
  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 【廢柴太子愛虐妻】這套劇好看!快盤他!
    💌《廢柴太子愛虐妻》【FULL PLAYLIST】全劇列表👉 • 《廢柴太子愛虐妻SⅠ&Ⅱ》| 廢柴太子深陷情...
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  • @hungmowong4083
    @hungmowong4083 4 роки тому +29


  • @向上傾斜45度
    @向上傾斜45度 4 роки тому +133


    • @向上傾斜45度
      @向上傾斜45度 4 роки тому +69

      2. 第二層次,失望和輕蔑。這時太子開始為自己解釋,或者是開脫。說自己的苦,說自己是真寫不了字,用不了印。你們看阿昔信他麼?不,她歪著頭,我都能從鏡頭裡聽到她鼻子啍出的冷笑。此時太子還沒有把潛意識裡最本能的想法倒出來給阿昔,此時他還是說些旁人的藉口。阿昔都知道,所以她已經由不屑轉入失望了,是對太子虛偽柔弱靈魂的輕蔑。

    • @user-yu8tx8xd7x
      @user-yu8tx8xd7x 4 роки тому +2

      @@向上傾斜45度 大大,上面那段你沒寫完啊

    • @user-yu8tx8xd7x
      @user-yu8tx8xd7x 4 роки тому +12

      @@向上傾斜45度 不懂,為什麼陸聽到"阿寶"就可以感覺得太子並沒有負他???被抓走前的那句話很絕情啊(雖然太子心裡想的不是表面話上聽到的),為何陸聽到就能體諒了???---我本以為那聲"阿寶",其實是太子自問自答,但像是父親這樣對自己,他告訴自己,是啊,父親那麼多兒子,我又有甚麼特別的呢?阿寶。所以是扣回太子自己在說自己的處境,那個阿寶是太子在喊自己----後面說那些絕決的話,是希望陸放下這裡趕快離開,所以故做絕情

