The Ask Project interview on The Weekly Squeeze With Chanale

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @prescottlange
    @prescottlange Рік тому +19

    Corey represented himself very well in this interview.

  • @yan465
    @yan465 Рік тому +5

    As an Israeli, I really appreciate your content. Your ability to confront with the problem with such intelligence and understanding is truly impressive. I think you would be an excellent candidate for politics here. Keep up the excellent work!

  • @homosapien.a6364
    @homosapien.a6364 Рік тому +6

    hey Corey!
    That was a great interview!
    I’d love listening to you talking for hours!
    Do more like this or find people who can interview you :)

  • @jeyzi8487
    @jeyzi8487 Рік тому +5

    Chanale needed that conversation with Corey. She is frankly deluding herself.

  • @RalfAnodin
    @RalfAnodin Рік тому +3

    You’re amazing Corey, I have so much respect for your courage and ability to reach out to not the most confortable territories, be it a Palestinian neighborhood or a identitarian podcast. I very sincerely love you for it. Keep this amazing work going! (Raoul from 🇫🇷)

  • @Lookingforamiracle
    @Lookingforamiracle Рік тому +5

    Omg that woman is so cringe to be honest

  • @viewercjg
    @viewercjg Рік тому +4

    This was great! I certainly hope she does go out on an "Ask" interview project with Corey.

  • @Pedram_k
    @Pedram_k Рік тому +4

    No offense but when she said my "husband is sephardic" I thought she said my husband is farting 😂😂
    Even checked the subtitle and it was the same 😅

    • @minskdhaka
      @minskdhaka Рік тому

      That's 'cause she's saying "My husband is Sfardi", using the Hebrew word instead of the English equivalent.

  • @cherryfairyy
    @cherryfairyy Рік тому +12

    Wow... She really said that the entire country belongs to them and Palestinians need to just get out and move to another country??? While smiling?? Wtf ... :'( I'm losing faith in humanity at the entitlement and lack of empathy in humans... Glad Corey doesn't think that way though.. I literally don't even understand her mindset at all. Anyone in the world that is Jewish can move to Isreal but people that have lived in Palestine for generations and legit don't have anything else or any resources need to just get out because?? Like does she even have a justification or is the mindset just "because I can"???

    • @Discoursivist
      @Discoursivist Рік тому

      Usually the (terrible) justification is that Palestinians will always want to push the Jews into the sea and they will never agree to live alongside Jews in peace so there is no choice. Many also literally don't think two steps into their argument - they just regurgitate that Arabs have dozens of countries and they can live anywhere without thinking that what they actually advocating is forcing millions of people out of their homes and the lands they grew up in.

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +5

      If she said it , shes right :)
      The pastalini ar abs have 22 other states.

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +1

      @@Discoursivist it is well known that the genocidal pastalini are just trying to hand out baklawas and not cut the throats of kids for being je wish.

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Рік тому +6

      The Arab part of the mandate area is on the other side of the river.

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      These r the “moderate Jews” the support ethnic cleaning support daily terror of Palestinians so they can leave then claim to b victims and the only victims

  • @callummcmac4079
    @callummcmac4079 Рік тому +3

    She's very different than Corey, she treats Judaism like a gang, but also hinting that it's better than Islam at one point (Which one is better? She asked.) in the video and this is the main reason why there is conflicts, when you believe you're better than someone, more right or should have more rights you're objective is clear, you're constantly trying to destroy them in these ways, that in my mind, trying to be better or look better will make you treat people lesser than others, in my moral standards this is horrific. I was taught to always go against my own ethnicity if they are in the wrong, to never take sides based on ethnicity because you're then led by corruption and in all religions it goes against this type of corruption.

    • @Firstname_Surname
      @Firstname_Surname 9 місяців тому

      It's difficult to have an independent moral backbone in a world full of tribalism. I don't blame her, but I commend you. Unfortunately, it is simply an unrealistic expectation to have of people.

  • @yoelcalev2763
    @yoelcalev2763 Рік тому +7

    I strongly disagree with Corey's monologue on Canadian vs Jewish values (12:00).
    Fairness and kindness are not a Canadian value, they're universal values, supported by most Palestinian and Israelis Corey talks to.
    Fear of being attacked by others is not uniquely Jewish nor is it a value, its a universal emotion, held by most human beings on the planet.
    Claiming the good values are Canadian while the self preservation motivation is Jewish is wrong, condescending and offensive.

    • @Abilliph
      @Abilliph Рік тому +1

      I agree about the your first point, the value of kindness is universal... But fear of being attacked is WAY stronger in Jews. When Jews travel the world, they are afraid of wearing anything with Hebrew letters.. they are afraid of speaking Hebrew, and revealing they are Jews.. and for a good reason. It's like being ashamed of who you are... Much worse than any other group I know of.. they are definitely more aware of this emotion than most people.

    • @JM-yn8mb
      @JM-yn8mb 9 місяців тому

      I disagree with you. I am Canadian and Jewish. I want a 2 state solution where there is peace and equal rights to all. The Palestinians do not want that. They would rather die than have Jews living on "their" land. Jewish self-preservation is higher than any other people. They have been mercilessly persecuted, pogromed, killed, exiled all over the world for thousands of years. We are taught from an early age that we are the outsider and we will never be looked at as equal. That is why having Israel and our homeland back is so important. So that fear can be put away. Those fears came to life during the Holocaust but they existed long before that. In terms of Canada versus Israel, I think Canadians are nice. They want things to be fair. Whereas Israelis think they are the "chosen people" and "god wants them here". I don't think Jews are better than anyone else. But a lot of Israelis would disagree. They think Jews are inherently better than everyone else.

  • @1feloniouspunk
    @1feloniouspunk Рік тому +1

    Brilliant interview. Love you. much respect

  • @Botie2
    @Botie2 Рік тому +7

    " Send them to another country". What Chutzpah from people who the Germans were saying the same about 90 years ago. " Never Again" I guess was only meant for Jews.

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +5

      Chutzpa is being allied with adolf , losing and then crying about it for 70 years

    • @jedimmj11
      @jedimmj11 Рік тому +6

      I mean, Jews were not killing Germans while they dined or slept, so the comparison is kinda despicable.

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      @@jedimmj11the comparison is spot on! Zionism and facism r two faces to same coin! Sending ur 18 yr old children with m16 to occupy, humiliate terrorize and practice apartheid isn’t exactly call for peace! Never again many only for Jews cu Zionism is built on Jewish supremacy

    • @lama5540
      @lama5540 5 місяців тому

      ⁠@@jedimmj11yes jews didn’t kill the the germans they were stronger than them, they immigrated to other country to kill the Palestinians instead

  • @kaminobatto
    @kaminobatto Рік тому +4

    The interviewer asked some very good questions and Corey responded as you would expect him to if you know him, which is what I love about him. And I can see the Canadian values he talks about. As for the interviewer, her views are binary, like many in Israel/Palestine, which is part of the reason why I don't believe there will ever be a civilized win-win situation in this conflict. The naïve narrative of "let them go somewhere else" which is what I hear most of the time on either side shows that there is a lack of maturity, depth, sympathy, or human connection on either side, and as Corey said, everyone is so self-absorbed in their own thinking and own perspective to be enlightened enough to seek a reasonably workable solution. I still see the perfect solution to be a one state ruled by an Israeli government with a fair Arab representation in the Knesset and equal rights to Arab citizens, simply because most Arab governments are plagued with corruption, autocracy, injustice, and authority abuse while Israel stands out as the best example of a true democracy in the region. However, I know that Palestinians will never agree to that, nor will Israelis because each party is stuck in their own mindset based on a lot of baggage over history and in their literature. Palestinians deny the existence of any Jewish prosecution in history and frame it as a Zionist propaganda to legitimize a fake cause, and Jews deny the rights of Palestinians to equally exist in a land that they have inhabited for thousands of years because the Bible says it's their promised land. As long as the narrative is that the existence of one side means the annihilation of the other, things will never change. And the more I see, the more I am convinced that there will never be a solution or an end to this conflict, because at its core, it's a classic tribal conflict of "us versus them" and "we're right, you're wrong" in its purist form if you take away all the shiny nuances that each side use as justifications of their beliefs. Only seculars with open minds and high power who are willing to reconcile and heal from both sides are able to end this conflict if they ever come into power.

  • @ef2718
    @ef2718 Рік тому +5

    Corey is the most suitable person for such a project, good intentions, curiosity, yet poor knowledge of any of the topics related, be it culture, history, religion, politics, geography or even languages, all in all quite the most unbiased person possible.

  • @dogbert52
    @dogbert52 Рік тому +1

    All in all a fantastic interview.

  • @breatharian2009
    @breatharian2009 Рік тому +3

    Give Corey a good grilling. He deserves it!

  • @cherryfairyy
    @cherryfairyy Рік тому +9

    I hope the interviewer opens her mind more.. it's good that she's at least making the first step and trying to understand though ..from a complete outsiders perspective I can't imagine having my family killed by an occupation and having to listen to ppl just ignore it and say their side is always the right one..

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому +5

      It goes both ways. There are people killed by Palestinian terrorists. They usually don’t show them on the mainstream news. There are 3500 CIVILIAN Israelis killed during peaceful time by Palestinian terrorists, yes, there are many children among them. And this is continuing. There is also countless injured. I feel bad for the Palestinian victims, but I wish people would feel for the Israeli and not justify it with “occupation”, because if Israelis had security, Palestinians would have their own state long time ago.

