue next to the Hulk looks like its seen something horrible.

  • @TALON80s
    @TALON80s Місяць тому

    What a quote! "It's time to do some baggy digging!" 🤣

  • @Belmont_79
    @Belmont_79 Місяць тому

    Hi Pixel Dan and Pixel family, thank you very much for sharing with us how much fun you had in this excellent store and congratulations on the haul, we thank you Pixel Dan for all the years and the time you have dedicated to UA-cam apart from the sacrifice it has meant , I have been a fan since day #1 when you first made a video dedicated to motu classics, stay heavy and blessings! 🙏

  • @warrennewman5325
    @warrennewman5325 Місяць тому +1

    Fantastic action figures awesome sat vid dan 👍

  • @vidal_rodriguez80s
    @vidal_rodriguez80s Місяць тому

    This store is great, I loved the Super Mario Collection!!

  • @colt5189
    @colt5189 Місяць тому +1

    I had that TMNT skateboard. Won it from an ice cream truck. Every week, he'd make up mystery bags of candy, etc. And would put a ticket inside one of the bags. And I got a ticket one day and picked the TMNT skateboard. Though the thing only lasted a summer before it started sagging and eventually broke in half.

  • @Kap00rwith2os
    @Kap00rwith2os Місяць тому +2

    Not Retro Rick throwing shade on Pat's book 😂

  • @JJUniverseChannel
    @JJUniverseChannel Місяць тому

    Totally awesome video man 😎!

  • @g483
    @g483 Місяць тому

    For Christmas, my dad would fill carrying cases from the line with the figures from that line. I had Ghostbusters, Aliens, The Shadow and Star Wars. I think it was very smart saving on wrapping paper. Lol He did the same thing with my brother and hot wheels cars and cases.

  • @awesomeadamfrom2099
    @awesomeadamfrom2099 Місяць тому +2

    Awesome job Dan drop a like for you.

  • @antonius9
    @antonius9 Місяць тому

    Looks definitely worth a visit. Thanks Dan.

  • @DanTheGamesMan
    @DanTheGamesMan Місяць тому

    Awesome video! Was cool to see what the store is like from a customer point of view!

  • @beartrapinuwuland
    @beartrapinuwuland Місяць тому

    In the 2000's we had some carrying cases, the Bakugan carriying case was a crazzy thing that would open an rotate it even locks up, I still have it to this day. Also, awesome video, would love to be there.

  • @Dusty_B
    @Dusty_B Місяць тому

    Yes Family Video mention! I swear everyone always talks about Blockbuster but Family Video was my childhood. Going there was always so much fun

  • @robertbaker5281
    @robertbaker5281 Місяць тому +1

    Does the store have a website? I seen something in your video I need.

  • @marcbrunson6986
    @marcbrunson6986 Місяць тому

    Seeing those Sewer Tubes, I think I might have to get those again when I get my 2nd classics release. I never saw the Skull armor Hook. That actually would have been a fun one. The carrying cases I had as a kid were the GI Joe, Transformers, TMNT, and MOTU....red color case. I have the THX Star Wars remaster, normal cut and Special Edition.

  • @JulioConnory
    @JulioConnory Місяць тому

    I forgot that camo tube. I had that as a kid, totally forgot it existed.

  • @spitt0110
    @spitt0110 Місяць тому

    I 100% was in that same boat, Loved HooK. I think i managed to get the happy meal toys, but thankfully my cousings who were a few years younger had the whole collection so I still got to enjoy the Hook figure line.

  • @mikehayes5348
    @mikehayes5348 Місяць тому +1

    How do I get the MOTU book in Canada

  • @RyRy69420
    @RyRy69420 Місяць тому

    I had that captain hook toy as a kid...hat broken off and I guess I didn't realize it was from HOOK and not just a captain hook toy till right now

  • @Novaargh
    @Novaargh Місяць тому

    Looking for Pat in the comments ;)
    What an amazing store, great layout in that store, i also appreciate the love that SEGA gets, was always a nice thing to see in the 90's when i was on the hunt for a new genesis game to play.

  • @AMVH2012
    @AMVH2012 Місяць тому +1

    Puts bug further into the box so no one steals it.

  • @mikepetersen7319
    @mikepetersen7319 Місяць тому

    Cool place. Also like Rick's custom made packaging.

  • @716straightedge
    @716straightedge Місяць тому

    Old and current tmnt comics with Eastman art are great

  • @vengeance1701
    @vengeance1701 Місяць тому

    Blank Check, starring Alexander Rozhenko!:P AKA Brian Bonsall AKA Worf's son in Star Trek TNG.

  • @wildsmiley
    @wildsmiley Місяць тому

    That McDonald's Super Mario Bros. 3 Happy Meal toy display behind the counter is RAD. I had a few of those toys as a kid. SMB3 is my #1 favorite video game of all-time.

  • @briankbender5757
    @briankbender5757 Місяць тому

    That's an awesome store and awesome finds

  • @thetoythief8940
    @thetoythief8940 Місяць тому

    Seeing the big troll figures is always cool because I remember back in 2020 I was in a small group of people who where trying to figure out if they did exist or if they where never released and I remember finding out they sold better in Canada then the us and the first action I found was on a ebay like site from Canada I can't remember the name but then after that a man hunt began and they started showing up more and more

  • @mattchalucha894
    @mattchalucha894 Місяць тому +2

    Nothing more sad than being told you're too old for toys. I remember that.

