I FOUND THE THING! I FOUND THE THING! Whatcha find bud? THE THIIIING! Doesn't matter what he found. He's gonna tell ya about it.. Blueticks are the best.❤️
My Beagle/walker coon hound does the same thing except when I take her for a walk it takes a long time because she has to keep her nose to the ground to sniff everything!
My 7yr old BT "Jojo" follows her nose and just runs runs runs! But when recalled, she breaks off and comes back. I won't say she's a "hunting dog" anymore. I adopted her, but she is definately living a full life! I just love his tone! Maybe I should start fostering! LOL
Thank goodness I'm listening with sound deadening headphones or my house would be howling in solidarity. The two hound mixes have taught everyone but the cat how to howl.
Our bluetick taught our pitlabs how to howl and now we have a Doberman, and sure enough, he learned too.🙄 No sense in even trying to hush them. Once he starts, it all starts... I'm sure my neighbors love me...
He's so cute. The dog would just keep on howling for the whole walk, which is something I'm used to. I'm used to dogs howling, but only when it's outdoors since when they do it indoors it just hurts my ears.
Aren't they just the most blessed pain in the butt that ever existed? My boy has taken to baaaaaawling indoors when my cellphone goes off. Just making sure I'm aware, that's all....
OMG I had a Beagle for 14 yrs and lol… 😭😭😭 I love that he sniffed as he watched it. He said “Where is it? What does he smell? I want to go to there and smells the things too.”
He is so majestic;)
I belive I have 7-8 more years with my hound. The best grain free foods and other natural toppings I add to her food she is in top shape
My two coonhounds make our walks very eventful. They howl up every scent. And they love hearing your boy talk. Good looking fella.
Whelp...my coonhound is baying with all his heart now 😄
That is a gorgeous dog. Could listen to heart song all day.
I have a 10 year old Welsh Terrier and an 11 month old Redbone coonhound. The Terrier has started arooing in solidarity with the coonhound haha.
The howls are contagious!
Супер. У меня тоже был вельштерьер
I FOUND THE THING! I FOUND THE THING! Whatcha find bud? THE THIIIING! Doesn't matter what he found. He's gonna tell ya about it.. Blueticks are the best.❤️
It's a squirrel...no wait...a bird....no wait ...a gecko lizard...LOL. LOVE THEM TO PIECES 💕
Awwww….I love all hounds! My Beagle does this same thing on walks. Love every second of it! 😍
My Beagle/walker coon hound does the same thing except when I take her for a walk it takes a long time because she has to keep her nose to the ground to sniff everything!
Man I love hounds!
My 7yr old BT "Jojo" follows her nose and just runs runs runs! But when recalled, she breaks off and comes back. I won't say she's a "hunting dog" anymore. I adopted her, but she is definately living a full life! I just love his tone! Maybe I should start fostering! LOL
What a good boy. So freakin majestic
Thank goodness I'm listening with sound deadening headphones or my house would be howling in solidarity. The two hound mixes have taught everyone but the cat how to howl.
😂😂😂 I felt this
Lol, I also felt this. I have a small terrier dog who used to just have a high pitch bark. She now howls!
Our bluetick taught our pitlabs how to howl and now we have a Doberman, and sure enough, he learned too.🙄 No sense in even trying to hush them. Once he starts, it all starts... I'm sure my neighbors love me...
BEAUTIFUL voice , makes me miss my walkers !!!! 👍🏻
Good hound! My 11 yo B and T mix doesn't bay on walks, unless he needs to!
Such a great voice. I am seriously thinking of sampling this for my ring tone.
When someone asks you about your ringtone just make sure to tell them about the video!
@@ThatDudeVinny Of course!
I want a copy of what you sample for my ringtone. Trying to get my SO accustomed to the joyous sounds of a coonhound.
Music to my ears.
Get this guy on an e-collar (trained, of course) and let him track, trail, tree and enjoy!! I love his tone!
Yup i have one and when he catches any scent that is intriguing he is on the hunt.....and i never taught him anything about hunting 😅😅
It's me folks and I'm coming through...😊
Well, at least you wont surprise anyone on your walks !
What a happy pup
excellent screams
"I am finding some cool stuff to smell. Areyooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?"
Beautiful!! Both looks and voice!
He's so cute. The dog would just keep on howling for the whole walk, which is something I'm used to. I'm used to dogs howling, but only when it's outdoors since when they do it indoors it just hurts my ears.
Yep 😂
Your dog is halfway trained. Mine is fully nose driven. Yanks me all over the place.
Do they really howl this often? lol
Depends on the dog but hounds were bred to be loud.
Best dog ever!!
I tell him that every day!
What a wonderful sound! 😀
Great video, and a beautiful dog! I have a rescue Treeing Walker....I feel your pain! Hahaha 🤪
I, too, have a Tree Walker, and all he does is groan. Chow time, let's go, bedtime-lights out, and I'm cold. All groans. 🤭 That's all, thank goodness.
Mine doesn't howl for old scents but becomes a boat anchor for fresh ones.
Dad, if you just unhook me, we would have that critter by now lol
Aren't they just the most blessed pain in the butt that ever existed? My boy has taken to baaaaaawling indoors when my cellphone goes off. Just making sure I'm aware, that's all....
Been there, have the hearing loss. Love them to death.
It’s extra hard on the ears when he does it in the car! Actually makes my ears ring sometimes lol
Wow nice it 🎵 🎵 for me. Congratulation you have a nice bluetick.
Adopted my little “big” girl a few weeks now. She can do no wrong. Lover her to death
I think I'm glad my little coonhound ain't got no more coonhound
My bluetick doesn't do this at all. Is it bad that I'm actually kind of jealous?
Not even when your dog smells an animal? This is how he lets me know he has a good scent.
@@ThatDudeVinny Occasionally, but only for skunks, crows, and trains. She's a bit of a weirdo lol
That voice is very useful in the field
Raccoon is delicious
Mine wont bey unless he really has something cornered or treed.
Красивый лай!.💗
Just keep checking the shelters, that's where I got him.
I love this and I did keep checking the shelters and last week came home with a young TWC. I’m soooo happy!!
@@debramason1898 congrats! I spent months checking my local shelters before I found Trapper.
When it's something new it's I have been first new place then I like it mullens wv I might have been busy first sometimes $900.00
Here is my beagle reacting to this: ua-cam.com/video/cZ0GyXgf7Fk/v-deo.html
Omg thanks for sharing! Trapper does that same “head tilt” when he hears something.
OMG I had a Beagle for 14 yrs and lol… 😭😭😭 I love that he sniffed as he watched it. He said “Where is it? What does he smell? I want to go to there and smells the things too.”
You need a shoulder