Euthanasia debate: Assisted suicide is allowed in several European countries • FRANCE 24 English

  • Опубліковано 29 січ 2025


  • @banksiasong
    @banksiasong Рік тому +18

    Let adults who are suffering have the right to end that suffering.
    In Australia, it is called Voluntary Assisted Dying, and is strictly regulated to prevent abuse by families and estate beneficiaries.

  • @johnsjourney4978
    @johnsjourney4978 Рік тому +11

    How is this even a debate?
    Let someone who doesn't want to suffer just go
    How cruel can you be people?

  • @priyanshusharma9669
    @priyanshusharma9669 Місяць тому +1

    Life is hell

  • @Kelprop
    @Kelprop Рік тому +3

    Terminally I'll patients can suffer agonizing pain near end of life. Their life is going to end, they shouldn't have to suffer

  • @kdlovers4011
    @kdlovers4011 Рік тому +1

    How to apply request for euthanasia if it is ban in some countries?

  • @HeyMJ.
    @HeyMJ. Рік тому +2

    @France24 Thanks for including definitions of euthanasia terms used in this segment. It gives viewers valuable insight and improves communications globally re the topic. 👍

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 Рік тому +1

    When speaking of 'death' also consider the following:
    EXISTENTIAL PHYSICS: (Current Analysis): (copy and paste from my files):
    Regardless of how we exist, the future condenses down to a singular outcome: All life (real and artificial) eventually dies and goes extinct, at least those on and from this Earth.
    (Subject to revision as new information might dictate).

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Рік тому +1

      Current Analysis (subject to revision as new information might dictate): (copy and paste from my files):
      WARNING: NOT FOR ALL AUDIENCES: Only read this if you think you can handle it.
      a. 6th mass extinction event (possibly occurring now), and the 6th won't be the last. (And 'yes', at least some humans will survive these earlier mass extinction events).
      b. Sun becomes a red giant one day as it switches from burning hydrogen to burning helium and will wipe out all life left on this Earth if not even the entire Earth itself. (And 'yes', a long time from now, but the destination is set like a way point on a journey).
      c. Our spiral shaped galaxy is most probably collapsing in upon itself, (note: adding to the red shift observations by the way), and it's possible ALL galaxies eventually collapse in upon themselves (not confirmed yet).
      d. 'If' one believes in the big bang theory, and space itself expanding, then the entire universe and all in it will most probably end in a big freeze. (And 'yes', a long time from now, but the destination would be set like a way point on a journey). Note also: the singular big bang is probably not really true, there are other 'normal' explanations for the red shift observations, and the universe is most probably not going to end in a big freeze. Also, 'if' the current forces of nature came into existence in the early moments of the expansion of the singularity, and the singularity is still basically expanding, then the forces of nature will probably evolve one day, possibly even in the very next moment of expansion of this universe, and possibly wipe out everything in existence in basically a blink of an eye. Of which note also, the forces of nature as well as the universe always existed and never had a beginning. But 'if' modern science is correct, well ....................................blink...........................................
      e. Outer space travel: Currently impossible to do for long periods of time due to:
      1. Harmful cosmic radiation, including any potential neutrino impacts. (While most neutrinos go right through us, not all of them do all of the time). AI and biological life would most probably not survive unless proper protections were had.
      2. Biological species, especially humans, need proper gravity conditions and large rotating space ships probably will not work for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, biological life, especially humans, will not survive long term.
      3. Biological species, especially humans, need many more items to properly survive, otherwise they won't.
      * Note: If anybody has any actual factual evidence to counter the above, I welcome it.

  • @mxrk-bb9jy
    @mxrk-bb9jy Рік тому

    Thanks I needed this for my debation in English.

  • @grapheneoxideisinvaccinema5321

    Another JESUIT doctrine 👈

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 Рік тому +1

    For those entities that believe that ending one's own life is a 'sin', consider that God does not actually exist except for as a concept alone and 'sin' is just a human concoction.
    QUESTIONS: (copy and paste from my files):
    Questions: Okay, it's claimed that a sub-set of humanity, in only a certain time in human history, out of all the other humans in existence on this Earth throughout time, as well as all the other species on this Earth throughout time, as well as any other life that might exist in this galaxy, as well as all the life in other galaxies, is the only chosen people of God. Really? They truly believe this? Ego centric much?

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Рік тому +1

      GOD DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST EXCEPT FOR AS A CONCEPT: (copy and paste from my files):
      For those who claim God actually exists (besides as a concept), consider the following:
      a. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness truly existing.
      b. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness that has consciousness, memories and thoughts truly existing.
      People who claim God actually and eternally exists basically are claiming that 'b' above is correct but yet simultaneously seem to be saying that 'a' is impossible to occur.
      'a' above can exist without 'b' existing but 'b' cannot exist unless 'a' exists. Even per the scientific principal of Occam's razor, 'a' is more probable of being really true rather than 'b'.
      I am one step away from proving God's existence, but am unable to find any actual evidence to do so. And nobody I've talked to seems to have any actual evidence of God's actual existence either. All humans appear to have are 'Theories of God'. Some humans appear to go their whole life basing their life upon their specific theory of God. Many give their God human characteristics and cannot even prove the existence of their God much less the characteristics given to their God. Some have circumstantial arguments for a God's existence, but others have circumstantial arguments for no God existing. Not one has any actual factual evidence that their God actually factually even exists. Hence, at this time in the analysis, God does not actually exist except for as a concept created by humans for humans. Humans have personified Nature and called that personification "God". Instead of what is claimed "God creating man in God's image", it's more likely that "Man created God in Man's image".
      Further consider that if the emotional parts of the brain override the logic and reasoning parts of the brain, people can be made to believe basically anything at all as being really true. Plus modern science has already proven that humans can have visual and audio hallucinations that are very real to that individual. All the more reason for critical thinking being needed and to follow the facts wherever those facts might lead. Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning.
      In addition, while modern science does not know what consciousness actually is yet, memories and thoughts appear to require a physical correctly functioning brain to have those items occur. Where is God's brain? Where are God's memories stored at? How are God's memories stored and retrieved? How does God think even a single coherent thought?
      If inside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where?
      If outside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where is the interface between that dimension and this dimension? No such interface has been discovered as of yet as far as I am currently aware of.
      * Note: Since this is a search for the real absolute truth concerning God, Intelligent Designer, Pre-existent Consciousness, etc, feel free to copy and paste this elsewhere to further the analysis and discussion.
      * For those who claim God actually exists besides just as a concept, please prove that 'b' above is really true and that 'a' is not really true.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 Рік тому +1

      a. Modern science claims energy cannot be created nor destroyed, hence energy is eternally existent.
      b. An absolute somethingness cannot come from an absolute nothingness, so an absolute somethingness always existed, most probably being energy itself.
      c. Universe ALWAYS existed in some form and NEVER had a beginning, No Creator Needed.
      'a' is true, is it not? 'b' is true, is it not? If 'a' and 'b' are true, then no creator is needed in 'c'.
      * Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning.