I named my inner critic "Yabbit" for "Yes, but" who spoke up whenever I had a positive or hopeful thought. So, in my journal when I caught myself writing down an self-defeating thought, I'd simply write a big Y (for Yabbit) in the margin. The practice of catching and naming my fear/negativity/self-doubt brought that thinking from the automatic/unconscious to the conscious. Over time, that habit really helped me in real time to take my thoughts captive and pivot to a more constructive thought.
1. Journaling (feelings, emotions etc.) 2. Brain damp: take everything in your brain (thoughts) and put it on a piece of paper 3. Make a diagram: keep track of ideas and clarify the situation 4. Write a letter u won't send (things you want to say but never get the chance to do so) 5. Clarify your locus of control 6. Write an alternate version of your situation
Thank you for this! I can't always take notes while watching youtube, and by the time I get to the 3rd or 4th point, my ADHD has already forgotten everything before it. I wish every video like this had a bulletpoint list for following along, if nothing else.
Why do people write these indexes in the comment section?? I get it that some videos ramble on at length instead of getting to the point. But this video got straight to the point without unnecessary waffle. Plus the list just tells you what to do, and not "why".
I started journaling and I haven't been very consistent with it because I'm used to suppress my feelings, and facing them to write is very uncomfortable for me, but lately I have noticed that as I'm writing my mind automatically gets clearer about how I am feeling and why, it's like magic, I can find the relationships between things that happened, my feelings and my thoughts and I can easily process them and the best part is that when I realize (as I'm writing) suddenly I'm not upset anymore, I don't have any racing intruding thoughts and my mind is crystal clear and calmed
@@ascia158 Then maybe a journal with a lock would be something to consider for you or storing the journal somewhere only you have excess to. That way you can still journal but no one will have the chance to read it unless you want them to. 🤔
@@ascia158 same with me.. I have tried writing but I have that fear of others reading it so I can't express myself.. Once I just drew a caricature kinda thing that showed almost the whole thing that happened in the past that affected me the most bcz I know no one can know what that is and it felt so good.. But when laters I saw it myself even I couldn't understand completely what represents what.. It feels like sometimes that even my memory of those yrs keeps fluctuating.. There is no false memory but sometimes I can remember certain incidents..other times I can't.. and on the hindsight my brain is in constant fight that whether this is really memory issue or just my brain not wanting to think of it bcz I feel like if I create that scenario again in my head I can remember more but I also k ow that it's mental torture so I kinda leave it
I completely relate. Once I start, it's okay and I usually feel somewhat "better", relief. But simply getting the journal out and putting the pen on the paper feels so difficult. I actually journaled while listening to this video and I'm glad I did.
I have a tip: I've been journaling ever since I was a kid. sometimes I don't even have words to express what I feel instead I draw something or write down song lyrics or quotes that resonate with me. that usually helps me get creative with words :)
My husband of 30 yrs unexpectedly passed away from a Heart Attack just over 1&1/2 yrs ago... I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I started writing my prayers out to Him in a binder. Just to help me focus my thoughts...I bring everything to Him. Every concern...and even my lack of faith . I would ask/write ..."if I really trusted you, what would it look & sound like like?" This entire process has helped me more than I can express and after watching this I know that I have been lead to do some of the very things that are helping me heal and process this terrible loss. So thankful for this channel!
As a musician with terrible anxiety, songwriting has always been my lifeline. And even though I hated it in school, doing Math problems helps to focus my mind.
@Evan Hodge Performing has never been a problem, surprisingly. My anxiety is mostly focused on existential questions and apocalyptic scenarios, so downtime is my enemy.
As someone who has a problem solving instinct as a trauma response, I used to get lost in my own problem solving mode a lot even when I tried to journal to process my feelings. Writing didn't seem to make it feel better so eventually I just stopped writing altogether because I thought it wasn't for me. Turned out I was doing it wrong. Emotional processing is writing what "was" and "is" not what "will be" or "supposed to be". When I was unconsciously slipping into problem solving mode or hopeful thinking mode, I tried to fix myself instead of processing my feelings of what made me feel this way. It's like I gaslighted myself unknowingly. Now I journal everyday, still every time I do I have to go back several times, editing what I wrote because I won't feel like I've processed my emotions until I actually write about them instead of solutions.
