Kasari Bhanu - Official Lyrical Video - Swoopna Suman - Arbitrary Originals

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 13 тис.

  • @ChannelArbitrary
    @ChannelArbitrary  2 роки тому +824

    "BADAL" by Synchronous and 8ugustus OUT NOW on Channel Arbitrary!!!
    Stream here: fanlink.to/BadalAR001

  • @sujandhimal4040
    @sujandhimal4040 3 роки тому +3307

    This is like a national song for teenagers specially boys who secretly love their crush but can’t express inner feelings infront of her but just thinking of her makes relax, smile and happy.🥰 Wow, that feelings☺️😄 if you ever have been !!😍

    • @unknown-6664
      @unknown-6664 3 роки тому +139

      Not really , sujan dai😂
      Study today
      Crush tommorow
      Tara... bhana easy xa garna hard xa (Padhai)😓😔
      😁😂Fun fact : every teenager once in their life have a crush

    • @mohitbk7955
      @mohitbk7955 3 роки тому +12

      Condo 666

    • @amanyt5632
      @amanyt5632 3 роки тому +9


    • @pramodakarki3903
      @pramodakarki3903 3 роки тому +58

      Oh wow!!! It was my first year college I had a crush on someone who never smile if he smile oh God!! Everyone became fan of his😇😇 later I came to know that I am a crush of his...😇I am in deep love🥰🥰🥰

    • @botmaster7696
      @botmaster7696 3 роки тому +26

      I was thinking about my crush by listening this song.♥️🙂

  • @manishjha9192
    @manishjha9192 3 роки тому +608

    Hearing the lyrics makes me appreciate our language. Nepali is a beautiful language 😍😍😍😍

  • @nine7220
    @nine7220 5 років тому +655

    My nepali friend told me to listen to this. And I'm hooked, love from Philippines! 🇵🇭

  • @AnishAryal-tr5bb
    @AnishAryal-tr5bb 17 годин тому +1

    I listened this song first when i was in class 9 and i am listening today memorizing my golden school days while sitting in a metro heading to Washington dc.
    Time flies❤❤

  • @ericaj1513
    @ericaj1513 4 роки тому +258

    My husband speaks fluent Nepali, by virtue of his job and says this is one of the best songs ever. Well, I've learned to love the rhythm and tune. Much love ❤️

  • @_ann_2177
    @_ann_2177 3 роки тому +129

    I got emotional after hearing his story telling
    Such a beautiful voice
    Happy for your success and wish you more💜

  • @adventuresworld5430
    @adventuresworld5430 5 років тому +285

    In english translation enjoy ........
    Andhyaro Chha Yo Raat Aaja Kina Laamo Lagdai Chha?
    Sanyau Kolte Feri Sake Tara Nindra Aaudaina
    Sadhai Jhai Aajapani Juna Chamki Rahexa
    Tara Badal Pari Luki Malai Jiskauchha Kina?
    The night is dark today and feels overlong
    I’ve tossed and turned a hundred times
    but sleep still eludes me
    As always the moon is sparkling overhead
    But why does it tease me from its
    hiding place behind the clouds?
    Ho… Aaja Dherai Pachhi Timi Sanga Boleko
    Tara Juni Bityo Hola Maile Mutu Sumpeko
    Sadhai Jhai Aaja Pani Kura Adhuro Nai Rahyo
    Bhanchhu Bhane Man Ka Kura Tyo Mutu Mai Lukyo
    Yes... it had been a while since we last spoke
    But perhaps it’s been an age that I’ve lost my heart to you
    Like always our conversation today was incomplete
    What I planned to say never escaped my heart
    Kasari Bhanu Timilai?
    Timro Aankha Ma Euta Jaadu Chha
    Timro Muskuraune Parama Euta Beglainai Aavaash Chha
    Khai Ta Timle Bujeko?
    Kina Mutu Mero Choreko?
    Ajhai Yaad Chha Timile Pahilo Palta Malai Chhoyeko
    How do I say it to you?
    Your gaze holds a surreal magic
    Your smile elicits a novel tranquil feeling in me
    Why wouldn't you get it that it is you who has stolen my heart?
    I still remember the first time you touched me
    Thaha Chhaina Timi Ko Hau Mero
    Thaha Chhaina Kasari Aayou
    Tara Samjhera Timilai Haraune Garchhu Ma
    Sochera Timilai Nindaune Garchhu Ma
    I don't know what you are to me
    I don't know how you came around to be (what you are to me)
    But I keep getting lost in your thoughts
    My sleep is only fantasies about you
    Chiso Chiso Mausam Tara Yo Mutu Nyano Chha
    Sirani Lai Angalera Tolauchhu Kina?
    Chaldai Chha Batas Herana Badhai Chha Yo Dhadkan
    Aankha Ko Saamu Timi Dekhdai Chhu Kina?
    The weather is cool but my heart warm enough
    Why do I space out clutching my pillow?
    The wind is blowing and my heartbeat racing
    Why am I conjuring you infront of my eyes?
    Hoo. Aaja Dherai Pachhi Timi Sanga Boleko
    Kina Timi Dekhdai Nau Maile Mutu Sumpeko
    Kasari Pokhu Timilai Mero Man Ma Lukeka Kura Chhan
    Jati Tadha Huna Khojchhu Uti Maya Badhai Janxa Chhan
    Khai Ta Timle Bujheko Timile Nai Mutu Chhoreko
    Ajhai Yaad Chha Timile Malai Herdai Muskurayeko
    Yes... it had been a while since we last spoke
    Why cannot you see that I’ve lost my heart to you?
    How do I divulge my heart’s true confessions?
    The more I try to distance myself from you,
    my love for you grows even stronger
    Why wouldn't you get it that it is you who has stolen my heart?
    I still remember you smiling when you looked over at me
    Thaha Chhaina Timi Ko Hau Mero
    Thaha Chhaina Kasari Aayou
    Tara Samjhera Timilai Haraune Garchhu Ma
    Sochera Timilai Nindaune Garchhu Ma
    I don't know what you are to me
    I don't know how you came around to be (what you are to me)
    But I keep getting lost in your thoughts
    My sleep is only fantasies about you

