@Grace Hollis I have anxiety triggered from screaming and multiple things going on at once when i dont have anything to focus on. Then panic attacks get triggered from that, school sucks
From a Senior to all my underclass students: Don't focus solely on relationships in high school or think that you have to have a significant other before the end of your four years there, it will stress you out immensely. It will come naturally so just go about your time there and it might happen it might not, don't feel like a loser for not being able to get a significant other, everyone there is just as frazzled and crazy on hormonal shit trying to figure out their social lives. Most importantly (and most cliche) is to stay true to yourself, don't change who you are for others, it won't end up nicely. Stay strong and stay healthy!
Haha weird thing is, here in my school when you have a "significant other" or something like that people will say " ew yall get a room" and "ew walang forever( theres no forever in filipino:P) even though the both of yall are just walking to class together
Holy shit yes. And most of the time people try getting in relationships for looking cool and shit but most of the time high school relationships never last. Unless you're mature about it.
You know when I was starting high school most of the people in my class (mainly boys) would brag ha I have a girlfriend or boyfriend and in my head I'm like dude seriously you're too young but during start of the year people would be like aahhh I need a boyfriend or girlfriend
I’ve learned that everyone will forget your embarrassing moments within about a week unless they have a crush on you, is your best friend, or you reallllyyyy messed up
What is sleep and water. I drink so little during the school year and now any time I get up I will get a head rush and some have been so bad that I have fainted. And I just got out of 8th grade.
I decided to rewatch this because I’m going into highschool as a freshman and I am literally gonna die from how stressed and scared I am...someone help me...
Me too. I have three anxiety disorders and this summer has not been fun. Also I'm super stressed out because my elementary school (where I come from elementary is pre-k to 8th grade and highschool is 9th to 12th grade) was absolute shit and the teachers were absolutely horrible; it was a novelty for a teacher to treat you like an actual person instead of a nuisance, they were incredibly last-minute and disorganized and it's the same school board. Also I live in a small-ass town so I'm going to school with a majority of the same kids that were with me in middle school and were absolutely terrible. The only good thing about going into high school is I'll be able to spend more time with my friends who are older than me.
Literally procrastinated my school days in freshman with two overdue essays and 6 tests to do tomorrow and next week 8TH GRADERS PLEASE LISTEN TO EVERY ADVICE U CAN ALR
It's only gonna get worse and harder as the years pass. I seriously suggest you trying to fix the bad habits now when you have more breathing time to do so
@@grey5395 you'll be okay as long as you keep up with your work. Agendas are extremely helpful I seriously suggest investing in one and get into a club! Get into one that involves what you like. u can find friends there and make the years more fun! Just seriously keep up with your work. But dont fret too much you'll be fine :)
"Don't try to roast your teachers." Um, I don't think that's possible in my school. The teachers can and will roast students who try to roast them. It's actually hilarious but thanks for the advice. I'm now a freshman so this helps a bunch. ^^
I lost a ton of fake friends in 8th grade, now freshman is coming and I’m not ready, I’m insecure and I haven’t seen the kids I use to go to school with in 2 years. All I can do is adapt to the environment and stay alive
the exact same thing just happened to me too but its online school for me rn tho. i sort of have no friends right now?? (well close ones atleast) and its getting harder for me to make new friends bcs,,,,online school :/ i hope it will get better when its regular school again lol
I'm proud to say that when I started freshman year seven weeks ago, these were my priorities 1: don't interact with, annoy, or exist around anyone sophomore and up 2: don't interact with, annoy, or exist around anyone sophomore and up 3: survive
Me, in marching band, as a 9th grader: interact with all of the people in my section, from 8th to 12th grade. Do not interact with other seniors. Somehow is friendly with most juniors and sophomores. Me, my first day as an 8th grader in band: SENIORS DO NOT INTERACT DO NOT INTERACT DONT I AM A CHILD TO YOU ADULTS
Actually, upperclassmen friends can be handy. They've probably taken some of the classes you're in and know some of your teachers and can give you advice. It never hurts to have to many friends, and most people aren't mean on the inside. They were freshmen at one point, you know.
*just sophomores Sophomores are jerks. They think they're so much better than freshmen because, Oh! They're a whole one year older than you! Meh just ignore them. Hang out with upper classmen. We're cool.
All upperclassmen were sophomores at one point. They can be the worst though. I think it's because it's been a while since they've had someone to belittle.
As someone who just finished freshman year, here is some advice. It might not apply but things I've learned. 1.COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEACHERS. I cannot stress this enough. Miss a bunch of school and are totally lost on projects, work, etc. Talk to your teacher. Ask them before class or find them before classes. They aren't going to be annoyed you asked for help. They will most likely be happy you are making an effort. This includes issues with due dates and missing tests. 2. It might seem like something you're already planning on doing, But organize your binders. It will get harder as the year goes on, but if you don't keep up the organization, it gets messy. Fast. Also, combine your binders where you can, and try to have as little stuff in your backpack as possible. Most cases, you wont have time to go to your locker in between classes. split them up with 2 or three classes per a binder and switch them out at lunchtime or breaks. 3. Make routes to your classes that are easy and that you'll remember. try not to go a different way unless you have to. It's good to have a routine in school, and knowing by heart the best way to classes is so good. if your distracted or half asleep, it'll come so easy. Hope this helps, and just some very real things that will make it so much easier. Don't make my mistakes. :)
Definitely key points! I would also add joining a club makes te experience worth it. Getting yourself involved into something early that you like makes your time at school more fun and you are likely to find friends there. Not to mention it looks good on a college application if you stay true to a club.
Ehehe I try going to tutoring for my English teacher bc I'm completely lost in her class and let me say her tutoring doesn't help instead I get more confused bc she says to do it one way but explains how to do it a completely different way and she doesn't make sense when she explains she like leaves important directions out and then when I think I understand what she is telling me and I do the assignment she tells me I did it completely wrong and I don't know what to do any more 😥
my school has like, a really shitty Alarm system where the fire alarms just goes off whenever it wants to, and its really funny seeing the poor freshmen freakout while upperclassmen all groan and mumble shit like "This better be a real fucking fire"
Same, except people just… pull the fire alarm. Like last year it got so bad the principal went on the intercom stating “PLEASE DISREGARD THE FIRE ALARM”. So now if there’s a real fire 50% of the school will die bc teachers are like “wait there might be an announcement this time”
Here is my advice: take only the course load you can manage. Don’t be like me and go “hEhEhE 2 aP cLaSSeS fRosHmAn yEar” *unless you know you can handle it. Please. Save yourself from the pain until you have better time management. Also do a sport or club, don’t go home at dismissal. The fun of school begins after that final bell. Source: am freshman Honestly, high school won’t be as bad as you think Update: I’m going into junior year next year and I’m taking 5 APs 😳. Freshman and sophomore year I took two in both and it honestly wasn’t terrible. My friend and I are the only 2 in the school taking 5 next year so I’m a little nervous but it’s doable.
My advice (for any grade ) *if you have trouble with note taking try adding colors *as she said DON'T STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAYS just stand to the side and do what you need to do. *get a planner or some sort of planning system. That way you don't forget homework *do what you want club wise! If you like anime join the anime club! If you like theatre join a play! Please just don't do nothing. And don't worry about what others think. *your mental and physical health is more important than school. If it's 1 am and you can't see straight but your essays not finished. Go to bed! Thats more important than some dumb assignment.
I am, unfortunately, a pro at procrastination WHY DO I DO THIS I NEARLY FAILED A CLASS LAST SEMESTER AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH Edit: also, I am sophomore. Freshman year was ok for assignments and stuff. This year HAS BEEN SO MUCH WORSE. SO. MUCH. WORSE.
I had 3 ap classes my junior year and still managed to bullshit my way through. I actually somehow got a 3.8 uw. Senior year is about to hit me like a freight train I already know it. I only have 5 as opposed to 6 classes though so I guess that’s good.
@@abbyjohnson6779 Me too, but at the same time I know I'd probably hate it. The only thing I really wanna try is a dance. Nobody would ask me out to it, but it'd still be pretty interesting to experience. It feels like something that would be a highlight of my life, you know?
It’s been 4 years since highschool. Man just enjoy your time there. You may actually miss school one day. There’s a space in between your life where you’re ready to grow up but not just there yet and that space is beautiful and awesome. Embrace it and live your best highschool years. You may walk out with friends after highschool, you may not. Regardless it’s a chance to discover yourself and develop. Learn from relationships, build friendships, conquer fears, joke in class (yeah that’s actually okay) just don’t give your teachers a hard time. I wish everyone the best of luck. Also this video is 2 years old in my recommended and it’s June. What am I even doing here.
Millie The Mouse-bat me to. Kinda worried, but also am excited. I don't really know wether I like big changes or not, but I do know they always pull at my heart strings and give me butterflies in my stomach. Good luck guys!
kinda same, i went pre-k-12 school, but i’m going to a different private school for highschool, while all my friends are going to public school....*yippee*
1:58 Thank YOU. The “popular girls” at my school tend to stand in the middle of the hall to talk but push kids if they are walking at a reasonable pace.
Or the stair dwellers that talk to their friends either really slow or just standing there on the steps that can fit 2 people, then when you try to get past them they look at you weird and pout
I started 8th grade. 0:54 is so true, I heard two girls singing a HAMILTON SONG. I haven't got the chance to say hi yet cuz I'm just that much of a wuss.
EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR AMERICAS FAVORITE FIGHTING FRENCH FRY. LAFAYETTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm taking this horse be the reins making red coats redder with blood stains- LAFAYETTE. and I'm never gonna stop until I make em drop and burn em up and scatter the remains im- LAFAYETTE watch me me escaping em enraging I'm, I'm LAFAYETTE I go to France for more funds and come back with more gun and Ships and so the balance shifts.