I struggle with this too. You make a great point about the present and the future. And writing, in my opinion, is exactly good for that: seeing what you wrote, how you wrote it, right in front of your eyes. And no one else needs to see it! It's just perfect
This is an interesting observation, thank you for sharing it! For me, this problem-solving instinct isn't a trauma response, I'm "just" an overthinker and overanalyzer. But now that I've read your comment, I thought about my journalings and mind dumps, and sometimes I tend to write about the future wishfully (like "I really hope this state will pass soon") or throw in ideas of what could I do to make my mental health better instead of just writing down how I currently feel. Now I'll be more careful with my sentences too, thanks again for pointing this out!
Thanks for that, I am going to start journaling from today. Would you be able to explain that are you suggesting that I mention in my diary about the past mistake or fear that leads to anxiety and how and what I am feeling about it now and how terrible its still making me feel? Or I write about how to tackle these thoughts like problem solve it and think about how my future will be when everything will be okay. Can someone please help? Thanks
I have tried writing letters to my future or past self and found writing such letters or journal a great cathartic experience! It reduces your inner clutter and gives clarity and peace. ♥️
Great video. It's so great to see a LICENSED mental health professional producing this content. UA-cam and social media in general are overrun by unlicensed, untrained "life coaches" and influencer girls giving mental health advice, which they really have no business doing. There needs to be more valid content from people who actually know what they're talking about. Keep doing what you're doing!
I’m used to journaling only when I feel like I’m already breaking, I have a journal full of moments of anger, pain, anxiety, etc. I never felt the need to journal everyday until now that I’ve realized I let my feelings snowball until I’m overwhelmed and freaked out😅 Thank you for this video, it helped me a lot, I’m gonna try to journal everyday💖💖💖
We belong to the same category girl.... I've finished my first journal and I'm already halfway through my second one...and it's all filled with my anxiety and stress about studies,career, family problem and relationships 🙃
I felt this one . Everything going okay and then you find yourself in a whirlpool of anxiety , fear, and overthinking . Wrote yesterday for a bit of how I felt and I feel better than I did today than I did yesterday . I was always writing before but fell off because I’m guessing complacency and well life in general . I need to go back to it. God bless you and everyone .
@@VirtuousJerm I had totally forgotten about this comment I made and it’s fun to come back to a promise that I actually fulfilled😄 I’ve been writing everyday and it has helped me identify my feelings and my triggers for anxiety, it’s really helpful. Thank you for your comment, God bless you too, and please keep journaling, even in those days that you feel like you have nothing to write, you’d be surprised at the things you don’t notice you want to journal about until you start writing❤️🩹
I am more able to express myself better in writing than talking. Thank you for your guidance in the proper way of processing my feelings in writing. May God continue to bless you in everything that you do.
I don't know why I never started the habit of journaling. As a student, I often brain-dumped or made diagrams to solve complex problems for essays or projects, but it never occurred to me to use that logic for my mental health issues. Can't wait to start applying it to my life. Thank you for such an informative video!
In these comments someone asked what you should do with the journal when you're done. Everyone should choose what works for them & I chose to save my journals in a foot locker with a padlock. I started this over 40 years ago. Sometimes I read over them & feel grateful for my progress.
I've already been journaling my anxiety for some time now to help me get a better view of how much I progress. I started because my family kept telling I don't do enough to get rid of my anxiety, so I tried to prove them wrong. They have no idea how difficult the smallest tasks can be.
Used to journal all the time in high school. Had notebooks with my closest friends to that we would pass back and forth all the time. It was fun and helpful during those years.
This tip might help some of you. We face two problems beginning to do this. Firstly, we have a tendency to write coherently, a narrative. But our feelings and thoughts are opposite that. Secondly, some of us face fear writing down our thoughts feelings and interpretations down on a book or a paper. I have figured a way out of it. I got myself a 300+ page book and started writing.Not from the beginning. I write on random pages. You can try that too. Just write anywhere. After two or three sentences flip to another random page, write there. You can flip the book upside down and write. I write diagonally, vertically, horizontally, in the middle, in the bottom,on the top, on the left side or the right side. When you are no longer wanting to be coherent our imagination and thought production becomes more efficient. Plus, no one is going to figure out what is written down. I found it to be helping me in more ways than I have described already.