    • @zenixonipad
      @zenixonipad 5 років тому

      Wow Bud!!

    • @gokuldaschodankar8891
      @gokuldaschodankar8891 4 роки тому

      Thank you so much for the lyrics ☺️
      So kind of you
      God bless you 😊

    • @pprismit4603
      @pprismit4603 4 роки тому +3

      You have forcefully inserted some advanced words but with so many grammatical errors

    • @kiratmusic3
      @kiratmusic3 3 роки тому

      Good dust

    • @kiratmusic3
      @kiratmusic3 3 роки тому


  • @Shen_Evelynma
    @Shen_Evelynma Рік тому +32

    Really nice song with sweet voice 🥰 I love Nepali . Love from Myanmar💞

  • @iamsakura471
    @iamsakura471 7 років тому +1139

    Every girl wants someone to sing this to her. Thankyou swoopna suman for singing this for all of us❤

  • @prashimshrestha
    @prashimshrestha 4 роки тому +974

    It's already 2020, and its still one of the best song of Nepal.
    who agrees?

    • @lhoranggurung4521
      @lhoranggurung4521 4 роки тому +8

      Chup muji...herda 2018 ma janmey jhai cha..paila study complete gar ani comment section ma comment garna suhauncha...
      K k nai aama ko pet mai suney jhai still 2020 k k dincha baccha haru

    • @poojadhakal8551
      @poojadhakal8551 4 роки тому +7

      love this song❤💖💖💖

    • @kushalpudasaini5465
      @kushalpudasaini5465 4 роки тому +2

      @@lhoranggurung4521 kada 😂😂

    • @ashikamalaha8668
      @ashikamalaha8668 4 роки тому +1

    • @prashimshrestha
      @prashimshrestha 4 роки тому +9

      Lhorang Gurung shut the f**k up. Mero phone, mero life, mero comment, mero marji, malai j garna maan lagxa ma tehi garxu...
      I do what i want and i was not born in 80s or 90s like you, things has changed, almost every kids has phones and everyone has right to do whatever they want....Which world are you living in??? Grow up!!! Have a wider mind and a wider thinking....

  • @haxor7050
    @haxor7050 6 років тому +552

    Literally I don't understand Nepali but there is something In the song which attracts me and that is the real power of Music. It breaks the barrier of language and unites everyone. Thanks for such an amazing song. May you keep growing.

    • @shirshak2686
      @shirshak2686 6 років тому +2


    • @seekanepali4159
      @seekanepali4159 6 років тому +9

      Yeah bro.. it breaks barriers of language. I listen many Hindi songs too.

    • @mdnafijul4929
      @mdnafijul4929 6 років тому +2

      Manu Kumar Nayak pa

    • @sulavacharya2048
      @sulavacharya2048 6 років тому +8

      Nepali le chance payo vane garxa 😂😂

    • @EmPac99Official
      @EmPac99Official 6 років тому +3

      Zanis taile

  • @2ammusic411
    @2ammusic411 Рік тому +38

    Life is weird
    People come in our life
    They teach us to laugh
    They teach us to be happy
    They teach us to love
    They teach us to live
    They finally leave
    In this busy world
    Neither we can find them
    Nor we can forget them
    But the memory made by them of smile and sighs
    Remain with us
    And life simply goes on!!!!