BarryBensonforlife \Leslie Nivelo/ You have to get to know them people who like Hamilton are better than all the other idiots cause they aren't an idiot...they like Hamilton
Okay so, I don't wanna be that guy™ that gets all long-winded and serious about a suggested topic of discussion in the comment section but for real, I do have some advice, or more so a "don't do what I did" type thing mixed with some normal advice. So here we go, this is going to be a long one. 1. if a teacher is disrespecting you (and I don't mean like "ugh this teacher sucks" in the normal edgy teen way, I mean ACTUALLY disrespecting you, singling you out or making it harder for you to learn in any way) talk to a school counsellor or the principal or whoever you think can help. I had an English teacher and a science teacher that hated me simply because I worked differently than everyone else and wasn't always mentally prepared and I was too chicken to fight back or go to someone else for help and thus ended up failing the classes because I stopped being able to function in them. Remember that it is a teacher's job to help you, not hinder your learning experience. 2. if you require accommodations, either because of a physical disability or mental illness or learning disability or whatever, and your school is either ignoring your requests for said accommodations or flat out refusing them, DO NOT be afraid to fight back. This is another big thing that happened to me. I'm autistic (among other things) and there were certain things I needed my school to do in order for me to be able to function, one of which being having a scribe during tests because, for some reason, tests make the part of my brain that allows me to write coherent sentences fuck RIGHT OFF. My school did this ONCE and it worked AMAZINGLY WELL, I could get my answers out and not have to worry about them being a garbled mess (I aced that specific test btw). Problem is, they never did it again and it was basically a "fuck you, do it on your own" situation. I never really did well on any tests after that (I wonder WHY -sarcasm-). Anyway, there's more to this whole "no one made the right accommodations that I needed" story but I don't wanna go into too much detail. My point is, you have a right to certain accommodations, and if your school/teachers refuse to follow up with them, FIGHT BACK. I didn't and in the end, when I finally did try, it was too late. 4. for the younger students (9th graders, I'm looking at you) realize that YOU DO NOT OWN THE SCHOOL. too many times would I see 9th graders parading around acting like they owned the damn place and making a mess of EVERYTHING. Pick up your garbage, don't go screaming in the hallways (a lot of older students are tired and are usually not afraid to hit the loudest person near them just for a few seconds of quiet), and please, as the video says, be nice to your teachers. No one likes assholes. You may think you're funny, but I promise you, everyone else thinks you're a dick. Also, don't make out with your significant other in the hallway, no one wants to see that. 5. Don't be afraid to talk to your teachers in a casual sense. if you're not on class time and a teacher asks you how you're doing, play along and converse with them. if you're kind to a teacher and are able to show them that you're a decent human being, they might just go easier on you in certain situations. 6. Seriously, don't mock or take advantage of special needs students, or any students for that matter, it's just a dick move and a really good way to get a lot of people to hate you. Just because someone is different than you, doesn't mean they're lesser somehow. 7. If someone is being a dick to you on social media, don't be afraid to fight back, or just block them, if they continue to harass you, go to an authority figure, I know this is basic "do this and you won't be depressed1!!!1!1!!1!" kinds of shit, but for real, you have the right to stand up for yourself. 8. Peer pressure doesn't happen nearly as often as movies, tv, and other adults make you think, you're allowed to say no to things and in most cases, that'll be that. 9. high school as a whole can get pretty sketchy at times, depending on what kind of area you live in, you might get some illegal activity happening at school. That's just a fact of life. It ain't all high school musical, and that's okay. 10. "high school" movies are B U L L S H I T. Almost nothing you learned from media involving high school actually applies to real high school. Don't use them as a guideline. 11. TEENAGERS ARE DICKS. This is just a fact of life. Now, don't take this as me saying don't trust anyone and completely keep to yourself. This is simply me saying watch out for yourself, don't be afraid to ask others for opinions on someone before you go around calling them your best friend, and be prepared to get stabbed in the back a couple of times before you find your actual friends. 12. "High school sweetheart" relationships rarely ever make it to the marriage stage. I know it's kind of a cool and romance movie like to think about that kind of stuff but don't let it run your life. It's okay to date around and have none of them last more than a couple of months, that doesn't mean you're a bad person or a whore or incapable of love, it just means you're young and figuring things out for yourself. that's all the advice I can really think of right now, but I hope it helps. a lot of this stuff was written based on personal experiences, so yeah, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
‘That’s all the advice’, dude, that is the best advise you can give (you completed the vid.) I am going to high school next year, so I think it can help me out
FirebirdReborne thank you I am starting as a freshman this year and my anxiety is so bad right now!! (I'm not even done with 8th grade yet I have like 20 days left) I am just so nervous... One thing I'm especially worried about is where do I sit at lunch on the first day?? I'm super awkward and I most likely won't be able to approach somebody! Help??
hey! don't be afraid when it comes to finding a spot to sit at lunch! one of the things I did to cope with lunch anxiety was get a good pair of headphones and listen to podcasts and music on my ipod and just sat at one of the corner tables. there's one big thing you need to remember when starting high school. no one cares as much as tv makes you think they do. like, don't get me wrong, those stereotypical bully moments might happen, but in a general sense, everyone is more worried about themselves. It's totally okay to not want to approach anyone and sit on your own. one of the best things that I've personally found helps with my anxiety, is remembering to focus on your breathing,there will be moments where that anxiety will flare up and yeah, you'll probably in the moment feel like you're going to die, anxiety is a bitch to deal with and that happens sometimes, but you gotta remember that no matter how long the anxiety does last, it will pass. another thing I learned is that sometimes, you gotta be the stereotype. at my school, we were pretty much allowed to eat lunch wherever, so I personally generally avoided the cafeteria and went to the library or walked home. if you have the option to, don't be afraid to go sit in another part of the building or even go home for lunch (just remember to be back before your next class starts). you're not obligated to interact with anyone during lunch, you have every right to keep to yourself. I mean, hell, lunch is a great time to put on your headphones and work on a small creative project like art or writing or even catch up on homework! if you do have your headphones in during the lunch period, be sure to set some sort of alarm in case you don't hear the bell. If you do wish to approach someone, a good way to get their attention is to just say "hey! do you mind if I sit with you" 9/10 times, no one will mind someone joining their table. most other kids starting out are just as scared as you are. And hey, if you go to the same school as any of the kids you were in school with the previous year, don't be afraid to sit with them! don't be afraid to form a group of old friends, in the long run, it might help you make new ones too! I really hope this stuff makes sense, im really bad at wording things lol.
Tip from a middle school graduate that is about to be a freshman: • Don’t be involved in any sort of drama • Turn in work ON time • Feel free to make new friends • Don’t be at the wrong place at the wrong time • Don’t hang out with the wrong people for the sake of popularity • Be wise and make good decisions • Don’t rush to grow up or act grown up • Peer pressure will come and go. Don’t give in to it • Just have fun and have a good time ❤️ Edit: already on my 2nd month of my freshman year. It’s great❤️
I'm a senior, here's advice. TAKE YOUR TESTS FOR COLLEGE AND FILL OUT THE FAFSA Oh my god the pain of scheduling everything is so bad. I have to take SAT, ACT, fill out the FAFSA, fill out applications, write essays It's too much!! Make a plan if you're going to college. Pls dun be like me ;;^;;
Best piece of advice I can give is: set schedules. You get a bunch of homework one day, set a schedule, label which homework due date they're meant to be handed in, also write down which ones are easy and which ones aren't, then write next to them the order of which you'd like to tackle them (FIRST, SECOND THIRD etc) but always interchange them. Start with an easy assignment first, then a hard one, then another easy one, rinse and repeat. And also write down dates you want each piece of homework done by, by that I mean NOT the due date, say you have a piece that's due on the 10th and it's now the 2nd, write down you want to get this done by the 5th. Heck if you're unsure if you'd even stick to the scheduling, find a friend of yours you REALLY get on with and whom you wouldn't want to let down, and ask THEM to help you create your schedule, this way they can 'keep an eye on you' so you actually get the work done by not actually keeping an eye, it'd be "so did you get X homework done by the day we set up?" "no" "dude" "dude sorry :C " Sorry i rambled, I hope this helps, this is the technique I had to implement in Uni for myself, and even now with my work, just so I get it all done without leaving it all til the deadline like, I would normally do |'D Also, take sodding breaks, omfg please take breaks, do exercise, I don't mean GO TO THE GYM AND WORK THOSE ABS I mean just get off your chair, and walk around the house, do some chores, put a podcast on and walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes, heck even clear some space off the floor and do stretches or sit ups or whatever, just, MOVE. Don't be stagnant!!!! ALSO FOR WRITERS AND ARTISTS and well anyone actually fuck it y'all can use this, DO WRIST EXERCISES, youtube it there's a few examples, but basically you gotta exercise your wrist so you don't get AGONIZING PAIN IN YOUR WRIST, HAND AN ARM. OK i am done now, I AM SO SORRY FOR THE RAMBLING. I hope this helps even, one person.
I personally thought middle school was way worse than high school. In fact i would say high school is kinda enjoyable for me lmao. Although there is drama and tests and homework and all that other bullshit i still think like middle school was Wayyyyy worse than my freshman year. But Im in my junior year now and its tough and i wanna kms
Gabi Ask any adult, and they'll agree that middle school was the worst school experience. Movies like to play up how terrible High School is, but really it's middle School that's terrible. It's a similar set up as high school, but in highschool everyone is too busy trying to get their own shit together to care about anyone else. But Middle Schoolers are at that akward stage where they aren't kids, but still not old enough to do anything. So instead, they're out for blood. Middleschoolers are terrible. I hated middle school.