I actually love this idea… I am so consumed with getting it right that doing it sporadically on purpose makes it feel doable… Otherwise journaling seems overwhelming… I get sick feeling in my stomach and my throat tightens up… This is been happening for years… I really want to be a journaler and think it would be a positive thing in my life if I could get past this initial anxiety
I really like the "brain dump" tip that you gave since I have implemented this unknowingly in the past. I am a university student and I have noticed that when there are instances when I get stressed or anxious about an assignment, if I write down all my ideas and thoughts without thinking of my penmanship or grammar my mind clears up and I feel relieved.
As a fiction writer, my characters take away my anxiety and stress. 2022 has been a rough year for me, due to my severe anxiety. This video was truly helpful! Thanks!
I have been journaling since I was 12 years old. I am 45 now and I filled hundreds of journals. I can’t even imagine to be without it. I really am not myself when I can’t do it.
I been journaling for two years about my myself and thoughts(both positive, negative, realistic, and fictional) and events from past, present and future and still do it right now.
I started journaling/morning pages since last year and I have to say it help me tons on my journey, especially if you still have lots of trauma or wounds to process on. We often get trapped in our mental and our brain replay the same things over and over again. Writing it all down help to process it and surprisingly we can start see some new perspective or pattern that's repeating during our healing process, how our mind thinks and how we truly feel about the topics. I really recommend it a lot, just pick a pen and paper, and write whatever your thoughts is. Just try it and see if it brings you relief then it's a good therapy
There are literally thousands of videos on UA-cam about how to help with anxiety and depression , and I must have watched most of them. This one is probably the most helpful one I’ve seen. 🙏🙏🙏
Imagine you had an idea for a beautiful chair. So, you sketched it - you made drawings of how it would look, what color it would have and everything else unique about it. Later, a craftsman would see your sketches and decide to make the chair. Now, a lot designers make sketches of websites and applications before actually making them. I happen to be such a designer. When I make a concept for an app, it can later be used to program (write code, and properly implement it so it runs on mobiles and computers). These are called User Interface and User Experience designers :) I happen to be one!
Loved what you said about writing an alternate ending: "Write about the actions you would take to get your life back and live your dream." ;_; Really needed to hear this. Thank you.
I have started journalising daily for a month now. I was on and off for sometime but writing my thoughts daily makes me realise a lot of things and calms my mind down. I will definitely try the locus of control as I believe in my situation I stress too much on things which I don't have a control at and I would also try writing alternative ending. Thank you for this amazing vid. I will be improving my ability to express my emotions better this way and be aware of how I am thinking /reacting.
Since two years ago I've been journalling. To start with I had one where I put all positives in, quotes, bits and pieces I found useful. I had a 'rant' book and I was always worse when it was time of month. Though I'm getting better. Now I've incorporated both and put 'well done' stickers next to my successes. I also have a book where I cut out positive words and useful things and also now have a book that I write jokes in and have an affirmation jar which started at one of the groups I do and everyone had to write something nice about someone else. All these things help me and open to trying new things. Thank you
I have been journaling for quite some time, and my new journal came with a card that said something along the lines of, “journaling is thinking with the hand”. I thought it summed journaling up so beautifully. Thank you for encouraging people to journal, it’s really a life changing habit ☺️
Last month I've been journaling like “early morning/morning” “afternoon” “evening” on one or two pages a day....its been helping...i use to video blog my day on here on yputubry...its been even stressful to edit and post, then it would be public...this writing journaling in private has been helping so much
I journal everyday and when I’m dealing with something I always write it down and see things clearly. Sometimes it’s hard, but most of the time journaling make me see things clearly
have been keeping a journal since l turned 14, more almost 50 years ago and do it on an almost daily basis...my own private library! Thank you for putting out the word!
I am grateful for this channel beyond words. This is the first video about journaling that is not vague but really gives useful advice on how to do it.
That's really good! I always get so invested in my own situation, even when writing thoughts down, but writing about it through a character or poem always helped me see things more rationally.
Maybe I should try it bcz I can't write in 1st person.. It feels like living the trauma again and again and head starts hurting but looking at it like a story from others pov might be good
My older sister told me she would write her personal essays in third person first, then change them to first person. It would help her disconnect her experiences from herself. She is the wisest person I know.
The best cure is to get off social media and the internet completely. Go take a walk, go to the gym, pick up a hobby.... live life. Sitting home and doing anything is bad for you. Get out of the house and just do something else. Sitting around and focusing on your issues all day is making them worse.