    • @向上傾斜45度
      @向上傾斜45度 4 роки тому +54

      重溫太子遭雷劈的那一天。為什麼蕭定權會犧牲阿寶?在我眼中她已經是蕭定權無法割捨的一部分,從他對渣爹說出“臣愛慕她”那一刻起,顧瑟瑟就已經成為他斷不會再次拋棄的存在。難道是為了“想保住舅舅要先保住自己”的自救?如果太子決定放棄阿寶,又為何要對阿寶的歸來滿懷期待呢。從頭說起太子在宗正寺教顧內人寫字,是當時就做好拋棄她的打算?我覺得並非如此。太子教顧寫字的初衷是要向渣爹明志,如許昌平所言如果不饒過顧,他便一輩子不會出這宗正寺。同時如他自己所言是覺得“你確實有天份”,愛慕之人間愛的互動。最後一點是出於自我保護,未雨綢繆,因為顧身份不明,他想如果萬一顧背叛自己,便捨棄她。報本宮內,給張陸正寫字時,我認為他只在瞬間有過這個想法,但最終並沒有做出“拋棄阿寶”的決定。理由,首先廷仗時他想起了顧在宗正寺的溫柔叮嚀“如果真的忍不了可以不用忍的”,於是他狠狠咬住自己的手(牙印為證),他嘗試著寫字,但“是真的拿不動筆”,在把筆交給女阿寶的一刻,我猜他內心動了用她頂罪的念頭,所以太子口述之時眼含熱淚痛苦掙扎狀。但在最後關頭,太子的感性,他對阿寶的“愛慕”戰勝保舅舅的理性,他說出了省世貼中沒有的幾個字,並從阿寶手中接過筆,親手寫下“永不復言”。阿昔聽到“永不復言”四個字時滿臉震驚和絕望。分析一下她彼時的心理。作為太子的靈魂伴侶復仇女神我昔姐,我相信在宗正寺她問出“為什麼一定要妾學這個”的時候,她就早已經領會了太子教她寫字的意圖。文昔對太子,從感情上,她沒有計較過回報,也從未奢求得到太子的感情上的全部信任,而這份信任其實是她只需一條“攀膊”便唾手可得的。然而在她心裡,對太子的愛慕是已經被那麼多事磨滅的曾經,她留在太子身邊的第一目的永遠是復仇。所以在平靜代筆之時她便心知肚明也許這只是太子又一次對自己的試探。真正讓她絕望的是“永不復言”四個字。之前女主眼見太子放過張陸正,卻還要留在他身邊。文昔明白太子的矛盾和掙扎,她在門口聽過太子對太子妃的深情告白“告訴我們的孩子他的父親從始至終一直都很期待他”,她懂得太子是怕殺了張陸正,未來的兒子憎惡他,所以才做出的這個決定,所以文昔怪他,但不會恨他。宗正寺內“有冤之人,殿下一定會為他們昭雪的”是文昔對太子的信任和期望,也是因為這份信任和期望,她留在了太子身邊伺機復仇。然而當聽到永不復言四個字時,文昔的內心是絕望的。雖然她知道太子最後關頭自己親筆寫下最後四個字,是對“用阿寶頂罪”念頭的回心轉意,是對阿寶的愛,但是這並不是她需要的,她要等的只是那有朝一日的沉冤昭雪。她對太子第一次有了恨,他恨太子變了,他不再是自己和為他枉死的父親陸英眼中的“青春和乾淨的人”!此時文昔決定用自己的方式復仇。在埋著太子私印的盧世瑜府的時候,文昔已經下定了必死的決心。她重新抄寫了手信,決心用自己的性命來換父兄的清白,化身復仇女神我昔姐。昔姐打點好一切,決定回到報本宮和太子做最後的告別和攤牌。此時,太子正在府中體會百爪撓心,肝腸寸斷(報應吧,該還的總要還哈哈哈),他讓王翁打開窗戶,看著那宗正裡的同款大月亮,體會著截然不同的心情,哀怨的等待愛慕之人的歸來,我相信太子殿下又一夜無眠吧。翌日一早,太子強打精神準備上朝,被女朋友甩了還管什麼留不留疤,先洗個自暴自棄的熱水澡吧,太子心想。這時他發現,阿寶回來了。太子聽到阿昔的一句“君子死而冠不免”時眼裡閃耀的少女之心了。二人的對話,“你這幾天都去哪了?”“借宿在一個故人家裡”“是女子?”“男子”,阿昔一瓢水澆在太子受傷的後背上,她想讓疼痛喚醒太子的“青春”,用池水將太子洗滌“乾淨”。此時摯愛歸來,我們渾身冒著粉紅泡泡的太子被突然的疼痛和一句男子,搞得一臉懵逼,“什麼男?嘶,你輕點。疼啊!”“嗯,忍著! ”“你出去幾天怎麼突然好像變了個人?”太子心想,你怎麼突然這樣冷漠,還是看我挨打心疼我止不住眼淚珠子的我的小寶貝嗎!“沒有吧,妾還是妾”“剛剛,那話什麼意思?”太子殿下酸了。“什麼意思殿下不是比誰都明白嗎?”這裡仔細分析,太子想問,住在男子家甚麼意思?而阿昔想讓太子明白的是:我住男子家,男子是誰?我不是跟你交代過了,我是齊王的細作,當然是在齊王家住的啦!“不明白,今天朝會上,我會怎麼樣...”太子此時確實不太明白她的意思,他自顧自傾訴著對今天朝會的擔心。該來的都會來,無論怎麼樣殿下都會有自己的對策和退路的。阿昔說著想到爹爹說的“太子青春乾淨”,忍不住對著太子殿下已經“蒙詬”的後脖頸子潑了一瓢水。“你今天是……”太子從懵逼中緩過神來內心略感不安。此時阿昔一臉冷漠,心想還不明白再給你點線索。“讓妾代筆不就是為了萬一時,讓妾頂罪”,言下之意,我知道你要拋棄我,所以我背叛你轉投齊王了。“阿寶”,太子伸手去拉她,想解釋,被昔姐甩開,“當時教妾寫字也是為了這個吧”。太子此時有點心虛愧疚,因為曾經有一刻他確實動了拋棄她的念頭,太子緊張的解釋“那是因為你確實有天賦”,“妾真正的天賦殿下還沒真正見識過”,阿昔此時是下定決心想讓太子認為自己已經背叛他了,是連環誅心第一步,也是在為下一步自己入獄的復仇大計做準備,“你今天和以前怎麼麼不一樣”太子開始懷疑阿寶是不是背叛自己了。“變了的不是妾,請你就算留下了傷痕,也做一個青春和乾淨的人吧。”對視。太子眼神複雜往遠處退了兩步,暗自思忖,壞事兒了,我的小寶貝真的背叛我投齊王了?青春乾淨幾個意思?接著阿昔的連環誅心來了,昔姐要揭曉這個長達好幾十集的驚天大秘密嘍,看昔姐這智商,一條帶子輕鬆搞定。小伙子,這回還看我眼熟嗎,眼熟你就好好想想,我是雲山蒼蒼的誰來著?這時小鬧鐘王翁來催太子去上學了,太子來不及繼續思考惴惴不安的踏上前往誅心學校的大巴。朝上太子為什麼眼神閃爍心神不安呢。童謠案太子為了保護舅舅主動擔責,並派張陸正查案。本來渣爹已經念及親情,打算大事化小,童謠案,皇帝心裡認定是顧思林所為,但既然他外甥已經出來頂罪,也足夠敲山震虎,震震孩子他舅了。可齊王假傳​​聖意,讓張陸正帶著炮仗轉世何中丞去皇宮鬧事,把小事鬧大,人盡可君的張陸正同志,轉投了他以為的大樹皇帝陛下。渣爹剛要原諒兒子。被這麼一鬧,心想這是糾結黨羽來逼宮的嗎,於是重提陸英一事借次威懾顧思林。天天被爹爹虐的哭包太子又上線了,對張的人品不放心,於是決定寫信提醒張。此時復仇女神昔姐也已經上線了。她重新寫了一份完全出自她手的手書,加蓋印章,故意告訴張陸正讓他引咎辭職是太子的意思,並把手書的證據送到張手裡。心裡做好準備自己認罪,並指認張陸正聯合齊王構陷儲君。在家裡洗了個壓力很大的熱水澡,太子已經認定阿寶已經背叛他,對一切失去掌控加上愛人突如其來的背叛讓太子在朝堂上第一次這樣心神不寧如驚弓之鳥來不及思考那攀膊為何眼熟。皇帝心裡此時是想大事化小的,他本沒想把陸英案鬧大。誰知何中丞帶領三司拿出了李柏舟族譜來證明是張陸正公報私仇。張陸正承認是自己錯劃,被何中丞突然一鬧,張陸正拿出了昔姐蓋章的“太子手書”。太子看見印章第一時間想到的是印章她沒扔掉,這女間諜果然背叛我了,所以他會說“是她,我知道是誰”等一系列要拿阿寶頂罪的話,後被何中丞一語驚醒,決定飛奔回家去去見自己心中的白月光,並自己攬下全部罪責。太子拿著鏡子和鶴簪進屋,第一次在女主面前彎下他高貴的小蠻腰,說出一句卑微的“我能碰你嗎”,這明顯不是對阿寶的態度對吧。支起愛的小銅鏡,接著太子開始家長里短半真半假的傾訴,為文昔束髮並叉上鶴簪。這鶴簪可能是太子約文昔大相國寺相見時提前準備的定情信物吧。因為太子當時自己說的“我要雙鶴”嘛。太子鏡子前講的話哪些真哪些假呢,我覺得就像他自己說的,只有“午夜夢迴也許會無動於衷”這一句是在說謊,是對文昔故意的放狠話,讓文昔以為太子並沒有對阿寶動情,讓她死心離開。因為實際上在陸文昔還是女阿寶的時候,太子就已經愛上她了。所以他不會無動於衷,只會悔愧無極。最後一句阿寶,是此時太子心底最想對她說的話,是對“你這種人又有誰會真的當你如珍似寶”的回答。陸文昔,你在我心裡如珍似寶。

