Key Points from "Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #24 - How to Handle Alert Popup in Selenium" Introduction to JavaScript Alerts Overview of handling JavaScript alerts in Selenium WebDriver. Alerts must be managed to continue script execution. Switching Contexts in Selenium Use the switchTo() method to handle different contexts, such as frames or alerts. Explanation of s and switching between parent and child frames. Common Alert Handling Errors "Unexpected alert open" error occurs when an alert is not handled before switching contexts. Methods to Handle Alerts accept(): Confirms the alert. dismiss(): Cancels the alert. getText(): Retrieves alert text. sendKeys(): Sends input to the alert. Example: Handling Simple Alerts Demonstration of using accept() and getText() methods to manage and validate alerts. Example: Handling Prompt Alerts Illustration of sending input (sendKeys()) to alerts that accept text and then confirming them with accept(). Code Optimization Use an Alert variable to store the alert instance for cleaner and more efficient code. Practical Demonstration Live demonstration of handling alerts, switching frames, and retrieving the parent frame’s title after managing alerts. Summary of Alert Methods Recap of methods: accept, dismiss, getText, and sendKeys, with their use cases in handling JavaScript alerts in Selenium. Conclusion Comprehensive guide on managing JavaScript alerts to enhance Selenium WebDriver scripting.
why we are using switchTo() method again and again is it possible to switch on alert one time and whatever action we have to perform with that alert can do without writing again and again switchTo() method.
Hi Abhishek, The switch to method is used again and again in this tutorial just to navigate to the frame and click on button so that alert is popped up and I can show how to handle the alert then. Hope this helps. Regards,Manish
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20); By addItem = By.xpath("//input[.='Add Item']"); // get the "Add Item" element WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(addItem)); //trigger the reaload of the page driver.findElement("...")).click(); // wait the element "Add Item" to become stale wait.until(ExpectedConditions.stalenessOf(element)); // click on "Add Item" once the page is reloaded wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(addItem)).click(); Try this waituntil
Hello Sir, Thanks for such wonderful videos! I am enjoying my learning with the help of your videos
Awesome 🫂
Key Points from "Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #24 - How to Handle Alert Popup in Selenium"
Introduction to JavaScript Alerts
Overview of handling JavaScript alerts in Selenium WebDriver. Alerts must be managed to continue script execution.
Switching Contexts in Selenium
Use the switchTo() method to handle different contexts, such as frames or alerts.
Explanation of s and switching between parent and child frames.
Common Alert Handling Errors
"Unexpected alert open" error occurs when an alert is not handled before switching contexts.
Methods to Handle Alerts
accept(): Confirms the alert.
dismiss(): Cancels the alert.
getText(): Retrieves alert text.
sendKeys(): Sends input to the alert.
Example: Handling Simple Alerts
Demonstration of using accept() and getText() methods to manage and validate alerts.
Example: Handling Prompt Alerts
Illustration of sending input (sendKeys()) to alerts that accept text and then confirming them with accept().
Code Optimization
Use an Alert variable to store the alert instance for cleaner and more efficient code.
Practical Demonstration
Live demonstration of handling alerts, switching frames, and retrieving the parent frame’s title after managing alerts.
Summary of Alert Methods
Recap of methods: accept, dismiss, getText, and sendKeys, with their use cases in handling JavaScript alerts in Selenium.
Comprehensive guide on managing JavaScript alerts to enhance Selenium WebDriver scripting.
Sir , how to handle the bootstrap modal using selenium? Also, let me know if the automation test is acceptable for a Captcha based form?
why we are using switchTo() method again and again is it possible to switch on alert one time and whatever action we have to perform with that alert can do without writing again and again switchTo() method.
Hi Abhishek, The switch to method is used again and again in this tutorial just to navigate to the frame and click on button so that alert is popped up and I can show how to handle the alert then. Hope this helps. Regards,Manish
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The Cookie-Popup-Window in still not solved.
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WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
By addItem = By.xpath("//input[.='Add Item']");
// get the "Add Item" element
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(addItem));
//trigger the reaload of the page
// wait the element "Add Item" to become stale
// click on "Add Item" once the page is reloaded
Try this waituntil