Pawel has a video to fix nearly every iNAV problem I ever had so far! Thanks Pawel! Today I had my first experience of the wing motor spinning by the TX throttle :)
Cheers for all the content you do! I'm still struggling for more than a week getting the baro to work. Using a Kakute F7HDV (BMP280) + GepRC M10 DQ (DPS310), none of them seems to be detected. Tried every single thing that I managed to find online. My only option seems to be (inav_use_gps_no_baro = ON), but I wanted to have proper RTH/POSHOLD.
Hello, I ordered a Matek F405 . But now I'm struggeling to configure the board properly. When the board is connected to iNav, everything is working well (servos are working, motor is running with the iNav Master switch, Pre-arming check all green, GPS working, OLED display working, VTX working, LED working, buzzer working, … everything fine) but when I disconnect the board from my computer and try to arm it, it’s beeping non stop (with the blue led flashing) and the motor doesn’t want to run (servos and everything are working). I have flashed the F405 board with the latest firmware (inav_2.0.1) but it doesn’t resolve the problem. I don’t know what is wrong. Please help me.
Good video Pawel, I came here to see what I was missing to get my INav to arm (it was previously working). The NAV button was red, so your advice as to what may be causing that made me remember that I had turned GPS off in the config page. Thank you for your help :)
Pawel, given that I have an issue with the aileron and rudder throws in HORIZON mode, and you explained that that is because the Integral will not be active if the controller is not active, I grabbed an extra controller, and configured it without GPS nor barometer, nor compass or magnetometer (disabled them in the Configuration, and the UART port). I am running iNav 1.9.3. Now, with that said, I cannot get a green in the Setup tab on the navigation safe. Of course, I don't have active or configured any NAV mode. Therefore, the question is, if we are forced to have a GPS connected to be able to activate the controller. Otherwise, which other situation would block the navigation safe, considering that I am not using navigation?
I was having trouble arming and getting the "NOT OK" message in the lua script running on my OX7. Re-connected to the INAV Configurator and went thru the compass set up again and finally got the mag orientation right (verified with iPhone compass) as well as the declination. Compass is showing the correct heading now and all is well. Powered up again and while waiting on the "NOT OK" message to stop flashing on the lua script, I noticed that I had over 6 SAT's, so I tried to arm. The quadcopter armed, flew, executed ALT HOLD, POS HOLD, and HEADING HOLD fine. All the while, the "NOT OK" message is still flashing on the lua script. Whats the problem?
Hallo, I check out your shopping List but still got some questions: What extern Mag do you suggest? I use Ublock M8N GPS without GPS works but tried diffrent extern MAG but no success :( HMC5883 chinese clone not recognised by iNav and MAG3110 recognised but heading in setup upper left corner jumps in bearing. iNav shows all blue GPS Baro Mag but not shure about reliable data? Does the Beitian GPS you recoment work with iNav? Did you try other external Mags? kind regards Oliver
there are no original HMC5883l left since it's no longer manufactured. You have to try a few to be honest and try with extra pullups and lower i2c speed when needed.
Thanks for your quick answer! as you discribed in your video! I saw it but hoped there is an easy way.... Thats bit tiring I tried a lot but had no rerally good success. I wish there would be also a better shopinglist somewhere with prooven parts. this makes a start with iNav difficult.
Pawel Thanks for uploading this video - it will be a very useful check when sorting arming problems My arming problem occurred when setting up a fixed wing - it was due to a non-compatible ESC I switched to a different ESC and the problem was solved regards Hans
how do I get about this CPU load issue on an stm32F411 on INAV 5.0.0 when I lower the i2C speed below 400Khz the board crashes and fail to connect untill I disconnect all the sensors and reboot it
What is the override to ignore Navigation is safe? It is SO annoying not being able to test and spin the motors from the radio when it's inside on my work bench. Props off of course.