Yeah it's helped me a lot ever since my eldest sibling was cruelly taken away from us earlier in the year with a brain aneurysm. I am still not there yet but I do need to pick up the habit again over my summer holidays
I discovered journaling accidentially, when I got frustrated at my second interview of my autism diagnosis and decided to write out everything I would had said or thought, it made me write 10 pages :D in a very short time and I felt so relieved, I stopped feeling negative towards the diagnostic psychologist and stopped the rumination cycle..:))).I think it will be useful for me to do it in the morning to catch my negative thoughts and process them straight away, instead of letting them accumulate furthere, and do additional journalings during the day if necessary. It also helps to see the perspectives more objectively and helps to prevent acting from anger and ego. Or as a post process after a burst out, it seems to help ease the guilt after saying hurtful things. It helps to regulate the energy created by emotions, tame them and direct or transform them to become energy of growth and compassion. :)
When I was in the 5th grade I started keeping a diary and I'd been using it as a therapy tool for years without even realizing it as an adult when I decided to reread some of my old diaries 😁 Now I journal once in a while purposely to clear my head out. Thank you for helpful advice! 💚 I'll definitely try all these points out - I hope it'll help me get through a terrible time in my life, at least a little bit.
Can I like your video a thousand times? They are all amazing! When you were talking about the alternate version, I could feel the resistance building up, almost as if I'm not allowed to feel good. That was powerful, I'll go and explore that. Thank you Emma!
I am just learning how to write about my feelings because i find it hard to talk to a therapist about my feelings because i am not use to opening up to people. This was really helpful to me and also her voice is very calming and subsided my anxiety just hearing her . Thank you
I have been journaling since I was a kid. I don't know why I originally started, but I was always encouraged by the adults around me. However, having some guidelines means that now my journaling is actually helping me recover from trauma. Thanks for the video!
The Acorn to Oak check in journal is brilliant! I got a copy right away - and THANK YOU for the variety of ways to journal! I learn so much from you - and I am gaining confidence in processing my emotions. THANK YOU!!
It feels great seeing a license therapist talk about this. It's really helping me a lot! Anyways, I've noticed that every time I write an entry in my journal, I would sense a small wave of calmness but being razor focused with the things I have to write about. Also, I like the ideas of writing letters I would never send. Will definite try that this morning after finishing up my brain dump entry (don't care how many pages, but I care about getting things out in writing each day).
Thank you!! I haven't been able to see my new therapist for 4 weeks and it will be another 2 before I can see him. Because I have Medicaid I don't have much choice in who I get to see and all the therapists are so over booked it's impossible to get good consistent treatment. This helps. All of your videos has been a good resource for getting me through and getting my life back. Thank you!!
I am someone who is good at expressing her emotions in writing more than talking. I tend to get nervous when I express my feelings and thoughts, verbally, especially, in face-to-face when someone wronged me.
It's amazing how our body and mind sometimes leads us to doing some of these things while not even realizing they are therapeutic techniques and healthy coping mechanisms subhanAllah. As a child, I used to always write long letters to those I hated, to those who were unkind to me, to those who I had many things to say to but knew I couldn't! Sometimes I used to also write long letters to those I loved but also couldn't tell them, who meant a lot to me and I appreciated them a lot. Anyhow, it was very relieving to write all these things down, even though, of course, I never sent them or showed them to anyone. I'd get rid of them right away but anyhow it was very interesting to see this point mentioned as I did not know anyone else ever did this! Let alone that others recommended it! Thanks for the video, it was great!
This might be the most helpful video I have ever seen for my current circumstances (currently i've been waiting to spreak to a therapist for 8 months, my appointment is at the end of march) The information is so clean and lovingly communicated without judgement. Thank you so much! With these steps I might actually improve my state of mind.
That locus of control idea is a great nuanced idea. Many times I have thought that there are things that were debatable about whether or not they are in my control (how adult people respond to me), but now I have that word of "influence" to capture that in-between state. I will have to watch your video on that to get more information, in case I misunderstood it here. Thanks again, Emma!
I think that last tip is the most powerful one - writing an alternate version of whatever is stressing me out instead of just rambling on about my anxieties and fears (which risks reinforcing them? Just a thought). I’m terrified about a routine medical diagnostic procedure I need to have, which requires going under anesthesia. I’ve put it off for almost a year, and I’m finally scheduling it because my health is not getting any better until I get a solid diagnosis. I plan to write out my ideal version of how that procedure will go - including an ideal outcome (that I have something easily treatable).