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      @@hpyrkh3really what do u have in jenin? What Jews live in Howarra?? Are Palestinians in Howarra Israeli citizens! What is Israeli police doing trying to arrest Palestinians? And when Amman Mufleh a 22 yr old was resisting his arrests by an occupation police he got assasinated/ murdered. There is two sides, both sides don’t b delusional! Ur own faith ur holidays ia all about how Jews r always victims or targets that u believe all these lies

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      Can u imagine ur family being spoken about as sheep that the need to move to another country so that supremacist can take their place? She knows the truth very well she indirectly admitted it they don’t want peace they want Palestinians to leave and everything they do is to make Palestinian lives miserable so they can leave

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому

      @@dannyh7894 no, you turned everything upside down. They want Palestinians to leave BECAUSE Palestinians can’t live in peace with Israelis. I used to be for two states solution, but seeing what happened with Gaza, no thank you. It would be better, if some nice rich Arab country welcomed them. It doesn’t have to be brutal or traumatic. I mean, how can moving to UAE or America be more traumatic than staying in the middle of conflict? I guess, as always, the problem is the Palestinian leadership. Those guys have villas, load of cash and unlimited power, they are ok with “occupation” as long as they get money for it.

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому

      @@dannyh7894 well, it is not in my religion, but it is non Jews who like to pick on us. I mean, it’s always unfair.
      Muslims have a stronghold in Saudi Arabia and dozens of countries. No one complains. Jews have one country and are berated for not accepting everyone of every other religion and giving them equal voting rights.
      Jews had to move from country to country and say “thank you” for being second class citizens instead of being slaughtered. When Muslims fled the war they themselves started, Jews have to let them in, and God forbid to ask a few arabs move to Jordan.
      On the other hand, if Jews suffer somewhere, Israel absorbs them. If Muslims suffer in Israel, you guys have to harass Israel into oblivion.
      To your question. Palestinians come to Israel and commit murders and terror. I have witnessed it (a blown up bus, before the separation wall was built), I have worried about a loved one because of this. I can’t help, but wish that the bad guys in jenin would be arrested BEFORE they murder another Jew. Is it perfect? Do I claim that IDF never makes mistakes, or that there are no bad apples there? No. But, you can’t say that, in general, Palestinians are just innocent victims and don’t do anything wrong to Israel and Israelis just harass them and kill them because Israelis are sadistic.

  • @cholponkudus8719
    @cholponkudus8719 Рік тому +4

    Can you ask Palestinians, do they like to do DNA test to know true origins. And what they think who they ancestors could be?

  • @hpyrkh3
    @hpyrkh3 Рік тому +5

    Fair is for every ethnic or religious group to have their own place to live, the safe place. Muslims and Arabs have A LOT of space to live and practice their religion and customs. Christians do too. These two groups have that much land not because of any merit, but because they conquered the land, murdered multitudes and subjugated a lot of people. Jews didn’t busy themselves with conquest and now it is only FAIR to let them have their piece of land where they will decide how to live. The arrogance and hypocrisy of the western claim to be fair is amazing. Canada is a part of Christendom!! A part of British commonwealth, which is HUGE! It would be fair for Canadians and other westerners to try to live like Israelis live before deciding what justice is and what fair is. Try to live in a small land, under constant threat of war and terrorism and have NO OTHER COUNTRY TO GO TO. With all due respect to particularities of Palestinian culture, even if they view themselves different from Syrians and Egyptians, at least they have Jordan as their majority country. Though, I have a feeling Palestinians would fit in in many other places in the Middle East with their look, culture and religion being pretty much identical to those places.

    • @lama5540
      @lama5540 5 місяців тому

      Just because it happened centuries ago doesn’t meant it’s right, also 20 and 21 century logic is different than the old.

  • @angelajohnson2830
    @angelajohnson2830 9 місяців тому

    You’ve helped me appreciate some of the subtle details that only a person who is over there would detect

  • @rygguy88888
    @rygguy88888 7 місяців тому

    Self absorbed is spot on , including me lol

  • @riccardopusceddu6232
    @riccardopusceddu6232 7 місяців тому

    The solution to the conflict will come only when the Palestinians will understand that the more they try to get land back, the more land they'll lose.

  • @tigrisrgn4062
    @tigrisrgn4062 Рік тому +2

    i want to see your translator where is she?

    • @masterxmasterx7197
      @masterxmasterx7197 Рік тому +1

      i saw him with her live on the street once while i was passing by, she is unexpectedly huge and tall and older than she sounds like, unfortunately i didn't take a photo of them

    • @tigrisrgn4062
      @tigrisrgn4062 Рік тому

      @@masterxmasterx7197 lmao really, she is amazigh/barbaric right?