Gabi Academically middle school was normally pretty easy going on me. But I do agree with the part about middle school being dogshit since that was when my self esteem and confidence took a fucking blow and went down a lot. It was really terrible.
I'm a senior in college. My biggest advice; take the SAT/ACT multiple times. It's very helpful if you know HOW to take it, rather than what's ON it. Also, don't be afraid to NOT go to college straight out of HS. Lots of people rush straight into college which might be ok, but it's totally fine to take a year off and travel or work.
@@camryn3096 hey I was in the same position as you when I first entered freshman. Although I was severely shy at the time too so it took me a while to gain friends. One thing I would tell you I to be kind to your teachers and dont be afraid to ask for help. If it wasnt for some of my teachers I probably would have been a mess. And because I was so close to one they introduced me to a club that would turn out to be the best thing I could have found. On that note I would suggest joining a club you like. It's a great way to make friends with people that have similar interests as you! And itll make your experience feel better. Keep up with your work and avoid procrastination. It can save you a great deal of stress when you're already stressed about making friends. In any case just talk and dont be afraid because it's new for everyone too you'll be ok :)
Mine has 1,500 people in it and i’m not even going to be a freshmen until August 2020 and I’m still stressing. I JUST STARTED 8TH GRADE BUT IM WORRIED ABOUT FRESHMAN YEAR ALREADY AND ITS KILLING ME
As an 8th grader last year, I took a couple honors classes over at the high school across the road and Jesus Christ freshmen do all of these things They sit in the middle of the hallway Literally once saw a kid sitting down in the middle of the hallway *and **2:17** do I see a heathers?? Hmmm*
Same here,one time I kicked a dude downstairs ( accidentally ) because he was fucking sitting on the top of the stair . Like everyone going down to go away and he were sitting there
Idk the advice for freshman that I would give is to not be afraid to do things. It’s your golden years don’t spend it forcing yourself to an introvert. I was like that for my freshman year and sophomore year then I started to gain more confidence and started to have a “fuck it” attitude and that helped me be more fun. Now as a senior I learned to be cool with everyone and having fun making memories with all of my friends. AND PLEASE MAKE FUN MEMORIES WITH YOUR FRIENDS ! You’ll thank yourself in the future when you look back at old high school photos and such. Always be with the right crowd. Don’t force yourself to the wrong friend group and as stupid and corny this might sound.. Be your damn self. No one likes fake people. Being fucking weird is much more preferred than being fake
Magic Pupper on the reverse of that, if you're an introvert like I am, don't do what I tried back in school. Trying to force social interaction tends to make you look weird and you become an outcast rather quickly. It hurts the reputation and causes issues like never getting a date to prom and not dating anyone.
People do this thing in my school where they high five and then like lock their hands and just stand. They just freaking stand in the middle of the hallway. They. Just. Stand.
1.) 0:53 oh crap that's me Me and my friend both are obsessed 2.) Also SAME I HATE THE CLASS CLOWNS THAT TRY AND ROAST THE TEACHERS 3.) Thank you so much for this video, I might do some things that could make me a cringeworthy freshmen, but at least now I know what to do lol. Again THANK YOU SO MUCH
3:04 That's not how anxiety works yeah its irrational that's litterally the definition of anxiety you can't flip a switch in your brain to turn off the anxiety
Advice for a junior from a senior: try your best junior year and don't be afraid to go talk to teachers! I didn't do this and nearly failed my AP Biology class. Also, don't be afraid to try something new! I tried computer science my junior year and loved it!
-Tip for freshman or anyone else trying to make friends- Join something please. I joined drama and marchingband both, since i am in love with fine arts, and i have the biggest family i could ever ask for. I have made friends for life and every single one of them mean the world to me. I know that if i was ever feeling lonely and sad, they would be right there to make me feel happy again. Now, you dont have to do marching band or theatre, because marching band is hard and tiring and drama is really bad if you have stage fright, but join something else. Heck, make a club yourself! But make it a nice one. Dont make a club about hating on people. Do it positively. And try not to exclude anyone, they need friends too. And who knows, the one person you excluded could be the person who will be your friend for life.
Taylor Davis stage crew is always an option for people with stage freight as an actress I can tell you we get super close to stage crew we need them and they need us
Uuugh there's only one club I want to join in my school, basket ball. BUT. I. CANT. 1. my anxiety pulls me back 2. we don't even have to join clubs we can just walk in so NO. 3. for some reason my school decided "heh let's bunk down basket balls club down to 25 minutes for the year 7 and 8s... oh, and also make them come at EIGHT OCLOCK IN THE MORNING so they can miss their reg haha wondeRFUL IDEA."
//dab that moment when you are the same age and you understand this completely and are going to show this to your freshmen every other week when you have to teach them. Actually this is v good and no lie, I already sent this to majority of freshies in meh school.
Kelsey: “You won’t have the same friends walking out of high school as you did walking in” Me: * goes to a small school where everyone has been friends since preschool and the only fake people is the rich girl and her “friends”* SuRe, ok,. Edit: Apparently people don’t know what sarcasm is in my grade
9th grade is in two days for me and I haven't had a single friend for like 3 years muahahhaa but rlly I have a lot of social anxiety and I don't know what to do please help me ಥ_ಥ
Trsty I don’t have many friends so Idk if my advice is good lol but just be yourself and don’t fake being someone else for people to like you. I’ve done that for way too long so this year I’m going to make a fresh start, you can too :) although I guess you’re probably a sophomore now.. hope it went well
I know I'm late, but I thought I should just comment. Friends in high school makes like a lot easier, just having a group of friends to hang out with at lunchtime made me enjoy school more. I can't say I know you, so I don't know your situation, but my advise (which may be terrible) is find a cliques that you resonate with. If you like gaming go with the nerds, if you like sports go with the jocks, and so forth. In my first year at high school, my friend group changed a lot from students from other schools entering the picture. I am interested thought, how is you high school experience so far? I know its been a year but I am curios on what you think about highs school.
Yeah, sleep is p' important for high school and your health. I sometimes got 30 minutes of sleep because I got so addicted on procrastinating on homework and doing a bunch of my hobbies all day until I realize it's like 3 AM late at night and spend 2 hours doing homework than sleeping. People did complain about having like 2 hours, to me 2 hours use to be like a good night's rest. I get 12 hours at least now since I've forced myself to do shit on time. Learn to manage, kids. (- v -)
2:16 is that Heather Chandler and Heather Duke with a wannabe Veronica in the back??? And 0:54 I see the HAM HAM!!!! I can’t say no to the subscribe button. Keep making videos that would be enough, cuz you GET THE JOB DOONE! My world has turned upside down, so I gotta go look around look around for what have I missed on this channel. God all these puns. I know, I’m a dead girl walking.....
Wow I came back to this video and was scrolling through the comments and found this old comment that I forgot about 😂. Also I’m an ARMY now so that BTS shirt in the beginning gives me life. Also that’s a lot of likes
I start Thursday And I had orientation yesterday and it was so chaotic. The vice principal said “are you all excited to be here?!!” and an unenthusiastic “eeeeEHHHH” replied. (mind you it was 8:30 in the morning) Then the senior president talked about how the upperclassmen boo freshman so he had us sectioned into groups and had us yell so yet another unenthusiastic “wwwoooOO” replied Also two upperclassmen showed my group around the school then after they just left us in a room (the upperclassmen were still with us) so two kids started smacking each other with a plastic pipe and a long roll of paper. Another kid also just sat in a trashcan for a minute. School hasn’t even started and I can tell it’s going to be chaotic as heck.
Advice from a senior: Don't feel pressured to go to parties. If that's not your thing and you'd rather be cozy sippin coffee at home then don't feel ashamed. Parting isn't a requirement and an experience you must have- if you don't feel like you would be comfortable doing that right now, you can try in a few years with your friends and *legally* for that matter. Different people like doing different things, some people are party animals and some are not You do you and do the things you find fun :)
Me in freshmen year: Quiet, didn’t ask for help for anything, first and second on the list but me in the ass at the end of the year with a 80-85% GPA Me in sophomore year: Asked questions, still somewhat socially awkward though participated more in class, ended with a 94% GPA Me in Junior year {This year}: Pretty chill, has never had beef with anyone, and a huge participant in class and has become more social. Current GPA is 91% :P
Hey hey hey, I'm a senrior in high school, other than pretty much what you just said, it's a pretty good idea to have a plan for after highschool. Even if you don't want to go to college, make sure you have a plan for living. Your parents might kick you out, let you stay, you may want to go travel, maybe just find a small kob to live off of. Whatever it is, know you're going to do it. When you're in highschool, you pretty much have a set schedule to keep you busy. Once that's done, you're on your own, and trust me, you need have something to keep you busy, unless you're totally fone with staying at home wondering what to do until you realise weeks have gone by and all you've done is barely keep yourself alive. So please, have a plan. Even if it's just a short list of ideas.
