The Jews keep saying we are idol worshipers. What is the difference between a carved stone? And stone carved?...... THAT WALL!!!! I have seen crying, kissing, bowing down, reading to it, feeding it paper, holding it, laying down next to it,singing to it.....DID I LEAVE ANYTHING OUT??????
Yes Jews have the Wayling Wall. Muslims have the Kabbar. Visually it appears they are both worshipping them. The reality is, human nature makes us predisposed to revere what is physical. Aslong as God is at the centre of it, thats all that matters
I think that images can help to concentrate your mind on God and Jesus. We aren't worshipping the images, but we look at them to help us to concentrate our minds and hearts on God and Jesus. That's my opinion on graven images.
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Yes they do, i saw that very thing at the Catholic church when they had children march around the church following a boy holding up a really big Cross. Their not following God, their following a cross, i saw them with my own eyes😮
We do not worship anyone or anything other than Almighty God. We don’t worship statues or paintings or saints or angels or Mary or anyone else. For us Catholics, there is salvation in no other name than Christ Jesus and his death for us on the cross. Any image or statue is an aid to remind us of that victory won for us. That victory looks very different through aspects of church life such as the ministry of Angels or the lives of the Saints but everything points back to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Adoration ur reserved solely for God. We may be devoted to Bible reading or prayer or the example of the Saints but only because being devoted to these holy things brings us closer to Jesus Christ and His salvation won for us on the cross and celebrated every time the Mass is offered. Glory to Jesus Christ.
@@danmillar9582 Paul never asks us to call him spiritual father. He did refer to Timothy as his spiritual father in regard to leading, teaching Timothy to be a good Christian leader but he never said for anyone to call him their spiritual father, not even Timothy or Titus or anyone.
The scriptures show that God hates it when men make things to be used in worship of God, in praise of God, in service to God. Jesus Christ said, "the time is now when all true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth." Using crosses is rhe absolute opposite of what Jesus Christ said so that means one thing then, they cannot be true worshippers then.😮
It is an interesting topic! But Catholics do bow down to images. They kneel in front of them and pray! They light candles and carry tokens and medals of them and believe in protection say from St Christopher etc! Good luck charms! They imbue them - both the saints and the medallions etc with powers they do not have. They give more prayers to Mary than Jesus. Popes forever dedicating things to Mary etc. I would say this is certainly worship although they say no. I am Reformed so do not like anything that would take my focus off Christ in a service and funnily enough I was in one church that had a stained glass window with an image of a man in robes - guess depicting Jesus- directly in my vision and I found myself focusing on it during the hymns- almost singing to it! I had to force myself to stop doing that! It was very disconcerting to say the least! As though I was singing and praising that image! So I think it is very easy for people to redirect their worship and attention to images without too much difficulty especially if one is in contact with these things frequently! Think of the cross in a bedroom, or a picture of the sacred heart of Jesus, or the “ virgin” or a medal of Christopher in your pocket - it is very easy to look towards these things and pray !! Speak to that carving or picture. Which I think is wrong. As for the Ark of the Covenant - yes there were carved cherubim - and God did command it to be built - and it is often cited in this argument about graven images - and I certainly am NO highly studied theologian! But my only thought is that it was not seen by the congregation - it was hidden behind the veil of the Holy of Holies - seen once a year by the High Priest on the day of atonement when he went in to sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat - so it di not really become an inject if open worship. But in the body of the Tabernacle or later the Temple - there were no such images I do not think. Just my personal thoughts!
The cherubim were outside the arc on the handles but they were facing inwardly. Making statues into shrines is odd but they call it veneration. The medals just serve as reminder to love the saints n follow their foot steps I think but I know many put st Christophers in their car which appears superstitious. We mustnt lose focus on Jesus. I agree.
