Nature and Life Episode 148 (Centurion trees of Dhaka City)

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Capital Dhaka is one of the oldest cities of Bangladesh.
    Beautiful plants enriched this City is surrounded by river Turag, Bali, Burigonga and Shitolakkha.
    But trees of this city are not in good condition now due to population growth and mechanization.
    Yet some century old trees are still surviving in some places of this very city.
    These trees are not only beautifying the city, they are also bearing the heritage of the city and at the same time working as lung for the city.
    Even though the exact plantation times of these century old trees are unknown but they are counted as centurion trees as per historical clues and public hearsay.
    Some Banian trees of Dhaka are quite old.
    Some of them are around 100 years old.
    The age of these trees, that shelter various birds and animals, can be estimated from their physical structure.
    There are some large Padauk trees on the both sides of the way from the Chief Justice's residence to the boundary of Ramna Park.
    Almost 100 years ago, those trees have been planted during the construction of Ramna Park.
    These trees become full with golden-yellow flowers for only one day in a year time.
    On that very day these trees keep the park colorful throughout the day with their flowers and then shed all flowers in the evening.
    There is a Mahua tree (Madhuca longifolia) in the north-west corner of Ramna.
    It is maily a large sized hilly tree.
    Branches of this tree spread from the upper side of the smooth and long trunk.
    The tree looks attractive due to densed combination of branches and leaves.
    Mahua sheds all its leaves during winter.
    But becomes colorful again with flowers in spring.
    Udayan High School is sited in front of Central Shaheed Minar of Dhaka.
    A very large Tamarind tree has been standing on the right side of the School's main gate for last 100 years.
    Blackish trunk of this tree is covered with numerous nodules and spots.
    But upper level branches are fresh.
    The structure of its roots and trunk prove that it's a longstanding tree.
    There is a centurion Wild Almond tree by the gate of Tejgaon Govt. Sceince College.
    This tree shed leaves in winter.
    In spring, the tree becomes rejuvenated with new leaves and colorful flowers.
    The whole tree becomes colorful with boat-shaped flowers.
    A Telshur tree can be seen in front of the residence of the Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University.
    This tree is 100 or more years old.
    There is a Black Bean tree on the north side of the State Guest House- Jamuna.
    The tree remains green throughout the year.
    Medium sized this tree looks very attractive with its blackish branches hanging downward.
    During April-June, this tree becomes vibrant with orange-red flowers.
    Rows of Kusum trees can be seen inside Ramna Park, near the Arunoday gate.
    With colorful leaves, these trees look like avenue of flowers.
    There is a centurion River Ebony tree in Ramna Park.
    Medium sized this evergreen tree has blackish round trunk.
    The tree looks bushy with densely spread branches.
    Flowers bloom at the beginning of summer.
    Round yellow fruits mature by the end of monsoon.
    Giant Crape-myrtle tree of Nilkhet area, rows of Gogon Shirish trees on the north side of Karjon Hall, and Aswatha & Weeping Fig trees on the south-east side of Highcourt are also very old.
    Recenty Dhaka, as a capital, has celebrated its 400th year's anniversary.
    Whereas, no 400 years old tree available in this city.
    Many of Dhaka's longstanding trees are disappearing due to political turmoil, population growth, unawareness and irresponsible human activities.
    Only very few of such trees are still surviving in the face of many adversities.
    These trees are our heritage, our asset.
    Like others, these trees will also disappear if we fail to protect them from various adversities.
    We all have to be conscious about conserving these trees.
    Survival of these trees will also require Government to take conservation initiatives by taking ownership of all the longstanding trees of the country.