    • @masterxmasterx7197
      @masterxmasterx7197 Рік тому

      @@tigrisrgn4062 no, she is palestinian, dark hair, brown eyes, white face, a typical christian palestinian girl

    • @tigrisrgn4062
      @tigrisrgn4062 Рік тому

      @@masterxmasterx7197 oh really? i thought she was jewish

    • @masterxmasterx7197
      @masterxmasterx7197 Рік тому

      @@tigrisrgn4062 i visit bethlehem more often, hopefully i'll encounter them again and i'll take a photo of them

  • @vergo1259
    @vergo1259 Рік тому +2

    Corey can you enter a Synagogue and ask the Rabbis about if the practice of Usury is kosher.

  • @cessealbeach
    @cessealbeach Рік тому

    Corey! Not Fake News. Thank You

  • @5Gazto
    @5Gazto Рік тому +2

    Yeah, everyone needs to listen to relaxing music and chill out, not stone themselves since some of them seem to have the reasoning skills of a junkie already.

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    "The SIDDIS OF JANJIRA descended from AFRICANS who arrived in GUJARAT in 1489.
    “These were BLACK JEWS, DESCENDANTS OF AFRICAN SLAVES, who had left COCHIN and KERALA in SOUTHERN INDIA, to settle on that coast. The SIDDIS, HABSHIS and KAFFIRS were shipped by Cargo Slave Ships from these African countries to locations in Indian states of Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Hyderabad and Makran and Karachi in Pakistan.”
    Source: The Lost Tribes A Myth by Allen H. Godbey Pg.341-343

  • @JM-yn8mb
    @JM-yn8mb 9 місяців тому

    To Corey's point. I love how the immediate thought by Palestinians is he picks dumb Palestinians and smart Israelis. Or maybe the education system is better in Israel and they learn more about history than religion...

  • @cherryfairyy
    @cherryfairyy Рік тому +6

    I feel like people are arguing so much over semantics.. what it says in different religious books... Who lived there 6000 years ago... And yeah I'm not saying those conversations can't be had but isn't the most important thing how people are currently being effected ? I cannot imagine my family living somewhere for generations and someone coming in and kicking us out and saying they are the rightful owners .. I enjoyed hearing him talk but her attitude came off as she thinks she knows everything and laughing about it in a sneering way instead of trying to be compassionate and UNDERSTANDing all sides..

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Рік тому +6

      Most of the so called "Palestinians" arrived from around the MENA within relatively recent history. (UNRWA considers them to be eternal "Palestinian" "ref u geez" if they were there as little as 2 yrs before 48). And they were "kicked out" [most actually left of their own volition] to avoid the war they choose to start, rather than accepting the state they never had before and picking peace from day one. So, no offense, but you are the one that's not "UNDERSTANING all sides". Like for example you're not getting that to "Palestinians" peaceful coexistence with a Jewish nation equals defeat, or that their very identity as "Palestinians" wouldn't exist, but for use as a weapon against Israel. As for not being compassionate enough. If people obsessed with your demise, fabricated a fictitious identity for the express purpose of facilitating that goal, and used it to falsely demonize you every second of every day for endless decades, while concurrently using it to justify randomly k//ng members of your society on a regular basis, would you have "compassion" for that?

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      @@starhopper1706give one study just one that says Palestinians r not Levantine and All r from Saudi 😅 cuz I can give u plenty that Jews particularly AJ r not connected to ancient Israelites! 1500 yrs ago there were 1 million Samaritans where did they go? Palestinian Christians r they from Saudi also 😅. When ur so desperate u make up arguments from ur ass

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Рік тому +5

      @@dannyh7894 First of all, I said nothing about "all from Saudi". Secondly, who gives a f either way. It's your hostility that is the issue, so who cares where or what you are when that's the issue? As for the final part, you really are good at projection. Too bad it's such a useless "skill".

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +1

      So suddenly , when its uncomfortable to your genocidal ambitions , history dosnt matter?

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      @@starhopper1706 history offcource it matters! But proof matters more prove ur lineage dating 2000 yrs back! If we r imaginary ppl It should be easy for u to provide one study that confirms Palestinians not native to levant!! It’s 2022 unfortunately for u Science is used to validate history! Ur Torah is not a history book! Answer the question

  • @GlobetrotterBR
    @GlobetrotterBR Рік тому +9

    Corey joked about some people seeing him as a naive Canadian Ashkenazi, but that's how I see him too. He doesn't know yet that he is a target for terrorists, as all Israelis are, especially Jews.

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      Why don’t u make a holiday of it! Bohoo Jews are always victims and targets for no reason the Roman’s the Babylonians they dogs the cows

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Рік тому +5

      @@dannyh7894 Projection

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +4

      @@dannyh7894 im sorry for your loss in ww2 and the rest of the genocidal attempts on the je ws. Keep on trying habibi :))

    • @dannyh7894
      @dannyh7894 Рік тому

      @@dogbert52 😂😂😂 really I thought we don’t exist! We’re u fighting imaginary “anti-semites” again

    • @solvingpolitics3172
      @solvingpolitics3172 Рік тому +2

      @@dannyh7894Typical Islamic cry bully. You exist, you are real Arabs. Name your contributions to the world? Name your leader before Arafat and the KGB invented you?

