The Fires of Heaven - REVIEW

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DanielGreeneReviews
    @DanielGreeneReviews  5 років тому +27

    Where Does Fires of Heaven fall in your ranking?

    • @MD66426
      @MD66426 5 років тому +4

      Daniel Greene I’m on my 4th reread right now, into the last 50 pages of fires of heaven. I love how much the characters grow individually and together in just this book. Not sure where I would rank it however.

    • @bjornsundstrom4915
      @bjornsundstrom4915 5 років тому +4

      I’ve read the complete series two times I think, to be completely honest 14 books with a lot of kinda vague titles makes it pretty hard to keep track of in what order the different titles come and also connect a title to what happens in the book so I find it hard to rank them.

    • @billyrigby4839
      @billyrigby4839 5 років тому +1

      It's lit and it slaps and it smacks! And it is Number 2 on my ranking, Eye of the World will always be my favorite, even though it's not the best book. lol

    • @willkuehler8918
      @willkuehler8918 5 років тому +1

      The top four or five books are on the same level for me but I reread Fires of Heaven the most. Mostly because this is the first book with the Band of the Red Hand.

    • @Siansonea
      @Siansonea 5 років тому +3

      The Fires Of Heaven is my #1. Since I am an unabashed Moiraine fangirl, the book that contains perhaps her finest moment of badassery will always be my #1. Even Moiraine bending the knee to Rand is a demonstration of her awesomeness. Moiraine has never been about her own personal pride or 'honor' or any of that. She has always been Big Picture gal, and she never took her eye off the ball. Then in the subsequent books Cadsuane, the anti-Moiraine, shows everyone just how awesome Moiraine was in hindsight, so thanks Cadsuane.

  • @errtu123
    @errtu123 5 років тому +117

    Jordan's relationships are amazing... as long as they are not romantic ones

    • @mrkay4757
      @mrkay4757 4 роки тому +1

      When Gareth caught up with Siuan in Salidar and Min had the viewing that they had to stay close I was so excited and intrigued by what that meant for them and the story moving forward. But holy crap was I upset and annoyed at the end when there were some heavy implications they were going to be romantic.

  • @danielvanrooyen9602
    @danielvanrooyen9602 4 роки тому +52

    I feel like Jordan just passes his "bitch card" around with Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne from book to book. The circus chapters were a drag to read, had to switch to audio book just to get through it. BUT the last third of this book was next level, was so hooked.

    • @jjquba2580
      @jjquba2580 2 роки тому +2

      I just finished this book. I felt the same thing as a first time reader(im listening to the audiobooks) I felt myself losing concentration on those chapters. I really do not like the Nynaeve at all, she is so spoilt and hates men to her core. Every chapter with her has something about hating men. Its kind of annoying. No other character, apart from those of red ajah, does that. The other two are annoying at times but i because they are always in the same chapters as nynaeve, they seem normal and likeable.

    • @someweeb4110
      @someweeb4110 2 роки тому

      Uno and the boys were the only saving grace when reading those chapters

  • @scarybarry1323
    @scarybarry1323 5 років тому +31

    I’m so proud of myself; I managed to read the mass market paperback without creasing the spine!
    And also, because I just finished it like ten minutes ago, I was a little disappointed there was no Perrin.

    • @ishanabhi4540
      @ishanabhi4540 3 роки тому +2

      How on earth did you do that?

    • @jacobmoeller5345
      @jacobmoeller5345 2 роки тому

      Congrats. My book is so creased you can barely read what it says along the spine and my dog chewed on the top right corner so the first 100 pages are now stuck together in clumps I'll have to break apart if I ever read this again!

    • @bigcheese7709
      @bigcheese7709 8 місяців тому

      Youve got the dark ones own luck💀💀

  • @HummingLantern27
    @HummingLantern27 5 років тому +15

    I literally just finished this book yesterday! Talk about good timing! The only thing I don't like is how certain POVs seem to stretch a lot of chapters, and the lack of Perrin.

  • @Lokeshwar22
    @Lokeshwar22 5 років тому +28

    Great book but I felt Jordan could have toned down a bit of Nynaeve and Elayne's incessant nonsensical bickering which seemed to drag on a lot.
    Also the whole circus plot was quite unnecessarily long too. 100 too many pages for my liking.
    Apart from that everything else was fantastic. Some fabulous character development. Mat's my favorite now and I look forward to his storyline in the future books.