    • @user-yu8tx8xd7x
      @user-yu8tx8xd7x 4 роки тому +8

      @@向上傾斜45度 最後那句極好---陸文昔,你在我心裡如珍似寶

  • @user-ns9rz4ht7z
    @user-ns9rz4ht7z 4 роки тому +28


  • @teresatsai6530
    @teresatsai6530 4 роки тому +87

    羅晉演技大跳躍! 可望得「最佳男主角獎!」

    • @yangyang4941
      @yangyang4941 4 роки тому +6

      Teresa Tsai 他不得奖就太不公平了

  • @lovetheworld9192
    @lovetheworld9192 Рік тому +5


  • @ivyduck7559
    @ivyduck7559 3 роки тому +14


  • @jasminewang5902
    @jasminewang5902 4 роки тому +14


  • @lisalisa-uz6or
    @lisalisa-uz6or 2 роки тому +8


  • @eriseu3007
    @eriseu3007 4 роки тому +16

    This is a very good drama and I'm a vivid fan even though it's torturing and breaking my heart every time i watched..💔..😭

  • @yueh-yuetsai1690
    @yueh-yuetsai1690 3 роки тому +7


  • @yueh-yuetsai1690
    @yueh-yuetsai1690 3 роки тому +6

    父母不管自己做了什麼? 都會深切的關係到孩子! 慎之!慎之!