For you guys and for me: LEARN TO MAKE YOUR OWN OPINIONS I know DAMN well that most of us adjust our personality just so it fits others, don't do that. You'll end up becoming a door mat or sticking with toxic people. And you'll never know how you truly feel about something until you do. However learn to know when someone is sarcastic and just messing around. No one wants to be friends with someone who takes everything seriously. Try TRY and keep a conversation going. Ask questions about the other person your interacting with and you might find something you both share an interest with. (Try and relate the question to what the conversation) It might be tough but try and get into a conversation with SOMEONE. It's nice to have someone engage the conversation with you, but normally they already have a friend group and may not be open to finding someone else
Oh yeah, and advice for school: apply for every single college that has the major you want, and take the cheapest one. Also once you're in, just take it easy with the scheduling. College is so much more different than school in that you pick your own classes. If you really want to be smart about it don't stress yourself out with too many classes, the thing with college is that you can go at your own pace, you don't have to graduate in two or four years you can graduate, in 6 or 8 if you really want to. I currently only have five classes this semester; two on Monday, one on Tuesday, and two on Wednesday. That gives me plenty of time to do the work and to just fuck around with whatever. You're gonna pay for your classes anyways, make it easier for yourself
2:11 Jesus Christ, same. I hate it when people refer to others as popular like idk it just weirds me out nothing is stopping you from trying to improve yourself to make more friends to become one of the "popular" people you preach about
"Class clowns don't exist anymore" I've been a class clown since my Freshman year. I haven't been doing it to make friends, but rather be on the extroversive side in order to keep myself away from the anxieties I faced in my most difficult classes. Glad that helped me, now that I'm a senior student.
The REAL class clowns are the one who make everyone, as well as the teacher, laugh, but genuinely laugh. They’re amazing. The big dumb “class clowns” are the ones who “roast” the teachers, and the students. That’s not cool.
This video was actually incredibly helpful since I’ll be graduating 8th grade soon and going into high school. Thx Kelsey, I guess I know what to look forward to now
Reference List~ 0:11 BTS (Army4life) 0:19 MORTY 0:30 Not really a reference but that D and D kid 👌👏 0:31 "Tha gang's all here" Spongebob reference 0:40 and 0:44 Rick 0-0 0:53 Hamilton!! 1:08 Simpsons :P 1:20 Bubbles?? Kim Possible??? 1:21 "I'm not like normal girls, I have- *snake arms"* (This isn't a reference but I wanted to add that because asdf- 1:36 NARUTO RUNNING LIKE A BOSS 1:58 Scotch and Zalinki 2:16 Heathers woo 2:22 Cheerleaders in the chess club reference 3:07 Danny Phantom?? Tell if I missed some because there sure were a lot I didn't know
Ha being a freshman sucked but now Im a junior and Im taking engineering because I love that type of stuff.......yeah but to be honest for any freshmen out there just STOP YELLING 'IM PICKLE RICK' its just annoying
Ok seriously though, for freshmen. The one piece of advice I have for you is to be a decent person. Just be chill and respectful to everyone. You'll gain respect of upperclassmen as "the exception to the all freshmen suck rule." Being a chill and decent person will give you a smooth ride in highschool
Biology is the best basic science class in high school which should be a war crime. How do you start with freshman year with a fun class like Biology and then devolve into Chemistry and Physics which are just math class with extra steps?
Over halfway through my first semester of freshman year and I need a better schedule for doing homework. I procrastinate way too much, I even have a planner I just forget to use it. Hopefully I'm able to get my shit together soon.
History is nice. Hamilton is nice. Hamilton history is nice. I am history. I am Hamilton. I am Hamilton history. History Nerd. Hamilton Nerd. Wait, I am Hamilton History Nerd is nice.
3:07 yes that is called having an "imaginary audience"; that means that you think everyone is watching you, but really only 1 person might. I'm not too sure if there is a real word, but trust me, everyone is too busy about worrying about the "imaginary audience " too.
“dont have anxiety nobody cares”
my social anxiety cares
My panic attacks care.
@Grace Hollis I have anxiety triggered from screaming and multiple things going on at once when i dont have anything to focus on. Then panic attacks get triggered from that, school sucks
*i can hear my social anxiety leaving my body*
Wait hear didn't make sense
My general anxiety disorder: lmao guess I'm gone
To all the freshmen out there
You got a big storm comin
Hayosh m.a well that was... reassuring
The storm already hit me
it's only been a few months and I'm not ready for more
Aka Junior year and SATs
I actually just took the freshmen PSAT'S which is kinda like saying "I cut a paper snowflake with safety scissors"
From a Senior to all my underclass students:
Don't focus solely on relationships in high school or think that you have to have a significant other before the end of your four years there, it will stress you out immensely. It will come naturally so just go about your time there and it might happen it might not, don't feel like a loser for not being able to get a significant other, everyone there is just as frazzled and crazy on hormonal shit trying to figure out their social lives. Most importantly (and most cliche) is to stay true to yourself, don't change who you are for others, it won't end up nicely.
Stay strong and stay healthy!
Haha weird thing is, here in my school when you have a "significant other" or something like that people will say " ew yall get a room" and "ew walang forever( theres no forever in filipino:P) even though the both of yall are just walking to class together
Holy shit yes. And most of the time people try getting in relationships for looking cool and shit but most of the time high school relationships never last. Unless you're mature about it.
You know when I was starting high school most of the people in my class (mainly boys) would brag ha I have a girlfriend or boyfriend and in my head I'm like dude seriously you're too young but during start of the year people would be like aahhh I need a boyfriend or girlfriend
@Reddit tea to have a deep liking to there appearance/Personality.
I’ve learned that everyone will forget your embarrassing moments within about a week unless they have a crush on you, is your best friend, or you reallllyyyy messed up
Kokichi pfp kokichi pfp Kokich-
@@nagi9990 neeheehee
I remember everyone who messes up idk what ur talking about
@@vibepolice499 yeah haha I can’t even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday so I’m not gonna remember some random embarrassing thing someone does
(I am not ready to be at the bottom of the food chain again)
me. either.
Me neither ;w;
Kasie Smith same and I start high school in 9 hours 😣😭
Just dont be annoying
Update I have survived my first 5 days of high school except p.e sucks and so does math
“Drink lots of water, get some sleep”
Me (binge drinking soda while sleep deprived): “Yeah, I should be fine on that”
Pshhhhh, drinking water and getting some sleep?
What’s that, never heard of that
for me is a thing called netflix
I drink a cup of water a day
And I sleep during class
What is sleep and water. I drink so little during the school year and now any time I get up I will get a head rush and some have been so bad that I have fainted. And I just got out of 8th grade.
I decided to rewatch this because I’m going into highschool as a freshman and I am literally gonna die from how stressed and scared I am...someone help me...
Me too. I have three anxiety disorders and this summer has not been fun. Also I'm super stressed out because my elementary school (where I come from elementary is pre-k to 8th grade and highschool is 9th to 12th grade) was absolute shit and the teachers were absolutely horrible; it was a novelty for a teacher to treat you like an actual person instead of a nuisance, they were incredibly last-minute and disorganized and it's the same school board. Also I live in a small-ass town so I'm going to school with a majority of the same kids that were with me in middle school and were absolutely terrible. The only good thing about going into high school is I'll be able to spend more time with my friends who are older than me.
Tomorrow is my first day I’m literally shaking
I have been a freshman for 3 weeks now and I love my high school, the principal is so cringey though
Tip: don't growl at random people in the hallway
Rebuats growl? wtf? 😂😂
@@sadeedehsan5513 I'm bot a furry yet I growl
I just yap at them.
One time I actually knew the person and they sat by me at lunch and just went... "we need to talk about your communication skills"
@@neptune7801 that's disgusting. You prolly get hella bullied
Rebuats Bruv. What’s the difference from growling-??
Who else is watching this in quarantine because they forgot how to school
What school- oh wait that THING that can terrify the shiz out of you
Hah. Nobody ruin my likes they on 69
Hi that’s me
I forgot about literally everything.
Literally procrastinated my school days in freshman with two overdue essays and 6 tests to do tomorrow and next week
It's only gonna get worse and harder as the years pass. I seriously suggest you trying to fix the bad habits now when you have more breathing time to do so
@@grey5395 you'll be okay as long as you keep up with your work. Agendas are extremely helpful I seriously suggest investing in one and get into a club! Get into one that involves what you like. u can find friends there and make the years more fun! Just seriously keep up with your work. But dont fret too much you'll be fine :)
@@astrobunny1507 thanks for the advice
But I'm getting contradicting advice.
Oh no, summers almost over.
I'm scared.
- System Error - ooh me too
Everyone has crippling depression
@Deku TheMidoriya well I'm pretty much done with my high school year, and it really wasn't all that bad! Better than middle school. At least for me.
Freshman year*
You good bro
“drink water and get plenty of sleep”
*cries in dehydration and sleep deprivation*
cries in unoriginal meme hell
Yeah same, probably
**Laughs in sleep deprivation**
Rhyming is Georgia's passion
"Don't try to roast your teachers."
Um, I don't think that's possible in my school. The teachers can and will roast students who try to roast them. It's actually hilarious but thanks for the advice. I'm now a freshman so this helps a bunch. ^^
Rose &Steph ive had teachers roast students before, its too funny
Same with my school lmao
Nerdy Gamer same
one of my teachers is roasting kids left and right!
Rose &Steph same with my teachers in my school
1:58 👀
I fucking knew it
I swear people in my school need to f*ckin learn this
What is that from
I lost a ton of fake friends in 8th grade, now freshman is coming and I’m not ready, I’m insecure and I haven’t seen the kids I use to go to school with in 2 years. All I can do is adapt to the environment and stay alive
How is freshman year now
I’m about to start my freshman year in the fall. Kinda nervous for some of those things
Just started, and boy can I relate.
@@justsomerandompersononthei5087 update: it’s going pretty well so far❤️
the exact same thing just happened to me too but its online school for me rn tho. i sort of have no friends right now?? (well close ones atleast) and its getting harder for me to make new friends bcs,,,,online school :/ i hope it will get better when its regular school again lol
the average human sheds 50-100 hairs a day
Assert dominance
That’s my plan
By T-Posing you'll assert your dominance on upperclassmen, and show them you're not like the other freshmen. UwU
Baylee Martin lol wtffff
@*_ Ominous_* I will owo
Well no but yes. XD
I'm proud to say that when I started freshman year seven weeks ago, these were my priorities
1: don't interact with, annoy, or exist around anyone sophomore and up
2: don't interact with, annoy, or exist around anyone sophomore and up
3: survive
Me, in marching band, as a 9th grader: interact with all of the people in my section, from 8th to 12th grade. Do not interact with other seniors. Somehow is friendly with most juniors and sophomores.