  • @starhopper1706
    @starhopper1706 Рік тому +21

    "If you can convince them" ... Wrong approach, Corey. Waiting for Arabs to be reasonable (or peaceful) is the equiv of waiting for Godot. They must be worked around, not with (which they've made abundantly clear). Any other effort is a waste of time, energy and resources, ntm more likely to make things worse, than better.

    • @ef2718
      @ef2718 Рік тому +1


    • @silver4214
      @silver4214 Рік тому


    • @chugalongway01
      @chugalongway01 Рік тому

      Hey Vancier, it’s not the Palestinians you need to convince. They know what you are, but the rest of the world that your Nazi-like ideology is legitimate. I don’t think the lawfare campaign the Zios are waging against democracy and free speech is going to work.

    • @Pedram_k
      @Pedram_k Рік тому +10

      "They need to be worked around". Wow.
      Isn't it amazing how the people who used to suffer from this kind of discrimination have now came out to be on the other side, using it against others?

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +4

      @@Pedram_k i dont think je ws tried to conquer germany or france. The pastalinis on the other hand.......
      But its cute seeing you try to jutify the holo caust there ,adolf.

  • @dannyh7894
    @dannyh7894 Рік тому +1

    @corey u say ur atheist but most of Jewish history is biblical history! I asked a question telling a Palestinian there was a temple on Al Aqsa if ur an athiest based on what? The Samaritans the true Israelites who preserved ancient Hebrew say that holy site is in Mount Jarazim why is it less credible for u as an athiest!

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Рік тому +6

      Even the Wakf acknowledged the Jewish history and temple in their official 1925 Supreme Muslim Council (Wakf) Guide Book to the Temple Mount. (page 4/paragraph 2 and page 16/paragraph 2). The same description is in the 1950 official Wakf version as well.

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому +3

      Mount Garizim is the place where Moises is meant to have blessed the people and Mount Ebal its negative counterpart. It cannot be the same place Solomon used fo the Temple or it would be mentionned.

  • @callummcmac4079
    @callummcmac4079 Рік тому +1

    LMAO @ 29:20 this lady is xenophobic towards the natives. Pretty jarring.

  • @dealerovski82
    @dealerovski82 Рік тому

    21:45 what is the problem with messianic Jews? or is the hate against them the real problem?

  • @dexav6790
    @dexav6790 Рік тому +2

    من المغرب مرحبا بي خوتي في إسرائيل. مرحبا بي اليهود في بلادهم المغرب .

    • @dexav6790
      @dexav6790 Рік тому +1

      In. Morocco we are proud to be Moroccan Muslim Jewish living in peace . Together forever 🕎

  • @tbishop4961
    @tbishop4961 Рік тому

    I've gotta know who the friend is that gave you the idea about prayer on temple mount

  • @omernoor
    @omernoor Рік тому +4

    I love corwy. Great man Regads from saudu arrabia

  • @TruthSeekerAfrica
    @TruthSeekerAfrica Рік тому

    Interesting thoughts Corey! Not very happy though with the interviewer frequently interrupting your train of thought.

  • @miriambenshimon6029
    @miriambenshimon6029 Рік тому +2

    Two amazing ppl !

  • @arnebarnet9614
    @arnebarnet9614 Рік тому

    What does Israelis think of the concentration camps in China?

    • @CanadianMonarchist
      @CanadianMonarchist Рік тому +1

      I’m sure they can empathize with the people locked up.

  • @iamaformerhistorystudent
    @iamaformerhistorystudent Рік тому +3

    Palestinians are Palestinians although Jordan is the real owner

    • @cherryfairyy
      @cherryfairyy Рік тому +2

      Most countries if u go back far enough had a different country that "owned" it. Does that matter? In my opinion the point is how the people currently living there and who have been living there for generations of family are effected. Genuinely asking

    • @iamaformerhistorystudent
      @iamaformerhistorystudent Рік тому +1

      @@cherryfairyy Bedouin?

    • @silver4214
      @silver4214 Рік тому +3

      "Jordan" is a fake british inventet shithole,
      Fake nation
      Fake dynasty
      Fake geography
      Be a real chad and try to get some, we will liberate more biblical land

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +3

      Why dont they move to jorden?

  • @minskdhaka
    @minskdhaka Рік тому +5

    "I'm very much fearful of the Palestinians," says the host. I stopped watching there.

