DC performed in Barcelona the curse of the Spider metal version. A plesant surprise. I enjoyed it a lot! They asked for advices for the next metal version in upcoming concerts. Hope they can perform a vertal verion of BEcause ❤
Wow I've been with them for 7 years 🥹 that was long journey for us and I still listen to their music, enjoying their contents. Really love them! I hope they can visit to my country (SEA). Dreamcatcher forever! ❤️
Dreamcatcher literally is the best girl group, not sure why people still sleeping on them... Incredible live vocals from all 7 members. Unbeatable visual from all 7 members. Energetic dancing & choreography from all 7 members. Unique sound & concepts. Sweet, amazing & funny personalities from all 7 members. No bad songs and even b-sides are mostly title track quality.
0:43 Incase don't know, Xiao Tang is Handong's friend during QCYN (another title is Youth with You 2) which is survival idol show in China where Handong and Aurora (NATURE) came from, few years ago. Oh. Lisa from Blackpink too as mentor.
Happy 7th anniversary 💜💜 I'm so excited to see you in Brussels for my first ever concert ! See you there and again thank you for always being yourself ❤️🫰🏽🌙
Please DCC make a concert DVD & Blu Ray I understand some of the content is a bit racy for Korean fans(?) but I've been to multiple DC shows now and I want something to help my poor memory :)
0:40 The friendship between Han Dong and Xiao Tang from Youth with You 2 (Chinese idols survival show which caused Han Dong absent from DC in 2020) is so cute. I’m glad they’re still friends.
Happy 7th Anniversary. Here's to 7x7 more. @Dreamcatcherofficial Thank you for this. It's means so much to be able to hear the thoughts of the members. Never worry about it being too long.
They took the backup dancers this time! Now, all we need is a live band for absolute heaven!
Perhaps dreamcatcher live band coming finland, because bigger stage.
@@topsu9868 come on ! they should got to Austria.
18년인생 제일 행복한 날이었던거 같습니다. 좋은무대 해줘서 감사합니다 드림캐쳐
13:08 Siyeon's feeble attempt of using a towel to stop herself from blowing the roof off with her high notes
드캐 곡들은 콘서트에서 들으면 기세가 다름,,,꼭가봐야,,
Warsaw concert was amazing!! Thank you for existing
DC performed in Barcelona the curse of the Spider metal version. A plesant surprise. I enjoyed it a lot! They asked for advices for the next metal version in upcoming concerts. Hope they can perform a vertal verion of BEcause ❤
Ootd intro, bonvoyage and dance break of OOTD were really mesmerizing ....hope they will perform in such manner in awards ceremony❤❤❤
this dream girl group is still amazing and wonderful and hope they have luck with there tour concert
Handong’s friend is so sweet for getting her so many flowers!!!🥰❤
꿈둥이들 투어 잘하고 무사히 다녀오길~~❤
After listening to it countless times, REASON is still uplifting!
That said MAYDAY has a permanent spot on my gym playlist! 😎
Both are GREAT 👍👍👍
there are many : Fairies, Princesses , Angels , idols.
But only 7 Dreamcatcher ✨ ⚡🔥🌙❤
i hope i can go to their concert one day🥺🤍
DC are the best I couldn't enjoy Barcelona concert more. And that moment with Silent Night with all people jumping and screaming was amazing!!
서울콘이 한지 벌써 이렇게 시간이 지나가다니... 무대 자체도 너무 멋있었지만 편곡들 너무 좋았어요😍 첫 스탠딩콘 다리 아프긴 했지만 그 이상으로 너무 행복한 시간이었어요! 울 꿈둥이들 고생 많았어요🥰
이번에 새로 편곡한 곡들
정식 앨범으로 나오면 좋겠어요.
그냥 이대로 보내긴 너무 아까운 퀄리티
드컴 제발.🙏 정식 앨범으로 발매해줘요.😭🙏
Thank you for being Dreamcatcher.
There’s InSomnia because of Dreamcatcher.
I had a great time during the concert.
See you guys at TaiPei Concert❤️
Loooooooved this concert. Thank you Dreamcatcher and DCC!
Wow I've been with them for 7 years 🥹 that was long journey for us and I still listen to their music, enjoying their contents. Really love them! I hope they can visit to my country (SEA).
Dreamcatcher forever! ❤️
Dreamcatcher literally is the best girl group, not sure why people still sleeping on them... Incredible live vocals from all 7 members. Unbeatable visual from all 7 members. Energetic dancing & choreography from all 7 members. Unique sound & concepts. Sweet, amazing & funny personalities from all 7 members. No bad songs and even b-sides are mostly title track quality.
come on ! only Jiu Yoohyeon Sua are beautiful , they got a few bad songs, BEcause Piri red sun. black and white.
