I have read the terrible reviews, but I love this movie, because it ridicules the harsh, destructive social Darwinism that insists on ruling our world, and ruining lives. In that light, Martha, Hillary and Bulldog are heroes, who believe in the appointed to die, and hold out hope, because they believe in "Vindicator", that under reasonable circumstances, he has a lot to offer, even beyond that which the scrawny longhorns can offer. Not that it's the longhorns fault; the diminishing returns of their ruthlessly harsh struggle to survive, uses up everything juicy about them, Social Darwinism militates against the rights of' all kinds of people to survive: unfavored races, temperaments, etc. It is forever challenging the rights of certain people to use up oxygen and footspace on the earth. It is just good to see resistance against its malthusian certainties, and for the confidence shown in the doomed "Vindicator" to be finally affirmed and rewarded. The reviewers do not seem to understand that this is really about the people these blowhards condemn, not cattle breeding, alone
Se pare că filmul este disponibil doar pe dvd. www.amazon.com/Rare-Breed-James-Stewart/dp/B00008CMT1/ref=asc_df_B00008CMT1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312193749052&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11461818443382793932&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl =&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024158&hvtargid=pla-569640236081&psc=1
Curiously, the only reason I’ve ever had to watch this film was for the John Williams music - now that you’ve removed that I find I have no interest in these characters at all. :)
Great movie!
I have read the terrible reviews, but I love this movie, because it ridicules the harsh, destructive social Darwinism that insists on ruling our world, and ruining lives. In that light, Martha, Hillary and Bulldog are heroes, who believe in the appointed to die, and hold out hope, because they believe in "Vindicator", that under reasonable circumstances, he has a lot to offer, even beyond that which the scrawny longhorns can offer. Not that it's the longhorns fault; the diminishing returns of their ruthlessly harsh struggle to survive, uses up everything juicy about them, Social Darwinism militates against the rights of' all kinds of people to survive: unfavored races, temperaments, etc. It is forever challenging the rights of certain people to use up oxygen and footspace on the earth. It is just good to see resistance against its malthusian certainties, and for the confidence shown in the doomed "Vindicator" to be finally affirmed and rewarded. The reviewers do not seem to understand that this is really about the people these blowhards condemn, not cattle breeding, alone
Undese poate vedea filmul acesta?
Se pare că filmul este disponibil doar pe dvd. www.amazon.com/Rare-Breed-James-Stewart/dp/B00008CMT1/ref=asc_df_B00008CMT1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312193749052&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11461818443382793932&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl =&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024158&hvtargid=pla-569640236081&psc=1
Curiously, the only reason I’ve ever had to watch this film was for the John Williams music - now that you’ve removed that I find I have no interest in these characters at all. :)