There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding on display in this comment here but to be fair, much of it appears accurate at a first glance. We Catholics do often kneel when we pray, we’re encouraged to do so even at home before we sleep but we do not worship our bed! We do seek the intercession of the Saints who, as part of the church victorious, enjoy the beatific vision of God and therefore we think there is power in their prayers, that’s why we ask them to pray for us! Relics and tokens etc can be powerful. St Paul used blessed handkerchiefs as part of his healing ministry and God does seem to move in great power on occasion through things like this. We do not worship anyone or anything other than God although as I admit, to a casual observer it can look strange. It’s only if you take the time to explore more deeply you find the truths in these things rather than just leaning on old stereotypical Protestant tropes…. Sadly most evangelicals choose to do that rather than taking an in depth look as to what’s actually going on.
Really good thinking brother, I’ve came to that conclusion lately that it is ok to make images, but they should not be of other Gods or you worshipping the image instead of our living God. Jesus is also called that he’s the “image of an invisible God” in Colossians 1:15 If God didn’t wanted us to make images, why would he shows us himself in different forms like: 1) fire 🔥 in the bush that Moses saw 2) Holy Spirit as dove when Jesus was baptised 3) and Jesus as human All these things are visible how God revealed himself, so it is intresting. May God bless you 🤝🏽🙏🏽🕊️
Very well thought out and put here. The sin of Idolatry is where we put ANYTHING higher than God. That can include our own desires or pursuits or many other things. It isn’t limited to graven images. There is no sin in devotion but there is in false adoration. That is reserved exclusively for Almighty God Himself. We me may be devoted to the example of the saints, but we join with them, along with the Angels and the whole company of heaven in worshiping the one true God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
They worship Mary. They pray to her and the say that she is forever virgin, immaculately conceived and that she never sinned. They call her the queen of heaven and the mother of God. They even think that Mary is their mother and they call her the new Eve. They are deceived. The have statues of Mary and in some countries have a big parade and carry an idol statue of Mary down the street and have a big festival celebrating Mary.❤
Yes but she is the Mother of God. Jesus was fully human and fully God so that made her his earthly Mother!!. Mother of God on Earth would be a better term. Council of Ephesis declared this. If you reject this council in 4th century then you might aswell reject the Niceean Council too as it was shortly before. They also view Mary as the Arc of new covenant because she too carried out the priest, the law and the word of God in Jesus Christ. She also appears in Revelation with 12 stars over her head boring a man who will rule the world with Rod of iron who is JESUS!! I agree these things aren't explicitly in scripture and I agree she shouldn't get more attention than Jesus but she is in (Luke) to called blessed by all generations. She had the second most important role in redeeming our salvation n No person could ever come close to do whst she has done other than God. I would never call Catholics idolaters, I think theybare hugely mud understood n some members are poorly cattechised.
@danmillar9582 Our salvation is due to Christ alone there is no second most important role. They totally idolize her. They think she was free from sin. But that can only be said about Jesus. They pray to her and we are to pray to God only. They have statues of her that they parade in the street. They say she is forever virgin but that is a lie, because she married Joseph. And the way they say Mother of God makes it sound like she gave birth to God but God is eternal and has no Mother or Father. And they call her the queen of heaven and the new Eve but the bride of the second Adam(Christ) is the church. Therefore the second Eve is the church not Mary. Although Mary most likely is a member of the church(the body of Christ).❤️
@@barrycharlesbrebner I can understand how you feel and agree with you saying they idolise her! They pay more attention to her than Jesus! It is all pagan nonsense God said have no other Gods before me - the Catholics have a goddess! They trust her they trust patron saints - really terrible. In poorer countries like in South America it is worse - but even here in the UK they came out in droves for some “ saint’s “ old bones that were being taken around various Catholic Churches! Ireland is full of shrines! It really is not something God can be pleased with. -
Hi Dan, To me, I think symbols are OK, as long as they are just an aid to help us focus on the divine, but we shouldn’t worship the object itself! Another thought provoking podcast, thank you!
Hiya Dan, I get the impression, very strongly, that Jesus was more progressive than people traditionally view him as. For example, he included women in his ministry. He saved the adulterous woman from being stoned and he never said anything one way or the other about homosexuality. Please could you give me your opinion of the impression of Jesus that I have received? He gave us the commandment to love one another as He had loved us. That's a very high bar to reach, and I don't think many of us ever reach it, but we can try to care for one another. I feel that that was the most important message He wanted to get across to us. Thanking you in advance if you have read this. May our God richly bless you.