  • @pjetter6
    @pjetter6 5 років тому +27

    ****Spoilers FoH****
    I’ve finished Fires of Heaven today, another great 5/5 star book. Still can’t believe she is dead, R.I.P.

    • @forceofchaos1
      @forceofchaos1 5 років тому +3

      I know. I re-read the chapter 3 times over because I couldnt believe what I was reading. It was surreal

  • @noshei21
    @noshei21 5 років тому +27

    Thumbs Up for the Igloo

  • @davidoctavian2877
    @davidoctavian2877 3 роки тому +11

    Relationships are Robert Jordan's weakest point handled in the series thus far, both romance, and especially Rand's "friendship" with Mat and/or Perrin.

  • @hollow_crown_
    @hollow_crown_ 5 років тому +12

    I’m half way through this book and I’m enjoying it, but no where near as much as I loved Book 4 with Perrin’s storyline

  • @openning
    @openning 5 років тому +47

    While I do love this book, I disagree with you about pettiness. The interactions between Egwene and Nynaeve feel incredibly petty to me. I know you enjoy the change in power dynamics between them, but a) the motivation behind Egwene shifting the power dynamic was to hide her lie. Not an actual "things have changed, and therefore Nynaeve needs to learn to see me as an adult", but a "if I don't shut Nynaeve up, the Wise Ones will know that I lied...", and then she pettily enjoys the change, and revels in it how 'cowed' Nynaeve has become. Add to that b) the main way she shifts the dynamic is to make Nynaeve experience a near sexual assault. It's... well, it's not a good look fo her at all.

    • @hoi-polloi1863
      @hoi-polloi1863 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah ... bring that tel'aran'rhiod dream episode up on the reddit board sometime...

    • @someweeb4110
      @someweeb4110 2 роки тому

      100% that moment of Nyneave admitting her faults while Egwene roasted her for it and lied hiding her own shit IS FUCKING TILTING FUCK EGWENE

  • @rukief7976
    @rukief7976 5 років тому +3

    Love your channel man you got me on wheel of time and i haven’t looked back.

  • @TheRealEpicninja
    @TheRealEpicninja 5 років тому +6

    Fires of Heaven is, without a doubt, my favorite WoT book. I loved the development of Rand, Mat and Nynaeve, the Morgase plot line hadn't gone sour yet, the second half of the book was filled with battles, tension, and intrigue, and the ending was very satisfying. The only things that keep the book from a perfect rating (for me) are the slowness of the first half and that one scene with the Prophet (my least favorite character).

    • @evelic
      @evelic Рік тому

      The books sucked imo. The chapter with the prophet was amazing.

  • @JHTheHurricane
    @JHTheHurricane 5 років тому +19

    Fires of Heaven sits right at #3 for me behind The Shadow Rising, and Lord of Chaos.
    The 4-6 run of books in WoT has to be the best series of sequels in Fantasy. It's insane how good those 3 are. Not to say the rest are bad, I just don't think the series ever matches up with the quality of these 3 on a consistency basis.

  • @Jurburr
    @Jurburr 5 років тому

    Oh!!! I'm so glad you are continuing this series! I watched the reviews for books 1-4 before and after reading them for the first time. Was sad when I couldn't do the same for book 5.

  • @Josh-ye2sg
    @Josh-ye2sg 5 років тому +2

    Just finished A Memory of Light for the first time. Best. Series. Ever.
    I'd say the last book is definitely my favorite with Fires of Heaven coming in somewhere around 4 or 5

  • @danielgaetzke492
    @danielgaetzke492 5 років тому +4

    Have you ever read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams? If you have would you consider doing a video on it? If not would you consider reading it?

    • @GreeneZonee
      @GreeneZonee 5 років тому +1

      I was actually just looking into that because I saw an article on the upcoming release. Definitely going to check those out!

    • @danielgaetzke492
      @danielgaetzke492 5 років тому +2

      @@GreeneZonee I just finished Stone of farewell (book 2) and so far it seems pretty good.

  • @bluerectangle5794
    @bluerectangle5794 4 роки тому +2

    The Wheel Of Time is such a masterpiece. I'm currently at Book 6 and each book gets better than the last one, in my opinion.

  • @katieamarsh
    @katieamarsh 5 років тому

    I just reread this for the umpeenth time and it still knocks my socks off.

  • @Saidor570
    @Saidor570 5 років тому

    This video makes me wanting to read again The Wheel of Time series :o But I only finished it last year and I have so many books to discover...

