Dasein of Other (Kapadokya Screening, 2023)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Dasein of Others II
    'Dasein of Others' is a generative audiovisual composition inspired by Leonhard Euler's Catenoid Minimal Surface algorithm that explores the relationship between sound and visual elements. The artwork is a habitat of algorithmically created entities that interact with each other in a non-linear story. The sound is the kickstart of this generative space, and the low audio frequency of the music metamorphoses the minimal surface that affects the movement of the wandering particles. Sentinels are kind of observers to create connections with similar entities. The visual elements in this artwork depend on each other in some way to build the whole story. The artwork can be interpreted in many ways. Some viewers may see it as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things, while others may see it as a commentary on the nature of the existence of the beings.
    Türkçe Metin Yazısı
    'Dasein of Others', Leonhard Euler'in Catenoid Minimal Yüzey algoritmasından ilham alan, ses ve görsel öğeler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran jeneratif bir görsel-işitsel kompozisyondur. Eser, doğrusal olmayan bir hikayede birbirleriyle etkileşime giren, algoritmik olarak oluşturulmuş varlıkların yaşam alanını izleyiciye sunmaktadır. Ses, bu jeneratif habitatın başlangıcıdır. Müzikteki düşük frekans bilgisi, dolaşan parçacıkların hareketine de etki eden minimal yüzeyin biçimsel formunu etkiler. Bu suni dünyadaki varlıklar, kendilerine benzer varlıklarla bağlantı kurmak için bir tür gözlemci görevindedir. Bu anlamda sanat eserindeki görsel öğeler, tüm hikayeyi oluşturmak için bir şekilde birbirine ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Ötekilerin Dasein’ı işini kimi izleyiciler varlıkların (insan ya da insan olmayan) birbirlerine olan bağlılığına dair bir metafor olarak görürken, diğerleri varlıkların varoluşunun doğası üzerine bir yorum olarak da değerlendirebilir.
    Dasein and Emergence
    Dasein is a German word that means "being-there" or "presence". It is a fundamental concept in the existential philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Heidegger uses the term Dasein to describe the unique experience of being human.
    According to Heidegger, Dasein is defined by its finitude, thrownness, and anxiety. Finitude refers to Dasein's awareness of its own mortality. Thrownness reflects the idea that Dasein finds itself in the world without having chosen to exist. Anxiety arises from Dasein's realization of its freedom and responsibility.
    The artwork "Dasein of Others" can be interpreted as an exploration of the concept of Dasein. The generative habitat in the artwork represents the world in which Dasein exists. The artwork's sound and visual elements interact in a non-linear manner, reflecting the interconnectedness of all things. The sentinels in the artwork symbolize the anxiety experienced by Dasein in the face of its freedom and responsibility.
    The artwork "Dasein of Others" can be seen as the artist's interpretation of the concept of Dasein through a non-linear flow created by his computer program. It is likely to evoke different impressions on those who encounter it.