Actually, upperclassmen friends can be handy. They've probably taken some of the classes you're in and know some of your teachers and can give you advice.
It never hurts to have to many friends, and most people aren't mean on the inside. They were freshmen at one point, you know.
*just sophomores
Sophomores are jerks. They think they're so much better than freshmen because, Oh! They're a whole one year older than you!
Meh just ignore them. Hang out with upper classmen. We're cool.
All upperclassmen were sophomores at one point.
They can be the worst though. I think it's because it's been a while since they've had someone to belittle.
As someone who just finished freshman year, here is some advice. It might not apply but things I've learned.
1.COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEACHERS. I cannot stress this enough. Miss a bunch of school and are totally lost on projects, work, etc. Talk to your teacher. Ask them before class or find them before classes. They aren't going to be annoyed you asked for help. They will most likely be happy you are making an effort. This includes issues with due dates and missing tests.
2. It might seem like something you're already planning on doing, But organize your binders. It will get harder as the year goes on, but if you don't keep up the organization, it gets messy. Fast.
Also, combine your binders where you can, and try to have as little stuff in your backpack as possible. Most cases, you wont have time to go to your locker in between classes. split them up with 2 or three classes per a binder and switch them out at lunchtime or breaks.
3. Make routes to your classes that are easy and that you'll remember. try not to go a different way unless you have to. It's good to have a routine in school, and knowing by heart the best way to classes is so good. if your distracted or half asleep, it'll come so easy.
Hope this helps, and just some very real things that will make it so much easier. Don't make my mistakes. :)
Thank you! I’m honestly kinda nervous, but this helped!
If only I wasn’t so terrible at organizing my things though...😅
Definitely key points! I would also add joining a club makes te experience worth it. Getting yourself involved into something early that you like makes your time at school more fun and you are likely to find friends there. Not to mention it looks good on a college application if you stay true to a club.
Ehehe I try going to tutoring for my English teacher bc I'm completely lost in her class and let me say her tutoring doesn't help instead I get more confused bc she says to do it one way but explains how to do it a completely different way and she doesn't make sense when she explains she like leaves important directions out and then when I think I understand what she is telling me and I do the assignment she tells me I did it completely wrong and I don't know what to do any more 😥
MyDeathTherapy ty ik you commented a while ago but I’m very stressed abt freshman year an this helped 🥰
I agree. Sadly, I had to learn these l, and A LOT OF OTHER THINGS Freshman year the hard way.
Freshman year is pretty easy just do ur homework, turn shit in on time, do what the teacher says, and ur golden
Ive just started my sophomore year
Pretty much lmao
Seems reasonable
ye all this exaderated info is coming from a loser in highschool
geometry and biology may be kinda tough but youll manage!
my school has like, a really shitty Alarm system where the fire alarms just goes off whenever it wants to, and its really funny seeing the poor freshmen freakout while upperclassmen all groan and mumble shit like "This better be a real fucking fire"
Same, except people just… pull the fire alarm. Like last year it got so bad the principal went on the intercom stating “PLEASE DISREGARD THE FIRE ALARM”. So now if there’s a real fire 50% of the school will die bc teachers are like “wait there might be an announcement this time”
Well, at least it doesn't happen to elementary schools, right?
Same at my school except people actually decide to pull it lol. It updated now too so it’s a high ear-bleeding screech on top of the normal screech.
Class of 2022 😥
Class of 2023 ;v;
Class of 2022
Don’t die
Class of 2022
Class of 2018... 😑
Sees Hamilton
oh hello 😊
Lysol Bleach there's a million things he hasn't done
ah, finally, found the other hamilton fans
Here is my advice: take only the course load you can manage. Don’t be like me and go “hEhEhE 2 aP cLaSSeS fRosHmAn yEar” *unless you know you can handle it. Please. Save yourself from the pain until you have better time management. Also do a sport or club, don’t go home at dismissal. The fun of school begins after that final bell.
Source: am freshman
Honestly, high school won’t be as bad as you think
Update: I’m going into junior year next year and I’m taking 5 APs 😳. Freshman and sophomore year I took two in both and it honestly wasn’t terrible. My friend and I are the only 2 in the school taking 5 next year so I’m a little nervous but it’s doable.
You promise?
Thanks, my high school is grade 10-12 so I'm in grade 9 about to go into high school and this was helpful
you can do ap classes freshman year?
@Reddit tea i think they're usually preap in froshman year unless ur some prodigy, did summer classes or it's a smart kid school
Little late to this thread but-
Too late I'm already gonna take 2 honors classes so- 👁👄👁
Totally forgot sleep exists since I joined the DRAMA CLUB
WOOT THEATRE NERDS IN DA HOUSE *Drop kicks alarm clock*
I’m a freshmen and I have a minor role and our school play while my friend is one of the main characters and I am slightly jealous
Broody Citrus I’m joining drama club this year.. thanks for the warning
@Olivia Vaughan I think they literally joined the drama club
My advice (for any grade )
*if you have trouble with note taking try adding colors
*as she said DON'T STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAYS just stand to the side and do what you need to do.
*get a planner or some sort of planning system. That way you don't forget homework
*do what you want club wise! If you like anime join the anime club! If you like theatre join a play! Please just don't do nothing. And don't worry about what others think.
*your mental and physical health is more important than school. If it's 1 am and you can't see straight but your essays not finished. Go to bed! Thats more important than some dumb assignment.
I beg to differ about the essay
@@violet3430 depends on the person, but what I was getting at was more dont push yourself to a breakdown
@@alainaswoveland3022 is it really that important to join a club?
@@Blank-vv1tg not super important but it's a good way to make friends and it can be fun
@@alainaswoveland3022 oh okay thanks for the information
I am, unfortunately, a pro at procrastination
Edit: also, I am sophomore. Freshman year was ok for assignments and stuff. This year HAS BEEN SO MUCH WORSE. SO. MUCH. WORSE.
Jill Stephenson it'll get better :)
Thanks now I'm even more scared XD
I had 3 ap classes my junior year and still managed to bullshit my way through. I actually somehow got a 3.8 uw. Senior year is about to hit me like a freight train I already know it. I only have 5 as opposed to 6 classes though so I guess that’s good.
you're not even at junior yet dafuq? 11'th grade is hard af trust me
Senior isn't as hard. The difficulty order goes:
I'm homeschooled
_why am I here_
PyrrhusTheSunflower just to suffer
I'm starting 7th grade soon
Why am I here?
@@abbyjohnson6779 Me too, but at the same time I know I'd probably hate it. The only thing I really wanna try is a dance. Nobody would ask me out to it, but it'd still be pretty interesting to experience. It feels like something that would be a highlight of my life, you know?
@@abbyjohnson6779 good luck in middle school, it gets hard in seventh grade but easier in 8th grade
Itz TheSilentSiren same! class of 2026 gang
"...and get plenty of sleep." *is watching this video at **3:46**am*
I know you posted this comment a month ago but I am legit watching this video at just about the same time you were...
Me too
Weird. I read that the same time the minute changed to the exact time you said.
Hah, im watching it at 4:30am :c
Oh nooo... it's 2am
Big facts
Infamous Swoosh I love you.
Aye it's swoosh.
omg the Heathers reference at 2:15
ChloeToons I saw the Hamilton one but I didn’t even see the Heathers!!! Thanks for pointing that out!!!
I smiled so hard when I saw that
I am a fan girl to a point where it's unhealthy
ChloeToons YESS
Holy crap, I thought it was but I wasn't sure XP
Ikr lmao
It’s been 4 years since highschool. Man just enjoy your time there. You may actually miss school one day. There’s a space in between your life where you’re ready to grow up but not just there yet and that space is beautiful and awesome. Embrace it and live your best highschool years. You may walk out with friends after highschool, you may not. Regardless it’s a chance to discover yourself and develop. Learn from relationships, build friendships, conquer fears, joke in class (yeah that’s actually okay) just don’t give your teachers a hard time. I wish everyone the best of luck. Also this video is 2 years old in my recommended and it’s June. What am I even doing here.
Another tip:make sure the teachers like you. It will help you SO much.ugh im going to 9th grade. HHHHHNNNG
Same. My first day is 5 days from now!
Millie The Mouse-bat me to. Kinda worried, but also am excited. I don't really know wether I like big changes or not, but I do know they always pull at my heart strings and give me butterflies in my stomach. Good luck guys!
I just started my senior year, what up freshies
I’m going into 9th this year
I worked my way up to the top after 9 tough years, and now I'm gonna be back at the bottom
:o did you go to a k-8 school?
kinda same, i went pre-k-12 school, but i’m going to a different private school for highschool, while all my friends are going to public school....*yippee*
AwesomeGirl200512 public school is ghetto but that’s why it’s fun
@@MeltingMellons Ratatatata
and now I can't even enjoy my time at the top since quarantine
Thank YOU. The “popular girls” at my school tend to stand in the middle of the hall to talk but push kids if they are walking at a reasonable pace.
Or the stair dwellers that talk to their friends either really slow or just standing there on the steps that can fit 2 people, then when you try to get past them they look at you weird and pout
One time a group of 5 girls were standing and talking in the middle of the doorway, and I had to get outside to go to my next class.
Mark is trying i would punch them
2:16 my theater nerd as%: DO I SEE A HEATHERS REFERENCE!