I’m running 2.2.1, got a good 3D fix, and I have switches off, no navigation modes on, yet I still always have navigation is safe in red... I disabled magnometer (fixed wing), but doesn’t work with it on either, everything else is okay. Any ideas? Edit: apparently you need to feed back rssi in a channel from controller and setup in receiver tab... had no idea
Hello, Since I saw your video on the F405 Wing board, I ordered one and I upgraded my NanoTalon with it. But now I'm struggeling to configure the board properly. When the board is connected to iNav, everything is working well (servos are working, motor is running with the iNav Master switch, Pre-arming check all green, GPS working, OLED display working, VTX working, LED working, buzzer working, … everything fine) but when I disconnect the board from my computer and try to arm it, it’s beeping non stop (with the blue led flashing) and the motor doesn’t want to run (servos and everything are working). I flash the F405 board with the last firmware (inav_2.0.0_rc6) but it doesn’t resolve the problem. I don’t know what is wrong, do you have any idea ?
I suggest leaving it on a ground right after plugging the lipo on, since gyro needs to be stationery for calibration. It will never get calibrated if you will keep your model in a hand
I have the same problem and mine is really stationary on the gound, everything is working exept for the arm. Stays grey in modes tab, i can' t spin the motor, it works in motor tab
Hey my i nav arms but the servos and motor dont react to my stick movement, all i get when i arm is a beep telling me its armed, ive gone through and made sure reciver is working properly and everything, the servos and motor are on the right smart port and such, what could be causing this?
Hello, I have a problem: "Arming disabled flags: CLI SETTINGFAIL Invalid setting: input_filtering_mode " I dont know how to solve it and what exactly that is. I already googled it...
hi, thank you for the video. You said you are ready to arm at the end of it but navigation is safe was in red how come? I have this problem with my omnibus f3 board. I cant get that nav is safe in green. I only test my hardware its all on the bench and the only things I have on it is RX (ppm) for testing TX outputs. This is all fine. But if I want to simulate arming with switch it wont let me. Navigation is safe never goes green what ever I tried. CPU load is on 2%. Is this because I do not have usb and motor connected or should it work without it ? Maybe I have stupid question but this is first time I am doing this. Thank you
Did all that...all is green... but in CLI/Status I get : PWM output error. Motor or servo output initialisation failed. ... 3 short beeps from esc, no 2 long beeps... (all is good with BLHeli and Betaflight) so no hardware issue... HELP
Hey guys hoping you can help. I'm having the Navigation is Safe preventing me from arming. I have no GPS, and my modes are not enabled. I dont have any modes that use any kind of GPS function. All other check marks are all green.
Hi Paweł, How about re arming after FS. I try to manage with arming my not GPS equipped s800 fixed wing setup (inav 2.0.0), without success. After testing RC link lost, it goes to FS, after reestablish RC link, i can't arm FC, thr is low, when trying arm by arming switch only beep beep bepp. CLI shows: Sensor status: GYRO=OK, ACC=OK, MAG=NONE, BARO=NONE, RANGEFINDER=NONE, OPFLOW=NONE, GPS=NONE Arming disabled flags: FS ARMSW CLI . Moving sticks does not help :( I used following fs settings set failsafe_delay = 5 set failsafe_recovery_delay = 2 set failsafe_off_delay = 1 set failsafe_throttle = 1000 set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 0 set failsafe_procedure = SET-THR set failsafe_stick_threshold = 0 set failsafe_fw_roll_angle = -200 set failsafe_fw_pitch_angle = 100 set failsafe_fw_yaw_rate = -45 set failsafe_min_distance = 0 set failsafe_min_distance_procedure = DROP Thank you in advance. Krzysiek
@@FPVUniversity seems to be working now ;) Just restored all the settings from file and it works. One more thing, is it any way to disable need of disarm for (5s?) to arm FC again after FS. Thx.
