Partner with us to help with our Roof Replacement

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • *Dear Friends and Followers,*
    Our beloved church, The Shabach Church, has stood as a beacon of hope in the community for over two decades. Its walls have echoed prayers, hymns, and the laughter of countless families. This past weekend, that very structure faced a challenge.
    The roof, weathered by time and storms, is in dire need of repair. Leaks threaten our cherished sanctuary, jeopardizing the very foundation of our faith, and causing us not to be able to assemble. To restore our church to its former glory, we need your help.
    We are aiming to raise $100,000 to complete the necessary repairs. After various meetings with roofing companies, we were advised the roof needed to be totally replaced.
    Every contribution, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal. Imagine the joy of children singing and dancing, the comfort of families gathering under a leak-proof roof, and peace of mind knowing our church will stand strong for generations to come.
    Please consider making a difference in the life of our church. Your generosity will not only safeguard our physical space but also ensure the continuation of the vital role we play in our community. Our prayer is we can birth this MIRACLE in a record-breaking time. As a leader, I have begun the process with a donation of $20,000. Who will join us???
    To donate, go to the link below, and select 'Roof Project'
    With heartfelt gratitude,
    The Shabach Church
    Dr. Todd M Hall - Sr. Pastor
    #pastortoddhall #theplaceofpassion #1403