I saw some musical and tv references and I died
TheWorstMeme :3
I screamed when I saw Hamilton.
Force of habit I guess...
Peachy Bubbles same tho lol
TheWorstMeme :3
S a m e
TheWorstMeme :3 I was so happy when I saw Hamilton and Heathers
sroppel SAME
I started 8th grade. 0:54 is so true, I heard two girls singing a HAMILTON SONG. I haven't got the chance to say hi yet cuz I'm just that much of a wuss.
BarryBensonforlife \Leslie Nivelo/ don't refer to it as if there are many of them because there only is one and its a Broadway play
I'm taking this horse be the reins making red coats redder with blood stains- LAFAYETTE. and I'm never gonna stop until I make em drop and burn em up and scatter the remains im- LAFAYETTE watch me me escaping em enraging I'm, I'm LAFAYETTE I go to France for more funds and come back with more gun and Ships and so the balance shifts.
(we rondevue with Rochambeau consolidate their gifts!)
BarryBensonforlife \Leslie Nivelo/ You have to get to know them people who like Hamilton are better than all the other idiots cause they aren't an idiot...they like Hamilton
Okay so, I don't wanna be that guy™ that gets all long-winded and serious about a suggested topic of discussion in the comment section but for real, I do have some advice, or more so a "don't do what I did" type thing mixed with some normal advice. So here we go, this is going to be a long one.
1. if a teacher is disrespecting you (and I don't mean like "ugh this teacher sucks" in the normal edgy teen way, I mean ACTUALLY disrespecting you, singling you out or making it harder for you to learn in any way) talk to a school counsellor or the principal or whoever you think can help. I had an English teacher and a science teacher that hated me simply because I worked differently than everyone else and wasn't always mentally prepared and I was too chicken to fight back or go to someone else for help and thus ended up failing the classes because I stopped being able to function in them. Remember that it is a teacher's job to help you, not hinder your learning experience.
2. if you require accommodations, either because of a physical disability or mental illness or learning disability or whatever, and your school is either ignoring your requests for said accommodations or flat out refusing them, DO NOT be afraid to fight back. This is another big thing that happened to me. I'm autistic (among other things) and there were certain things I needed my school to do in order for me to be able to function, one of which being having a scribe during tests because, for some reason, tests make the part of my brain that allows me to write coherent sentences fuck RIGHT OFF. My school did this ONCE and it worked AMAZINGLY WELL, I could get my answers out and not have to worry about them being a garbled mess (I aced that specific test btw). Problem is, they never did it again and it was basically a "fuck you, do it on your own" situation. I never really did well on any tests after that (I wonder WHY -sarcasm-). Anyway, there's more to this whole "no one made the right accommodations that I needed" story but I don't wanna go into too much detail. My point is, you have a right to certain accommodations, and if your school/teachers refuse to follow up with them, FIGHT BACK. I didn't and in the end, when I finally did try, it was too late.
4. for the younger students (9th graders, I'm looking at you) realize that YOU DO NOT OWN THE SCHOOL. too many times would I see 9th graders parading around acting like they owned the damn place and making a mess of EVERYTHING. Pick up your garbage, don't go screaming in the hallways (a lot of older students are tired and are usually not afraid to hit the loudest person near them just for a few seconds of quiet), and please, as the video says, be nice to your teachers. No one likes assholes. You may think you're funny, but I promise you, everyone else thinks you're a dick. Also, don't make out with your significant other in the hallway, no one wants to see that.
5. Don't be afraid to talk to your teachers in a casual sense. if you're not on class time and a teacher asks you how you're doing, play along and converse with them. if you're kind to a teacher and are able to show them that you're a decent human being, they might just go easier on you in certain situations.
6. Seriously, don't mock or take advantage of special needs students, or any students for that matter, it's just a dick move and a really good way to get a lot of people to hate you. Just because someone is different than you, doesn't mean they're lesser somehow.
7. If someone is being a dick to you on social media, don't be afraid to fight back, or just block them, if they continue to harass you, go to an authority figure, I know this is basic "do this and you won't be depressed1!!!1!1!!1!" kinds of shit, but for real, you have the right to stand up for yourself.
8. Peer pressure doesn't happen nearly as often as movies, tv, and other adults make you think, you're allowed to say no to things and in most cases, that'll be that.
9. high school as a whole can get pretty sketchy at times, depending on what kind of area you live in, you might get some illegal activity happening at school. That's just a fact of life. It ain't all high school musical, and that's okay.
10. "high school" movies are B U L L S H I T. Almost nothing you learned from media involving high school actually applies to real high school. Don't use them as a guideline.
11. TEENAGERS ARE DICKS. This is just a fact of life. Now, don't take this as me saying don't trust anyone and completely keep to yourself. This is simply me saying watch out for yourself, don't be afraid to ask others for opinions on someone before you go around calling them your best friend, and be prepared to get stabbed in the back a couple of times before you find your actual friends.
12. "High school sweetheart" relationships rarely ever make it to the marriage stage. I know it's kind of a cool and romance movie like to think about that kind of stuff but don't let it run your life. It's okay to date around and have none of them last more than a couple of months, that doesn't mean you're a bad person or a whore or incapable of love, it just means you're young and figuring things out for yourself.
that's all the advice I can really think of right now, but I hope it helps. a lot of this stuff was written based on personal experiences, so yeah, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
‘That’s all the advice’, dude, that is the best advise you can give (you completed the vid.) I am going to high school next year, so I think it can help me out
FirebirdReborne thank you I am starting as a freshman this year and my anxiety is so bad right now!! (I'm not even done with 8th grade yet I have like 20 days left) I am just so nervous... One thing I'm especially worried about is where do I sit at lunch on the first day?? I'm super awkward and I most likely won't be able to approach somebody! Help??
hey! don't be afraid when it comes to finding a spot to sit at lunch! one of the things I did to cope with lunch anxiety was get a good pair of headphones and listen to podcasts and music on my ipod and just sat at one of the corner tables. there's one big thing you need to remember when starting high school. no one cares as much as tv makes you think they do. like, don't get me wrong, those stereotypical bully moments might happen, but in a general sense, everyone is more worried about themselves. It's totally okay to not want to approach anyone and sit on your own. one of the best things that I've personally found helps with my anxiety, is remembering to focus on your breathing,there will be moments where that anxiety will flare up and yeah, you'll probably in the moment feel like you're going to die, anxiety is a bitch to deal with and that happens sometimes, but you gotta remember that no matter how long the anxiety does last, it will pass. another thing I learned is that sometimes, you gotta be the stereotype. at my school, we were pretty much allowed to eat lunch wherever, so I personally generally avoided the cafeteria and went to the library or walked home. if you have the option to, don't be afraid to go sit in another part of the building or even go home for lunch (just remember to be back before your next class starts). you're not obligated to interact with anyone during lunch, you have every right to keep to yourself. I mean, hell, lunch is a great time to put on your headphones and work on a small creative project like art or writing or even catch up on homework! if you do have your headphones in during the lunch period, be sure to set some sort of alarm in case you don't hear the bell.
If you do wish to approach someone, a good way to get their attention is to just say "hey! do you mind if I sit with you" 9/10 times, no one will mind someone joining their table. most other kids starting out are just as scared as you are. And hey, if you go to the same school as any of the kids you were in school with the previous year, don't be afraid to sit with them! don't be afraid to form a group of old friends, in the long run, it might help you make new ones too!
I really hope this stuff makes sense, im really bad at wording things lol.
My dude, thanks for the heads up. I'm an 8th grader right now, and everything you just said I can easily see my fellow 8th graders doing
Tip from a middle school graduate that is about to be a freshman:
• Don’t be involved in any sort of drama
• Turn in work ON time
• Feel free to make new friends
• Don’t be at the wrong place at the wrong time
• Don’t hang out with the wrong people for the sake of popularity
• Be wise and make good decisions
• Don’t rush to grow up or act grown up
• Peer pressure will come and go. Don’t give in to it
• Just have fun and have a good time ❤️
Edit: already on my 2nd month of my freshman year. It’s great❤️
What country are you from?
I'm a senior, here's advice.
Oh my god the pain of scheduling everything is so bad. I have to take SAT, ACT, fill out the FAFSA, fill out applications, write essays
It's too much!!
Make a plan if you're going to college. Pls dun be like me ;;^;;
Best piece of advice I can give is: set schedules.
You get a bunch of homework one day, set a schedule, label which homework due date they're meant to be handed in, also write down which ones are easy and which ones aren't, then write next to them the order of which you'd like to tackle them (FIRST, SECOND THIRD etc) but always interchange them.
Start with an easy assignment first, then a hard one, then another easy one, rinse and repeat.
And also write down dates you want each piece of homework done by, by that I mean NOT the due date, say you have a piece that's due on the 10th and it's now the 2nd, write down you want to get this done by the 5th.
Heck if you're unsure if you'd even stick to the scheduling, find a friend of yours you REALLY get on with and whom you wouldn't want to let down, and ask THEM to help you create your schedule, this way they can 'keep an eye on you' so you actually get the work done by not actually keeping an eye, it'd be "so did you get X homework done by the day we set up?" "no" "dude" "dude sorry :C "
Sorry i rambled, I hope this helps, this is the technique I had to implement in Uni for myself, and even now with my work, just so I get it all done without leaving it all til the deadline like, I would normally do |'D
Also, take sodding breaks, omfg please take breaks, do exercise, I don't mean GO TO THE GYM AND WORK THOSE ABS I mean just get off your chair, and walk around the house, do some chores, put a podcast on and walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes, heck even clear some space off the floor and do stretches or sit ups or whatever, just, MOVE. Don't be stagnant!!!! ALSO FOR WRITERS AND ARTISTS and well anyone actually fuck it y'all can use this, DO WRIST EXERCISES, youtube it there's a few examples, but basically you gotta exercise your wrist so you don't get AGONIZING PAIN IN YOUR WRIST, HAND AN ARM.
