That sounds like a great idea. If you get three tickets for not following the rules then you should have your license revoked. Then if you are caught without your license then your gun gets confiscated. Be nice if we could give fines for being an a$$..😅
It is beyond pathetic that a few people in this world live as “ I do as I please.” Good call to put meaning into “what part of no trespassing escapes you?” Stay strong and safe.
You just don’t do that pull out a gun where ever you wish. I was raised you don’t walk on someone’s lawn you don’t touch other people property. In actual fact the elderly folk would compliment my parents on how well behaved we all were. That also went for all kids in our neighbourhood . My parents have 4 daughters and 4 other families had 4 kids. So that 20 kids and we all or most would be together playing tag or riding bikes around the big church in Guelph don’t need to explain where that is lol. But we all had respect for other neighbour’s that didn’t have children.
Sandi- I had a serious issue with hunters on my property for several years and even in my yard. They knew my work schedule and would show up minutes after I left. I started to alter my schedule to try to catch them. They outran the police every time or were gone before they made it out here. We solved the issue very fast by using our drone. We flew the drone over the property line, so got them recorded hunting on our property and then found their truck with the drone and got their license plate and chased them down the road (with the drone). Then called the cops with the footage so they could visit them. It's been nearly 8 years and they haven't been back. Get your drone out and put it to work for you! The plus is no physical contact with armed hunters. How many times a day can he afford to be fined? I'm not against hunting either, but I give certain people permission and these guys ruin it for them and they have zero respect for me.
I’m a hunter and I would think that your wildlife management organization or whoever issues the hunting licenses could at the very least revoke his hunting license if they are aware of what he’s been doing. Hunting while trespassing is nobody’s definition of legal 🤬!
Sandi, if your truck is brand new, did you get a device put on so the vehicle thieves cannot take it? Sorry to read that. ❤less jerks took our vehicle last February! ☹ Happy & Healthy New Year to everyone!
@ Fortunately, there’s a system in place to make that very difficult. You can’t sell a lamb without its RFID tag. And only farmers are issued those tags, and they keep track of who gets which tags. They could steal some, but they couldn’t really DO anything with them.
Trespassing is terrible. Hunters should follow the law. Sandi, protect your back no matter what. Once your back goes, your life revolves around what you can’t do
My Parents had a farm in Lucan and a guy ( while we were eating dinner) walked past the dining room window with a rifle . He was shooting trout in the stream beside the house. Yes beside our house... I can't tell how we handled it but he never came back on the property again.-I can say he had to get all new tires for his truck..
A friend had a dog that was VERY territorial and allowed no one who came on the property to easily leave. The fuel delivery guy figured he knew better than the owners, didn't call ahead and ended up spending four hours in the heat of summer sitting on a ledge. This dog would bite thru sidewalls of tires. Never bit people but then again it kept the property safe.
My sis and Brother in law live in Montana..they live on the edge of wild country. Have a quiet dirt road next to their large field where they grow crops. In the fall the hunters that come by to hunt..are always good about asking permission to hunt the deer and elk that graze or go through the property. But for years they had one vehicle that would drive by slowly..After dark. A poacher. He killed a huge elk..took the rack..left the rest.. Our Sis and Bro in law had watched it happen ..called law enforcement..caught the guy... He is now doing a Bunch of time in prison..for repeat offense. So glad you got on top of the crazies too!!!
It is very challenging to have trespassing. It is such a violation to you and your safety is questionable. You are doing the correct thing calling police. I had a home robbery many years ago and I never felt safe in that home again. I lived out in the country as you do. Hopefully, he will stop! You are amazing with how you are for your flock.
Ms. Sandi. I can understand your concern with trespassers on your proporty. As a kid growing up on a farm, we would have people driving their ATV dirt bikes through crops plus snow mobiles across nursery stock. Even in 2017, I was brush hogging spotted three young men walking through field hunting ground hogs, and birds said a farmer two farms oversaid it was OK to hunt !!! told them they were way off of proporty leave asap back the way they came from. Cell phone called the farmer, and he said they would never do that again. Ms. Sandi and Mr. Mark, I can fully understand proporty trespassers. We had to lock our fuel tanks gas and diesel. Please take care of yourself.
The thing to remember is that trespasser has no remorse. If he hurt the dogs, you or your family he wouldn't care. He has not learned in the past and will not learn. Keep calling the police as much as possible. Happy birthday Billy!!🎉 The lamb clothes for Piper is the best thing I have ever seen!😅
We used to have trespassers on our woods in Illinois. Paying land taxes every year somehow didn't give us the right to hunt or gather mushrooms, blackberries, firewood, ginsing, nuts or deer without being confronted by poachers. Even had them tell me they had the owner's permission. It could be a bit scary and quite annoying.
My parents had that. Previous owners of their house hunted on the property since there's tons of deer. Some buddies of the previous owners showed up the first year after the house was sold and when my dad confronted them they were like "well Billy said we could!/Bill always let us!" he was just like "Do I look like Billy!?" They luckily have not been back. I can't fathom the thought process. You're going to waltz armed onto someone's property without prior notice or permission in an area where you know they are also more than likely armed, law enforcement is thin, and they likely have family and animals they will absolutely bury you to protect? Where are the braincells?
@@osteophagus we had a similar thing happen here in Northern Michigan. The believe it or not two owners of the property ago came in and started walking the property, guns in hand. My husband went out and confronted them not knowing who they were but that they had guns on our property where they were horses loose in the pasture. They identified themselves as the former owners of the property, and since we knew who the immediate previous owners were, we knew that wasn’t true. My husband didn’t identify himself as the current owner and somehow the guy assumed that we were renting. When my husband told him no one had permission to hunt the property, he switched his story to the fact that his elder son had taken his first deer on that property and he wanted his younger son to take his first deer on that property as well. Told us he had the owners permission. My husband is a real even keeled guy but two lies that quick in a row ticked him off. He enlightened the guy that we were the owners and had recorded his license plate - believe it or not the guy had parked in our second driveway. DUH! Unbelievably enough, he came back the next year knocked on our door and asked permission to hunt on the property. “Um NO!!!”
@@osteophagus Why is it so incredibly satisfying to hear someone say 'Joe said I could hunt here' and be able to say, 'excuse me, but I'm Jo and I've never met you and I definitely did not give you permission to hunt on my farm.' One guy said he talked to my husband and I didn't see how that was possible, since I was a widow. Jerks.
Oops, rough start to the year! There are issues with dog hunting in Northeast U.S. too. In Vermont, hunting dogs attacked hikers and are issues for small farmers. Gold Shaw Farm has content about what they’ve had to deal with as a small scale poultry farm and the law changes farmers are advocating for.
Glad you mentioned the entitled bear hunters at Gold Shaw Farms. They seem to think they have the right to follow where their dogs lead in VT unless the land owner has taken steps to keep them out.
As a falconer in the United States, which falconers are hunters and have to follow the. same hunting laws; everything this guy did is against the law here. The only thing he did lawfully was to have all of his hunting license in place, other than that, everything he did was against the law. So I’m glad you guys checked him and let him know that people are watching, and there are consequences, never mind the safety issues and the risk that this jerk put you guys in.