  • @Starslay101
    @Starslay101 3 роки тому +40

    4 barsha pachi feri yo geet sunna aako...aba k bhanum! paila jastai aaile pani testai vibes dincha.. i am never gonna get tired of this song!

  • @smitathapa2237
    @smitathapa2237 5 років тому +662

    The night is very dark
    Why does it seem never ending today?
    I kept tossing and turning hundred times
    But can’t sleep
    The moon is shining like usual
    But why does it hide in the clouds and tease me?
    Yes, I talked to you after so long
    But it’s been ages since I gave you my heart
    Like always our conversation remained incomplete
    I was to tell you my feelings but it hid in my heart
    How do I tell you ?
    There’s a magic in your eyes
    There’s a different feeling in the way u smile
    Why don’t you understand?
    Why did you steal my heart?
    I still remember
    The first time you touched me
    I don’t know how you relate to me
    I don’t know how you came ?
    But I am lost in your thought
    I sleep thinking of you
    La la la la la la......
    The weather is cool
    But my heart is warm
    Why do I gaze vacantly hugging the pillow?
    Look the breeze is blowing
    My heart palpitates
    Why do I see you in front of my eyes?
    Yes, I am talking to you after a long time
    Why can’t you see I have given you my heart
    How do I express to you ?
    There are emotions concealed in my heart
    I try to maintain distance
    But the love only grows stronger
    Why don’t you understand?
    You’re the one who stole my heart
    I still remember
    You were smiling looking at me
    I don’t how you relate to me
    I don’t know how you came?
    But I am lost in your thought
    I sleep thinking of you

    • @SeonaDh
      @SeonaDh 5 років тому +17

      smita thapa wow! Thanks for the translation ❤️

    • @pprismit4603
      @pprismit4603 5 років тому +16

      smita thapa heart touching lyrics, it perfectly matches my situation

    • @ranjansonowal7209
      @ranjansonowal7209 5 років тому +10

      Thnx...😊now I understand d lyrics

    • @nine7220
      @nine7220 5 років тому +9

      Been looking for this, thank you!

    • @dippistha4527
      @dippistha4527 4 роки тому +13

      can you make yt videos of nepali songs with engs lyrics or translate it? i think you will get good number of views

  • @k_kzzz
    @k_kzzz 4 роки тому +91

    I dont know mean of this song but I like to listen,Im feeling good. From Thailand🇹🇭💕

  • @indaranayaju2262
    @indaranayaju2262 Рік тому +2

    Aaj kal sundai chu ma yo geet..music sabda swor awesome yar kati mitho k...jati sune pani agaoudina...thanks swopna suman yati mitho geet dinu vayo...i loved it..

  • @eaglenestwildlifesanctuary6829
    @eaglenestwildlifesanctuary6829 6 років тому +28

    The lyrics the music the voice the beats....everything is so perfect ...
    Just close Ur eyes and listen...

  • @swoopner_susang8229
    @swoopner_susang8229 3 роки тому +33

    Sadhai hjur ko yaad ma yo geet sunxu swoopna❤
    Soonest 45 millons views😇

  • @ringjalibodo
    @ringjalibodo 5 років тому +37

    Swoopna's voice is a miracle...attck straight right into the heart .😍..all your songs is a dream come true😍 wanna meet you

  • @isharyt2007
    @isharyt2007 Рік тому +58

    60 million🔥!!!!! What a number 😵💥....salute to swoopna dai 👏

  • @mariakimaviles9973
    @mariakimaviles9973 6 років тому +361

    I'm not from Nepal but I think it's really a good song after hearing the whole song. This only proves that Nepal folks are very talented.. and awesome. 👍

  • @tilakramchaudhari9085
    @tilakramchaudhari9085 2 роки тому +23

    I listened this song at my car today for the first time and I just feel in love with this song 💖. There are very less songs which directly touch my heart ❣️ and it is one of them. It gives me another pleasure and relaxness.

  • @hemantprasad243
    @hemantprasad243 3 роки тому +36

    This song is as soothing as it gets. Can't understand much though!..a new fan from India ❤️

  • @drishya0_0
    @drishya0_0 Рік тому +112

    6 years... This song still hits as before❤️‍🩹

  • @chinudas7229
    @chinudas7229 2 роки тому +50

    This song has a separate fan base here in India. Just love it❣️

  • @Sanatandharma-kz9zh
    @Sanatandharma-kz9zh 6 років тому +74

    no need of hollywood n bollywood when we’ve got these kind of music here ❤️❤️

  • @Rose-ec3wp
    @Rose-ec3wp 7 років тому +20

    The softness u have in ur voice😇😇😇... And yeah its lyrics🤗🤗🤗...