Hi, Very informative videos. I am running omnibus f4 board. Really struggled to get sbus to work. Have tapped into uninverted signal from xm+ to UART 6. All working in receiver tab. Surfaces move on wing......but inav will not arm..... getting no RC link warning...please help!!? ..
I have the 'navigation is safe' issue even though all other things seem to check out. I disabled GPS to see if this was the issue. Any ideas? * GPS disabled * calibration is good * no GPS modes enabled * sensors seem fine * the failsafe parashoot is grey
Zrobiłem platformę ( taką doczepianą do dowolnego modelu - żeby mieć podgląd FPV) na naza z gps i magnetometrem, ale bez odbiornika. Wszystko działa, ALE INAV nie chcę podawać mi kierumku do domu i odległości bez uzbrojenia silnika, a to w tej kfigoracji jest nie możliwe, czy mogę go jakoś "oszuać", żeby sam automatycznie po podaniu zasilania uzbrajał się? Pomóż jeżeli możesz bo sam nie poradzę
tak, ale bez podłączonego odbiornika do FC - jak?, próbowałem włączyć ARM na całym zakresie i nic -funkcja nie aktywna. Czy jest jakaś komenda w CLI która "oszuka" INav, że ma podłączony odbiornik i po włączeniu zasilania ARM się uaktywni. Myślę, też , żeby wyprowadzić z odbiornika modelu jeden kabelek PWM, podpiąć go na wejście FC, dostarczając tym samym sygnał i przypoządkować go w całym zakresie do ARM, tak, że po włączeniu zasilania INav rozpozna odbiornik i się uzbroi (w CLI zmieniłem "set nav_extra_arming_safety = OFF" i "set fixed_wing_auto_arm = ON" ustawiłem model AIRPLANE). Tyle, że ta moja platforma ma być uniwersalna do każdego szybowca lub samolotu, a ten jeden kabelek to dodatkowa kompilkacja- chyba, że nie ma innego wyjścia i czy to zadziała?
Hi I am hoping you can help me, I have set up and installed a Matek 405 wing and watched your videos I have all green lights in setup pre arm, I have 10 sats I have mode set to a switch for arming I can run the motor from the motor tab in inav by using the slider but I still cannot arm or the motor the motor from the transmitter, this is now doing my head in please help. Kind Regards wayne
Hi Pawel, Great videos with instructions. just starting out with planes and Inav. I was having trouble with arming also. I tracked it down to Servo Autotrim or Autotune being enabled. I suppose this is desired behaviour. First flight soon, just need a drier day ! Will be trying the servo autotrim & autotune, if we dont crash .
Hi ya thanks for video I have a problem I have 10 Sats (indoors ) nd still navigation is not safe so cannot arm why is this ? It was arming before but not now ????????
I thought that if you have GPS modes as well as Angle Mode you could Arm in Angle Mode even if you don't have GPS 3D Position. Mine wouldn't Arm so I deleted the Nav Modes and then I could Arm without 3D Fix. Add the modes and I can't Arm whilst the multirotor hasn't got a 3D Fix. But I thought it could before. I just updated a SP F3 board to the latest. I will see if I can get a GPS Lock outside now.
Why not change Inav so it is like pixhawk. Where you can arm and fly in non GPS modes. If you try and select a GPS mode while flying and you don't have 3D lock it wont allow the change until you get a 3D lock. I find sometimes you are standing behind your quad for ages waiting, where I could be flying. This happens on the first flight of the day always. If you change over batteries straight away the wait is quite shorter.
Olá amigo, boa noite acompanho seu canal e resolvi montar um drone, porem estou com um grande problema quando armo e coloco no modo Alt Hold e nav Hold o drone oscila muito e vira de dorso e cai. Não sei mais o que fazer. Estou usando Spracer F3 - inav 1.9 Esc blhell 30a Motor 2312 de 960kv Mini GPS 6m para a F3 Em um Shell do Phantom 3 Bateria 4S do Phantom 3 q Por favor me ajude, não sei mais o que fazer, caso possa te mando o arquivo do Blackbox para você analisar.