Trespassers can really unsettle you, definitely shook me up when I experienced it. At the time, I was in college living with my mother and worked closing shifts. Felt a few nights like I was being watched or something was outside (kind of normal with coyotes/fox/barn cats/etc). There were men trespassing on our farm at 2-3am, discovered because I heard their car door shut while I was working on homework before bed (there was also a guy on a bike I could see trying to get into the garage). Woke up my mom and she got a gun out of the safe as well as a spotlight and yelled at them. Also called the cops, but they said they were too far away to catch them (we lived about 10-15 minutes from town). I lost a lot of sleep being worried they'd be back!
Sheeple! I am most definitely a sheepishly me sheeple and always wait in anticipation of her next video. The things I’ve learned and the entertainment is priceless!❤️❤️❤️
Sorry about the irritation of an irresponsible hunter who has gotten away with ignoring the law for the last decade, what does that say? Would be interesting to see where he lives and if he is coyote hunting for his own farm or he is being paid some sort of bounty by others. Other than that, sad to see Jess is back to class, but happy she’s not too far away. Sheep seem to be doing great, also thinking it’s a good idea that you are watching out for your back. Always good to see you Sandi, thanks for sharing.🐏🐑💕👍
You might want to look the word up before you call yourself a sheeple. Its definition is not meant as a kindly term to describe someone who likes Sandi and her sheep. It is a derogatory term that means something else entirely.
You both have every right to be concerned. We ourselves have had to call police hearing guns go off because they sound so so close. They sounded close enough that we heard them in the house over music playing, and we ourselves live in the country. Granted we have backyard neighbors with guns and neighbors 2 houses over with guns. But it is still nerve-wracking. and when the people are trespassing it is even more aggravating. We just had to put up no trespassing signs at the end of our driveway for our own safety. Marked trees on our property border due to having neighbors trespassing and trying to take our property. I get you. I have to tell you, your trees were so beautiful this year.. and I love seeing your trees up and barn decorated. Thank you for blessing us everyday with your vlogs. It really puts a smile on my face seeing your sheep, the babies, the pups, and watching you and your family all work together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and your family are such a blessing. Keep smiling. It is contagious, catchy, and heart warming.
Trespassing AGAIN!?!?!? He pulled out a f-ing GUN!?!?!? OMGG! I’m freaking pissed! Did y’all get the broken key out of the ignition? Do y’all have cameras outside? If not I HIGHLY suggest Mark installs them immediately! I know you guys know and I’m not telling you anything new bc y’all are brilliant I just hope he doesn’t retaliate~prayers INCREASING Sandi~ Could you wrap heating tape around the lines? ?
@@leslieowens1926if this guy’s this disregarding of boundaries, has 10 years of clearly not caring… Dogs aren’t gonna stop him, plus excellent way to get your dogs shot and killed. Not worth putting any animal in harms way. Better off putting up cameras, fences, etc… And continue to report him… What needs to happen is the multiple people who’ve reported him need to go to the police together or the courts… At this point it’s more than just getting dogs to possibly put in danger…
I mean he was a hunter, of course he had a gun?? Maybe its weird in Canada to have them but I'm in rural Iowa and we all have them in our trucks and most people carry on their belts.
Sandi I've Subscribed to your channel I'm not sure how long, and I rarely comment on anything, but I want to let you know I'm so impressed with your resilience, humility and perseverance. Don't stew on the negative comments, those who make them don't deserve your precious time. Who ever doesn't see the beauty in you are lost. This dude needed to be called on his delinquency and you did that, so kudos to you. It's not a good feeling to complain, but without it, we would all be in trouble if no one ever did. Take care.
I wish that with all of the complaints something more should be done. On another note Happy Belated birthday Billy. I'm glad to see everyone looking healthy. Love, hugs, and prayers for all from Austin Texas
Sandy, I understand your sad feeling of taking down your Christmas trees. I have a daughter-in-law that feels the same way. What she does is staring the 1st of October she puts it up with Fall decorations, then at Halloween she puts Halloween decorations on it, then Thanksgiving decorations, Christmas decorations, and the finally Winter decorations in January. So she has it up for four months.
Me too! And then I went back and watched from video number one. I love Sandi, sheep farming, grain farming and yes, even haying. I love watching the kids (who are really grown) come home to help. The love between them all is inspiring. 💜
Now Piper is officially a "sheep dog"!! Super cute ❤ It's super frustrating with the man you encountered. there's no need to be disrespectful when you tell him not to be around your property. You did the right thing!! Thanks for the great video!!
Sandi - so sorry to hear about the scare that hunter gave you all. Surely, if multiple farms/families are dealing with the same guy, something other than a paltry fine could be issued? Maybe it is the law that is an issue…no increased penalty for repeat offenses? Multiple people gathering together and paying the sheriff a visit at the same time - surely could result in trespassing charges? If not, maybe restraining orders per farm/family could be issued against the hunter(s). Love ya! ❤❤❤❤
Here’s a random thought: after watching you put the sheep in the hoof trimmer upside down, couldn’t you do that and scan them for pregnancy there in that machine? Also, taking Christmas down is sad. I’m a widow so I leave it up until after Valentine’s Day because my sweetie was a beautiful Santa. It helps me get through the winter here in Colorado. I have been watching you for years and absolutely adore everything about your farm, family, dogs, and the sweet sheep.
Ultra sound scanning for sheep is done internally. The ultrasound is called trans abdominal. It’s best done while the sheep is standing in a crate. It’s pretty quick and stress free. Sheep don’t like to be upside down, and it can be quite stressful for them.
Hi Sandi!! So sorry to hear that your trespasser was back!! Praying he stays away and doesn’t come back again!! If his dogs are malnourished he can be reported and possibly have his dogs taken away. It probably would be the best thing for them anyway. The sheep are looking really good and it was nice to see Pita and Teddy and the Golden Girls!! Stay safe and warm!! Much love to you all!! 🥰😂
I so agree with everyone saying that it’s pathetic that you had to go to the police about this after speaking to the trespasser. But also glad you connected with the community and found out that you’re not the only ones having trouble and maybe if everyone continues to pressure the police can do something beyond fining? I’m not sure how it is there, but I know that here in Northern Michigan if you have your property posted no hunting allowed, you have more grounds than just a ticket. Thank you for the updates on the sheep that we haven’t seen in a bit. Pipers coat is just adorable! We have two golden retrievers who have the breed imperative that they have to carry around something in their mouth at all times. One of the things that ours like most are various sizes - from quite small to almost as big as Piper - versions of lamb chop.❤ Finally, can you directly me privately if that’s preferable, to where I would find your PO Box address? I’d appreciate it. Your Lake Huron “neighbor” in Northern lower Michigan, Shelley from Giants Dance Farm
My husband is a hunter and he would agree this is not what you should be doing as a hunter. There are plenty of places to hunt that have nothing but woods so you aren’t on private property. Or near someone’s home and or animals.
Carissa is such a blessing for you and your daily sheep chores. You work so hard and it's nice to see someone worthwhile with the work ethics that support your same work ethics and goals, she is such a help for you. The two of you working together is awesome to see because she is as dedicated as you in the raising of those little babies, God bless you both.
