I Thank Our Father In Heaven 4 ALL The Teachings I Received From Pastor Casey, Wendy, & Caleb, & Tasha. They are my Former Pastors. After all these yrs. I Still can Grow From The Teachers, At C. F. C. Amen
1Timothy 6:3 If any man teach otherwise,and consent not to wholesome words,even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ,and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;He is proud,knowing nothing,but doting about questions and strifes of words,whereof cometh envy,strife,railings,evil surmisings...( knowing nothing, knowing nothing, knowing nothing) you ask for money more than dope dealers who front their product you understand my speech
I Thank Our Father In Heaven 4 ALL The Teachings I Received From Pastor Casey, Wendy, & Caleb, & Tasha. They are my Former Pastors. After all these yrs. I Still can Grow From The Teachers, At C. F. C. Amen
1Timothy 6:3 If any man teach otherwise,and consent not to wholesome words,even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ,and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;He is proud,knowing nothing,but doting about questions and strifes of words,whereof cometh envy,strife,railings,evil surmisings...( knowing nothing, knowing nothing, knowing nothing) you ask for money more than dope dealers who front their product you understand my speech