INAV is driving me to just give up . Keep getting the "You need to upgrade your firmware before you can use the Setup tab " warning and it will not allow me into the program . I have updated , went back to older versions, and nothing seems to help.
I'm going to translate for English, it may be, it would be better for you to help me, I'm not meeting anyone in Brazil with your knowledge. Hi friend, good evening I follow your channel and I decided to mount a drone, but I have a big problem when I set and I put in Alt Hold mode and nav Hold the drone oscillates a lot and turns over and falls. I do not know what else to do. I'm using Spracer F3 - inav 1.9 Esc blhell 30a 960kv 2312 engine Mini GPS 6m for F3 In a Phantom 3 Shell Phantom 3 4S battery q Please help me, I do not know what else to do, in case I can send you the Blackbox file for you to analyze.
Thank you, I am having trouble with Omnibus F3 flight controllers and suspect that they may be at fault. The whole episode has been very frustrating, as it could be iNav, the controller, the plane, the TX - RX combo or the pilot.
inav 4.0.0 armed.when use trottle stick up and down motor not spinning. In my fly sky trans.display trottle line 3 moving . when check motor test for calibration ,motor spinning.battery its ok.matek f 411 wse. kto pomoze.jak nie rodacy
@@FPVUniversity here not the option to calibrate the magnetometer. It is off, not the option to click to calibrate. Your option, mine not. Can you help me ?
10 минут видео и толку ноль. А если все датчики работают, а не армится (красная галка только на навигация сафе). Вот так задачка, не то, что барометр перетыкнуть...
Pawel has a video to fix nearly every iNAV problem I ever had so far! Thanks Pawel! Today I had my first experience of the wing motor spinning by the TX throttle :)
I solved my not armed issue with my first iNAV build thanks to your very useful troubleshooting advises
Just helped me solve a problem. If you are a beginner, as I am, there is so much to learn and so easy to overlook something. Thank you!
Cheers for all the content you do! I'm still struggling for more than a week getting the baro to work. Using a Kakute F7HDV (BMP280) + GepRC M10 DQ (DPS310), none of them seems to be detected. Tried every single thing that I managed to find online. My only option seems to be (inav_use_gps_no_baro = ON), but I wanted to have proper RTH/POSHOLD.
Hi, my inav drone is spinning around the yaw axis when I throttle up. How to fix that? Thanks! (it was working well with Betaflight)
Very helpful series making inav more accessible. Congrats on hitting 500 subs!
A million thanks Pavel a gold mine of knowledge and information
This vid has helped me out more than once! thanks, Pawel.
Russ from Ocala, Florida, USA
Hello, I ordered a Matek F405 . But now I'm struggeling to configure the board properly. When the board is connected to iNav, everything is working well (servos are working, motor is running with the iNav Master switch, Pre-arming check all green, GPS working, OLED display working, VTX working, LED working, buzzer working, … everything fine) but when I disconnect the board from my computer and try to arm it, it’s beeping non stop (with the blue led flashing) and the motor doesn’t want to run (servos and everything are working). I have flashed the F405 board with the latest firmware (inav_2.0.1) but it doesn’t resolve the problem. I don’t know what is wrong. Please help me.
Good video Pawel, I came here to see what I was missing to get my INav to arm (it was previously working). The NAV button was red, so your advice as to what may be causing that made me remember that I had turned GPS off in the config page. Thank you for your help :)
Pawel, given that I have an issue with the aileron and rudder throws in HORIZON mode, and you explained that that is because the Integral will not be active if the controller is not active, I grabbed an extra controller, and configured it without GPS nor barometer, nor compass or magnetometer (disabled them in the Configuration, and the UART port). I am running iNav 1.9.3. Now, with that said, I cannot get a green in the Setup tab on the navigation safe. Of course, I don't have active or configured any NAV mode. Therefore, the question is, if we are forced to have a GPS connected to be able to activate the controller. Otherwise, which other situation would block the navigation safe, considering that I am not using navigation?