Thank goodness Jess hadn’t moved into her place across the street yet. I’m sure you have a security system but the comfort gained from being with your parents in a moment like that cannot be replicated. Glad everyone is okay ❤
Good Afternoon-- thank you for explaining your processes as you go through them with each group, whether they are lambs at weaning, ewes at breeding time, shearing, etc. I've seen each of these events several times and I pick out something new to add to my bag of tricks each time. As an itinerant shearer, I work with sheep owners at all skill and knowledge levels, and I like to point them to folks with experience. Thanks for posting ALL of it, the good, the not so good, and the stuff most owners would shy away from showing!
Sandi, I get the dont want to take the tree down, especially when winter is just beginning and its so dreary, and the lights are so gentle and snuggily and peaceful, and some comfort, so, I have started leaving it up and decorating it for Valentines day and then Easter by then im ready to take it down, adds the gentleness and it is a comfort and if course my kiddos love it. My MIL keeps hers up year round and decorates it for Christmas, Vday, Easter, July 4 th , Thanksgiving and EVERY bday in between if family members, so she can keep it festive. For me thats too much but I do Vday (Hearts and roses, its STUNNING) and Easter (eggs Lambs and Bunnies) and The oeaceful oastels of Easter seta the tone for Spring, freshmess, and taking it down then is Great that holds me over until Soring and that long dreary time is over wanted to share.
Sending my love to you all the way from Trapper Creek Alaska where it's a balmy 44 degrees. Crazy!!!✌🏻❤🤠 Sandi, no one or critter could ever hate you. You're an angel.😇
I've started spreading out and glitzing up my room decorations when it's time to take down the tree. Leaving up room decorations helps ease the sadness of stripping the tree, the glitter and the lights. Love y'all ❤️
Great idea! The barreness, emptiness of your house after decorations come down is bad for depression. Cities/towns in Northern areas often leave decorations up longer and outside lights up for a few months to battle this problem. It works! ❤❤🎉🎉❤❤
First the truck episode, then the arrogant coyote hunter, and extra drama you don’t need! The lambs look so healthy, strong and are filling out nicely! My advice, go back to the cabin and have a cocktail and work on a puzzle🥳🥳 I love my Christmas tree and cry every time I take it down.
I’m so sorry you have had to deal with someone trespassing. We have property up north and found someone dumped tires on it this fall. Very unsettling. Hopefully you have no more issues. On a side note, my hubby bought my daughter and I something from your website for Christmas ❤ we love watching you and your videos
Hmmm… personally, I would consider somebody getting out of their vehicle, rifle in hand to be threatening behaviour. I live in a city so maybe that is the difference but still - i would ask the cop to consider charging this repeat offender with an offence(s) under Sections 87 - 88 of the Canadian Criminal code S87 “Pointing a Firearm (s.87): Pointing a firearm at another person without lawful excuse can lead to up to 5 years in prison, even if the weapon is not loaded. “ given this weapon was pointed at you/your house S88 ”Possessing a weapon or imitation weapon in a manner dangerous to public peace or safety can result in up to 10 years in prison if tried as an indictable offence.” If anything, this ‘Hunter’ might take it more seriously than a $250 fine Given this ‘Hunter’ has been bothering/menacing the area for 10 years it is amazing nothing more serious has happened. My view (as you can probably guess) is his actions warrant a more serious response than a fine
Brovo! Thank you for the law and numbers to support. This does need addressing. Enlist the community and neighborhood. All together this behavior and attitude can be addressed and a much safer neighborhood.
Im so sorry dor a second comment im trying not to comment so much, i hope I can share this without sounding like a weirdo (im really not although my kids may disagree HA) I just wanted to say Thank You. You TRULY are a bright place in my Heart! Not much brings honest joy in todays world, You TRULY being Joy. So Thank You Sandi I appreciate You.
Love the sheepie coat on your doggie! So cute! Glad all uscwell. When I lived in the sticks in Georgia, hunters would walk through the property following deer. Often I’d go out and ask them not to trespass or shot around my house. The guys were always respectful, but then they’d come back during deer season that next year. So happy that your intruder didn’t discharge his rifle on your property, especially since he was so close to your home!
I once had some men try to drive their truck right through my property and were about to OPEN THE GATE to my sheep flock and livestock guardian dog. This was the year after a wildfire and they were looking for mushrooms and they figured they would just go through the property and through the livestock and dog. There was literally a sign at the gate basically saying you’ll be eaten if you open this gate. I was 36 weeks pregnant at the time and by myself so I went out and yelled at them and also had to keep my house dog from trying to eat them because he hated strange men. Anyways I have always been super helpful to people because that property is in the middle of nowhere and if you plug in this very popular lake nearby sat nav will try to take you through the middle of our property. I had always left my gate open and helped people with directions since if the gate was locked there was nowhere on that crown land to turn around. After that I was like F-- IT! I padlocked the gate. One bonehead can ruin a kind helpful attitude in a hurry!
Hi Sandi, please try a back protector to slip on when you are doing heavy jobs. As a retired nurse with a totally knackd back just having this on reminds you when you just push yourself too far. It was just a blue canvas belt with fitted board that went over uniform when doing heavy lifting or even bed making, This little belt made my life easier for later part of my career.
That sounds terrifying and its ridiculous that this man has been clearly disregarding the law for ten years! That's insane lack of concern or care for other people's property. I'm in the boonies of Southern Oregon and even here it would be terrifying for someone to be casually walking in front of my house with a gun. I couldn't imagine the stress you must have been under. Glad everyone is okay and fingers crossed he stays away!
Totally feeling you on the whole trespassing thing. Nothing more unnerving and maddening than being on your property and knowing that there are people who aren't supposed to be there walking about like they own the place. We own 73 acres in big buck country and I can't even tell you how many times we've found people on the property. I was in a tree stand earlier this year and heard people in the woods talking loudly. And the game wardens and police don't seem to care, even though there are no trespassing signs everywhere and the property is fenced in. Just makes you soooo mad. Sorry this happened to you guys again. ❤
It's never a fun feeling when you have trespassers. a few years ago my dad let a guy who lived near by hunt on our property. It was only supposed to be him and his son to come to get a deer. Well, they each got a deer, so we figured they wouldn't be back because my dad doesn't like over hunting our property since we enjoy the deer and critters we have around. Well, my dad was at work and I noticed 2 trucks parked in the yard that weren't that guy's truck. He had told his buddies, who had come to try and hunt while they thought no one was home. So I called and reported trespassers, cops came out and called out into the woods for them to come up. The guys said my dad gave them permission and I informed them my dad had given Man A and his son permission to each shoot ONE deer this season. Man B and Man C we had never even spoken to and had not given them permission. So cops trespassed them and ticketed them. So when Man A showed up trying to hunt again, my dad told him he was no longer allowed on our property since he was dishonest and allowed people he knew onto my dad's land without permission. So yeah that was a wild time for sure. I don't like when people take advantage of someone's kindness like that.
I live in Barrie. We have coyote problems too. They've got at least 6 cats in the neighborhood. One of which was mine. I feel for you. Those people trespassing should be charged more than a small fine.