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
@danmillar9582 I used to stare up at seriously dead 14ft jc on a Roman torture device for most of my childhood, that was after singing about eating his body and drinking his blood....dude its as weird as shit, its a big get the hell out of there for this little black duck, learn the churches incredibly violent history and you may have trouble reconciling their nefarious deeds with the jesus message they pretend to live by, i got lucky, I got out at a young age.
Cherubims on the ark are not images of men, so no God did not break His own rules (thats almost blasphemous to even joke). Images of saints that people pray to is not scriptural. There is no biblical encouragement of praying to dead people (or to the supposed never died Mary) except the OT warning not to talk to the dead, also called necromancy. In Hebrews we are told that those in Christ can boldly (in full assurance and faith) approach the throne room of grace. Which of course only implies we approach God, Father, Son and/or the Holy Spirit in our prayers. Only God is omnipresent so there little likelihood that dead saints (who are in spirit, in the presence of their Saviour) have any idea or ability to hear our prayers. Side note: Much of the RCC Maryology was only developed in the last 150 to 200 years at most, and if you ever watched huge numbers of RCC parishioners especially in South and Central America one can only conclude they are worshipping Mary and other images of saints, a very spiritually dangerous practice, no matter how often it is claimed to be only veneration.
More Protestant nonsense here… Necromancy isn’t ‘speaking’ to the dead it is trying to define the future. Christ ‘spoke’ with the dead on the mount of Transfiguration. Of course he did not sin in doing so! There is only one church and it is not separated by death. We can seek the prayers of those who have died victorious in the faith just as much as the prayers of those part of the church militant like us… in fact seeking the prayers of the church victorious is powerful because they are in the very presence of God Himself. They are made whole and Glorified by the redemptive work of Christ! May all the Angels and Saints pray for us! Glory to Jesus Christ.
@@danmillar9582 yes this is slightly more tricky and is a point of separation for Catholics and the orthodox as to the full nature of this however the basis of the teaching dates back to the first few centuries of church history to some degree or another so it certainly isn’t just a new doctrine one the church . carrying an idol and having a parade! These people are worshipping Mary!❤ i do not think you realize what is actually going on.❤
Whos saying Catholics "need" Mary to mediate? They ask her to. Have you ever asked a friend or family member to pray for you? @@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500
@@anitasmith203there is only one Mediator for salvation but the Bible tells us to pray for each other… why would it say that if your line of argument here is true? There is only one mediator… is a misquoted Protestant misunderstanding which uses a Bible verse completely out of context unless of course you think that we shouldn’t pray for each other and seek the prayers of other bothers and sisters in Christ? Glory be to Jesus Christ.
The Jews keep saying we are idol worshipers. What is the difference between a carved stone? And stone carved?...... THAT WALL!!!! I have seen crying, kissing, bowing down, reading to it, feeding it paper, holding it, laying down next to it,singing to it.....DID I LEAVE ANYTHING OUT??????
Yes Jews have the Wayling Wall. Muslims have the Kabbar. Visually it appears they are both worshipping them.
The reality is, human nature makes us predisposed to revere what is physical. Aslong as God is at the centre of it, thats all that matters
I think that images can help to concentrate your mind on God and Jesus. We aren't worshipping the images, but we look at them to help us to concentrate our minds and hearts on God and Jesus. That's my opinion on graven images.
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Yes God has made us creative just like him.
Shroud....He made the image! The Sabbath ...He fulfilled it!
Good take!
Yes they do, i saw that very thing at the Catholic church when they had children march around the church following a boy holding up a really big Cross.
Their not following God, their following a cross, i saw them with my own eyes😮
Yes but the cross represents God. Humans are visual creatures.
We do not worship anyone or anything other than Almighty God.
We don’t worship statues or paintings or saints or angels or Mary or anyone else.
