For those of us who have to dissemble it each time we're done for the day it would be nice if it was less time consuming to assemble. I thought the chairs at least would have a "snap on" feature after their base was bolted to the frame. Less bolting stuff together and more snapping into place would be nice. Still a nice looking raft.
Any videos of it on the water?
For those of us who have to dissemble it each time we're done for the day it would be nice if it was less time consuming to assemble. I thought the chairs at least would have a "snap on" feature after their base was bolted to the frame. Less bolting stuff together and more snapping into place would be nice. Still a nice looking raft.
Can you mount a small motor on it with your motor mount?
Hello! At this time our current motor mount options are not compatible with the internal anchor system featured on this package