I feel for you Sandi, some people have no respect for other people's property. I wonder if you could fit a gate at the bottom of the driveway? Lock it at a time of the evening when you are not expecting any visitors. - The sheep are looking good. Love from Mike. ❤
You work so hard, in fact your whole family does. How dare anyone put you down by making such horrible comments. You deserve better. ❤❤❤ all of you haven’t gotten this successful by sitting on your butts. Omg Pipers coat is so blasted cute. Some people have no regards for other people’s belongings.
I love the fact that Mark is so mad and is being so protective of you and Jess. If the person has been doing that for 10 years and does not care just wondering why has he not done any jail time? Glad that you are all safe.
how scary is that truck broken into then some creepy hunter with a gun. i'm thankful no one was hurt. Sandi, go to arms family homestead, Daniel just put up a bunch of WI-FI type cameras at their place both home and business. We also have cameras at our farm both near the house and in the bush. we had problems with people trespassing in our sheep pasture and stealing lambs. we use trail cams that are camouflage coloring to disappear. if nothing else it will give some piece of mind. also please do not follow the idiots, you don't know how unstable that person is, especially if they tell you to call the cops like they really don't care. BE SAFE Y"ALL
Hate people are trying to invade your property and steal from you. You guys are amazing people and you would help people but some people feel that they are entitled to what others have. Keep doing you. ❤
Certainly maddening amd unsettling. This so called hunter certainly gives good hunters a bad name. It's one thing for a human to be going across your property but to have hunting dogs loose as well, is a whole other issue. And by law you cannot shoot a gun within 400 meters of houses. So he is breaking the law. Disrespectful. Dangerous. And disgusting. Keep safe and keep reporting if you have to. Hopefully he will learn he is all over the internet, not by name but by actions, so more people in your community will be watching for him. Ten years is far too long for this to be continuing. Happy Birthday Billy!
You and your family and farm’s safety is definitely important. The person has no remorse so I agree you should continue to report him. Have a great day!
Hi Sandi. The baby nanny pen have such cute and darling little ones in there. Love those babies.❤️🥰 oh, so glad the upside down ewe was ok. Yummy coffee, first thing in the morning.👍. Aww, the golden girls are doing well.❤️👍. Trespassers on your farm with a gun! What a scary incident.🥺. Taking the Christmas trees is always rather sad to me.
Sandi, I just got my last order, it’s the one with the greeting cards. Boy I was surprised when in one bundle there was six 8x10 pictures and in the other bundle there was seven pictures. All this time I thought 😮I was getting one picture in each bundle. You are wonderful and I’m getting frames and matting for all the pictures. Going to hang on the wall. TU TU TU ❤
I did have that happen to me once in a way... some guy was going over the privacy fence in my backyard. The way I handled it was just a piece of plywood and rows of nails on it and put it side up with the nails up and he came over the fence and found the board in a very rude way. You might wanna think about ways to stop his truck. If he does not know you have some plywood with nails stick it up... Just make sure that you have some science and no trust passing because in America if you don't have something like that posted even if they go on to your property they may get away with it you don't have it posted saying no soliciting or private property or something of that nature here. Just remember he has put fear into your heart and your families which he has no right to do on your property but it's Fair game to put a little fear into his heart and you're property there's ways to do that that might get his attention like a truck that he loves
You take good care of all of your animals, especially your dogs. That the nuisance's dogs are in bad shape say a lot about him as a person. Hopefully, in addition to the trespassing violation, he can be charged with their neglect. He doesn't deserve to have them.
If this guy has been reported that many times , then maybe his rifle and any future hunting licenses should be taken away.
Like the way you think
Yup, he should be banned from having a license. And his wife and close family.
That sounds like a great idea. If you get three tickets for not following the rules then you should have your license revoked. Then if you are caught without your license then your gun gets confiscated. Be nice if we could give fines for being an a$$..😅
Good luck with that.
If he doesn't care about trespass laws, he doesn't care about hunting license laws.
He'll get a rifle one way or the other.
It is beyond pathetic that a few people in this world live as “ I do as I please.” Good call to put meaning into “what part of no trespassing escapes you?” Stay strong and safe.
A few people? More than half of the population live like that. It’s disgusting.
The Sovereign Citizen attitude is definitely on the rise. Far too many people think that possessing a firearm, makes them a law unto themselves.
You just don’t do that pull out a gun where ever you wish. I was raised you don’t walk on someone’s lawn you don’t touch other people property. In actual fact the elderly folk would compliment my parents on how well behaved we all were. That also went for all kids in our neighbourhood . My parents have 4 daughters and 4 other families had 4 kids. So that 20 kids and we all or most would be together playing tag or riding bikes around the big church in Guelph don’t need to explain where that is lol. But we all had respect for other neighbour’s that didn’t have children.
Totally agree! Sadly, America is full of "I do what I want" people right now. You run into them everywhere.
What if he accidentally mistaken, one of the dogs running in the distance for a coyote?
Sandi- I had a serious issue with hunters on my property for several years and even in my yard. They knew my work schedule and would show up minutes after I left. I started to alter my schedule to try to catch them. They outran the police every time or were gone before they made it out here. We solved the issue very fast by using our drone. We flew the drone over the property line, so got them recorded hunting on our property and then found their truck with the drone and got their license plate and chased them down the road (with the drone). Then called the cops with the footage so they could visit them. It's been nearly 8 years and they haven't been back. Get your drone out and put it to work for you! The plus is no physical contact with armed hunters. How many times a day can he afford to be fined? I'm not against hunting either, but I give certain people permission and these guys ruin it for them and they have zero respect for me.
Great idea!
YES! Great way to stop them without physical interaction or harm!
What a great idea! Good going. We're going to try it with our young lawless who disregard everybody but themselves.
They knew who it was, so getting the plate wasn't the issue; the jerk's refusal to respect properly lines is the problem.
I’m a hunter and I would think that your wildlife management organization or whoever issues the hunting licenses could at the very least revoke his hunting license if they are aware of what he’s been doing. Hunting while trespassing is nobody’s definition of legal 🤬!
With all those complaints he should be denied a hunting license.
No hunting. No gun. No dogs. And maybe a few months in jail
@@eileenmcdonald1599 Maybe many months in jail.
That's what I was wondering. If he's been trespassing for ten years, while hunting, why does he still have a hunting license?
Sandi, fist someone tried to steal your truck and now trespassers. I hope 2025 gets better for you. Thank you for everything you do. ❤❤
Sandi, if your truck is brand new, did you get a device put on so the vehicle thieves cannot take it? Sorry to read that. ❤less jerks took our vehicle last February! ☹
Happy & Healthy New Year to everyone!
@@User-blu-7999 those devices are easy to hack to make them actually easier to steal
If Billy's 5, that means I've been following you for 6 years. Holy cow!
Do you mean Holy Sheep? LOL
Me too
me too
Omg me too!
Your right to be cautious about those trespassers they could start stealing or vandalism. I’d put up more surveillance around your shop and barns
Jack should put up some cameras around the property.
I’m guessing she does already, she just doesn’t advertise that fact.
I'd be worried about them coming in under cover of night and going after sheep. Lambs would be easy to grab and take off.
@ Fortunately, there’s a system in place to make that very difficult. You can’t sell a lamb without its RFID tag. And only farmers are issued those tags, and they keep track of who gets which tags. They could steal some, but they couldn’t really DO anything with them.