For us Catholics, there is salvation in no other name than Christ Jesus and his death for us on the cross. Any image or statue is an aid to remind us of that victory won for us. That victory looks very different through aspects of church life such as the ministry of Angels or the lives of the Saints but everything points back to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.
Adoration ur reserved solely for God. We may be devoted to Bible reading or prayer or the example of the Saints but only because being devoted to these holy things brings us closer to Jesus Christ and His salvation won for us on the cross and celebrated every time the Mass is offered.
Glory to Jesus Christ.
I completely agree. I concluded with this
Call no one else father, for you have one father who is in heaven. Mathew 23:9
why did st Paul ask us to call him spiritual Father? also why was Abraham called the Father of Isreal? God cant contradict himself.
@@danmillar9582 Paul never asks us to call him spiritual father. He did refer to Timothy as his spiritual father in regard to leading, teaching Timothy to be a good Christian leader but he never said for anyone to call him their spiritual father, not even Timothy or Titus or anyone.
@@danmillar9582 Can you please give book, chapter and verse # so I can look it up? Thanks.
@@danmillar9582 but, you just did? Mathew 23:9
The scriptures show that God hates it when men make things to be used in worship of God, in praise of God, in service to God.
Jesus Christ said, "the time is now when all true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth."
Using crosses is rhe absolute opposite of what Jesus Christ said so that means one thing then, they cannot be true worshippers then.😮
Nothing wrong with the cross, it's a symbol of Christ's atonement for our sins
It is an interesting topic!
But Catholics do bow down to images. They kneel in front of them and pray!
They light candles and carry tokens and medals of them and believe in protection say from St Christopher etc! Good luck charms! They imbue them - both the saints and the medallions etc with powers they do not have. They give more prayers to Mary than Jesus. Popes forever dedicating things to Mary etc.
I would say this is certainly worship although they say no.
I am Reformed so do not like anything that would take my focus off Christ in a service and funnily enough I was in one church that had a stained glass window with an image of a man in robes - guess depicting Jesus- directly in my vision and I found myself focusing on it during the hymns- almost singing to it! I had to force myself to stop doing that! It was very disconcerting to say the least! As though I was singing and praising that image!
So I think it is very easy for people to redirect their worship and attention to images without too much difficulty especially if one is in contact with these things frequently!
Think of the cross in a bedroom, or a picture of the sacred heart of Jesus, or the “ virgin”
or a medal of Christopher in your pocket - it is very easy to look towards these things and pray !! Speak to that carving or picture. Which I think is wrong.
As for the Ark of the Covenant - yes there were carved cherubim - and God did command it to be built - and it is often cited in this argument about graven images - and I certainly am NO highly studied theologian! But my only thought is that it was not seen by the congregation - it was hidden behind the veil of the Holy of Holies - seen once a year by the High Priest on the day of atonement when he went in to sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat - so it di not really become an inject if open worship.
But in the body of the Tabernacle or later the Temple - there were no such images I do not think.
Just my personal thoughts!
PS. And they do kiss them - think of St Peter in the Vatican etc. !
The cherubim were outside the arc on the handles but they were facing inwardly.
Making statues into shrines is odd but they call it veneration. The medals just serve as reminder to love the saints n follow their foot steps I think but I know many put st Christophers in their car which appears superstitious.
We mustnt lose focus on Jesus. I agree.
There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding on display in this comment here but to be fair, much of it appears accurate at a first glance.
We Catholics do often kneel when we pray, we’re encouraged to do so even at home before we sleep but we do not worship our bed!
We do seek the intercession of the Saints who, as part of the church victorious, enjoy the beatific vision of God and therefore we think there is power in their prayers, that’s why we ask them to pray for us!
Relics and tokens etc can be powerful. St Paul used blessed handkerchiefs as part of his healing ministry and God does seem to move in great power on occasion through things like this.
We do not worship anyone or anything other than God although as I admit, to a casual observer it can look strange. It’s only if you take the time to explore more deeply you find the truths in these things rather than just leaning on old stereotypical Protestant tropes…. Sadly most evangelicals choose to do that rather than taking an in depth look as to what’s actually going on.