12:53 that power vocal is everything
What a treat for Insomnia in Seoul! I can't wait for their world tour this year!
완전 즐거웠어용잉이이 앞으로 팔 주년 구 주년 십 주년 같이 함께요ㅎㅎ약속하당~
사랑해용 멋진 드림캐쳐❤
I'm seeing them perform tonight and I'm so excited!!
0:43 Incase don't know, Xiao Tang is Handong's friend during QCYN (another title is Youth with You 2) which is survival idol show in China where Handong and Aurora (NATURE) came from, few years ago. Oh. Lisa from Blackpink too as mentor.
15:37 praise the CEO of DCC. The best CEO of the entire kpop industries.
yes yes yesss 👏🏾👏🏾
nobody gives a damn to investors or the managers of the corporation. .
ㅠㅠ 개인사정으로 앞자리에서 맨뒷자리 되었는데도 재밌었다..내생애 첫내돈내산콘서트!!! 또 가고싶다..올해 또 해주세요 제발 흑
2024년 1월 13일 그때 그 시간으로 다시 되돌아가고싶다ㅜㅜㅜ 꿈만같았던 하루였는데 벌써 한달이 흐르다니... dvd 내주세요 대표님!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 7th anniversary 💜💜
I'm so excited to see you in Brussels for my first ever concert !
See you there and again thank you for always being yourself ❤️🫰🏽🌙
만사를 제쳐두고 갔었어야 하는데 못 가서 너무 아쉽다🌻
내 최 애는 지유💖이지만 항상 드림캐쳐 모두를 응원하고 사랑해 💖💖💖
i love all of them.. we are always with Dreamcatcher.
Ahahaha that video is just wholesome! I'm seeing them in concert the day after tomorrow I'm so excited!
Dreamcatcher come to Latin America too, we look forward to seeing you live, please ❤️
i love the behind the scenes videos! i hope to learn enough Korean to be on the subtitle team so the DCC staff don't feel burdened!
중간에 여왕님이 말씀하신
데뷔때부터 응원해서 이번에 성인이 된 썸냐입니다!!
생애 첫 콘서트였는데 진짜진짜 행복했어요!!
이제 으른이 되었으니 콘서트도 마구마구 갈수있어서 행복한.. 움하하
Barcelona Concert was fire! 🔥 ¡Qué guay! 👍
Warsaw concert was fire
고마워요 그냥 마음이 따스해지네
재계약하고 맞이한 7주년이었고 가장 보고싶었던 곡들도 많았던 콘서트였고 감동도 많이 받았던 7주년콘이었죠 그때 그느낌을 아직도 잊지못해요 ㅠㅜ 스텐딩으로 봤지만 다시 이때로 돌아가고싶네요 ㅠㅜ😢❤
수아 귀엽고 예쁘다😢😢
벌써 한달이나 지났다고?😂😂😂😂
잊지 못할 추억... 스탠딩에서 대기할때 목이랑 발 다 아팠었는데 꿈둥이들 나오자마자 싹 낫구..방방 뛰면서 진짜 재미나게 놀았슴다
편곡 진심 너무 좋았고 원몰타임 미쳤구..
10주년까지 ❤❤
thank you dreamcatcher company , for Returning Deja Vu To concerts ,
this is more than a song .
입덕해서 첫 한국 콘이라 묻지도 따지지 않고 혼자 관람했는데 너무 감동받았고 너무 좋았어요! 드캐 영원히 쫓아갈게!!
(썸냐 가입 대기중!)
I was there live in Offenbach. It was my fourth Kpop concert and it was by far the best one! Thank you DC
They started the year right on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 insomnias there are the luckiest to be celebrating with dreamcatcher!
Please DCC make a concert DVD & Blu Ray I understand some of the content is a bit racy for Korean fans(?) but I've been to multiple DC shows now and I want something to help my poor memory :)
드림캐쳐 힘내세요 ❤ 드림캐쳐 화이팅입니다 ❤
Can't wait to meet you all today ❤❤❤
콘서트 또 가고싶다..