  • @asmitashrestha4904
    @asmitashrestha4904 10 місяців тому +1129

    Who is listening in 2024..?
    Thanks for 635 likes😻

  • @swoopner_susang8229
    @swoopner_susang8229 4 роки тому +384

    3 years huna lagyo yo geet released vako aaba xito vanda xito 40 millions pugosh😭😭hey bhagwan!🙏lots of love swoopna❤

  • @shrijanakhatri9118
    @shrijanakhatri9118 5 років тому +51

    The words and every lyrics of this song is just heart touching 😍😘
    It's just wow❤️

  • @saradsherchan2333
    @saradsherchan2333 4 роки тому +33

    Swoopna Suman is the real artist
    We will love forever,...💞💞💞❤💛💜💓

  • @mainuboro6978
    @mainuboro6978 Рік тому +86

    My ex was Nepali ... I met him in 2013❤️... But we broke up due to intercaste problem... I love Nepali songs it reminds me of him ...I hope he is happy with his family😊 ...and yeah I still miss u alot mayalu ...🥀

    • @nasib2262
      @nasib2262 Рік тому +5

      where r u from?

    • @nizx_9jpx
      @nizx_9jpx 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@nasib2262i think India

    • @RideWithRdee
      @RideWithRdee 8 місяців тому

      Relatable 😊

    • @bondonateronpi1549
      @bondonateronpi1549 5 місяців тому

      Same story bro… 😊 even I met him in 2013.
      I hope he is happiest person too❤

  • @Aago436
    @Aago436 4 роки тому +1804

    Who else is listening this song during lockdown.....😂😂😂....love it....😍😍😍

  • @sofiagiri8419
    @sofiagiri8419 7 років тому +42

    the lyrics it superb.. it has
    all the meaning #crush song
    n ur voice love it 😘😘😘

  • @bandanarai3623
    @bandanarai3623 4 роки тому +39

    The more I listen to this song the more I fall in luv with the song ..♥️

  • @paldenlama2769
    @paldenlama2769 Рік тому +17

    5 yrs back I used to sing this song for my crush and now how far we both came with each other and now he sings this song for me or whenever I'm upset .. After we had a fight we didn't talked for 1 day and he sang this song for me and soo we are quite happy together 😊💖.. My love for him will never be less ❤

    • @chandratamang2487
      @chandratamang2487 4 місяці тому

      17 weeks since we stopped talking with eachother😢😢

  • @henishashahi7133
    @henishashahi7133 5 років тому +23

    Fantastic voice, amazing lyrics and very talented boy.😊🤗😘

  • @kshamac5188
    @kshamac5188 4 роки тому +148

    I am from India and I love your voice...😍
    I understand some of the words as I know Hindi but some of it I didn't get it...😢
    But your voice is magical and this song pleasing to soul 😘

    • @animeshsh07
      @animeshsh07 3 роки тому +2

      It's ok if u don't understand just feel the song ❤️🥺

    • @bipinrijal6419
      @bipinrijal6419 3 роки тому

      @@animeshsh07 yeah!❤️

    • @allnepalvibes3210
      @allnepalvibes3210 2 роки тому

      Here is the cute reaction video for the cute couple

  • @ayanokouji3676
    @ayanokouji3676 7 років тому +69

    yo song sunera feri crush ko maya lagna aatisako awsome work bro... much love

  • @laxmanbabu299
    @laxmanbabu299 27 днів тому +2

    Brings back my college life memories .... I will never get tried of this... absolutely masterpiece❤❤

  • @mildmoodcreation
    @mildmoodcreation 2 роки тому +133

    Congratulations to the whole team for making the first Nepali lyrical video to cross 50million views on UA-cam.❤️👏🇳🇵✨

  • @bishnukattel8668
    @bishnukattel8668 5 років тому +61

    Close your eyes and feel the lyrics❤️😍
    Lyrics, music and composition perfect.
    Goosebumps ✌️🤟

    • @mamatapoudel838
      @mamatapoudel838 5 років тому

      Yep it gave me goosebumps when I closed my eyes😍😍🤗🤗❣️❣️

  • @naeemrocker4238
    @naeemrocker4238 3 роки тому +52


  • @bishalbhandari8684
    @bishalbhandari8684 Рік тому +7

    When people though about their love once they come here for there feeling...... So thank you for this masterpiece bro😘😘

  • @yamato59__
    @yamato59__ 4 роки тому +1673

    How many of you still listening to this song in 2020??

  • @mikmarlepcha3393
    @mikmarlepcha3393 3 роки тому +34

    Someone special person sent this link who is very close to my heart! Loved the music, every word are based and matches with our life story. Will be listening always

  • @rupakarki6985
    @rupakarki6985 3 роки тому +27

    This song made me realise what a beautiful language we speak♥️.....