Really good thinking brother, I’ve came to that conclusion lately that it is ok to make images, but they should not be of other Gods or you worshipping the image instead of our living God.
Jesus is also called that he’s the “image of an invisible God” in Colossians 1:15
If God didn’t wanted us to make images, why would he shows us himself in different forms like:
1) fire 🔥 in the bush that Moses saw
2) Holy Spirit as dove when Jesus was baptised
3) and Jesus as human
All these things are visible how God revealed himself, so it is intresting.
May God bless you 🤝🏽🙏🏽🕊️
Yes I agree.
Very well thought out and put here.
The sin of Idolatry is where we put ANYTHING higher than God. That can include our own desires or pursuits or many other things. It isn’t limited to graven images.
There is no sin in devotion but there is in false adoration. That is reserved exclusively for Almighty God Himself. We me may be devoted to the example of the saints, but we join with them, along with the Angels and the whole company of heaven in worshiping the one true God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
They worship Mary. They pray to her and the say that she is forever virgin, immaculately conceived and that she never sinned. They call her the queen of heaven and the mother of God. They even think that Mary is their mother and they call her the new Eve. They are deceived. The have statues of Mary and in some countries have a big parade and carry an idol statue of Mary down the street and have a big festival celebrating Mary.❤
Yes but she is the Mother of God. Jesus was fully human and fully God so that made her his earthly Mother!!.
Mother of God on Earth would be a better term. Council of Ephesis declared this. If you reject this council in 4th century then you might aswell reject the Niceean Council too as it was shortly before.
They also view Mary as the Arc of new covenant because she too carried out the priest, the law and the word of God in Jesus Christ.
She also appears in Revelation with 12 stars over her head boring a man who will rule the world with Rod of iron who is JESUS!!
I agree these things aren't explicitly in scripture and I agree she shouldn't get more attention than Jesus but she is in (Luke) to called blessed by all generations.
She had the second most important role in redeeming our salvation n No person could ever come close to do whst she has done other than God.
I would never call Catholics idolaters, I think theybare hugely mud understood n some members are poorly cattechised.
@danmillar9582 Our salvation is due to Christ alone there is no second most important role.
They totally idolize her. They think she was free from sin. But that can only be said about Jesus. They pray to her and we are to pray to God only. They have statues of her that they parade in the street. They say she is forever virgin but that is a lie, because she married Joseph. And the way they say Mother of God makes it sound like she gave birth to God but God is eternal and has no Mother or Father. And they call her the queen of heaven and the new Eve but the bride of the second Adam(Christ) is the church. Therefore the second Eve is the church not Mary. Although Mary most likely is a member of the church(the body of Christ).❤️
@@barrycharlesbrebner I can understand how you feel and agree with you saying they idolise her!
They pay more attention to her than Jesus!
It is all pagan nonsense
God said have no other Gods before me - the Catholics have a goddess!
They trust her they trust patron saints - really terrible.
In poorer countries like in South America it is worse - but even here in the UK they came out in droves for some “ saint’s “ old bones that were being taken around various Catholic Churches! Ireland is full of shrines! It really is not something God can be pleased with.
@barrycharlesbrebner I personally choose not to pray to saints. I understand Marion theology but there is alot of guess work in it.
@@danmillar9582 well i am glad to hear that you do not pray to people.❤
Yes Jesus fulfilled the law when his incarnation happened!!
His glory can be portrayed in many ways.
Hi Dan,
To me, I think symbols are OK, as long as they are just an aid to help us focus on the divine, but we shouldn’t worship the object itself!
Another thought provoking podcast, thank you!
Yes art is a tool that can help bring us to God. Even writing is a form of art
Great point. Agreed!
Hello from Canada. Watch the video Why Jesus Came by James Knox in DeLand, Florida!