I hope this helps even, one person.
Wow, *clap*
Hey luke
hey luke lmao
Sup Luke
LukeOrSomething I know right my high school is just like how she described it lmao😂👌
i swear luke is everywhere
The gum thing actually works
I personally thought middle school was way worse than high school. In fact i would say high school is kinda enjoyable for me lmao.
Although there is drama and tests and homework and all that other bullshit i still think like middle school was Wayyyyy worse than my freshman year. But Im in my junior year now and its tough and i wanna kms
Gabi Ask any adult, and they'll agree that middle school was the worst school experience. Movies like to play up how terrible High School is, but really it's middle School that's terrible. It's a similar set up as high school, but in highschool everyone is too busy trying to get their own shit together to care about anyone else. But Middle Schoolers are at that akward stage where they aren't kids, but still not old enough to do anything. So instead, they're out for blood. Middleschoolers are terrible. I hated middle school.
Middle school was dogshit
I middle school teachers didn’t know they were teachers
Academically middle school was normally pretty easy going on me. But I do agree with the part about middle school being dogshit since that was when my self esteem and confidence took a fucking blow and went down a lot. It was really terrible.
Am I the only one enjoying middle school so far? I mean, now we are considered teens and not kids. So, woo-hoo!
I'm a senior in college. My biggest advice; take the SAT/ACT multiple times. It's very helpful if you know HOW to take it, rather than what's ON it. Also, don't be afraid to NOT go to college straight out of HS. Lots of people rush straight into college which might be ok, but it's totally fine to take a year off and travel or work.
コンペイトー I shall forever lock this inside my brain, and when the time comes I’ll be thanking you 4+ years from now
コンペイトー This actually sounds good. It’d be smart to take some time off before going straight to college. Especially I you don’t have a plan
Im a freshman this year and I'm going to a school where I know nobody, so all my anxiety is bundled up. I know one..
how was it? i’m in the same position as you now
Rufihoot same
Literally the same.
I transferred over to a different school than I was supposed to go into. I feel you all. 👌
@@camryn3096 hey I was in the same position as you when I first entered freshman. Although I was severely shy at the time too so it took me a while to gain friends. One thing I would tell you I to be kind to your teachers and dont be afraid to ask for help. If it wasnt for some of my teachers I probably would have been a mess. And because I was so close to one they introduced me to a club that would turn out to be the best thing I could have found. On that note I would suggest joining a club you like. It's a great way to make friends with people that have similar interests as you! And itll make your experience feel better. Keep up with your work and avoid procrastination. It can save you a great deal of stress when you're already stressed about making friends. In any case just talk and dont be afraid because it's new for everyone too you'll be ok :)
They say “High School is the best time of your life”
Cherub wait really? im going to high school in 2 months and i thought that its real 😔
Nice pfp btw
@@stanskz8995 hows it going?
Cherub I thought they say that about college 😂
Its not bad. Just pretty mid. Maybe it would have been more exciting for me if not for quarantine. About to finish junior year in 2ish weeks.
I beg to differ on the no one is paying attention to you. 😂 my school only has like 200 something people in it. So EVERYONE notices EVERYONE.
oof, mine has somewhere around 3,800 and it feels like New York rush hour every class change lol!
RustyIron 7 I'd have panic attacks just by going to my locker at your school. 😂
Mine has 100-
Mine was tiny too but we didnt care. Unless you started something otherwise everyone was too busy dealing with their own work
Mine has 1,500 people in it and i’m not even going to be a freshmen until August 2020 and I’m still stressing. I JUST STARTED 8TH GRADE BUT IM WORRIED ABOUT FRESHMAN YEAR ALREADY AND ITS KILLING ME
As an 8th grader last year, I took a couple honors classes over at the high school across the road and Jesus Christ freshmen do all of these things
They sit in the middle of the hallway
Literally once saw a kid sitting down in the middle of the hallway
*and **2:17** do I see a heathers?? Hmmm*
Also high school musical taught us all wrong there’s no social pyramid
Wtf Sharpay and Ryan why’d you lie to me
Same here,one time I kicked a dude downstairs ( accidentally ) because he was fucking sitting on the top of the stair . Like everyone going down to go away and he were sitting there
I saw Heather Chandler as well :o
nope, nvm you were right
is it,,,,
Elle Blep omg lolol probably not
Elle Blep I need it
I’m not a freshman but I came to see if this is valid
Same lmao
Same XD
Same 💀
@@mylesblanton77 we’ll never know 🤷🏽♀️
Idk the advice for freshman that I would give is to not be afraid to do things. It’s your golden years don’t spend it forcing yourself to an introvert. I was like that for my freshman year and sophomore year then I started to gain more confidence and started to have a “fuck it” attitude and that helped me be more fun. Now as a senior I learned to be cool with everyone and having fun making memories with all of my friends. AND PLEASE MAKE FUN MEMORIES WITH YOUR FRIENDS ! You’ll thank yourself in the future when you look back at old high school photos and such. Always be with the right crowd. Don’t force yourself to the wrong friend group and as stupid and corny this might sound.. Be your damn self. No one likes fake people. Being fucking weird is much more preferred than being fake
Magic Pupper on the reverse of that, if you're an introvert like I am, don't do what I tried back in school. Trying to force social interaction tends to make you look weird and you become an outcast rather quickly. It hurts the reputation and causes issues like never getting a date to prom and not dating anyone.
People do this thing in my school where they high five and then like lock their hands and just stand. They just freaking stand in the middle of the hallway. They. Just. Stand.
mooseiswasp 34 The fudge?
mooseiswasp 34 the hell.
lol y
1.) 0:53 oh crap that's me
Me and my friend both are obsessed
3.) Thank you so much for this video, I might do some things that could make me a cringeworthy freshmen, but at least now I know what to do lol. Again THANK YOU SO MUCH
3:04 That's not how anxiety works yeah its irrational that's litterally the definition of anxiety you can't flip a switch in your brain to turn off the anxiety
Advice for a junior from a senior: try your best junior year and don't be afraid to go talk to teachers! I didn't do this and nearly failed my AP Biology class. Also, don't be afraid to try something new! I tried computer science my junior year and loved it!
-Tip for freshman or anyone else trying to make friends-
Join something please. I joined drama and marchingband both, since i am in love with fine arts, and i have the biggest family i could ever ask for. I have made friends for life and every single one of them mean the world to me. I know that if i was ever feeling lonely and sad, they would be right there to make me feel happy again. Now, you dont have to do marching band or theatre, because marching band is hard and tiring and drama is really bad if you have stage fright, but join something else. Heck, make a club yourself! But make it a nice one. Dont make a club about hating on people. Do it positively. And try not to exclude anyone, they need friends too. And who knows, the one person you excluded could be the person who will be your friend for life.
Trying to get friends*
Taylor Davis stage crew is always an option for people with stage freight as an actress I can tell you we get super close to stage crew we need them and they need us
Uuugh there's only one club I want to join in my school, basket ball. BUT. I. CANT. 1. my anxiety pulls me back 2. we don't even have to join clubs we can just walk in so NO. 3. for some reason my school decided "heh let's bunk down basket balls club down to 25 minutes for the year 7 and 8s... oh, and also make them come at EIGHT OCLOCK IN THE MORNING so they can miss their reg haha wondeRFUL IDEA."
Taylor Davis Preach
//dab that moment when you are the same age and you understand this completely and are going to show this to your freshmen every other week when you have to teach them.
Actually this is v good and no lie, I already sent this to majority of freshies in meh school.
Kelsey: “You won’t have the same friends walking out of high school as you did walking in”
Me: * goes to a small school where everyone has been friends since preschool and the only fake people is the rich girl and her “friends”* SuRe, ok,.
Edit: Apparently people don’t know what sarcasm is in my grade
Maili kitty yES
Yes fruck
wEll I sEe WhAt YoU dId ThErE
oh mY GOD
*I N H A L E*
9th grade is in two days for me and I haven't had a single friend for like 3 years muahahhaa
but rlly I have a lot of social anxiety and I don't know what to do please help me ಥ_ಥ
I have no friends in high school and I'm too shy to talk to anyone
I think introverted and extroverted people get along quite nicely, maybe try and make a not popular extrovert ur friend?
Trsty I don’t have many friends so Idk if my advice is good lol but just be yourself and don’t fake being someone else for people to like you. I’ve done that for way too long so this year I’m going to make a fresh start, you can too :) although I guess you’re probably a sophomore now.. hope it went well
I know I'm late, but I thought I should just comment. Friends in high school makes like a lot easier, just having a group of friends to hang out with at lunchtime made me enjoy school more. I can't say I know you, so I don't know your situation, but my advise (which may be terrible) is find a cliques that you resonate with. If you like gaming go with the nerds, if you like sports go with the jocks, and so forth. In my first year at high school, my friend group changed a lot from students from other schools entering the picture.
I am interested thought, how is you high school experience so far? I know its been a year but I am curios on what you think about highs school.
Yo hiw is it rn
Yeah, sleep is p' important for high school and your health. I sometimes got 30 minutes of sleep because I got so addicted on procrastinating on homework and doing a bunch of my hobbies all day until I realize it's like 3 AM late at night and spend 2 hours doing homework than sleeping. People did complain about having like 2 hours, to me 2 hours use to be like a good night's rest. I get 12 hours at least now since I've forced myself to do shit on time. Learn to manage, kids. (- v -)
0:12 I see that BTS t-shirt. 👀
Horizon Tae I did too!!!