I’ve been journaling for 15 years, I’ve written over 30 hand written journals. Started my freshman year of High School, all the way through university to now at almost 30. Writing about my emotions and how my day has gone has helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing this.
I had a hard time begining writing about what I feel. But today I needed it and helped me. This video reinforced it. Thank you for your amazing content. Hope the best for everyone that's reading this 😄
Lady, I haven't even watched this video yet (edit: watched!) and I know you're talkin right to me. I've been getting this message from different sources, but honestly seeing it from you is what's pushing me over the edge. I'm a writer, wannabe author, but lately I've stopped writing entirely. I'm in a place where I feel like transferring my feelings and inner thoughts into written word is not safe from prying snd judgemental eyes. But I think it's time to just get over it and do the journaling I know I need to do. It doesn't matter who reads what I have to say. If they don't like it, they didn't need to read it in the first place!
Yep, just like I thought. Talkin right to me. I like all of these methods, but the one I'm definitely needing to do is the letter I never send. I have a lot of thoughts and emotions to express that I know will never be understood, so writing them down is a fantastic idea. I also love your Acorn Journal! I'm going to go check that out 😁👍
These videos are quite wonderful !! Even after I find some balance in my feelings/thoughts...there is still room for improvement. I am very grateful for your productions🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I just did a 'brain dump' (I love that term!) of some junk in my head that I've recently been stewing over. I feel better after doing it and definitely less than before. It really helps to put your thoughts on paper and to get a better perspective on things. And you can be creative with it, too!
Thank you so much, this is very helpful for me this week. My boss is going through a hard time and copes with it by mistreating me and my team. I respected her and it's sad to see her abuse her position of power. I'll focus on what I can do and what I can influence about the situation. These are really great exercises to help me get through that.
i was in the middle of a stretch routine ... ... realizing now that i can't even appropriately comment on THIS INCREDIBLY VALUABLE VIDEO!!!! ... just smh in GRATITUDE ... and pressing THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE!!!! ... will submit another comment at another time because right now all i want to do, all i'm going to do is replay THIS...UNBELIEVABLY VALUABLE (to me, at least, especially being a writer) VIDEO AT LEAST ONCE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... as i continue my stretch routine!!!! (later, i'll look more into this WONDERFUL WOMAN, her channel, and anything else she writes, and says ...)
After 32 years And many therepists Still no relief from anxiety/depression Good to found Somebody who knows things that practically work. I guess what works for me atleast not the concepts But how we can use them practicality. Thank alot Tough work But only you can help yourself Relying on professional solely wont work. Start early ,increase your knowledge Start working on yourself You are worth it.
This was interesting to listen to. I have been journaling for about 29 years. I started when I was 8. I started journaling because I never thought anyone would accept this (me). In journaling I found acceptance instead of judgement. Friendship instead of anger or resentment. I found a good listener who wanted to be there for me no matter what I was going through. A friend who would never tell me to get over it or it is not a big deal. I've said "My best friend is a dead tree." for a long time. I still believe this. I tell my journal about the good and the bad and everything else. The most commonly ask question is "I want to journal, what do I write about?" No one is satisfied with any answer I have. Journaling is easier done than taught I guess. I find it so natural to do. If I go for a walk I am more likely to bring my journal than I am to bring my phone.
I am replying to my own post. I have been told by various people that my relationship with my journal is "rediculous" and that it prevents me from have actual friendships with people. Hahaha 🤣 I have friends. Less is more.
I love how it looks like you will tearn into laughter at anymoment . Somehow it just makes it even better to watch. Thanks for the joy snd the education doctor.
Thank you so much, Emma! You are doing exactly what I endeavor to do before taking my last breath. I followed your advice because I like so many others am dealing with so much. No pity party here, though. I typed out my feelings. I look at life like a book where the pages are always turning and the chapters are constantly changing. So, I name them. My new chapter is called So Much. There is so much to do. There is so much going on in 2021. There is so much to be grateful for. There is only so much that I can and will be able to do for my family and friends. I appreciate your channel so much. Take care as we all only have so much time on this earth. Blessings!