I was having trouble arming and getting the "NOT OK" message in the lua script running on my OX7. Re-connected to the INAV Configurator and went thru the compass set up again and finally got the mag orientation right (verified with iPhone compass) as well as the declination. Compass is showing the correct heading now and all is well. Powered up again and while waiting on the "NOT OK" message to stop flashing on the lua script, I noticed that I had over 6 SAT's, so I tried to arm. The quadcopter armed, flew, executed ALT HOLD, POS HOLD, and HEADING HOLD fine. All the while, the "NOT OK" message is still flashing on the lua script. Whats the problem?
I flash inav 3.0.2, but not arming, on osd - throttle is low. On receiver throttle is 998, get trottle_min_check =1050. What i need to do?
One quest, do you know the right way to jump the FC Matek F722 wing in order to get 12v for the video transmitter?
I check out your shopping List but still got some questions:
What extern Mag do you suggest? I use Ublock M8N GPS without GPS works but tried diffrent extern MAG but no success :( HMC5883 chinese clone not recognised by iNav and MAG3110 recognised but heading in setup upper left corner jumps in bearing. iNav shows all blue GPS Baro Mag but not shure about reliable data?
Does the Beitian GPS you recoment work with iNav? Did you try other external Mags?
kind regards Oliver
there are no original HMC5883l left since it's no longer manufactured. You have to try a few to be honest and try with extra pullups and lower i2c speed when needed.
Thanks for your quick answer! as you discribed in your video! I saw it but hoped there is an easy way.... Thats bit tiring I tried a lot but had no rerally good success. I wish there would be also a better shopinglist somewhere with prooven parts. this makes a start with iNav difficult.
Recommended BN-880 GPS has a reliable MAG in it
Hello, this Beitian BN-880 is flawlessly working with iNAV? did you do a Video about it? What is the setting for it in INAV? thanks Velá Nautica
Thanks for uploading this video - it will be a very useful check when sorting arming problems
My arming problem occurred when setting up a fixed wing - it was due to a non-compatible ESC
I switched to a different ESC and the problem was solved
I am gonna try this tomorrow hans, i use a racestar 35A blheli esc, i am gonna try a normal one to see if it is solved
Hi Pawel, I have an issue with inav arming but all the specs you show are green so i am really lost can you have a look at it with me please
how do I get about this CPU load issue on an stm32F411 on INAV 5.0.0 when I lower the i2C speed below 400Khz the board crashes and fail to connect untill I disconnect all the sensors and reboot it
What is the override to ignore Navigation is safe? It is SO annoying not being able to test and spin the motors from the radio when it's inside on my work bench. Props off of course.
Hello, how can't I find the disarmed option in ianv's OSD like betaflight. Could you tell me, please?
Very good video! Helped me out with my first INAV build.
Good video. Are you running sonar now? Is it now working, and with which device please? Thank you.
It is working, but not very useful yet. I will have to talk to DigitalEntity to find out what is the status of that
I’m running 2.2.1, got a good 3D fix, and I have switches off, no navigation modes on, yet I still always have navigation is safe in red... I disabled magnometer (fixed wing), but doesn’t work with it on either, everything else is okay. Any ideas?
Edit: apparently you need to feed back rssi in a channel from controller and setup in receiver tab... had no idea
Since I saw your video on the F405 Wing board, I ordered one and I upgraded my NanoTalon with it. But now I'm struggeling to configure the board properly. When the board is connected to iNav, everything is working well (servos are working, motor is running with the iNav Master switch, Pre-arming check all green, GPS working, OLED display working, VTX working, LED working, buzzer working, … everything fine) but when I disconnect the board from my computer and try to arm it, it’s beeping non stop (with the blue led flashing) and the motor doesn’t want to run (servos and everything are working). I flash the F405 board with the last firmware (inav_2.0.0_rc6) but it doesn’t resolve the problem. I don’t know what is wrong, do you have any idea ?