  • @alexebogdan6075
    @alexebogdan6075 5 років тому +6

    George RR Martin's final book of the ASOIAF series is to be called A Dream Of Spring. Do you think this might be reference to Jordan's A Memory Of Light? Very similar titles

  • @stevenangell3343
    @stevenangell3343 5 років тому +9

    **SPOILERS FOR FOH/the entire series**
    Excellent review man. I really rate books 4/5/6 in the top end of RJ's writing, at least in a mid series sense. Lots of people agree 1-3 could be a stand alone trilogy, and it works that way, but Shadow Rising(my fav) onwards builds from that foundation, and really cements the characters personalities and growth, and It felt like the story went from a good 7.5 to a 9-10 for the next 3 books. FOH feels like a watershed event for the series, especially with Moiraine and Matt's threads, and Rand's inner turmoil. I love RJs way of weaving Matt's new memories being brought into the story, and his battle prowess against the Shaido, along with his reluctance to accept any responsibility, especially after seeing how he ends up in AMoL. Moiraine's dive into the terangreal is one of my all-time favourite moments, the courage and balls it takes to go through with pushing Lanfear through the gate, even knowing what she(Moiraine) knows from going through the doorway in book 4. Ontop of all that, we get the first real indication of what Baelfire can really do, with Matt/Aviendha deaths/resurrections. And finally, Rand's reluctance to attack/kill Lanfear at the docks. While I think there is signs in book 4, it isn't until Moiraine's death, and his reluctance to deal with Lanfear, and his continuing list of names, that the madness from the taint really seeps in. Beforehand it's been sporadic moments in the story, until he loses Moiraine, and by extension Lan. Suddenly, he's lost both a father and mother figure, people he relied upon to guide him in this new crazy world he's embroiled in, and it really starts to show from then on. Fantastic writing on RJ's point.
    Loving these reviews man, keep them coming! That said, I think I enjoy when you film seated, with the bookcase in the background. The lighting is better, and I like seeing all the books in the background haha.

  • @books_and_waistcoats7154
    @books_and_waistcoats7154 3 роки тому +1

    me: OH NO
    me: wait

  • @brettmurray2473
    @brettmurray2473 4 роки тому +3

    The first thing you say is that it brings out whole main party into their own... Perrin isn't in this book lol

    • @MichaelSmith-zx5lw
      @MichaelSmith-zx5lw 4 роки тому +2

      Perrin already came into his own in the last book
      In this one, all the rest catch up

  • @penguinposter9177
    @penguinposter9177 3 роки тому +1

    just finished the book and I have one question. where THE HELL PERRIN AT

  • @AngryGoats555
    @AngryGoats555 5 років тому

    Man, I’ve been waiting for this

  • @edgardtheknowledgekeeper3119
    @edgardtheknowledgekeeper3119 5 років тому +2

    I just finished this book not too long ago and I enjoyed it a great deal.
    Aviendha and Rand being a thing is probably one of the few romances I could actually get behind because it's honestly one of the more fleshed out romances, which if I'm being honest isn't saying much because romance does not seem to be Rob's speciality (Yes I did just call Robert Jordan Rob).
    I do get that Mat is kinda catching up with Rand and Perrin in this book but I honestly didn't enjoy him very much in this one. Because I felt like he was consistently lying to himself. He keeps on trying to get away from everyone despite the fact that not only does being Ta'veren keep him from doing that, deep down I don't think he really wants to leave everyone. So that was really annoying to me personally.
    I probably enjoyed Rand the most in this book. In anyways I can relate to his perspective especially on how he doesn't like to see people he cares about get hurt or killed. I also enjoy how he does separate himself from Moiraine and try to be his own person because while I think Moiraine is a great character I didn't like how Manipulative she always *is.*
    I specifically say is because I don't believe she's dead(I have not finished the series so no one spoil anything for me), the reason for me not believing she's dead being it simply doesn't feel correct. As I've been going through the books I've been getting a feel for Rob's style and this doesn't feel like it. And honestly the emotions expressed at the time of her "death" felt really hollow to me. Again this is my first time reading through the series but that's my prediction that she will come back.
    Last thing I would like to add about what I really enjoyed in this book is Lews Therin is a freaking badass. It's really cool whenever Rand lets the commanding and intimidating personality of Lews Therin seep out.

    • @HummingLantern27
      @HummingLantern27 5 років тому +1

      I don't believe she's dead either (also just finished the book). When Rahvin was changing Rand all the effects of his changes stopped once he was killed, yet Lanfear's shield that kept Asmodean from being able to channel much of Saidin was still functional after her death (shown through him having a sword at the battle in Caemlyn).