Horizon Tae I thought I was alone
Omg I thought I was the only one who notice it
2:16 is that Heather Chandler and Heather Duke with a wannabe Veronica in the back??? And 0:54 I see the HAM HAM!!!! I can’t say no to the subscribe button. Keep making videos that would be enough, cuz you GET THE JOB DOONE! My world has turned upside down, so I gotta go look around look around for what have I missed on this channel. God all these puns. I know, I’m a dead girl walking.....
yes fellow hamilfan, keep up the references!
* Trash * teet
* Trash * I love this comment
Wow I came back to this video and was scrolling through the comments and found this old comment that I forgot about 😂. Also I’m an ARMY now so that BTS shirt in the beginning gives me life. Also that’s a lot of likes
I start Thursday
And I had orientation yesterday and it was so chaotic. The vice principal said “are you all excited to be here?!!” and an unenthusiastic “eeeeEHHHH” replied. (mind you it was 8:30 in the morning) Then the senior president talked about how the upperclassmen boo freshman so he had us sectioned into groups and had us yell so yet another unenthusiastic “wwwoooOO” replied
Also two upperclassmen showed my group around the school then after they just left us in a room (the upperclassmen were still with us) so two kids started smacking each other with a plastic pipe and a long roll of paper. Another kid also just sat in a trashcan for a minute.
School hasn’t even started and I can tell it’s going to be chaotic as heck.
Welcome to high school
Well I guess this is what I should be expecting in 3 weeks time 😂😂😂
@@arikaruu same 😭
Advice from a senior:
Don't feel pressured to go to parties. If that's not your thing and you'd rather be cozy sippin coffee at home then don't feel ashamed. Parting isn't a requirement and an experience you must have- if you don't feel like you would be comfortable doing that right now, you can try in a few years with your friends and *legally* for that matter. Different people like doing different things, some people are party animals and some are not
You do you and do the things you find fun :)
Me in freshmen year: Quiet, didn’t ask for help for anything, first and second on the list but me in the ass at the end of the year with a 80-85% GPA
Me in sophomore year: Asked questions, still somewhat socially awkward though participated more in class, ended with a 94% GPA
Me in Junior year {This year}: Pretty chill, has never had beef with anyone, and a huge participant in class and has become more social.
Current GPA is 91% :P
Way to turn bragging into 3 boring paragraphs. Highschool threw away my potential
Odd Ball - Current status: Everything is aids. Parent died and am stuck with 70s in my classes
You sure reminded me to prove myself wrong, pal.
Hey hey hey, I'm a senrior in high school, other than pretty much what you just said, it's a pretty good idea to have a plan for after highschool. Even if you don't want to go to college, make sure you have a plan for living. Your parents might kick you out, let you stay, you may want to go travel, maybe just find a small kob to live off of. Whatever it is, know you're going to do it. When you're in highschool, you pretty much have a set schedule to keep you busy. Once that's done, you're on your own, and trust me, you need have something to keep you busy, unless you're totally fone with staying at home wondering what to do until you realise weeks have gone by and all you've done is barely keep yourself alive.
So please, have a plan. Even if it's just a short list of ideas.
For you guys and for me:
I know DAMN well that most of us adjust our personality just so it fits others, don't do that. You'll end up becoming a door mat or sticking with toxic people. And you'll never know how you truly feel about something until you do.
However learn to know when someone is sarcastic and just messing around. No one wants to be friends with someone who takes everything seriously.
Try TRY and keep a conversation going. Ask questions about the other person your interacting with and you might find something you both share an interest with. (Try and relate the question to what the conversation)
It might be tough but try and get into a conversation with SOMEONE. It's nice to have someone engage the conversation with you, but normally they already have a friend group and may not be open to finding someone else
Oh yeah, and advice for school: apply for every single college that has the major you want, and take the cheapest one. Also once you're in, just take it easy with the scheduling. College is so much more different than school in that you pick your own classes. If you really want to be smart about it don't stress yourself out with too many classes, the thing with college is that you can go at your own pace, you don't have to graduate in two or four years you can graduate, in 6 or 8 if you really want to. I currently only have five classes this semester; two on Monday, one on Tuesday, and two on Wednesday. That gives me plenty of time to do the work and to just fuck around with whatever. You're gonna pay for your classes anyways, make it easier for yourself
This is how I survived freshman year
This Is what I plan to do aswell B) who needs friends we're gonna move on in life after highschool and never see eachother again
We left social pyramids in the 90s
I just finished my freshman year, and honestly I enjoyed it. For those going into freshman this video has great advice! 😛👌
I came as soon as I heard-
Cough cough there's also a Heather's reference
Hamilton is my source of life.
2:11 Jesus Christ, same. I hate it when people refer to others as popular like idk it just weirds me out
nothing is stopping you from trying to improve yourself to make more friends to become one of the "popular" people you preach about
"Class clowns don't exist anymore"
I've been a class clown since my Freshman year. I haven't been doing it to make friends, but rather be on the extroversive side in order to keep myself away from the anxieties I faced in my most difficult classes. Glad that helped me, now that I'm a senior student.
I'm class of 2020... AND I'M GOING TO BORDING SCHOOL-
*sees thumbnail with title* I'm convinced
The nerd Hamilton part - I couldn’t breathe 😂😂😂
*_Hamilton intensifies_*
Re-watching to refresh before my Freshman year 😥
The REAL class clowns are the one who make everyone, as well as the teacher, laugh, but genuinely laugh. They’re amazing.
The big dumb “class clowns” are the ones who “roast” the teachers, and the students. That’s not cool.
Heathers and Hamilton
_doesn't like Heathers_
where's Hamilton i only saw Heathers
edit: wait nvm
I also saw Bubbles and Kim Possible
This video was actually incredibly helpful since I’ll be graduating 8th grade soon and going into high school. Thx Kelsey, I guess I know what to look forward to now
how was frosh year?
How is or how was your senior year
My goal is to find someone who likes Hamilton 👍🏽😂
Haddie Laura I came as soon as I heard
My goal is to find some one who also like the heathers 😂
@@julianorscia2307 ANGELICA
Haddie Laura hi 👋
Watching this because I'm at the top of the foodchain again and I need to prepare to plummet next year.
moth eater same. Just preparing for freshman 😂😆
@@aliannarose3234 how was it?
Stargirl Channel how was what?
@@aliannarose3234 Freshman year
Here our teachers roast us xD
Frinky same XD
Dr. Pineapples *PInEapPLe!!!!* Remember me from FA's sTream?!?
Frinky same XD
PanicAtTheHamilton21BMCChiplote HoodiesRLife yup XD
Dr. Pineapples wOwEe
Reference List~
0:11 BTS (Army4life)
0:19 MORTY
0:30 Not really a reference but that D and D kid 👌👏
0:31 "Tha gang's all here" Spongebob reference
0:40 and 0:44 Rick 0-0
0:53 Hamilton!!
1:08 Simpsons :P
1:20 Bubbles?? Kim Possible???
1:21 "I'm not like normal girls, I have- *snake arms"* (This isn't a reference but I wanted to add that because asdf-
1:58 Scotch and Zalinki
2:16 Heathers woo
2:22 Cheerleaders in the chess club reference
3:07 Danny Phantom??
Tell if I missed some because there sure were a lot I didn't know
1:57 Liza& David
2:06 I think that is Leo Valdez
3:08 is rick :0
Starry Yogurt There are currently 51 likes on your comment and I'm not gonna ruin it. (It's a hamilton reference for those of you who don't know)
*i m n o t t h r o w i n g a w a y m y s h o t*
Sir, he knows what to do in a trench, ingenuitive and fluent in French, I mean.
**watches this before freshman year**
_Heh, I'm in danger_
Ha being a freshman sucked but now Im a junior and Im taking engineering because I love that type of stuff.......yeah but to be honest for any freshmen out there just STOP YELLING 'IM PICKLE RICK' its just annoying
GAMERMUFFIN53 I saw so many rick and morty references 😂
"Open a pack of gum and everyone will want to be your friend."
Lol y is dis tru?
Real coll people know to bring takis at lunch
ik what your saying but your prob in high school you should learn how to spell
I personally dont care about gum (because i actually have money to buy it)
Ok seriously though, for freshmen. The one piece of advice I have for you is to be a decent person. Just be chill and respectful to everyone. You'll gain respect of upperclassmen as "the exception to the all freshmen suck rule." Being a chill and decent person will give you a smooth ride in highschool
Biology is the best basic science class in high school which should be a war crime. How do you start with freshman year with a fun class like Biology and then devolve into Chemistry and Physics which are just math class with extra steps?
@@nanoff815 you study hard and get through it. I took 2 chem classes and physics. You got this
Over halfway through my first semester of freshman year and I need a better schedule for doing homework. I procrastinate way too much, I even have a planner I just forget to use it.
Hopefully I'm able to get my shit together soon.
History is nice. Hamilton is nice. Hamilton history is nice. I am history. I am Hamilton. I am Hamilton history. History Nerd. Hamilton Nerd. Wait, I am Hamilton History Nerd is nice.
Kitty BeeCakes Hello twin
I feel like I’m looking in a mirror right now......
The only person in my history class that likes Hamilton is my history teacher
Pls be in my history class or school. No one likes or cares about Hamilton in my school.
Oh my God my school has a big intersection and everyone stands there. EVERYONE. GO TO CLASS.
3:07 yes that is called having an "imaginary audience"; that means that you think everyone is watching you, but really only 1 person might. I'm not too sure if there is a real word, but trust me, everyone is too busy about worrying about the "imaginary audience " too.
“They don’t care when you present”
what is this comment
I don’t even remember this
@@Poison_AppleXx good