I suggest leaving it on a ground right after plugging the lipo on, since gyro needs to be stationery for calibration. It will never get calibrated if you will keep your model in a hand
I have the same problem and mine is really stationary on the gound, everything is working exept for the arm. Stays grey in modes tab, i can' t spin the motor, it works in motor tab
Hey my i nav arms but the servos and motor dont react to my stick movement, all i get when i arm is a beep telling me its armed, ive gone through and made sure reciver is working properly and everything, the servos and motor are on the right smart port and such, what could be causing this?
I got the Pre-Arm checks all in green. My quad still not arming :( I got no GPS so I dont know if it is an issue.
I have a problem:
"Arming disabled flags: CLI SETTINGFAIL
Invalid setting: input_filtering_mode
I dont know how to solve it and what exactly that is. I already googled it...
hi, thank you for the video. You said you are ready to arm at the end of it but navigation is safe was in red how come?
I have this problem with my omnibus f3 board. I cant get that nav is safe in green. I only test my hardware its all on the bench and the only things I have on it is RX (ppm) for testing TX outputs. This is all fine. But if I want to simulate arming with switch it wont let me. Navigation is safe never goes green what ever I tried. CPU load is on 2%. Is this because I do not have usb and motor connected or should it work without it ? Maybe I have stupid question but this is first time I am doing this. Thank you
Navigation is safe goes red if: not GPS fix, any GPS flight mode is enable: poshold, althold, rth, waypoints and so on
Did all that...all is green... but in CLI/Status I get : PWM output error. Motor or servo output initialisation failed.
... 3 short beeps from esc, no 2 long beeps... (all is good with BLHeli and Betaflight) so no hardware issue... HELP
Hey guys hoping you can help. I'm having the Navigation is Safe preventing me from arming. I have no GPS, and my modes are not enabled. I dont have any modes that use any kind of GPS function. All other check marks are all green.
Hi Paweł, How about re arming after FS. I try to manage with arming my not GPS equipped s800 fixed wing setup (inav 2.0.0), without success.
After testing RC link lost, it goes to FS, after reestablish RC link, i can't arm FC, thr is low, when trying arm by arming switch only beep beep bepp. CLI shows:
Arming disabled flags: FS ARMSW CLI .
Moving sticks does not help :(
I used following fs settings
set failsafe_delay = 5
set failsafe_recovery_delay = 2
set failsafe_off_delay = 1
set failsafe_throttle = 1000
set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 0
set failsafe_procedure = SET-THR
set failsafe_stick_threshold = 0
set failsafe_fw_roll_angle = -200
set failsafe_fw_pitch_angle = 100
set failsafe_fw_yaw_rate = -45
set failsafe_min_distance = 0
set failsafe_min_distance_procedure = DROP
Thank you in advance.
and what kind of link you have over there?
@@FPVUniversity just using FrSky connected via SBUS.
@@KrzysztofKuczek try reverting to default settings and see if this will help:
@@FPVUniversity seems to be working now ;) Just restored all the settings from file and it works. One more thing, is it any way to disable need of disarm for (5s?) to arm FC again after FS. Thx.
Very informative videos.
I am running omnibus f4 board. Really struggled to get sbus to work. Have tapped into uninverted signal from xm+ to UART 6. All working in receiver tab. Surfaces move on wing......but inav will not arm..... getting no RC link warning...please help!!?
I have the 'navigation is safe' issue even though all other things seem to check out. I disabled GPS to see if this was the issue. Any ideas?