    • @mauriciovillagran1004
      @mauriciovillagran1004 3 роки тому

      I'm agree whit that, Especially about Moraine, I feel like she's not really dead as we were led to believe. although just in case I'm not going to spoil anything about that

  • @thechadnerd8562
    @thechadnerd8562 2 роки тому

    Do you remember by chance what kind of hilt Rand had put onto Laman’s sword? Was it ever described?

  • @yomin5
    @yomin5 5 років тому

    Great video. FoH is definitely my favourite entry into the series, so far. I'm currently only on number 10, so who knows if it might change.
    I wanted to quickly say something about the way you do your videos. I absolutely love your content, and the way you present it, however, I find myself disliking the edited bits (inserting bits of shows/movies, and the slowing down). The way you word your thoughts, and how you present them feels very professional and well thought-out, and those bits just seem kind of out of place to me because of that. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I just wanted to express my opinion. Do with it what you will!
    Keep up the good work, and I look forward to your next video

  • @laurafitzgerald7367
    @laurafitzgerald7367 5 років тому +1

    the phrase "the fires of heaven slaps" has big fitz energy.
    tfoh is a crunchy book, i love it so much. it's got everything. a sex igloo. a mild incest scare. egwene develops her superpower of just conking tf out in the middle of a desert, the absolute legend. one of the bad guys plays a lute and boozes it up for a few months, and that's not even one of the exciting parts. c'est magnifique.
    (also hi babes im back my finals are over im finally done college YEEHAW)

  • @simonybarra9998
    @simonybarra9998 5 років тому +3

    Just finished FOH, it was my favorite yet, although Nynaeve got a little much with her constant “men are stupid” “I know what’s best and I don’t make mistakes” felt like that was half the book

  • @LeahB31
    @LeahB31 3 роки тому

    Have you stopped reviewing the WoT books? I can’t find the review for Lord of Chaos.

  • @jonesy
    @jonesy 5 років тому +1

    Oh no Daniel is catching up to me. Currently half way though Lord of Chaos. Time to start going hard.

    • @rowangibson3196
      @rowangibson3196 5 років тому

      jonesy I’m at the exact same place lol

  • @kennyteeology3526
    @kennyteeology3526 5 років тому

    I started reading WOT shortly after Fires of Heaven came out because of the cool title.

  • @books_and_waistcoats7154
    @books_and_waistcoats7154 3 роки тому

    The little igloo made me cackle

  • @the_monika_mehta
    @the_monika_mehta 5 років тому +6

    You are my favourite UA-camr.... I'm waiting when you will become my favourite author... Are you planning to write a book??? Best of luck... Love from India ☺️☺️☺️

    • @edgardtheknowledgekeeper3119
      @edgardtheknowledgekeeper3119 5 років тому +1

      He has a couple of videos on how he's working on a book

    • @the_monika_mehta
      @the_monika_mehta 5 років тому

      @@edgardtheknowledgekeeper3119 I wonder how I missed those videos... Going to watch them now.....

    • @mpjedi2355
      @mpjedi2355 5 років тому +1

      The only utuber ive actually followed. GTG Daniel.

    • @mikilmichaeljoshi2387
      @mikilmichaeljoshi2387 4 роки тому +1

      wow a indian fan. Me too. From Kerala

  • @madisongoodyear5040
    @madisongoodyear5040 5 років тому

    Do you have a review of Lord of Chaos? I’m not finding it.

  • @borringwastoftime
    @borringwastoftime 4 роки тому

    Why you didn't finish doing wheel of time reviews?

  • @signaltome
    @signaltome 5 років тому

    It is hard to rank any of the books in this series, but I like Dragon Reborn a hge lot for Mat's re-introducton and star of his epicness, and the general pace and new and old characters intermingling and book 4 for Perrin's epic "coming home" story, really the only one that ever did. And I have no issue woth Faile, I like her. Through think and thin and all that... ;-)
    If i DISLIKE any of the books... I really don't, but my least favorite would be Path of Daggers I think. Not nessecarily for the content itself but because it was the first book I had to wait on (incidentally also my first hardcover) and then maybe not living up to my expectation after som fairly epic scenes from Lord of Chaos and Crown of Swords. Oh well... :-)

  • @joshuacervenkamusic327
    @joshuacervenkamusic327 5 років тому

    Are you going to do reivews of the rest of the series?