Trespassing is terrible. Hunters should follow the law. Sandi, protect your back no matter what. Once your back goes, your life revolves around what you can’t do
I got careless and I’m in a wheelchair and I’m so glad your listen to your doctor Take care of your back it’s the only one you get🙃
No truer words have been spoken. I miss my healthy back and knees. 😢
Unfortunately its the ones that dont follow saftey protocol and laws that ruin it for the ones taht do follow them faithfully
@@debvit2353 so very true!
My Parents had a farm in Lucan and a guy ( while we were eating dinner) walked past the dining room window with a rifle . He was shooting trout in the stream beside the house. Yes beside our house... I can't tell how we handled it but he never came back on the property again.-I can say he had to get all new tires for his truck..
A friend had a dog that was VERY territorial and allowed no one who came on the property to easily leave. The fuel delivery guy figured he knew better than the owners, didn't call ahead and ended up spending four hours in the heat of summer sitting on a ledge. This dog would bite thru sidewalls of tires. Never bit people but then again it kept the property safe.
SHOOTING trout? Wtf?
@lynhanna917 So funny.
Good for you!!
@@angiec1960too I found myself wondering if there's any trout left when you shoot them?? LOL
I can't help but hear "turtle alert" from Tara's Farm. 😅
😂 I think the same.😂
Tera is an Aussie badass!
lol Same!
I said the same thing when I saw this!!!! Turtle alert! Turtle alert!!!
I yelled it in my head when I saw the preview, haha!
They need to do another cross over, I love them together!❤
My sis and Brother in law live in Montana..they live on the edge of wild country. Have a quiet dirt road next to their large field where they grow crops. In the fall the hunters that come by to hunt..are always good about asking permission to hunt the deer and elk that graze or go through the property. But for years they had one vehicle that would drive by slowly..After dark. A poacher. He killed a huge elk..took the rack..left the rest..
Our Sis and Bro in law had watched it happen ..called law enforcement..caught the guy... He is now doing a Bunch of time in prison..for repeat offense. So glad you got on top of the crazies too!!!
I am glad no one got hurt. I have to say the lamb chop dog onesie is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen ever. Sherry would be proud.
lol true!! 😊
OH LOOK! Piper is a Canadian sheepdog ❤😂
A dog in sheep’s clothing. LOL!
That Lambchop coat is so adorable on Piper! Big love! ❤️
It is very challenging to have trespassing. It is such a violation to you and your safety is questionable. You are doing the correct thing calling police. I had a home robbery many years ago and I never felt safe in that home again. I lived out in the country as you do. Hopefully, he will stop! You are amazing with how you are for your flock.
Ms. Sandi.
I can understand your concern with trespassers on your proporty. As a kid growing up on a farm, we would have people driving their ATV dirt bikes through crops plus snow mobiles across nursery stock.
Even in 2017, I was brush hogging spotted three young men walking through field hunting ground hogs, and birds said a farmer two farms oversaid it was OK to hunt !!! told them they were way off of proporty leave asap back the way they came from. Cell phone called the farmer, and he said they would never do that again.
Ms. Sandi and Mr. Mark, I can fully understand proporty trespassers. We had to lock our fuel tanks gas and diesel.
Please take care of yourself.
Sandi! I moved onto a beef ranch and everything you talk about has helped me to hit the ground running. You're amazing!
The thing to remember is that trespasser has no remorse. If he hurt the dogs, you or your family he wouldn't care. He has not learned in the past and will not learn. Keep calling the police as much as possible.
Happy birthday Billy!!🎉
The lamb clothes for Piper is the best thing I have ever seen!😅
So funny. Lucy at the bottom of the stairs. Shes like NOPE! not going out there till the white stuff is gone. 😂
I thought the same thing. 😆
Sandi….you deserve an award for the Best Human of all time!! ❤❤❤
We used to have trespassers on our woods in Illinois. Paying land taxes every year somehow didn't give us the right to hunt or gather mushrooms, blackberries, firewood, ginsing, nuts or deer without being confronted by poachers. Even had them tell me they had the owner's permission. It could be a bit scary and quite annoying.
That happened to us with a hunter! “The owner told us we could.” Um…since WE were the owners, I don’t think so!!
My parents had that. Previous owners of their house hunted on the property since there's tons of deer. Some buddies of the previous owners showed up the first year after the house was sold and when my dad confronted them they were like "well Billy said we could!/Bill always let us!" he was just like "Do I look like Billy!?" They luckily have not been back. I can't fathom the thought process. You're going to waltz armed onto someone's property without prior notice or permission in an area where you know they are also more than likely armed, law enforcement is thin, and they likely have family and animals they will absolutely bury you to protect? Where are the braincells?
@@osteophagus we had a similar thing happen here in Northern Michigan. The believe it or not two owners of the property ago came in and started walking the property, guns in hand. My husband went out and confronted them not knowing who they were but that they had guns on our property where they were horses loose in the pasture. They identified themselves as the former owners of the property, and since we knew who the immediate previous owners were, we knew that wasn’t true. My husband didn’t identify himself as the current owner and somehow the guy assumed that we were renting. When my husband told him no one had permission to hunt the property, he switched his story to the fact that his elder son had taken his first deer on that property and he wanted his younger son to take his first deer on that property as well. Told us he had the owners permission. My husband is a real even keeled guy but two lies that quick in a row ticked him off. He enlightened the guy that we were the owners and had recorded his license plate - believe it or not the guy had parked in our second driveway. DUH!
Unbelievably enough, he came back the next year knocked on our door and asked permission to hunt on the property. “Um NO!!!”
@@osteophagus Why is it so incredibly satisfying to hear someone say 'Joe said I could hunt here' and be able to say, 'excuse me, but I'm Jo and I've never met you and I definitely did not give you permission to hunt on my farm.' One guy said he talked to my husband and I didn't see how that was possible, since I was a widow.
I don't understand why people do that to good people. This is just mind blowing! I am so sorry Mark, Jess and Sandi!
Thank you for showing how you just keeping on keeping on. Your property is yours and you are absolutely right in objecting to his trespassing .
Oops, rough start to the year! There are issues with dog hunting in Northeast U.S. too. In Vermont, hunting dogs attacked hikers and are issues for small farmers. Gold Shaw Farm has content about what they’ve had to deal with as a small scale poultry farm and the law changes farmers are advocating for.
Glad you mentioned the entitled bear hunters at Gold Shaw Farms. They seem to think they have the right to follow where their dogs lead in VT unless the land owner has taken steps to keep them out.
As a falconer in the United States, which falconers are hunters and have to follow the. same hunting laws; everything this guy did is against the law here. The only thing he did lawfully was to have all of his hunting license in place, other than that, everything he did was against the law. So I’m glad you guys checked him and let him know that people are watching, and there are consequences, never mind the safety issues and the risk that this jerk put you guys in.
Trespassers can really unsettle you, definitely shook me up when I experienced it. At the time, I was in college living with my mother and worked closing shifts. Felt a few nights like I was being watched or something was outside (kind of normal with coyotes/fox/barn cats/etc). There were men trespassing on our farm at 2-3am, discovered because I heard their car door shut while I was working on homework before bed (there was also a guy on a bike I could see trying to get into the garage). Woke up my mom and she got a gun out of the safe as well as a spotlight and yelled at them. Also called the cops, but they said they were too far away to catch them (we lived about 10-15 minutes from town). I lost a lot of sleep being worried they'd be back!