  • @sonybhujel9132
    @sonybhujel9132 Рік тому +5

    There is no time machine to go to the past but old songs like this can takes u back to those old great days where everything's was fine No anxiety ,No depression and No future tension..😊

  • @ManishSharma-ko3se
    @ManishSharma-ko3se 4 роки тому +29

    I remeber her everyday, when this song plays , it is so casual with me these days ....! Keep up your good work..!!

  • @udeengotame5526
    @udeengotame5526 7 років тому +484

    Yo geet ko OFFICIAL Video Chaine Haru la yeta hajir garummm 😄😄

  • @4everkmh
    @4everkmh 3 роки тому +24

    It always reminds me of those wonderful days when i used to go on bike ride with my bf.. hugging him frm the behind and listening to him singing this song for me... heavenly ❤️

  • @Sid-r9e
    @Sid-r9e 5 днів тому +3

    Kahielei purano nahune geet❤

  • @tousifj90
    @tousifj90 7 років тому +416

    I'm Indian Bengali. I am now in love with Nepali songs.

    • @rowmeyshgyawali7325
      @rowmeyshgyawali7325 7 років тому +7

      Tousif Jaman thankss

    • @tousifj90
      @tousifj90 7 років тому +2

      Yes... and I would be kind of you all if you suggest something good.

    • @kushumsubedi7338
      @kushumsubedi7338 7 років тому +2

      Tousif thanks a lot for loving Nepali songs.
      By the way I also like Hindi songs.....

    • @kushumsubedi7338
      @kushumsubedi7338 7 років тому +2

      Tousif, do you understand Nepali?

    • @tousifj90
      @tousifj90 7 років тому +6

      Maile ali ali Nepali auncha 😊... Hope I'm correct

  • @The--rg7bj
    @The--rg7bj 3 роки тому +450

    My girlfriend sent me this song two years ago "still listening to it daily" with no one to translate for she's long gone now,yezh my Nepali babe left me I still wish her all the happiness she deserves ♥️. So she's finally happy with someone else , it's gonna almost three years my love, I always love you the same,

    • @mitomdoley7938
      @mitomdoley7938 3 роки тому +16

      Hope you have found someone else bro best wishes

    • @abhishekbhattacharjee5931
      @abhishekbhattacharjee5931 3 роки тому +7

      same thing happend to me 3 years ago

    • @shylene1502
      @shylene1502 3 роки тому +7

      Sending hugs bro

    • @hiitsshreya
      @hiitsshreya 3 роки тому +12

      The kind of guy almost every girl needs and deserves!🙌
      Sending hope, more positivity and best wishes to you from Nepal. Hope you've found your happiness. If not, I hope you'll soon find one real soon! ✨

    • @bhawanikc4407
      @bhawanikc4407 2 роки тому +4

      Lots of love respected Divine Soul...lovely heart...may God bless you always..my best wishes from the inner core of my heart ! 🙏💚🌹🙇‍♀️

  • @afnansohrab4057
    @afnansohrab4057 7 років тому +762

    love from Bangladesh 😍😍 even though i don't understand the meaning i feel it so heart touching and i remeber my crush 😻😻

  • @Duminee
    @Duminee 2 роки тому +261

    Here are 100 reasons to live
    Small talk with strangers
    The happy moments that only last a few seconds
    The smiles from small children
    The memories with animals
    Eating you favorite food
    The excitement of the fairs
    Vacations with your family
    Getting your first car
    Graduating highschool
    Getting into a good college
    Graduating college
    Starting your new career path
    The smell of winter
    Hanging out with friends
    Job promotions
    Pumpkin Pie
    Thanksgiving Dinner
    Black Friday
    Sleep overs
    Catching your dreams
    Binge watching on Netflix
    First Date
    First Kiss
    Christmas Morning
    New Years
    New Discoveries
    Rainy Days
    Blankets coming out of the dryer on a cold morning
    New relationships
    A nice cup of tea
    Reading a good book
    Drinking coffee on an early morning
    The joy of being sarcacstic
    Hidden talents
    Small acomplishments
    The mystery of the fog
    The fantasy of going to never land
    Baby showers
    The big blue ocean
    Inside jokes with friends
    Family reunions
    walking around with colorful fuzzy socks
    Being able to wear whatever you want around your house
    The comfortable silence between two people
    snow ball fights
    The tooth fairy
    Jumping over waves
    The pure laughter from someone
    Star gazing
    Being weird
    Being diffrent
    Being unqiue
    Being Yourself
    Listening to you favorite song
    Singing in the shower
    Being a complete goofball with your best friend
    Having a good personality
    The calm before any storm
    The sound of thunder
    Looking up at a full moon
    The feeling over proudness
    The smell of coffee in the morning
    Writing Stories
    2-3am talks with someone
    Completing a hard task
    The sound of the fire cracking on a summers night
    Walking in the words on a spring afternoon
    Jumping in leaf piles
    Climbing trees
    The moments when you say " Did everyone see that? Cause I am not doing that again"
    The feeling of wrapping yourself in a fuzzy and soft blanket
    The look of a made bed
    Watching the leaves fall
    Long warm baths
    The smell of fresh fruit
    Waking up to no alarm clock
    Never giving up
    Seeing a double rainbow
    Making one with your demons
    Seeing the sunrise
    Proving people worng
    Being able to take risks
    Being the light in every room that you walk into to, because no matter what people tell you you're amazing in every single way possible.
    If you read until the end please consider checking my channel