  • @Iching8388
    @Iching8388 3 роки тому +8


    • @user-nn4qk2tq6i
      @user-nn4qk2tq6i 3 роки тому +4


    • @user-nn4qk2tq6i
      @user-nn4qk2tq6i 3 роки тому +5


  • @shirleylupien6419
    @shirleylupien6419 4 роки тому +7


  • @nghiemhuyen1158
    @nghiemhuyen1158 Рік тому +1

    1 bộ phim hay sâu sắc, nam chính nữ chính lột tả nhân vật tuyệt vời, rất hợp vai và không ai thay thế được.Phim Trung Quốc hay quá.Chúc mừng Lý Nhất Đồng

  • @lusiaindriaty2388
    @lusiaindriaty2388 4 роки тому +15

    Don't know the meaning but i can feel the emotion is sooo sooo deepp..

  • @rosatamura8395
    @rosatamura8395 4 роки тому +3

    Super actores, me encantan, super bendiciones.

  • @Ilvr515
    @Ilvr515 4 роки тому +35

    这几集太好看了 看了三遍

    • @user-ns9rz4ht7z
      @user-ns9rz4ht7z 4 роки тому +8


  • @alunaziya
    @alunaziya 4 роки тому +4

    I cant move on from this movie😭

  • @tonyat4648
    @tonyat4648 4 роки тому +19

    She seems like she has finally had enough of this kind of emotional trauma from CP

    • @heavenlypickler
      @heavenlypickler 4 роки тому +3

      At this moment, her heart is filled with hatred and resentment when he is regretted and sincerely.

    • @alexiercameron1950
      @alexiercameron1950 4 роки тому +2

      I wondered when she would give up. They have bee through so much together and he refused to trust her or stop torturing her.

  • @huilin3349
    @huilin3349 4 роки тому +34


  • @cz335
    @cz335 4 роки тому +20


  • @洪學瑞
    @洪學瑞 4 роки тому +12


  • @jock6389
    @jock6389 4 роки тому +3


  • @patrickyk1900
    @patrickyk1900 4 роки тому +6

    The prince has absolutely no clue how to talk to a girl he loves.

  • @heatherk4670
    @heatherk4670 4 роки тому +7

    Translation PLEASE 😁

  • @poungmalacorton
    @poungmalacorton 4 роки тому +2

    That's vary very hurt it's... 😔😢😢

  • @ameliamalenab5414
    @ameliamalenab5414 4 роки тому +4

    @Mich I I’ve always wondered about the song. What was the song about that made the Emperor furious? And thank you Mich I for the translation

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому +1

      I think the poem was about how the Emperor won the throne from the previous deposed Crown Prince who was his older brother. The Gu family helped the current emperor become the ruler by the latter's promise to make the grandson of the Gu family to be the next heir. That's why the CP felt his father was very distant with him compared to his older brother's relationship with the Emperor. The Guifei's mechanism caused the entire conflict. His father only loved the CP's mother and CP from the way he acted. Even the Guifei recognised that the Emperor never loved her and her boy.

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому

      I love the two poems in the series ie. the one sung by the CP and the other - the one that caused the Emperor furious.

  • @anycosta3532
    @anycosta3532 4 роки тому

    Happy New Year

  • @hildaandau3412
    @hildaandau3412 4 роки тому +1

    Please provide English subtitles for this drama

  • @jovang3882
    @jovang3882 4 роки тому +7

    She seems to not care for what he has to say??