There is a feeling of being violated when these people just come to your yard/property and just help themselves to whatever they want.
Sheeple! I am most definitely a sheepishly me sheeple and always wait in anticipation of her next video. The things I’ve learned and the entertainment is priceless!❤️❤️❤️
Sorry about the irritation of an irresponsible hunter who has gotten away with ignoring the law for the last decade, what does that say? Would be interesting to see where he lives and if he is coyote hunting for his own farm or he is being paid some sort of bounty by others. Other than that, sad to see Jess is back to class, but happy she’s not too far away. Sheep seem to be doing great, also thinking it’s a good idea that you are watching out for your back. Always good to see you Sandi, thanks for sharing.🐏🐑💕👍
Don’t let things get you down Sandi, remember, you are AMAZING! ❤❤
I love how Kenzi always looks like she is watching you saying "Mum, let's go,lets get to work." In an excited voice.
So sorry to hear of a hunter trespassing!
Omgoodness I hope 2025 eases up for you. I love your videos and content, all of it! I'm sorry it's been stressful.
Hang in there, Sandi!!! We are praying for you!! You are amazing!!
My days are complete with Sandi and her Sheep!!!
I'm one of Sandi's SHEEPLE!!!!!
Cindy Ings NL, Canada
I love that. Sheeple!! I identify as a Sheeple!!
You might want to look the word up before you call yourself a sheeple. Its definition is not meant as a kindly term to describe someone who likes Sandi and her sheep. It is a derogatory term that means something else entirely.
You both have every right to be concerned. We ourselves have had to call police hearing guns go off because they sound so so close. They sounded close enough that we heard them in the house over music playing, and we ourselves live in the country. Granted we have backyard neighbors with guns and neighbors 2 houses over with guns. But it is still nerve-wracking. and when the people are trespassing it is even more aggravating. We just had to put up no trespassing signs at the end of our driveway for our own safety. Marked trees on our property border due to having neighbors trespassing and trying to take our property. I get you. I have to tell you, your trees were so beautiful this year.. and I love seeing your trees up and barn decorated. Thank you for blessing us everyday with your vlogs. It really puts a smile on my face seeing your sheep, the babies, the pups, and watching you and your family all work together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and your family are such a blessing. Keep smiling. It is contagious, catchy, and heart warming.
The face the dogs gave you when Mark said dumb and Dummer the pure look of disgust was so funny
Highlight of the day! We really appreciate you!!!!❤
Trespassing AGAIN!?!?!? He pulled out a f-ing GUN!?!?!? OMGG! I’m freaking pissed! Did y’all get the broken key out of the ignition? Do y’all have cameras outside? If not I HIGHLY suggest Mark installs them immediately! I know you guys know and I’m not telling you anything new bc y’all are brilliant I just hope he doesn’t retaliate~prayers INCREASING Sandi~
Could you wrap heating tape around the lines? ?
Or even the pool noodles may help on the lines to nearest the nipples.
I would add a few large guardian breed dogs. They would definitely make it not worth it for trespassers coming onto your property.
@@leslieowens1926if this guy’s this disregarding of boundaries, has 10 years of clearly not caring…
Dogs aren’t gonna stop him, plus excellent way to get your dogs shot and killed.
Not worth putting any animal in harms way. Better off putting up cameras, fences, etc…
And continue to report him…
What needs to happen is the multiple people who’ve reported him need to go to the police together or the courts…
At this point it’s more than just getting dogs to possibly put in danger…
I mean he was a hunter, of course he had a gun?? Maybe its weird in Canada to have them but I'm in rural Iowa and we all have them in our trucks and most people carry on their belts.
@@casdragon_5939canada is extremely weird about having guns. Most people don't.
Sandi I've Subscribed to your channel I'm not sure how long, and I rarely comment on anything, but I want to let you know I'm so impressed with your resilience, humility and perseverance. Don't stew on the negative comments, those who make them don't deserve your precious time. Who ever doesn't see the beauty in you are lost. This dude needed to be called on his delinquency and you did that, so kudos to you. It's not a good feeling to complain, but without it, we would all be in trouble if no one ever did. Take care.
I wish that with all of the complaints something more should be done. On another note Happy Belated birthday Billy. I'm glad to see everyone looking healthy. Love, hugs, and prayers for all from Austin Texas
Sandy, I understand your sad feeling of taking down your Christmas trees. I have a daughter-in-law that feels the same way. What she does is staring the 1st of October she puts it up with Fall decorations, then at Halloween she puts Halloween decorations on it, then Thanksgiving decorations, Christmas decorations, and the finally Winter decorations in January. So she has it up for four months.
I started watching your channel the lambing when Billy was born. 5 years! Congrats on your channel growth!
Me too! And then I went back and watched from video number one. I love Sandi, sheep farming, grain farming and yes, even haying. I love watching the kids (who are really grown) come home to help. The love between them all is inspiring. 💜
Now Piper is officially a "sheep dog"!! Super cute ❤ It's super frustrating with the man you encountered. there's no need to be disrespectful when you tell him not to be around your property. You did the right thing!! Thanks for the great video!!
Sandi - so sorry to hear about the scare that hunter gave you all. Surely, if multiple farms/families are dealing with the same guy, something other than a paltry fine could be issued? Maybe it is the law that is an issue…no increased penalty for repeat offenses? Multiple people gathering together and paying the sheriff a visit at the same time - surely could result in trespassing charges? If not, maybe restraining orders per farm/family could be issued against the hunter(s). Love ya! ❤❤❤❤
Here’s a random thought: after watching you put the sheep in the hoof trimmer upside down, couldn’t you do that and scan them for pregnancy there in that machine?
Also, taking Christmas down is sad. I’m a widow so I leave it up until after Valentine’s Day because my sweetie was a beautiful Santa. It helps me get through the winter here in Colorado. I have been watching you for years and absolutely adore everything about your farm, family, dogs, and the sweet sheep.
From the scanners i have seen, they need to be near the udder or even between udder and hindleg, hoof trimmer thing would not allow access there.
I'd had the same question @hillockfarm8404 so thank you for your answer. 😊
Up side down, is not good for scanning.
Sandi has commented before that the hoof trimmers itself is hard on her back. Good suggestion but 29:24 probably wouldn't help.
Ultra sound scanning for sheep is done internally. The ultrasound is called trans abdominal.
It’s best done while the sheep is standing in a crate. It’s pretty quick and stress free.
Sheep don’t like to be upside down, and it can be quite stressful for them.
Hi Sandi!! So sorry to hear that your trespasser was back!! Praying he stays away and doesn’t come back again!! If his dogs are malnourished he can be reported and possibly have his dogs taken away. It probably would be the best thing for them anyway. The sheep are looking really good and it was nice to see Pita and Teddy and the Golden Girls!! Stay safe and warm!! Much love to you all!! 🥰😂
I so agree with everyone saying that it’s pathetic that you had to go to the police about this after speaking to the trespasser. But also glad you connected with the community and found out that you’re not the only ones having trouble and maybe if everyone continues to pressure the police can do something beyond fining? I’m not sure how it is there, but I know that here in Northern Michigan if you have your property posted no hunting allowed, you have more grounds than just a ticket.