I started journaling before I learned about feelings or alexithymia, so while I journal every day, I have some habits that really serve me (dream journaling!) and others that I'm working on changing (avoiding my feelings because I don't know what's going on in there). I've had a few experiences in the past few years where I've identified a Mystery Feeling and felt much better than I had in the days leading up to it, so that gives me incentive to continue to work on it!
I have picked up writing a couple of times. I used to write in a diary. Then I tried documents online and that wasn’t the same. I also try writing stories that have characters who resemble conflict. Now, I write between 1-6 full pages a few times per week. I don’t even have a pain or stress anymore, but still writing just makes me feel healthy and I can improve my thoughts and learn more. There was A lot of things I didn’t know about writing that now I can keep in mind! Wonderful video indeed
I am a recently new subscriber. You got some great content. Thanks for these tips! To you and anyone else reading this, remember always that you are worthy and valued. May you be happy, safe peaceful, and live with ease. ❤
Wow, thank you so so so much! I am finally in a good place with my anxiety and depression but my partner is undiagnosed and I believe he is suffering from severe anxiety. These tips will be SO helpful, I’m not sure how else to help him. He believes that the situation is the problem, but I’m trying to show him that as much as that is true- there are ways we can help ourselves to cope with those situations rather than turning to unhelpful habits like smoking and falling into the ‘doomsday pit of hopelessness’. Again, thank you for this video 🙏🏼
Very helpful. From time to timeI go back to counseling. But I only learned journaling my feelings and spewed out my anger. With you I learned two , maybe three new things that I can try to see if they fit. As always, Thank you. I Thank God you were born.
I was actually listening to rc Blake's, but this came on afterwards as I was walking around. I just want to say I appreciate your insight! I'm glad I found you!❤️
The diagram tip is so helpful! I found this on my own by making a chart of which things affected my self-worth. Writing them all out helped me realize some really toxic thought processes I had. I was putting way too much self-worth on some things and not giving appropriate self-worth to other things. After I wrote it out, I made a copy (i sketched it on my ipad) and I moved elements around. I bumped the toxic things down, and pushed positive traits up. I designed it the way I WANTED to be. I guess it was an alternate situation!
Thank you for this. I started daily journaling at the beginning of this year. I don't always want to do it, but it's the one thing I keep telling myself I need to absolutely commit to. It's incredibly hard for me to keep routines and such, so now I have this one thing I can hold myself accountable for. Anyways, thanks to this video I have some new ways to journal (: even when I don't feel like it lol
I keep a diary since 9 years ago. And I can say this, things start to change once you get comfortable with the idea of putting your thoughts into writing (scripta manent...) and you start being honest, explicit. So my advice is: find yourself a diary (or journal) that gives you enough sense of security, to make you feel safe enough to write down your darkest, most shameful, most painful thoughts. To me, a digital journal password coded changed the game.
I am saving this video. My therapist suggested me similar tools. 1 year therapy brought so much change in me. Will surely want to use writing techniques.
I just started journaling and brain dumping and at this very moment I actually can tell a difference. This is something wow...😌 Your video came up when I searched for brain dump... Glad it did your tips are good. 🙋🏾♀️
I love this. I used to write poetry to release the overwhelming feelings. It's interesting that you mention writing an alternate version of your life. I get ideas for stories that way. I'm going to try these because i kind of lost myself in my family and relationship wounds. I have been struggling with getting back to being more in control of my mental health. My traumas and triggers from my childhood has made daily life difficult but one day i will find peace. That's what I'm fighting for. I'm a survivor but i really want to find out who calm chris looks like because i haven't seen him yet.
This is really helpful. I've journaled for many years and have always found it helpful. But, the one I never heard before is "Clarify Your Locus of Control". I think I will try this one tonight.
