Sir, Groww app is Safe. It is registered with SEBI and member (broker) of both NSE and BSE. It is a registered DP of CDSL. It is also a registered mutual fund distributors. So, it is as safe as Zerodha or HDFC Sec. Please read the last disclaimer section at the bottom of homepage.
Wonderful information!
Hello sir how are you?
We are waiting for your valuable vedios (like children school fees planing & college fees plan investment)
Really sorry for delaying the Goal Based Investment videos Sir. Will do it soon.
Sir i am using grow app. If it is safe?
Sir, Groww app is Safe. It is registered with SEBI and member (broker) of both NSE and BSE. It is a registered DP of CDSL. It is also a registered mutual fund distributors. So, it is as safe as Zerodha or HDFC Sec. Please read the last disclaimer section at the bottom of homepage.
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