  • @mehbuba_m599
    @mehbuba_m599 4 роки тому +237

    This song send me a Nepali friend I am loving this song but can't understanding the meaning but still love this song ❤️❤️ btw I'm from Bangladesh 🇧🇩

    • @minalagrawal1582
      @minalagrawal1582 4 роки тому +16

      Meaning of the song by the way I didn't write it I copied it from someone's comment
      The night is very dark
      Why does it seem never-ending today?
      I kept tossing and turning a hundred times
      But can’t sleep
      The moon is shining like usual
      But why does it hide in the clouds and tease me?
      Yes, I talked to you after so long
      But it’s been ages since I gave you my heart
      Like always our conversation remained incomplete
      I was to tell you my feelings but it hid in my heart
      How do I tell you?
      There’s a magic in your eyes
      There’s a different feeling in the way u smile
      Why don’t you understand?
      Why did you steal my heart?
      I still remember
      The first time you touched me
      I don’t know how you relate to me
      I don’t know how you came?
      But I am lost in your thought
      I sleep thinking of you
      La la la la la la......
      It’s very cold weather
      But my heart is warm
      Why do I gaze vacantly hugging the pillow?
      Look the breeze is blowing
      My heart palpitates
      Why do I see you in front of my eyes?
      Yes, I am talking to you after a long time
      Why can’t you see I have given you my heart
      How do I express to you?
      There are emotions concealed in my heart
      I try to maintain distance
      But the love only grows stronger
      Why don’t you understand?
      You’re the one who stole my heart
      I still remember
      You were smiling looking at me
      I don’t how you relate to me
      I don’t know how you came?
      But I am lost in your thought
      I sleep thinking of you

    • @SamiunNafis
      @SamiunNafis 4 роки тому +4

      Same here, one of my nepali friend suggested this song to me🇧🇩 And I'm also Bangladeshi

  • @timelapsenepal9347
    @timelapsenepal9347 7 років тому +231

    Din din ko sunxha yo geet
    Eta hajir garum na✌

  • @bibekitani8401
    @bibekitani8401 7 років тому +202

    yo geet swoopna bro le 11 class ma aafno crush lai lekhnu vayeko ra uhale bekta garna nasakta huna aipugeko! He was afraid if she ends up friendship with him. Good one . Loved it

  • @ashishjoshi001
    @ashishjoshi001 Рік тому +3

    I met her, at my institute's classes and my first sight I felt for her.
    She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I barely talk to her but Love you, Siri 🥰💖❤
    UA-cam randomly suggested me this masterpiece and ever since I have listened to this.
    Share your story about how you got to know this song 😊😊😊 0:27

  • @lightyagamis
    @lightyagamis 6 років тому +96

    Music is really soothing and pleasing,
    Nepal ❤️ from Holland

  • @bless_yourself6920
    @bless_yourself6920 3 роки тому +234

    Just wanted to drop so that if someone likes it i will be reminded of this masterpiece✌🙇💖

    • @profex_moneylap8212
      @profex_moneylap8212 3 роки тому

      facebook.com/prayfornepalese/ Like share garana la❤️

    • @Bored45
      @Bored45 9 місяців тому

      You're welcome

  • @nitin_agrawal
    @nitin_agrawal 6 років тому +65

    General I don't listen to Nepali song,but this song compelled me to follow every Nepali songs!!

  • @gamerisgoingtodogamingwith8333
    @gamerisgoingtodogamingwith8333 2 роки тому +137

    Leaving this comment as a remainder that I heard this song in 2022/09/07 and whenever someone likes this comment I will come back and listen to this song. Btw love each and every line of this song . One of the best nepali songs I have ever heard. This deserves more than 200 million views.

