Flagmap - Soviet Union (1989) | Tùng_Mapping

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • The 3rd largest territory in the world history (22,4 millions km2) and the first communist country in the world. And that is Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic - USSR) or “СССР” in Russian. That country had 15 Soviet countries and now is part of 15 countries like: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia (*), Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Moldova. In the past, Moscow - was the capital city of that 3rd territory in the history.
    The history started after WW1, when Russian Empire outed of the war and they had a Civil War, they wanted to overthrow the Romanov era. Until 1917, Russian Empire collapsed and made lots of countries, and in Saint Petersburg, V.I.Lenin - a revolutionary, a communism made the October Revolution, killed all the Romanov family - end of the Russian Empire, and they attacked the White Army. After these wars, until 1922, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and Russia had a signed and they made the Soviet Union.
    In 1924, Lenin dead and Joseph Stalin had to be General Secretary Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) from 1924 to 1953. They had a relationship of Soviet-Mongolia. After independent, the economy was weak, so they had a 5 years’ plan to increased production labor, built factories and GDP of USSR was developed in a year. During the plan, not a few people were suppressed and shot by Stalin, specially they had a famine (1930-1933). In 1930s era, Soviet had some countries like Kazakh SSR, Tajik SSR, Uzbek SSR, Turkmen SSR, Kirghiz SSR. Transcaucasia SSR collapsed and made three countries like Georgian SSR, Armenian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR. In 1939, Soviet and Nazi Germany invaded Poland - started the WW2. In 1940, USSR invade 3 countries in Baltic (Lithuania-Latvia-Estonia) and 1 part of Romania is Moldova. In 1939, Karelia-Finnish SSR was got independent by USSR.
    After invaded Poland, Soviet-Finnish War (White War) between USSR and Finland, due to territorial disputes. Until June 22nd, 1941, while the Sun before raising, the Nazi Army started to invade Byelorussia SSR, and Soviet had a war with Nazi in WW2. After these wars, in 1942 Nazi had been killed USSR when they attacked Moscow. But with all they strength, Red Army had battle with the Nazi with a lot of battle like, Leningrad battle, Stalingrad battle, etc… Showing that the people here didn’t submit to the barbaric enemy. After all these battle with the winner, USSR invade and help all countries, while they saw them suffer losses and unruly character of the Nazis. They invade Finland and ended of war when they were invaded North Finland.
    Until 1945, Red Army attacked Berlin and the flag with hammer and sickle was flying on the roof of the Nazi building. And they surrendered, ended the war in Europe. After the American dropped 2 nuclear bomb in Japan, USSR invaded Manchuria and North Korea. After that, they had some communist countries like: East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia,...
    In 1947, Cold War started, between the capitalism and communism. In 1950, Soviet had relations with China and Vietnam, In 1955, Warsaw Pact - an International organization in the communism. From 1960s era, they had some communist countries in Africa, Middle East and Americas (specially is Cuba, while the USA banned the communist). In 1961, Yuri Gagarin - an Soviet astronaut to be first astronaut flying in the space around the Earth.
    From the 1980s to 1990s, with the economy was very weak, and the government was paralyzed. In 1990, all countries in Warsaw Pact was collapsed and made the new government. CPSU, Warsaw Pact collapsed and stop-working. In 1991, the USSR collapsed after 74 years was in the World Map.
    Now the USSR between many communist countries were good, specially is Vietnam. When they supported and helped in Indochina War, and that helped all countries in those war. And the word “Soviet Union” is in the memory of all people in Russia...
    Time: 2 hours 27 minutes (Only drawing time)
    Music: State anthem of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
    *Georgia is a country, not a state of the USA.
    #flagmaps #history #sovietunion