    • @artisinsimplethings2155
      @artisinsimplethings2155 3 роки тому +1

      I would not care either. He got what he deserved and I was expecting something worst... Lol

    • @justme_as_jen1541
      @justme_as_jen1541 3 роки тому

      @@artisinsimplethings2155 i agree with you But not the “worst”
      I just want to him to take responsible to blind the justice bcs of his former wife
      I also blame him for underlook and torture aBao Like A real maid😭

  • @SoulDevine888
    @SoulDevine888 4 роки тому

    What had happened here?

  • @omra777
    @omra777 4 роки тому +1

    so this is his way of apologizing ! interesting

    • @justme_as_jen1541
      @justme_as_jen1541 3 роки тому +1

      He wasnt apologizing (even worst) But explained his situation 🤬🤬🤬

    • @omra777
      @omra777 3 роки тому +3

      men are all the same in every age and every where !

    • @justme_as_jen1541
      @justme_as_jen1541 3 роки тому +1

      @@omra777 agree😡

  • @yvaineh22
    @yvaineh22 4 роки тому +9


    • @carlahuang3023
      @carlahuang3023 4 роки тому +1


    • @yvaineh22
      @yvaineh22 4 роки тому +6

      Carla Huang 我其實有想到,他跟女主角的成長環境不同,一直都很缺愛,所以個性沒有像女主角這麼寬厚對待所有的不開心。可是還是有些難接受啊,之前這麼多絕境都走過來了,怎麼在這個關頭這麼輕易就願意把她犧牲掉,明明也是有喜歡的,如果不是因為知道她身分並且知道自己已經虧欠太多,可能阿寶就真頂罪去了。不過,他也算是很誠實,連害她的心都可以坦白。只能說,這部戲裡面,真的覺得女主角比較愛對方,如果兩個人立場對調換阿寶發現太子背叛她,第ㄧ時間可能還是會忍下來先保住他的命。

    • @jasonhsu5208
      @jasonhsu5208 4 роки тому +1


    • @Ring0826
      @Ring0826 4 роки тому +9

      舅舅可以視為他的另一個父親,因為他小時候的父愛都是在舅舅身上找到的,他的老師傳授,學是儒家思想,重視家庭倫理,所以他無法捨棄舅舅,但他終究無法保全所有人,他的內心是 掙扎 和 痛苦的

    • @0000darkrain0000
      @0000darkrain0000 4 роки тому +10

      @@yvaineh22 因为在他的所有认知里,舅舅是排第一位的,能够相提并论的大概只有陆文昔,但顾内人没到这种地步。所以为了舅舅可以牺牲顾内人,但是陆文昔就不同了。

  • @patriciamak9073
    @patriciamak9073 4 роки тому +1

    English subtitles please. I wish they upload the other episodes in English subtitles. I only finished up to ep 29!😣

    • @amak7038
      @amak7038 4 роки тому

      Patricia Mak try Amazon Prime Video. It has English subtitle

    • @alexiercameron1950
      @alexiercameron1950 4 роки тому

      They have it up to 41 on youtube

    • @martaferenczi1324
      @martaferenczi1324 4 роки тому

      @@amak7038 Does it have the same subtitle as the UA-cam version? Thanks.