  • @danwalker4064
    @danwalker4064 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this

  • @dezperado618c8
    @dezperado618c8 3 роки тому

    I love stabby, shoot, bang, pows!!!!!

  • @paulhahn694
    @paulhahn694 5 років тому +4

    Until now (I’m only through FoH) it’s my second favorite book right after SR. While I think FoH is rounder than SR (I really disliked the first 200 pages of SR). What I didn’t like about FoH was the sudden change of the power dynamic between Egwene and Nynaeve. No, I hated it. It made me angry, I don’t know why but it did. I also didn’t like the developing love affair between Rand and Min. Rand had one good scene with Min and puts her on the same level as Aviendah and Elayne. And of course I don’t like the hundreds of scenes where the men think about how weird the women are and the women think about how stupid the men are. We get it. You don’t have to repeat it over and over and over and over and over again. But besides that, I really enjoyed it. I loved the relationship between Rand and Aviendah, I loved the battle on the river, I liked the scenes with Min and Morgase and so on.

  • @robertopalmieri3803
    @robertopalmieri3803 3 роки тому

    Boy did I hate this book. 700 pages thinking Nynaeve's character arc was going somewhere and then it ends with a nerf, an asspull and the promise of more pettiness from the Aes Sedai.

  • @newskin6982
    @newskin6982 5 років тому

    plz read demon cycle

  • @AleksandrTiapkin
    @AleksandrTiapkin 5 років тому +2

    Daniel, why are you so Rand Al'Thor? :D

  • @debarberach
    @debarberach 5 років тому

    unrelated note, you look good, new camera? or did you lose weight? your face seems slimmer than normal. not that you were fat before but just saying what ever you did differently either with diet or lighting. it really makes you look pleasant.

  • @matthias5048
    @matthias5048 5 років тому

    Too much Barnum & Bailey circus stuff in this book imo. Like WAY too much. Apart from that Fires was great!

  • @joshhoehne8281
    @joshhoehne8281 5 років тому

    Lol "Spoiler Waring”

  • @forceofchaos1
    @forceofchaos1 5 років тому

    Spot on with your point of cultural tension. Multiculturalism is not a strenght, but a weakness.

    • @deecsnissassa
      @deecsnissassa 5 років тому +2

      correct me if im wrong but wasnt it you who apointed gallic aristocrats as senators after becoming dictator?

    • @KitchenSinkSoup
      @KitchenSinkSoup 5 років тому +3

      Weird that that's coming from Caesar, thought you loved incorporating other cultures into mighty Rome?

    • @forceofchaos1
      @forceofchaos1 5 років тому

      @@KitchenSinkSoup yes indeed. However you seem to forget the collapse of Rome was in part due to mass immigration and clashing cultures. Rome could not bear the weight of it's own creation.

    • @KitchenSinkSoup
      @KitchenSinkSoup 5 років тому

      @@forceofchaos1 What your discussing is mass migration from those fleeing a violent enemy in the East only to realise that in the West they're hated and feared and so (along with other factors such as not really choosing to move and outside influence) refuse to integrate into their new society. You *totally* can't drawn any parallels.

    • @AngryGingerHorse
      @AngryGingerHorse 5 років тому

      @@forceofchaos1 Nope, the top 4 reasons were a poor understanding of inflation, constant political backstabbing, climate cooling causing unrest within and without the empire and their growing intolerance of outsiders. Rome's stability was not based on cultural eradication but cultural amalgamation.

  • @valid_sound_and_furious8413
    @valid_sound_and_furious8413 5 років тому

    I love your work but it's making my eye twitch that you keep saying "cumulating" instead of "culminating." Say it with me now, cuuuuulllllm...inating.

  • @danielgreen2538
    @danielgreen2538 5 років тому +8

    Just finished the book and overall really enjoyed but there are things they bring it down for example the pacing mainly the Nyneave/circus plot just drags so much and had me struggling through the middle but I really enjoyed rand in this book he takes control and accepts that he must lead these people. I enjoyed Rand and Aviendha's relationship after the igloo as they seemed to have more respect for each other and avienda stopped taking down to him like a child which made me really dislike her in the previous book.
    I like that matt is now finding a purpose instead of just trying to run away. But I wish that he had more page time as he has become one of my favourite characters.
    I liked the ending but It does seem like Jordan finishes the conflict and then ends the book almost immediately after and we don't see much of the aftermath.
    Probably a 4/5 my favourite so far has to be the dragon reborn as I really enjoyed all the plots and how Matt and Perin were fleshed out. I also think the pacing was brilliant.