* GPS disabled
* calibration is good
* no GPS modes enabled
* sensors seem fine
* the failsafe parashoot is grey
Power Max did you sort this out I’ve got the same issue
Your the best Pawel. Thanks again
Zrobiłem platformę ( taką doczepianą do dowolnego modelu - żeby mieć podgląd FPV) na naza z gps i magnetometrem, ale bez odbiornika. Wszystko działa, ALE INAV nie chcę podawać mi kierumku do domu i odległości bez uzbrojenia silnika, a to w tej kfigoracji jest nie możliwe, czy mogę go jakoś "oszuać", żeby sam automatycznie po podaniu zasilania uzbrajał się?
Pomóż jeżeli możesz bo sam nie poradzę
Nie ma opcji "samouzbrajania" Musisz jakoś poinformować INAV że to miejsce w którym jest to dom. Więc trzeba uzbroić.
tak, ale bez podłączonego odbiornika do FC - jak?, próbowałem włączyć ARM na całym zakresie i nic -funkcja nie aktywna. Czy jest jakaś komenda w CLI która "oszuka" INav, że ma podłączony odbiornik i po włączeniu zasilania ARM się uaktywni. Myślę, też , żeby wyprowadzić z odbiornika modelu jeden kabelek PWM, podpiąć go na wejście FC, dostarczając tym samym sygnał i przypoządkować go w całym zakresie do ARM, tak, że po włączeniu zasilania INav rozpozna odbiornik i się uzbroi (w CLI zmieniłem "set nav_extra_arming_safety = OFF" i "set fixed_wing_auto_arm = ON" ustawiłem model AIRPLANE).
Tyle, że ta moja platforma ma być uniwersalna do każdego szybowca lub samolotu, a ten jeden kabelek to dodatkowa kompilkacja- chyba, że nie ma innego wyjścia i czy to zadziała?
Hi I am hoping you can help me, I have set up and installed a Matek 405 wing and watched your videos I have all green lights in setup pre arm, I have 10 sats I have mode set to a switch for arming I can run the motor from the motor tab in inav by using the slider but I still cannot arm or the motor the motor from the transmitter, this is now doing my head in please help. Kind Regards wayne
Like I said in the video: CLI status will tell why arming is disabled
@@FPVUniversity Hi I get Thr roll/pitch
Hi Pawel, Great videos with instructions. just starting out with planes and Inav. I was having trouble with arming also. I tracked it down to Servo Autotrim or Autotune being enabled. I suppose this is desired behaviour. First flight soon, just need a drier day ! Will be trying the servo autotrim & autotune, if we dont crash .
GREAT Job ... you help a lot of people !
Hi Pawel my omnibus f4 pro is always on, no mater if i arm or not why is that. Thank you!!
Hello, I have Matek F405CTR and INAV, my problem - cannot save mission to Eeprom memory in INAV configurator, but save to FC its ok, thanks for help
Hi ya thanks for video I have a problem I have 10 Sats (indoors ) nd still navigation is not safe so cannot arm why is this ? It was arming before but not now ????????
Great! Inav for quads videos are wellcome
Thank you for your help. I was able to solve a problem that I was stuck on.
thanks for your also got problm on arm my inav..navigation is safe i know whats going on and hope can solve my problm..tq again
I thought that if you have GPS modes as well as Angle Mode you could Arm in Angle Mode even if you don't have GPS 3D Position. Mine wouldn't Arm so I deleted the Nav Modes and then I could Arm without 3D Fix. Add the modes and I can't Arm whilst the multirotor hasn't got a 3D Fix. But I thought it could before. I just updated a SP F3 board to the latest. I will see if I can get a GPS Lock outside now.
My F411 can not be armed in inav 2.6.0, please get help.
I looked for hours to get inav to arm a trim was pushed right up and that stopped it arming it was hard to spot
Why not change Inav so it is like pixhawk. Where you can arm and fly in non GPS modes. If you try and select a GPS mode while flying and you don't have 3D lock it wont allow the change until you get a 3D lock.