Thank you for the updates on the sheep that we haven’t seen in a bit.
Pipers coat is just adorable! We have two golden retrievers who have the breed imperative that they have to carry around something in their mouth at all times. One of the things that ours like most are various sizes - from quite small to almost as big as Piper - versions of lamb chop.❤
Finally, can you directly me privately if that’s preferable, to where I would find your PO Box address? I’d appreciate it.
Your Lake Huron “neighbor” in Northern lower Michigan,
Shelley from Giants Dance Farm
My husband is a hunter and he would agree this is not what you should be doing as a hunter. There are plenty of places to hunt that have nothing but woods so you aren’t on private property. Or near someone’s home and or animals.
Paper's Lamb Chop coat is absolutely adorable!
Piper's coat is great!
She fits right in with the rest of her lambs. 😂😅❤
Carissa is such a blessing for you and your daily sheep chores. You work so hard and it's nice to see someone worthwhile with the work ethics that support your same work ethics and goals, she is such a help for you. The two of you working together is awesome to see because she is as dedicated as you in the raising of those little babies, God bless you both.
Just started a coffee break and got a notice for a new Sandi video. BEST DAY EVER!! I love the little coat on Piper. Too stinkin cute! ❤️🐑❤️
Thank goodness Jess hadn’t moved into her place across the street yet. I’m sure you have a security system but the comfort gained from being with your parents in a moment like that cannot be replicated. Glad everyone is okay ❤
Good Afternoon-- thank you for explaining your processes as you go through them with each group, whether they are lambs at weaning, ewes at breeding time, shearing, etc. I've seen each of these events several times and I pick out something new to add to my bag of tricks each time. As an itinerant shearer, I work with sheep owners at all skill and knowledge levels, and I like to point them to folks with experience. Thanks for posting ALL of it, the good, the not so good, and the stuff most owners would shy away from showing!
I can't believe people would do that. I get nervous going somewhere where I'm invited.
Sandi, I get the dont want to take the tree down, especially when winter is just beginning and its so dreary, and the lights are so gentle and snuggily and peaceful, and some comfort, so, I have started leaving it up and decorating it for Valentines day and then Easter by then im ready to take it down, adds the gentleness and it is a comfort and if course my kiddos love it. My MIL keeps hers up year round and decorates it for Christmas, Vday, Easter, July 4 th , Thanksgiving and EVERY bday in between if family members, so she can keep it festive. For me thats too much but I do Vday (Hearts and roses, its STUNNING) and Easter (eggs Lambs and Bunnies) and The oeaceful oastels of Easter seta the tone for Spring, freshmess, and taking it down then is Great that holds me over until Soring and that long dreary time is over wanted to share.
Pipers lamb outfit made my day! ❤
I wonder how many people remember Sherry Lewis and Lamb Chop. She was a puppeteer back in the sixties. I loved Lamb Chop!
19:40 little piper in her sheep sweater helping kinsey herd the sheep is so sweet ❤❤❤
I think this last bunch of lambs seriously is the cutest she has had!❤
Oh my!!! Piper’s sheep coat ❤❤I’m in love
Sending my love to you all the way from Trapper Creek Alaska where it's a balmy 44 degrees. Crazy!!!✌🏻❤🤠 Sandi, no one or critter could ever hate you. You're an angel.😇
I've started spreading out and glitzing up my room decorations when it's time to take down the tree. Leaving up room decorations helps ease the sadness of stripping the tree, the glitter and the lights. Love y'all ❤️
Great idea! The barreness, emptiness of your house after decorations come down is bad for depression. Cities/towns in Northern areas often leave decorations up longer and outside lights up for a few months to battle this problem. It works! ❤❤🎉🎉❤❤
First the truck episode, then the arrogant coyote hunter, and extra drama you don’t need! The lambs look so healthy, strong and are filling out nicely! My advice, go back to the cabin and have a cocktail and work on a puzzle🥳🥳 I love my Christmas tree and cry every time I take it down.
I’m so sorry you have had to deal with someone trespassing. We have property up north and found someone dumped tires on it this fall. Very unsettling. Hopefully you have no more issues. On a side note, my hubby bought my daughter and I something from your website for Christmas ❤ we love watching you and your videos
So sorry you two are having so much trouble . Praying your year gets better . Stay safe and warm .
Hmmm… personally, I would consider somebody getting out of their vehicle, rifle in hand to be threatening behaviour. I live in a city so maybe that is the difference but still - i would ask the cop to consider charging this repeat offender with an offence(s) under Sections 87 - 88 of the Canadian Criminal code
S87 “Pointing a Firearm (s.87): Pointing a firearm at another person without lawful excuse can lead to up to 5 years in prison, even if the weapon is not loaded. “ given this weapon was pointed at you/your house
S88 ”Possessing a weapon or imitation weapon in a manner dangerous to public peace or safety can result in up to 10 years in prison if tried as an indictable offence.”
If anything, this ‘Hunter’ might take it more seriously than a $250 fine
Given this ‘Hunter’ has been bothering/menacing the area for 10 years it is amazing nothing more serious has happened. My view (as you can probably guess) is his actions warrant a more serious response than a fine
Brovo! Thank you for the law and numbers to support. This does need addressing. Enlist the community and neighborhood. All together this behavior and attitude can be addressed and a much safer neighborhood.
Piper wearing a sheep coat. LOL So cute!
Please stay safe guys ❤😊
I can’t imagine the unease with having a trespasser. So sorry. Love the coat on Piper. 😊
Im so sorry dor a second comment im trying not to comment so much, i hope I can share this without sounding like a weirdo (im really not although my kids may disagree HA)
I just wanted to say Thank You. You TRULY are a bright place in my Heart! Not much brings honest joy in todays world, You TRULY being Joy. So Thank You Sandi I appreciate You.
Love the sheepie coat on your doggie! So cute! Glad all uscwell. When I lived in the sticks in Georgia, hunters would walk through the property following deer. Often I’d go out and ask them not to trespass or shot around my house. The guys were always respectful, but then they’d come back during deer season that next year. So happy that your intruder didn’t discharge his rifle on your property, especially since he was so close to your home!
Teddy, Peta,and Willow! Happy Birthday Billy! ❤
I once had some men try to drive their truck right through my property and were about to OPEN THE GATE to my sheep flock and livestock guardian dog. This was the year after a wildfire and they were looking for mushrooms and they figured they would just go through the property and through the livestock and dog. There was literally a sign at the gate basically saying you’ll be eaten if you open this gate. I was 36 weeks pregnant at the time and by myself so I went out and yelled at them and also had to keep my house dog from trying to eat them because he hated strange men. Anyways I have always been super helpful to people because that property is in the middle of nowhere and if you plug in this very popular lake nearby sat nav will try to take you through the middle of our property. I had always left my gate open and helped people with directions since if the gate was locked there was nowhere on that crown land to turn around. After that I was like F-- IT! I padlocked the gate. One bonehead can ruin a kind helpful attitude in a hurry!
