Thanks for all the love on this song!!!! So sick to see how it's taken off, had no idea it would reach so many people when I wrote and sang it in my bedroom years ago 🥲Come over to my channel, I've been releasing piles of new music, would love if y'all would come say hi
Oh my goodness, its Kate Brady. I just want to say right now: your vocals are amazing. First time I heard "Connected (Yours Forever)" was bliss to me. Such an amazing voice! "Always Have but Never Dreamed" was just as good too!
I got Tetris Effect late last year, during a difficult time in my life. From the first time I booted up the game and played the first stage, where I heard this song for the first time, I was captivated. And as things began to turn around for me, your song, Connected, was one I kept coming back to. Thank you, Kathleen, for such an amazing song, and being part of the incredible work of collected art and passion that is Tetris Effect. I think sometimes we all need a reminder that the things we do and the works we create can reach out, and touch the lives of others in ways they’ll never forget. ❤
You know... I actually really like this... It's keeping it different while still keeping it sorta the same. Maybe a 3rd one with the up-to-date lyrics of the released game if possible? (Edit: I mean the credits version)
Thanks for all the love on this song!!!! So sick to see how it's taken off, had no idea it would reach so many people when I wrote and sang it in my bedroom years ago 🥲Come over to my channel, I've been releasing piles of new music, would love if y'all would come say hi
Oh my goodness, its Kate Brady. I just want to say right now: your vocals are amazing. First time I heard "Connected (Yours Forever)" was bliss to me. Such an amazing voice! "Always Have but Never Dreamed" was just as good too!
I got Tetris Effect late last year, during a difficult time in my life.
From the first time I booted up the game and played the first stage, where I heard this song for the first time, I was captivated. And as things began to turn around for me, your song, Connected, was one I kept coming back to.
Thank you, Kathleen, for such an amazing song, and being part of the incredible work of collected art and passion that is Tetris Effect.
I think sometimes we all need a reminder that the things we do and the works we create can reach out, and touch the lives of others in ways they’ll never forget. ❤
10/10 Absolute masterpiece, thanks Mr. Tetsuya Mizuguchi
Absolutely most beautiful and perfectly designed game ever. Song left me in tears alone.
I have listened to this countless times.
There's something magical about the first one. I can't explain it. Both are good, but the first one definitely.
You always remember your first. Thank you.
Amazing song with an amazing gameplay design however I don’t know why some people dislike it.
These remixes are so good bruh. Nice work.
Thank you
Love it! I have a suggestion. Remember the E3 reveal of the game? Could you make a version with the dialogue in the trailer?
How would you go about doing this? What, do you have in mind?!?
@@DaveBudness Me?
@@ItsOasis Yes, what are some of your ideas for it? I'll see if i can create a vid for yah.
Yep this one is my favorite
Love this!!!! can we play this effect in game? changing the bg with every move??!
I simply love this. I just do. Thank you so much!
No problem, see how long it can be on UA-cam before they clean off everything thats copyrighted.
Thanks to you too.
You know... I actually really like this... It's keeping it different while still keeping it sorta the same. Maybe a 3rd one with the up-to-date lyrics of the released game if possible? (Edit: I mean the credits version)
dude that would be so good to have the new age version with the extra lyrics from the credits version
WOW!!! More please!
This amazes me so much
Thank you. And yes. It's a nice Melody.
I just today uploaded the whole gamerip soundtrack. It's on my channel.
Building gunpla to this is relaxing.
Hope the project of yours goes well. Thank you.
@@Enkeria Any chance you can Remix Rez Butterfly Effect?
@@insuficientdata Might be difficult since I do not know much about the main music, but I can take a look at it. No promises though.
when they dont perfect clear at 1:04 :eyes:
eh i guess they were just stacking for an Ultimatris
On discord they do
I'm just asking is this song copyright free
Oh fuck. Oi! Thank you!
The audio has a lot of very yucky compression and chop that needs adjusting. The remix itself structurally is great tho.
Some may disagree but although I prefer the first one you made better, this one is good also 👍🏻
Another version, that is all. First won't go anywhere unless the original creators or UA-cam wants it gone. Thank you.
From now until the end of my gender identity I would forever love this song
I cant stop crying for some amazing music
@@yass_queeen_engery Thank you
The Pacifist Gamer my mission is now accomplished to make someone happy with my name
*Dat Cringe @**4:10** tho - C-Block!*