    • @gordumherseyi
      @gordumherseyi Рік тому +1

      denuclearize pakistan

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому

      Yeah i also dont understand why she fear a genocidal je w hating ji hadi cult...... some people just dont know whats good for them eh?

    • @CanadianMonarchist
      @CanadianMonarchist Рік тому

      If I were Jewish I would be nervous around Palestinians, but I hope I would be kind to them.

  • @zevspitz8925
    @zevspitz8925 Рік тому +1

    16:44 Dr. Mordechai Kedar said in a recent video that the elements of Arab/Palestinian anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism are like vegetables in a salad: each person chooses from an array of vegetables to make their own unique concoction.
    19:40 Perhaps Corey should provide -- separate from the videso themselves -- annotated commentary of what he finds striking or interesting in a given video?
    29:30 The inherent problem with a two-state solution is: how can you be sure you're giving power to people who will legitimately represent Palestinian interests? Oslo failed because Israel and the West negotiated with an arch-terrorist and his like-minded coterie, who ran the PA as their own mafia fiefdom, from which they can and did leech money and political power from the Palestinians without actually doing anything for them.
    This is how Abbas rules the PA, and this is how the Mufti al Husseini ruled as well.
    30:22 The only proposal that actually has any chance of success is Dr. Kedar's Palestine Emirates Program, which says that Israel should negotiate for full autonomy with the local tribal/clan structures. They have a history of actually caring and acting in the interests of their people.

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    "The resident Jews are divided into two classes, called the JERUSALEM OR WHITE JEWS; and THE ANCIENT OR BLACK JEWS. The White Jews reside at this place. The Black Jews have also a Synagogue here; but the great body of that tribe inhabit towns in the interior of the province. I have now seen most of both classes. My inquiries referred chiefly to their antiquity, their manuscripts, and their sentiments concerning the present state of their nation.[i]"
    Source: Claudius Buchanan, Christian Researches in Asia: With Notices of the Translation of the Scriptures into the Oriental Languages (Boston: Published by Samuel T. Armstrong, Cornhill, 1811), which includes a section about Jews in India on pages 164-206

  • @percyrajapaksa4194
    @percyrajapaksa4194 Рік тому +3

    Viva Palestina!!!

  • @minutesock9649
    @minutesock9649 Рік тому +5

    Wow what a hateful woman.

  • @ahmadabdalaziz6302
    @ahmadabdalaziz6302 Рік тому +8

    It's absurd how Channle is so upset of what's called Palestinian terrorism day in and day out, but she is so ignorant about the Israeli terrorism (by the Nazi settlers and Nazi IOF) which is un-matched to a little fraction of what the Palestinians do as a reaction. Open your eyes and be fair to your self and the public, enough of this superimicist western mindset that sees it self above the Palestinian people.

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +4

      From those 2 groups, who was allied with hit ler?
      How many countries do mus lins have and how many do je ws have?

    • @solvingpolitics3172
      @solvingpolitics3172 Рік тому +2

      Religion of Peace:
      12-15 million Blacks enslaved in the Arab world, 50 times the number of Blacks enslaved in all of North America combined.
      50 million Hindus mu r d er Ed in the Muslim invasion of India. Biggest genocide in human history.
      Christianity made the most persecuted religion on earth.
      850,000 Jews ethnically cleansed from Arab countries. Six ter or ist attacks daily against Israel.
      1 million Palestinian Muslims told to leave Israel who were told by Arab countries so Arab armies could m u r der every Jew. Never taken in by Arab countries & left in refugee camps by corrupt Arab governments.
      Buddhists ethnically cleansed from Asian countries.
      2.3 million Muslims k I’ll Ed fighting each other in wars just in the last few decades.
      40,000 Islamic ter or i st attacks all documented on the religion of peace website since 9/11/01 and counting.
      P.S. This does not even include ISIS

    • @solvingpolitics3172
      @solvingpolitics3172 Рік тому +2

      @@dogbert52Please read my post below & distribute it everywhere. The history of gen o ci dal Islam.

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому +3

      Cry me a river about Jews living in Judea. They don't blow up kids and stab grannies in the middle of the street at least.

  • @hpyrkh3
    @hpyrkh3 Рік тому +1

    As other Arab countries become more prosperous and free, like UAE, maybe Palestinians will want to move their by themselves. Or, harass EU to accept suffering Palestinians. They already have experience with Syrians and Ukrainians. A few more Palestinians will not make a huge difference. Or, better yet, Canada! Canada can accept the Palestinians and let them live in renown Canadian fairness.

    • @solvingpolitics3172
      @solvingpolitics3172 Рік тому +3

      Name the contributions they will make to Canada?

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому +2

      @@solvingpolitics3172 same contribution they are currently making to Israel.

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому

      @@solvingpolitics3172on a second thought, I think they will be fine in Canada as long as Canadian govt doesn’t pay them kill anybody. Bottom line, the guilty party is their government.