Hi Sandi, please try a back protector to slip on when you are doing heavy jobs. As a retired nurse with a totally knackd back just having this on reminds you when you just push yourself too far. It was just a blue canvas belt with fitted board that went over uniform when doing heavy lifting or even bed making, This little belt made my life easier for later part of my career.
That sounds terrifying and its ridiculous that this man has been clearly disregarding the law for ten years! That's insane lack of concern or care for other people's property.
I'm in the boonies of Southern Oregon and even here it would be terrifying for someone to be casually walking in front of my house with a gun. I couldn't imagine the stress you must have been under. Glad everyone is okay and fingers crossed he stays away!
I love to watch you hoof trim. The rainbow buckets are fabulous! ❤
Yes, the rainbow is a reminder of God's Promise!!
Totally feeling you on the whole trespassing thing. Nothing more unnerving and maddening than being on your property and knowing that there are people who aren't supposed to be there walking about like they own the place. We own 73 acres in big buck country and I can't even tell you how many times we've found people on the property. I was in a tree stand earlier this year and heard people in the woods talking loudly. And the game wardens and police don't seem to care, even though there are no trespassing signs everywhere and the property is fenced in. Just makes you soooo mad. Sorry this happened to you guys again. ❤
It's never a fun feeling when you have trespassers. a few years ago my dad let a guy who lived near by hunt on our property. It was only supposed to be him and his son to come to get a deer. Well, they each got a deer, so we figured they wouldn't be back because my dad doesn't like over hunting our property since we enjoy the deer and critters we have around. Well, my dad was at work and I noticed 2 trucks parked in the yard that weren't that guy's truck. He had told his buddies, who had come to try and hunt while they thought no one was home. So I called and reported trespassers, cops came out and called out into the woods for them to come up. The guys said my dad gave them permission and I informed them my dad had given Man A and his son permission to each shoot ONE deer this season. Man B and Man C we had never even spoken to and had not given them permission. So cops trespassed them and ticketed them. So when Man A showed up trying to hunt again, my dad told him he was no longer allowed on our property since he was dishonest and allowed people he knew onto my dad's land without permission. So yeah that was a wild time for sure. I don't like when people take advantage of someone's kindness like that.
I live in Barrie. We have coyote problems too. They've got at least 6 cats in the neighborhood. One of which was mine. I feel for you. Those people trespassing should be charged more than a small fine.
This happens where my mom lives in the country, when pets go missing they call a man who knows where the den is and he will reduce the population.
People have to keeps their cats inside. We have coyotes in Mississauga.
My cats ripped holes in t.he window screens to get out
@@cathycrichton1513 they aren't very smart ones are they haha
I feel for you Sandi, some people have no respect for other people's property. I wonder if you could fit a gate at the bottom of the driveway? Lock it at a time of the evening when you are not expecting any visitors. - The sheep are looking good.
Love from Mike. ❤
You work so hard, in fact your whole family does. How dare anyone put you down by making such horrible comments. You deserve better. ❤❤❤ all of you haven’t gotten this successful by sitting on your butts. Omg Pipers coat is so blasted cute. Some people have no regards for other people’s belongings.
Piper in sheep drag was very funny. Please stay safe. 🐑😊
Seeing Piper in her sheep coat brought the chuckle all the way up from my toes. 🥰
Piper looks so cute as a baby lamb 😂❤ Happy Birthday Billy 🎉
I love the fact that Mark is so mad and is being so protective of you and Jess. If the person has been doing that for 10 years and does not care just wondering why has he not done any jail time? Glad that you are all safe.
how scary is that truck broken into then some creepy hunter with a gun. i'm thankful no one was hurt. Sandi, go to arms family homestead, Daniel just put up a bunch of WI-FI type cameras at their place both home and business. We also have cameras at our farm both near the house and in the bush. we had problems with people trespassing in our sheep pasture and stealing lambs. we use trail cams that are camouflage coloring to disappear. if nothing else it will give some piece of mind. also please do not follow the idiots, you don't know how unstable that person is, especially if they tell you to call the cops like they really don't care. BE SAFE Y"ALL
The cameras do help you feel that you are doing as much as you can to protect your property and your lives.
If he's a hunter without a gun he won't get very far haha
I love Arms Family Homestead!
Love the pretty bucket colors😂 Thank you for always taking us along Sandi.. You are the best
Hate people are trying to invade your property and steal from you. You guys are amazing people and you would help people but some people feel that they are entitled to what others have. Keep doing you. ❤
I like the idea of getting drone and security cameras on this guy - stay safe though - so glad that you are talking care of your back
Please be safe, this must be so scary for you all!! Hope it doesn’t happen again❤
Sandi your vlogs always make my day complete. Thanks for sharing this with us.❤❤
Certainly maddening amd unsettling. This so called hunter certainly gives good hunters a bad name. It's one thing for a human to be going across your property but to have hunting dogs loose as well, is a whole other issue.
And by law you cannot shoot a gun within 400 meters of houses. So he is breaking the law.
Disrespectful. Dangerous. And disgusting.
Keep safe and keep reporting if you have to. Hopefully he will learn he is all over the internet, not by name but by actions, so more people in your community will be watching for him.
Ten years is far too long for this to be continuing.
Happy Birthday Billy!
Sandi Happy New Year 2025 to you and your amazing family❤ blessings from Michigan ❤️🎄
You and your family and farm’s safety is definitely important. The person has no remorse so I agree you should continue to report him. Have a great day!
Hi Sandi. The baby nanny pen have such cute and darling little ones in there. Love those babies.❤️🥰 oh, so glad the upside down ewe was ok. Yummy coffee, first thing in the morning.👍. Aww, the golden girls are doing well.❤️👍. Trespassers on your farm with a gun! What a scary incident.🥺. Taking the Christmas trees is always rather sad to me.
Did you see the waddle the upside down ewe had, once she got her equilibrium back? 😂
Mark's watching D-I-Y UA-cam getting primed for his next project! Kitchen cabinets & drawers for Jess's apartment? 💕💕
Sandi, I just got my last order, it’s the one with the greeting cards. Boy I was surprised when in one bundle there was six 8x10 pictures and in the other bundle there was seven pictures. All this time I thought 😮I was getting one picture in each bundle. You are wonderful and I’m getting frames and matting for all the pictures. Going to hang on the wall. TU TU TU ❤
Happy Birthday Billy
I did have that happen to me once in a way... some guy was going over the privacy fence in my backyard. The way I handled it was just a piece of plywood and rows of nails on it and put it side up with the nails up and he came over the fence and found the board in a very rude way. You might wanna think about ways to stop his truck. If he does not know you have some plywood with nails stick it up... Just make sure that you have some science and no trust passing because in America if you don't have something like that posted even if they go on to your property they may get away with it you don't have it posted saying no soliciting or private property or something of that nature here. Just remember he has put fear into your heart and your families which he has no right to do on your property but it's Fair game to put a little fear into his heart and you're property there's ways to do that that might get his attention like a truck that he loves
You take good care of all of your animals, especially your dogs. That the nuisance's dogs are in bad shape say a lot about him as a person. Hopefully, in addition to the trespassing violation, he can be charged with their neglect. He doesn't deserve to have them.
Beatrice is so adorable that I want to hug her!