    • @LeadMe2TheBliss
      @LeadMe2TheBliss Місяць тому +1

      Women tend to say that mostly to younger teen/pre-teen boys. I know from experience when I would try to go to the toy store during my pre-teen/teen years.


    Feel like at this point Rick needs shopping carts at his store.

  • @oldirtydave22
    @oldirtydave22 Місяць тому

    Prices are wild!

  • @freddyvidz
    @freddyvidz Місяць тому

    We must be the same age because I had the same experience with Hook toys.

  • @loganjorgensen
    @loganjorgensen Місяць тому

    9:54 I do have some nostalgia for The Wizard but watching it again... it is a terrible movie lol. Great store though, some really great displays and items.🙂

  • @Bill-z4o
    @Bill-z4o Місяць тому

    Love the vids

  • @ToiletClogger1945
    @ToiletClogger1945 Місяць тому +2

    Rick puts price stickers on his cardbacks? NOOOooOOoO

    • @uriitarded
      @uriitarded Місяць тому +1

      iirc chris from pixel game squad introduced him to those stickers and they peel off easily without residue

  • @colt5189
    @colt5189 Місяць тому

    I really like that Hook movie even though there are a lot that hate that film and think it's terrible. It's my favorite Peter Pan movie.

  • @eltenda
    @eltenda Місяць тому +1

    Great store and guy

  • @Church_of_the_Skittles_Snek
    @Church_of_the_Skittles_Snek Місяць тому

    I Had, Kind Of, A Carrying Case For Meine Battle Beasts, That Was A "Strap" Around Meine Shoulder, That I Would Secure My Battle Beasts In

  • @cyrinix
    @cyrinix Місяць тому

    Voiceover: "It was, in fact, not the exact Ronald statue..."

  • @TheDreamtimezzz
    @TheDreamtimezzz Місяць тому +1

    Not having your book for sale there is just “rude”. 😢😊

  • @GreyHulk2156
    @GreyHulk2156 29 днів тому +1

    Clearly *your* book always sells. They can't keep it on the shelves. ;P

  • @jurassicroom7673
    @jurassicroom7673 Місяць тому

    My Saturday morning entertainment Pixel Dan Toy Hunts and Toy Federation.

  • @sleepingninjaquiettime
    @sleepingninjaquiettime Місяць тому

    What does the standard collector do about the dust build up in there collection room?

  • @ChristianAVS
    @ChristianAVS Місяць тому

    Definitely taking my family at some point

  • @ILikeyVideo
    @ILikeyVideo Місяць тому

    I carried my toys around in a plastic Kmart shopping bag lol

  • @Johnny82Utah
    @Johnny82Utah Місяць тому

    I gotta know man, at the 20:00 mark you have a new retro wave song in there, i listen to it everyday as I'm going through my collection. Was that your choice or the editors?

  • @volodymyrzablotsky5372
    @volodymyrzablotsky5372 Місяць тому

    Pixel Dan looks like Zelesky in the Green

  • @drewhaueter4502
    @drewhaueter4502 Місяць тому +1

    Biggie vs Pac Zeppelin vs Who SNES vs Sega
    Blank Check vs Richie Rich
    I was a Blank Check kid

  • @AutoYoung
    @AutoYoung Місяць тому

    That is a hospital game unit…

  • @Elvarg
    @Elvarg Місяць тому

    He didn’t open it. He bought it and transformed it!

  • @AutoYoung
    @AutoYoung Місяць тому


  • @thriftingnostalgia
    @thriftingnostalgia Місяць тому

    Totally a bop at 11:30

  • @hereiam6149
    @hereiam6149 Місяць тому

    find a replacement rubber bug from a capsule machine for a quarter

  • @crackin2000
    @crackin2000 Місяць тому

    This is all the politics I want to see today. Thanks Dan and Stiena.

  • @corporaldonut7917
    @corporaldonut7917 24 дні тому


  • @mattleanio8534
    @mattleanio8534 Місяць тому

    Buzz’s girlfriend… Woof.
    The photo of Buzz's ugly girlfriend. in Home Alone wasn't actually a photo of an ugly girl. It was the art director's son dressed up as a girl.

  • @JoePal-c3n
    @JoePal-c3n Місяць тому

    Ninja turtles for like $5 for real check out second hand markets

  • @tizfan3820
    @tizfan3820 28 днів тому

    you used the Retro Rick cheat code and got a ton of views on this video

  • @job4391
    @job4391 Місяць тому

    What is your day job?

    • @TenayaVB
      @TenayaVB Місяць тому +1

      I would have thought he was a full time UA-camr with all the subs and traveling he does.

  • @adamwest3266
    @adamwest3266 Місяць тому +1

    BUSTED!! I caught Pixel Dan lying againg in ANOTHER video....and he deletes my comment. Imagine that.

    • @JDawg911
      @JDawg911 Місяць тому +1

      So what are you referring to?

    • @rottenapple9855
      @rottenapple9855 Місяць тому +1

      @@JDawg911He doesn’t know either lol

  • @frakbuddy
    @frakbuddy Місяць тому

    He has a what now on his back? 😂