  • @timmy3489
    @timmy3489 7 років тому +119

    Ma dhere dhere man paryo though I'm not a Nepali, first time Nepali song I listen like crazy, the singer 😻😻😻major crush now ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @Menazlodhi6
    @Menazlodhi6 4 роки тому +489

    I love this song because my mother is from Nepal.. She married to my Kashmiri Father ❤ I dedicate this song to their eternal Love❤
    Soo much love❤️ thank you❤️
    Wish your Life is filled with moments where u can hear romantic songs all the time🌸💗

  • @munnuteyung7590
    @munnuteyung7590 5 років тому +43

    Hats off swoopna bro
    ||RESPECT|| ✊
    U r legend
    Luv frm uk xx

  • @nepanime4641
    @nepanime4641 Рік тому +11

    60 million views ko lagi dherai dherai subhakamana ❤🎉

  • @TVrims
    @TVrims 7 років тому +2877

    Big fan broo!

    • @sagaradhikari67
      @sagaradhikari67 7 років тому +41

      AAYUSH RIMAL timi pani ??

    • @durgashrestha7094
      @durgashrestha7094 7 років тому +33

      Yeah!!!! 😍

    • @sakshyataaryal8504
      @sakshyataaryal8504 7 років тому +22

      love love love❤

    • @sakshyataaryal8504
      @sakshyataaryal8504 7 років тому +17

      Sudeep Dhakal if you don't know the reason behind it don't be over smart!!
      go get some life Cheapo!!

    • @sakshyataaryal8504
      @sakshyataaryal8504 7 років тому +20

      Sudeep Dhakal tauko vai!!
      if you don't know to respect talent of one. you just can't humiliate it too!!
      haters gonna hate👊fans always gonna love & respect

  • @blossom_playz713
    @blossom_playz713 3 роки тому +34

    His voice is so relaxing and omg this is the best song ever i have never ever heard

  • @subhekshadhungana7458
    @subhekshadhungana7458 6 років тому +781

    2019 ma sunne Ni hajir garum😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘

    • @nripeshpoudel2936
      @nripeshpoudel2936 6 років тому +7

      Bichara, koi hajir vaenxan.. La ma vaideye.😂

    • @subhekshadhungana7458
      @subhekshadhungana7458 6 років тому +1

      @@nripeshpoudel2936 hahaha aati k aboo😂😂😂😂

    • @nripeshpoudel2936
      @nripeshpoudel2936 6 років тому +3

      @@subhekshadhungana7458 lala aru geetma ni estai hajir bala post haldai janu. Kasaile ta garlan ni like ra comment, ani afno comment ni comment box ko mathi aula. Maile vete vane chai gardinxu.😂

    • @iBex06
      @iBex06 5 років тому +1

      Yes miss

    • @deepeshkhadka1923
      @deepeshkhadka1923 5 років тому

      @@subhekshadhungana7458 Loh ma hajir vya hehe

  • @neupnick7645
    @neupnick7645 10 місяців тому +119

    Anyone in 2024??😂❤

  • @nikitanepal9033
    @nikitanepal9033 4 роки тому +123

    this song never gets old
    Best song ever , this song relaxes everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @mamataadhikari90
    @mamataadhikari90 6 років тому +19

    Kasari bhanu tmilai swoopna ..
    Tmro sweet voice ma hamlai attract jadu xa ..

  • @dipakgharti874
    @dipakgharti874 4 роки тому +500

    40 Million views in nepal wow😱❤️😍only 3 yrs🇳🇵

    • @thebossvegeta7202
      @thebossvegeta7202 4 роки тому +26

      if cross 20million+ views in Nepal means world is watching this song too

    • @justaneetlol8715
      @justaneetlol8715 4 роки тому +7

      @@thebossvegeta7202Its dose mean some country's people are watching this song but most of the views are form Nepali its because Nepali people are watching it again again every day

    • @rajesbudha5228
      @rajesbudha5228 4 роки тому +10

      😂😂140M in 3 yrs for kutuma kutu

    • @srijanarai4317
      @srijanarai4317 3 роки тому +2

      Big fan sir aig fan

    • @UnDERDoGGAmIngMUSIc
      @UnDERDoGGAmIngMUSIc 3 роки тому +9

      How many years will your mother live ??
      1.) Ignore = 0 years ❌
      2.) 1 subscribe = 100 years ✅..

  • @coragff2868
    @coragff2868 Рік тому +6

    I just heard this song from friends five years ago and it is still on my favourite playlist. Thank you channel arbitrary for presenting this beautiful song to us.

  • @tshetenbhutia248
    @tshetenbhutia248 6 років тому +33

    Indeed his voice give me goosebumps 😆. .......
    I would listen this song continuously.

  • @SamiunNafis
    @SamiunNafis 4 роки тому +51

    One of my Nepali friend suggested me this song. I didn't understand anything but this song is awesome 🇧🇩❤

  • @SubbaeYT
    @SubbaeYT 6 років тому +23

    Awesome music and a lyrics too.
    Swoopna sunam you are not made for music,music is made for you.
    Lots of love from Teesta valley Tea Garden,Darjeeling,India.