18:01 the Flame 🔥 of Dreamcatcher Burns 🔥 Deep within the Heart ♥
0:40 The friendship between Han Dong and Xiao Tang from Youth with You 2 (Chinese idols survival show which caused Han Dong absent from DC in 2020) is so cute. I’m glad they’re still friends.
happy 7th anniversary and hope you had a good tour so far my queens 👑I hope I can attend a concert soon ❤
다시봐도 역시나 내 기억속의 생생한 모습과 똑같아
그만큼 정말 인상깊고 멋지고 행복한 하루였어
봐도봐도 알고서 봐도 다시 눈물나
지금 이 시점에 해외투어 돌고있는데 가서도 해외썸냐들과도 함께 즐거운 추억 만들길 바라
드림캐쳐 화이팅, 사랑해❤
ASIA TOUR PLEASEEEE 😭😭 the concert look so amazing in the video Im cryinggg 😭
Happy Birthday to Dreamcatcher! Happy birthday to you! And Many More!!!!
올해도 잘 부탁해요 울 꿈둥이들~ 😊
정말 사랑했고, 만나서 반가웠어! 우리 앞으로도 사랑하자~ 너무 멋있었어~~~ 유럽 투어 조심히 다녀와~
I love Dami.
I love Dreamcatcher.
5:22 oh my God I’m dying that’s so cute!!!
와 다시봐도 소름이네요ㅎㅎ
다음 콘서트도 기대중입니다.
다음 콘서트 땐, 락페인지 분간이 안갈정도로 슬램, 기차놀이도 했으면 하네요
왜냐하면 드림캐쳐는 '락메탈' 아이돌이니까요
이번에 독감 걸려서 못 갔는데… 아쉬워ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 올해 또 해줄거죠…?! 흑흑..
Can't wait for the concert in Lisbon >.
I really had fun with all the new arrangements! Love it so much! Thank you for everything! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
현생이 바빠서 못갔는데 다음엔 꼭 가고싶어요
I love you and your wonderful music
There have been many k-pop Boy Groups,
There have been many k-pop Girl Groups,
There is and will only be one Legendary Dreamcatcher .
벌써 서울콘 비하인드라니 😭
Best girls❤️
Happy 7th Anniversary. Here's to 7x7 more. @Dreamcatcherofficial Thank you for this. It's means so much to be able to hear the thoughts of the members. Never worry about it being too long.
Dreamcatcher, the coolest group of all time💜
18:00 love how dami is also doing a little silly dance
드림캐쳐 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ❤❤
Great memories! It was such an amazing concert. I hope the tour goes well!
I need a DVD like right now XD
7주년 콘서트 너무 비현실적이었어요.. 설마 꿈이었나 ㅠ.ㅠ
다시 한번 한국콘❤❤😭
Omg I wondered why SuA was so surprised at the 'Let's Go' hahaha 2:25 It makes so much sense now!
Dreamcatcher, I love you 😭😭❤❤❤
their concert seems so fun!!!!! I want to go so badddd
18:01 SUA ✨✨🤟🏻🤟🏻❤️
yoohyeon following the dance on the side 😭💚
@@akemidesu yeah so cute 💗✨
Dami do the dance as well
@@thztan7492 she’s perfect 👏🏻👏🏻🔥🔥😩
15:14 진짜 남자 맴버인 줄 ㅎㅎ
나는 모든 새로운 준비를 좋아했습니다! 나는 정말 좋았어. 나는 결코 우리를 실망시키지 않은 소녀들의 열렬한 팬입니다! 모든 것에 감사드립니다!🫰😘😘
Pour toujours avec 드림캐쳐. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
드림캐쳐 화이팅
드림캐쳐는 저의행복이고 힘이에요 !! 가족여행으로 콘서트갔는데 너무행복했어요 사랑해요 드림캐쳐😊
i can't believe i'll meet them in less than two weeks!!
Have fun 😊👍🙏
thank youuuu @@thztan7492
선댓글 후감상 ❤️
yo man im crying while watching this when reason came up AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
하 1월13일로 돌아가고싶다...
Dami dance along "guilty" in the bonus scene👍👍👍.
The concert full of love & laugh 😊😊😊
선댓 후감상!!!!! 이게 드디어 올라오네 ㅜㅜ
Amazing job ladies!!
I hope you can come to Hong Kong or Macao for a concert,please!!!!! We love dreamcatcher so much!!!!please, come on!!!
Watching the clips on stage was fun and I teared up with joy. So pleased the girls had fun too.
Seeing them on march 7th!
Have fun 🙂👍🙏
самый веселый добродушный и улыбчивый коллектив что я видел.
все такие красивые девочки.
и песни приятные .
понравились все [Special Clip
Wow pretty Sua is a true beauty 😍❤️💕❤️💕❤️💯👍
1:42 - "overachiever"
드림캐쳐 최고