  • @李秋花-s4p
    @李秋花-s4p 4 роки тому +3


  • @onghuihui3526
    @onghuihui3526 4 роки тому +15


    • @yangyang4941
      @yangyang4941 4 роки тому +7

      Ong Hui Hui 难得好剧OK! 15年内看过最好的大陆连续剧

    • @charleneye9024
      @charleneye9024 3 роки тому +5


  • @HeavySnow127
    @HeavySnow127 4 роки тому +14


    • @fangmin2890
      @fangmin2890 4 роки тому +4

      lifeisfunny35 中国历史上好几个这样的太子,比如唐太宗的太子。

    • @HeavySnow127
      @HeavySnow127 4 роки тому +1

      @@fangmin2890 是喔~

    • @Manifest7627
      @Manifest7627 4 роки тому +1

      哈哈哈哈哈笑翻了 這個評論咪咪冒卯

  • @dilek0202
    @dilek0202 4 роки тому +3

    What is he saying please translate :(

    • @mk-nw2pp
      @mk-nw2pp 4 роки тому +30

      In the previous scene, the CP finally reaslised who Wenxi is really. He rushed back to his palace and saved her from being sent to the imperial guards. But he came back to a disheartened Wenxi because he had betrayed her trust that he would do the seek justice for the wrongly accused. He untied her bound hands.
      In this scene, he offered to comb her messy hair for her. For the first time in his royal life, he combed someone's hair and this person was his "servant". An act of humility and love. She sat in front of the mirror expressionless, her heart cold as ice, all hopes pinned on the CP were lost. She used the CP's private seal without permission and made up false instructions to PM Zhang, she committed a crime that could not be pardoned and she was prepared to die a horrible death.
      The CP said, his mother's lady-in-waiting Zhang who used to comb his hair when he was a child, told him that he had beautiful hair., "but if she sees your hair...you don't know who she is, after all, at that time you were...." My interpretation is that, he meant to say Wenxi's hair is so much more beautiful than his, and that Zhang died before he met Wenxi, of course she wouldn't know who Zhang is.
      He then explained who Zhang was and said both Zhang and his mother were alive, the Emperor would not be furious about the song at the mid-autumn banquet and he wouldn't be blamed . "Its painful, till this day, its painful. In the beginning, I could still count the number of times I was hit, but it was too painful that I lost count. Then I started to think why did I not pass out? Why did I not die? I remembered you said , in times when the pain is too much to bear, you can choose not to bear with it. Eunuch Chen let me bite his hand, I think that is embarrassing. After awhile, nothing else mattered."
      He was trying to open up his past to her, a peek into his love for his mother and how badly his father treated him, and hope that she could understand why he did what he did to protect those who cared for him. But still, she showed no emotions, no sign of forgiveness. He couldn't warm her heart. She listened to the CP with scepticism, she refused to believe him anymore, never again.

      As he combed her hair, he saw the teeth marks on his palm and he remembered biting his hand when he was beaten. He found it embarrassing to bite Eunuch Chen's hand, instead he bit his own palm so that he would not scream in pain.
      "I really couldn't write, and because it was him, I didn't dare to use my seal. " He tried to explain that when he asked her to write the letter to Zhang, he didn't plan to make her the scapegoat if things go wrong. He couldn't hold the brush because his hand was hurt. And because Zhang was known to be treacherous, he didn't want to sign off on the letter in case Zhang used it against him.
      As he moved closer to comb her hair, she tilted her head to the other side, rejecting his touch. She didn't believe him.
      "But I did plan that if things go wrong, I will abandon you. I did consider that if in the occasion when I dream about you, maybe I will regret it greatly, maybe...I will feel nothing. After all, you are not the only person whom I have abandoned, whom I have let down and give me nightmares. How are you different from the others?"
      His words were harsh and heartless, but he was blaming himself for not able to protect those he had to sacrifice, for not able to make those he let down be proud of him, and not able to save those whose deaths haunted him in his sleep. And Wenxi was just one of them. "How are you different from them? Ah Bao (treasure)" he asked.
      Ah Bao is the fake name that the fifth prince told Wenxi to use in desperate times, especially when she thinks the CP is going to kill her. This is actually the CP's pet name. He didn't want to tell her he knew who she was, rather, he couldn't. He had wanted to let her see the best of him, as a young ambitious CP who would become the vast country's ruler and as a suitor good enough for her. Not as the man who wanted to let her father die wrongly accused. He couldn't face her because he was indeed guilty.
      The Head of Imperial Guards, Lord Li arrived with the Emperor's decree to arrest the CP for putting Wenxi's father and brother to death. Head of Household Wang begged Lord Li to kill him instead. The CP heard Wang's cries, he must finish what he wanted to say quickly before he was taken away.
      "That's why I will not regret, nor will I apologise and I definitely will not compensate." He opened a box on the table and took out a hairpin, at this moment, Lord Li asked the CP to receive the royal decree.
      He held the hairpin tightly, determined to complete Wenxi's hairdo because this was his last goodbye. He held her head gently, touching her lightly, he couldn't bear to let her go. His tears fell as he released the hairpin. On the golden hairpin, was a crane. As he was dragged out, he shouted "these are all my heartfelt words", a last desperate attempt to gain her understanding and forgiveness.
      The crane is a symbol of their love. In the past, when he asked her to draw a painting for him, he specifically requested to have two cranes drawn. There is a Chinese idiom, "two birds flying together" if literally translated, to put it simply, it means "a loving couple flying high in life".

      She sat still, undisturbed by all that commotion, assessing his words, trying to decide if she should believe him this time. Till that moment, she had no idea that the CP already knew who she was. The crane hairpin was an obvious clue, but she didn't seemed to notice.