    • @SubbaeYT
      @SubbaeYT 6 років тому

      ashok rai same goes to you bro.Ani mero channel pani subscribe gardinu hai varkhar kholeko ho.

    • @unikaghale183
      @unikaghale183 6 років тому

      very nice

  • @basanta6120
    @basanta6120 Рік тому +13

    Can smell my childhood here😅
    It was somewhere around my 6th& 7th class when this song was released & since then this has been one of the songs so close to my heart. A song that i could identify even with a little chord of guitar as well. A lot of memories roll in front of my eyes while listening to this song

  • @linustensab8668
    @linustensab8668 5 років тому +990

    2020 ma pani yo geet herchu ra sunchu vanne yeta hajir ham ta 👋👋👋👋

  • @rupeshkhatri8794
    @rupeshkhatri8794 5 років тому +16

    Whenever i listen to this song someone especial person comes in my thought!! I still love her because she is in my thought😔😔😔!! And love this song😍😊...

  • @beekashkapri7608
    @beekashkapri7608 2 роки тому +27

    This song still hits hard ❤️❤️
    Never gets old 🇳🇵

  • @kamaladhakal1249
    @kamaladhakal1249 2 роки тому +20

    Leaving this comment here as a reminder. So that whenever someone likes it, I'll come back and
    listen to this one.

  • @swornimathapachhetri6904
    @swornimathapachhetri6904 7 років тому +336

    swoopna :* u jst awsm ,,, a very talented artist , and my dear crush , much love, wishing well for u and ur dreams

  • @gloryramde4394
    @gloryramde4394 3 роки тому +27

    Everytime I listened this makes my heart feels at ease 😘😘😘 just love it

  • @Rahul.Rawat.
    @Rahul.Rawat. 5 років тому +30

    Falling in love with your voice
    Can't even say anything but you nailed it 👍👍😍😍😍

  • @raviaryal
    @raviaryal 2 місяці тому +1

    7 yrs of listening this creation now im learning the song !! Playing song by self is like making extraordinary connections to the song ! Thqnkyou god

  • @Alwaystrytoimprove
    @Alwaystrytoimprove 3 роки тому +53

    48 millions = 4.8 core 💪🔥
    Listen more than total population of Nepal 🔥❤️💪👑👑🥰🤩📳
    Great song 👌👑👑🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💕

  • @Anilshrestha890
    @Anilshrestha890 3 роки тому +228

    I miss my friends ❤
    We used to sing this song every Friday in school❤🥺

  • @minitamang7859
    @minitamang7859 4 роки тому +18

    This is becoming my favorite song😍❤️

  • @santosh4146
    @santosh4146 26 днів тому +2

    When he said ajhai yad xa timle malai herdai muskurayeako .. I'm crying😢

  • @devthakali8096
    @devthakali8096 3 роки тому +378

    Disclaimer: This song is addictive❤

  • @supriya8421
    @supriya8421 7 років тому +30

    when I listen this song...my heart start to beat faster and faster....just wanna.. say love you and miss you punte😘

    @WHITEWOLVESGAMING 4 роки тому +31

    ❤️❤️when I send to my crush , she became my love❤️❤️ she is the one whom I want to tell this song. Thank swoopna suman to make my love successful❤️❤️💕

  • @dilthapa3815
    @dilthapa3815 2 роки тому +3

    It's TRUE love never lies, But sometimes emotions existed, Beautiful hearing this son for a long while

  • @SAUJAN69-q7r
    @SAUJAN69-q7r 3 роки тому +55

    I'm 99 % sure this song isn't recommend in your YT. You searched this 💝
    Heart 💝 touching song 🌟

  • @SubinPailk
    @SubinPailk 6 років тому +136

    मिठो धुन अनी गीत । 0:34 फेरिसके, उकार सबै बिग्रेछ ।

    • @kamalathapa7994
      @kamalathapa7994 6 років тому +7

      Subin Pailk shut up Mila xa

    • @NiscosFun
      @NiscosFun 3 роки тому

      @Jermaine Zander bot spam bot report

    • @Cricket_Sansar2.0
      @Cricket_Sansar2.0 3 роки тому

      खुट्टा तान्नेको कमि छैन नेपालमा😏😏

    • @onlyhumanity6148
      @onlyhumanity6148 3 роки тому

      Ke ho ukaar vaneko?? Music sanga related term ho ki vyaakaran ko ukaar ho??

  • @neelamjyak7408
    @neelamjyak7408 7 років тому +23

    fall in love wid this song....😍😍😍😍lot of love...