Thank you for sharing the "locus of control" distinctions. It's one of the key parts of keeping my generative drive and sense of agency high which generally helps me feel like I'm winning :)
From someone who's used to write her feelings but stopped for over a year bc it gets overwhelming, I want to say thank you. I have been struggling to write again (and tried other things that I can vent to) and seeing this in my recommendations made me reflect whether or not I should pick up journaling or just writing in general. This vid is my one baby step towards getting the courage in writing back - it may not happen overnight, but it'll get there eventually. 💜
Thank you for validating my coping mechanisms! Journaling helped me process my complicated feelings of anger, resentment, and guilt. Brain dumping, diagramming, and clarifying locus of control have helped me research major life changes and write down my step by step solutions so I could navigate through them effectively. Perhaps I shall try writing letters I won't send and alternate versions of a situation. ^^
I thought this was BS until I actually tried it myself this morning and it is a relief. Sometimes we have all of these thoughts in our heads that we cannot articulate, or think nobody would understand. That's why it's recommended to get them down onto paper
I named my inner critic "Yabbit" for "Yes, but" who spoke up whenever I had a positive or hopeful thought. So, in my journal when I caught myself writing down an self-defeating thought, I'd simply write a big Y (for Yabbit) in the margin. The practice of catching and naming my fear/negativity/self-doubt brought that thinking from the automatic/unconscious to the conscious. Over time, that habit really helped me in real time to take my thoughts captive and pivot to a more constructive thought.
I love that, thank you
Yabbit 😄😄 Brilliant! I have to try this..
@@kimcantswim174 Thank you! Would love to hear what you discover.
Excellent 👌
1. Journaling (feelings, emotions etc.)
2. Brain damp: take everything in your brain (thoughts) and put it on a piece of paper
3. Make a diagram: keep track of ideas and clarify the situation
4. Write a letter u won't send (things you want to say but never get the chance to do so)
5. Clarify your locus of control
6. Write an alternate version of your situation
Thank you for this! I can't always take notes while watching youtube, and by the time I get to the 3rd or 4th point, my ADHD has already forgotten everything before it. I wish every video like this had a bulletpoint list for following along, if nothing else.
*Brain dump. Just so it doesn't confuse people.
Thank you for the summary. I heard we arrest our thoughts on paper.
Why do people write these indexes in the comment section?? I get it that some videos ramble on at length instead of getting to the point. But this video got straight to the point without unnecessary waffle. Plus the list just tells you what to do, and not "why".
I started journaling and I haven't been very consistent with it because I'm used to suppress my feelings, and facing them to write is very uncomfortable for me, but lately I have noticed that as I'm writing my mind automatically gets clearer about how I am feeling and why, it's like magic, I can find the relationships between things that happened, my feelings and my thoughts and I can easily process them and the best part is that when I realize (as I'm writing) suddenly I'm not upset anymore, I don't have any racing intruding thoughts and my mind is crystal clear and calmed
Yeah it's same with me but recently I dunno why I feel like I am not comfortable writing so that anyone can read it
@@ascia158 Then maybe a journal with a lock would be something to consider for you or storing the journal somewhere only you have excess to. That way you can still journal but no one will have the chance to read it unless you want them to. 🤔
@@ascia158 same with me.. I have tried writing but I have that fear of others reading it so I can't express myself.. Once I just drew a caricature kinda thing that showed almost the whole thing that happened in the past that affected me the most bcz I know no one can know what that is and it felt so good.. But when laters I saw it myself even I couldn't understand completely what represents what.. It feels like sometimes that even my memory of those yrs keeps fluctuating.. There is no false memory but sometimes I can remember certain incidents..other times I can't.. and on the hindsight my brain is in constant fight that whether this is really memory issue or just my brain not wanting to think of it bcz I feel like if I create that scenario again in my head I can remember more but I also k ow that it's mental torture so I kinda leave it
It happens with me too.. It's like I untangle my mind better on paper.
I completely relate. Once I start, it's okay and I usually feel somewhat "better", relief. But simply getting the journal out and putting the pen on the paper feels so difficult. I actually journaled while listening to this video and I'm glad I did.
I have a tip: I've been journaling ever since I was a kid. sometimes I don't even have words to express what I feel instead I draw something or write down song lyrics or quotes that resonate with me. that usually helps me get creative with words :)
🤗♥️🎉Great idea. Thank u for sharing
I do that too! So beyond helpful.
As a poet I can say this is so true. Once you write it into being, it lives, and then healing can begin.
I’d love to read your work!
Beautifully said, Corie Feiner
@@liana-oanavoica5027 Thank you. I believe in embodying my life work.
Ooh, good!
My husband of 30 yrs unexpectedly passed away from a Heart Attack just over 1&1/2 yrs ago... I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I started writing my prayers out to Him in a binder. Just to help me focus my thoughts...I bring everything to Him. Every concern...and even my lack of faith . I would ask/write ..."if I really trusted you, what would it look & sound like like?" This entire process has helped me more than I can express and after watching this I know that I have been lead to do some of the very things that are helping me heal and process this terrible loss. So thankful for this channel!