    • @jasmin9560
      @jasmin9560 4 роки тому +5

      @@mk-nw2pp love ur translate❤❤

    • @dilek0202
      @dilek0202 4 роки тому +2

      Mich l thank you 😊

    • @mk-nw2pp
      @mk-nw2pp 4 роки тому +2

      @@dilek0202 no problem

    • @ameliamalenab5414
      @ameliamalenab5414 4 роки тому

      Mich l I’ve always wondered about the song that made the Emperor furious? What was the song about?

  • @tgehf8806
    @tgehf8806 3 роки тому

    所以,剧中,轩窗外的蓝天 圆月 下弦月 群楼 都是人工造的?!

    • @tgehf8806
      @tgehf8806 2 роки тому


    • @tgehf8806
      @tgehf8806 Рік тому

      明明内心汹涌澎湃 却用最平静的声音讲着看似无关痛痒的小事 哈哈😄 如您我经历刻骨铭心久别重逢后 仅有平静对望淡笑 一句:“您好!”都是多余的

  • @ss-eh3ft
    @ss-eh3ft 4 роки тому +1

    Y ahora que le paso al príncipe heredero 🤔

  • @smile7115
    @smile7115 4 роки тому +3


  • @sheilagunnee387
    @sheilagunnee387 4 роки тому +2

    I hope the end isn't too dramatic and morbid for the fans. However both of them, they can go to their separate ways.the funny thing have seen episode 28 but the videos we're watching every time the episode 56 57 58.I won't watched every episodes it is becoming quite overwhelming and upsetting to be honest if I have to rate it is a 5

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому +1

      I was pissed off when I read the ending of the novel via google translation.

    • @sheilagunnee387
      @sheilagunnee387 4 роки тому

      @@mparthur144 hello,who's died at the end?I hope da an antagonist and miserable CP gone indefinitely

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому

      @@sheilagunnee387 I read the novel using google translation.

    • @mk-nw2pp
      @mk-nw2pp 4 роки тому

      @@mparthur144 wow, was the translation good? I wouldn't understand a single bit of it.

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому

      @@mk-nw2pp Good enough for me to read what happened in the end.

  • @dilek0202
    @dilek0202 4 роки тому

    Do you know the music at the 5.18 ??

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому

      Here is the entire soundtrack: emumo.xiami.com/album/nnpmJB6c66a?spm=a1z1s.3061781.6856533.7.jaoCJq

    • @mparthur144
      @mparthur144 4 роки тому

      You could get the theme songs from itune.

    • @dilek0202
      @dilek0202 4 роки тому

      Thank you :))

  • @user-vc8su3ij9k
    @user-vc8su3ij9k 4 роки тому

    중국의 서로 머리결 빗어주기ㆍ좋아요

  • @simonli786
    @simonli786 4 роки тому +2


  • @beixu9998
    @beixu9998 4 роки тому +2

    这铜镜真要命, 把这么两个标志的人照的人模鬼样的, 还不如不照

    • @3xgl6wvaco
      @3xgl6wvaco 3 роки тому +1


  • @clairefu2012
    @clairefu2012 Рік тому

    发型服装比清宫剧强, 甄嬛传那么好看, 女演员那么漂亮, 可惜服装发型难看, 颜色也太艳丽, 这还是电视剧美化后的, 真实的清代服饰更丑

  • @kanikestoka79
    @kanikestoka79 4 роки тому

    What 's happening here plz?!! I'm barely holding my breath not to cry outloud. Is one of them gonna die?!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

    • @dilek0202
      @dilek0202 4 роки тому +1

      kanike's Toka no I think so

    • @kanikestoka79
      @kanikestoka79 4 роки тому +1

      @@dilek0202 OMG!!!! This drama destroyed my mind literally..after all this sadness..end with trauma🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @dilek0202
      @dilek0202 4 роки тому +1

      kanike's Toka same for me too :((

    • @kanikestoka79
      @kanikestoka79 4 роки тому +1

      May God have mercy on our souls😔😔😭😭💔💔

    • @mk-nw2pp
      @mk-nw2pp 4 роки тому

      I did a translation above, you may want to take a look.

  • @ThanhNguyen-gq8uf
    @ThanhNguyen-gq8uf 4 роки тому

    Thich la tan