I find sometimes you are standing behind your quad for ages waiting, where I could be flying. This happens on the first flight of the day always. If you change over batteries straight away the wait is quite shorter.
Also check your that your fail safe is not set to RTH when no GPS is present. - Cheers
Olá amigo, boa noite acompanho seu canal e resolvi montar um drone, porem estou com um grande problema quando armo e coloco no modo Alt Hold e nav Hold o drone oscila muito e vira de dorso e cai. Não sei mais o que fazer. Estou usando
Spracer F3 - inav 1.9
Esc blhell 30a
Motor 2312 de 960kv
Mini GPS 6m para a F3
Em um Shell do Phantom 3
Bateria 4S do Phantom 3 q
Por favor me ajude, não sei mais o que fazer, caso possa te mando o arquivo do Blackbox para você analisar.
Eu não divulgo portugues, desculpe
INAV is driving me to just give up . Keep getting the "You need to upgrade your firmware before you can use the Setup tab " warning and it will not allow me into the program . I have updated , went back to older versions, and nothing seems to help.
Paweł, thank you for this movie.
You helped me solve my problem.
Super!!! language super _wszyscy mogli by tak ładnie mówić. Ale niedosyt przydało by się coś na life na koniec
Can you do a vid on how to setup a tricopter using inav?
tem que calibrar o acelerômetro corretamente para liberar a funcao ARM, o meu deu certo, obrigado pelas informaçoes
pwm init error inav?
Why doesn't iNav just spit out in the debug when an attempted arming fails? It doesn't even show up on the OSD anymore!
Pawel I have followed all your videos and have put them into iNav and I still cannot get the board to Arm.
For me i helped. my problem was; i need a mode without GPS where i had to arm.
Are your trottle values 2000?
I'm going to translate for English, it may be, it would be better for you to help me, I'm not meeting anyone in Brazil with your knowledge.
Hi friend, good evening I follow your channel and I decided to mount a drone, but I have a big problem when I set and I put in Alt Hold mode and nav Hold the drone oscillates a lot and turns over and falls. I do not know what else to do. I'm using
Spracer F3 - inav 1.9
Esc blhell 30a
960kv 2312 engine
Mini GPS 6m for F3
In a Phantom 3 Shell
Phantom 3 4S battery q
Please help me, I do not know what else to do, in case I can send you the Blackbox file for you to analyze.
All hardware shows green for me, I have not enabled any modes so they should not be preventing arming, still, I cannot stick arm.
Thank you for a very useful video. I would like to more about arming problem(s) for fixed wing models as well.
cattlebaron they are the same as for multirotor. At least majority of them
Thank you, I am having trouble with Omnibus F3 flight controllers and suspect that they may be at fault. The whole episode has been very frustrating, as it could be iNav, the controller, the plane, the TX - RX combo or the pilot.
Trying to arm on a boat for work today, sometimes works sometimes not
it's gyro runtime calibration. it's moving so won't catch zeros. INAV 5 will allow to store calibration values for that
@@FPVUniversity no work around?We got it to arm a few times with less movement so must have been a fluke.
thank you so much
the motor of my opterra now is spinning and the reason is Gps have to be out normal and catch the satellite
Thank you very much. You are the best 👌
You're welcome!
inav 4.0.0 armed.when use trottle stick up and down motor not spinning. In my fly sky trans.display trottle line 3 moving . when check motor test for calibration ,motor spinning.battery its ok.matek f 411 wse.
kto pomoze.jak nie rodacy
because here there is no option to calibrate the magnetometer
there is. Multiple
@@FPVUniversity here not the option to calibrate the magnetometer. It is off, not the option to click to calibrate. Your option, mine not. Can you help me ?
Thank you ³. Djankui(je?)
Thank you!
10 минут видео и толку ноль. А если все датчики работают, а не армится (красная галка только на навигация сафе). Вот так задачка, не то, что барометр перетыкнуть...