You need a drill press with platform that the wheel can pass through or next to. This way you can rest the file on the ledge and essentially create a lathe type rigging. This way you would be able to pass by eye the same distance across giving a uniform wearing pattern. You could set up a ruler and be precise.
You need a drill press with platform that the wheel can pass through or next to. This way you can rest the file on the ledge and essentially create a lathe type rigging. This way you would be able to pass by eye the same distance across giving a uniform wearing pattern. You could set up a ruler and be precise.
Awesome super helpful, always lookin forward to next upload. Will try this out sometime when i get some freetime from nursing school lol
Glad we could help and hope nursing school is treating you good👍🏻
Try chucking the wheel up in a drill press. Would make it a little easier
I’ll have you show me next time haha