    • @severalizer4749
      @severalizer4749 Рік тому

      @@hpyrkh3 Palestinians will not be giving up living in their homes, I don't think you understand what a palestinian even is.

    • @hpyrkh3
      @hpyrkh3 Рік тому

      @@severalizer4749 yes, Palestinians used to be the jews. Look up the history.
      Well, don’t speak for everyone. Many families may want to move if compensated enough.

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому +2

    Yahia Ben Rabbi (c.1150 - 1222) (pronounced YAH-hee-yah), also known as YAHIA THE NEGRO, was a PORTUGUESE NOBLEMAN. He was reputed to be a DIRECT DESCENDANT of the HEBREW EXILARCHS of ancient Babylonia (Iraq) that claimed DIRECT DESCENT FROM THE BIBLICAL KING DAVID[1] and was the eponymous progenitor of the Ibn Yahya family.[2]
    Ben Rabbi resided in Lisbon and was respected by SEPHARDIC JEWS as well as by King Afonso I of Portugal, who knighted him for his courage by awarding him the title, "LORD OF THE ALDEIA DOS NEGROS" (English: VILLAGE OF THE NEGROES), and presented him with an estate that had belonged to the MOORS. Ben Rabbi's nickname then became "YAHIA THE NEGRO".

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +3

      We wuz yahiaaaaaaaaa lol

    • @secondexodus9105
      @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

      "The Duchess d'Abrantes, wife of Napoleon's ambassador to Portugal, said that 'the JEW, the NEGRO and the PORTUGUESE Could Be Seen In A SINGLE PERSON.' SO DARK were the Jews, especially of PORTUGAL AND SOUTHERN SPAIN that many WHITES THOUGHT ALL JEWS WERE BLACK OR DARK."
      Source: Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race" by J.A. Rogers, page 123 (1952) Wesleyan University Press

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +3

      @@secondexodus9105 we wuz portugese!!!!!!!!

    • @secondexodus9105
      @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

      @@dogbert52 The eye dwells with delight upon the numerous country villages, LIKE THE 115 TOWNS OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH , and upon the thin forest of palms rising from the tapestry of herbage, here waving, there cut short, which combine to make this spot the Fridaus or Paradise of DAHOME-LAND (DAHOMEY).
      Source: A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome: With Notices of the So Called "Amazons," the Grand Customs, the Yearly Customs, the Human Sacrifices, the Present State of the Slave Trade, and the Negro's Place in Nature, Volumes 1-2 (Michigan State University) 1893 A.D.

    • @secondexodus9105
      @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

      @@dogbert52 EARL OF NOTTINGHAM.
      He has the exterior air of business, and application enough to make him very capable; in his habit and manners very formal; a tall, thin, very BLACK man, like a SPANIARD or JEW; about fifty years old. -He fell in with the Whigs; was an endless talker.
      Source: The Works. Containing Interesting and Valuable Papers, Not ..., Volume 1
      By Jonathan Swift pg.572

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    "He was of a middle size; he had good features in his face, THE SKIN SOMEWHAT BLACK; black curled hair; long eyebrows, and of the Same COLOUR, so that One Might Easily Know By His Looks that he was DESCENDED From PORTUGUESE JEWS. . . . If he was very frugal in his way of living, his conversation was also very sweet and easy."
    Source: The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza: Introduction. Tractatus theologico ...

  • @sabrina9492
    @sabrina9492 Рік тому +3

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤ #peace

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому +6

      Jewish Palestine is almost free, thx for caring

    • @patriotsforisrael3610
      @patriotsforisrael3610 Рік тому +4

      Free Pizza! 🍕

    • @sabrina9492
      @sabrina9492 Рік тому

      Такими комментариями вы просто показываете себя не очень хорошими людьми и представителями своей нации 🫠 cringe people

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому +3

      @@sabrina9492 Arabs have 22 countries, keep crying about Jews having a tiny one and not willing to share it.

    • @levicieux
      @levicieux Рік тому

      ​@@albertdupont3339 europeans have 20+ why do ukrainians even care ?

  • @albertdupont3339
    @albertdupont3339 Рік тому +3

    29:50 "How will we be able to pay them so they move away"
    Very easy, will the belongings arab countries have stolen from sefardic Jews 50 years ago, and if they are 5 times more than then, this is not Israel's problem because they lost 50 years out of fanaticism. Israel should sue them for that too.

    • @callummcmac4079
      @callummcmac4079 Рік тому +1

      Well, they did DNA tests on Lebanese and Palestinians and they share 90% of their DNA with the natives of 4,000+ years ago. So when you say "deport" it's deporting people who are connected to the land for thousands of years. Also, two wrongs don't make a right.

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому

      @@callummcmac4079 "they share 90% of their DNA with the natives of 4,000+ years ago"
      They are native to the region, not especially native to Judea. Also, they already control 99.7% of the Middle East Area, I am pretty sure this is more that enough, for them not to try to grab the last 0.3% from the Jews.

    • @callummcmac4079
      @callummcmac4079 Рік тому

      @@albertdupont3339 I don't understand what you mean, their DNA was 90% identical to people who lived in this area for thousands of years. What do you mean by "they" as there are many ethnicities, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, all DIFFERENT people with unique distinct cultures, I've studied them and many are upset that the Arab language took over their land and that it's a foreign language to Palestinians, Syrians and many other groups of Middle Eastern people.

    • @albertdupont3339
      @albertdupont3339 Рік тому

      ​@@callummcmac4079 "I don't understand what you mean, their DNA was 90% identical to people who lived in this area for thousands of years"
      First off this it wrong, since palestinian names show origins from very different regions such as Kurdistan or Morocco, and they are mixed with invaders like crusaders and more. They overall originate from the Near East, but that doesn't give them any right on the tiny jewish land given they already control 99.7% of the region lands.
      "as there are many ethnicities, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, all DIFFERENT people"
      Jews are a lot more diverse than arabs they still don't ask for one country for every tiny difference between them.
      "'I've studied them and many are upset that the Arab language took over their land"
      No they are not, they totally despise the cultures that existed before islam.

    • @callummcmac4079
      @callummcmac4079 Рік тому

      @@albertdupont3339 Palestinians and Lebanese are one in terms of ethnicity and DNA (On DNA tests) Collected from scientists doing DNA studies: Now that Haber had confirmed who the Canaanites were, he set out to find out what happened to them. He compared their genomes to those of 99 living Lebanese people and hundreds of others in genetic databases. Haber found that the present-day Lebanese population is largely descended from the ancient Canaanites, inheriting more than 90% of their genes from this ancient source. The other 7% may have come from migrants from Central Europe who moved to the Levant around 3000 years ago.

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    He has the exterior air of business, and application enough to make him very capable; in his habit and manners very formal; a tall, thin, very BLACK man, like a SPANIARD or JEW; about fifty years old. -He fell in with the Whigs; was an endless talker.
    Source: The Works. Containing Interesting and Valuable Papers, Not ..., Volume 1
    By Jonathan Swift pg.572

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    "King John II. in 1492, expelled all' the Jews to the island of St. Thomas, which had been discovered in 1471, and to other Portuguese settlements on the continent of Africa; and from THESE BANISHED JEWS, THE BLACK PORTUGUESE, as they are called, and the Jews in Loango, who are despised EVEN BY THE VERY NEGROES, Are Descended. By These Colonists, St. Thomas soon became a considerable place of trade, and valuable for its sugar plantations. Thirty years after their settlement, not less than one hundred and fifty-fix thousand arrobes (of thirty pounds weight each) of sugar were exported ; and the engines of fixty sugar works, Turned By Slaves. These NEGROES were purchased in GUINEA, CONGO, and MANICONGO, and the colonists had plantations furnished with from one hundred and fifty to three thousand NEGROE Slaves.
    Source:The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volumes 57-58

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +3

      We wuz kaaaanggggzzzzz

  • @secondexodus9105
    @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

    "The Jews of Malabar were not a monolithic group, but formed two distinct communities, THE WHITE AND BLACK JEWS. While relations between the Jews and Hindus and other religious and ethnic groups in the region were most friendly, the relationship between the light-skinned and dark-skinned Jews was for centuries not a very happy one. THE WHITE JEWS LOOKED DOWN UPON THE BLACK JEWS, REGARDING THEM AS DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES WHO HAD ADOPTED JUDAISM. THE BLACK JEWS, ON THE OTHER HAND, CONSIDERED THEMSELVES AS THE ORIGINAL MALABAR JEWS, the descendants of the Jews who formed the Jewish principality in Cranganore, and REGARDED THE WHITE JEWS AS RELATIVELY LATE ARRIVALS IN SOUTHERN INDIA. THE TWO COMMUNITIES DID NOT INTERMARRY, HAD SEPARATE HOUSES OF WORSHIP AND DID NOT COUNT EACH OTHER IN THEIR RESPECTIVE MINYANIM"

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Рік тому +2

      WE WUZ INDIANS!!!!!!

    • @secondexodus9105
      @secondexodus9105 Рік тому

      @@dogbert52 Genesis 17:4 😉😜
      “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a FATHER OF MANY NATIONS.”

  • @percyrajapaksa4194
    @percyrajapaksa4194 Рік тому +3

    Viva Palestina!!!

    • @patriotsforisrael3610
      @patriotsforisrael3610 Рік тому +3


  • @percyrajapaksa4194
    @percyrajapaksa4194 Рік тому +4

    Viva Palestina!!!