Thank you for that
Hiya Dan, I get the impression, very strongly, that Jesus was more progressive than people traditionally view him as. For example, he included women in his ministry. He saved the adulterous woman from being stoned and he never said anything one way or the other about homosexuality. Please could you give me your opinion of the impression of Jesus that I have received? He gave us the commandment to love one another as He had loved us. That's a very high bar to reach, and I don't think many of us ever reach it, but we can try to care for one another. I feel that that was the most important message He wanted to get across to us. Thanking you in advance if you have read this. May our God richly bless you.
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
Loving God first and foremost and loving others is the number one command. Everything that we do, say, think and feel should be rooted in love! We should love the things of God and hate what is not of God. Homo-sexual acts is a perversion(a twist) of how God created our sexuality. God created man and woman, with certain body parts to be used in a certain way in marriage. i think it is best not to explain in detail what is involved in homo-sexual acts but it involves doing things and using body parts in a way that God did not create them to be used(perverting/changing the natural way). i hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you.❤
It doesn't really matter, its all weird
Not when you learn the theology behind it
@danmillar9582 I used to stare up at seriously dead 14ft jc on a Roman torture device for most of my childhood, that was after singing about eating his body and drinking his blood....dude its as weird as shit, its a big get the hell out of there for this little black duck, learn the churches incredibly violent history and you may have trouble reconciling their nefarious deeds with the jesus message they pretend to live by, i got lucky, I got out at a young age.
Cherubims on the ark are not images of men, so no God did not break His own rules (thats almost blasphemous to even joke). Images of saints that people pray to is not scriptural. There is no biblical encouragement of praying to dead people (or to the supposed never died Mary) except the OT warning not to talk to the dead, also called necromancy. In Hebrews we are told that those in Christ can boldly (in full assurance and faith) approach the throne room of grace. Which of course only implies we approach God, Father, Son and/or the Holy Spirit in our prayers. Only God is omnipresent so there little likelihood that dead saints (who are in spirit, in the presence of their Saviour) have any idea or ability to hear our prayers. Side note: Much of the RCC Maryology was only developed in the last 150 to 200 years at most, and if you ever watched huge numbers of RCC parishioners especially in South and Central America one can only conclude they are worshipping Mary and other images of saints, a very spiritually dangerous practice, no matter how often it is claimed to be only veneration.
Yes Mary's immaculate conception was only dogmatised 60 years ago!!
More Protestant nonsense here…
Necromancy isn’t ‘speaking’ to the dead it is trying to define the future.
Christ ‘spoke’ with the dead on the mount of Transfiguration. Of course he did not sin in doing so!
There is only one church and it is not separated by death. We can seek the prayers of those who have died victorious in the faith just as much as the prayers of those part of the church militant like us… in fact seeking the prayers of the church victorious is powerful because they are in the very presence of God Himself. They are made whole and Glorified by the redemptive work of Christ!
May all the Angels and Saints pray for us! Glory to Jesus Christ.
@@danmillar9582 yes this is slightly more tricky and is a point of separation for Catholics and the orthodox as to the full nature of this however the basis of the teaching dates back to the first few centuries of church history to some degree or another so it certainly isn’t just a new doctrine one the church .
No we don’t we just worship God, the Trinity…. Anything else is lies
Amen I agree. Its good to explore these issues though carrying an idol and having a parade! These people are worshipping Mary!❤ i do not think you realize what is actually going on.❤
Do you pray to Mary and think she was sinless?
@@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500I personally don't pray to her
Yes - Mary and the pope
they are certainly types of Mediators to them but i wouldn't say they worship them.
There is only One Mediator between God and man, the God Man, man's Saviour, Jesus Christ.
@@danmillar9582 We don't need any other mediator, but only thru Jesus, right?
Whos saying Catholics "need" Mary to mediate? They ask her to. Have you ever asked a friend or family member to pray for you? @@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500
@@anitasmith203there is only one Mediator for salvation but the Bible tells us to pray for each other… why would it say that if your line of argument here is true?
There is only one mediator… is a misquoted Protestant misunderstanding which uses a Bible verse completely out of context unless of course you think that we shouldn’t pray for each other and seek the prayers of other bothers and sisters in Christ?
Glory be to Jesus Christ.