I hope you have patience as much love he had for you ❤
I’m going to start doing this. I’m struggling with my relationship with God and I wanna fix it ❤
I’m a Christian too sister and lost my dad a year ago. Sorry for your loss.glad that helped you. I’m going to try it too.
As a musician with terrible anxiety, songwriting has always been my lifeline. And even though I hated it in school, doing Math problems helps to focus my mind.
@Evan Hodge
Performing has never been a problem, surprisingly. My anxiety is mostly focused on existential questions and apocalyptic scenarios, so downtime is my enemy.
I can identify with you! I'm somewhat of a songwriter and I take pleasure in doing math too even though I didn't like it as a kid!
I'm a musician as well and it's been way to difficult to perform. I just avoid the opportunities thinking I'm not good enough
@@mohitrana3520 please, don´t think you´re not good enough...Just give it a try...
If you can call yourself a musician with a straight face than somewhere inside you already know you’re good enough.
As someone who has a problem solving instinct as a trauma response, I used to get lost in my own problem solving mode a lot even when I tried to journal to process my feelings. Writing didn't seem to make it feel better so eventually I just stopped writing altogether because I thought it wasn't for me. Turned out I was doing it wrong. Emotional processing is writing what "was" and "is" not what "will be" or "supposed to be". When I was unconsciously slipping into problem solving mode or hopeful thinking mode, I tried to fix myself instead of processing my feelings of what made me feel this way. It's like I gaslighted myself unknowingly. Now I journal everyday, still every time I do I have to go back several times, editing what I wrote because I won't feel like I've processed my emotions until I actually write about them instead of solutions.
I struggle with this too. You make a great point about the present and the future. And writing, in my opinion, is exactly good for that: seeing what you wrote, how you wrote it, right in front of your eyes. And no one else needs to see it! It's just perfect
This is good and helpful thank you for sharing! 💕
Wow this comment helped me SOOO much! I didn’t even know this was a trauma response, I am in the same place. thank you so much for sharing this.
This is an interesting observation, thank you for sharing it! For me, this problem-solving instinct isn't a trauma response, I'm "just" an overthinker and overanalyzer. But now that I've read your comment, I thought about my journalings and mind dumps, and sometimes I tend to write about the future wishfully (like "I really hope this state will pass soon") or throw in ideas of what could I do to make my mental health better instead of just writing down how I currently feel. Now I'll be more careful with my sentences too, thanks again for pointing this out!
Thanks for that, I am going to start journaling from today. Would you be able to explain that are you suggesting that I mention in my diary about the past mistake or fear that leads to anxiety and how and what I am feeling about it now and how terrible its still making me feel? Or I write about how to tackle these thoughts like problem solve it and think about how my future will be when everything will be okay. Can someone please help? Thanks
Been in depression and anxiety for almost two years now and journaling definitely helps 💯
I have tried writing letters to my future or past self and found writing such letters or journal a great cathartic experience! It reduces your inner clutter and gives clarity and peace. ♥️
Love the idea!
Super creative!!!! I love this idea of yours!!! Thank you for sharing it! 🙏🏼🌸❤️
Letters to my future or past self - sounds very interesting, could you pls tell about that, how u do that, as I enjoy writing very much, thanks.
Great video. It's so great to see a LICENSED mental health professional producing this content. UA-cam and social media in general are overrun by unlicensed, untrained "life coaches" and influencer girls giving mental health advice, which they really have no business doing. There needs to be more valid content from people who actually know what they're talking about. Keep doing what you're doing!
I’m used to journaling only when I feel like I’m already breaking, I have a journal full of moments of anger, pain, anxiety, etc. I never felt the need to journal everyday until now that I’ve realized I let my feelings snowball until I’m overwhelmed and freaked out😅 Thank you for this video, it helped me a lot, I’m gonna try to journal everyday💖💖💖
We belong to the same category girl.... I've finished my first journal and I'm already halfway through my second one...and it's all filled with my anxiety and stress about studies,career, family problem and relationships 🙃
I felt this one . Everything going okay and then you find yourself in a whirlpool of anxiety , fear, and overthinking . Wrote yesterday for a bit of how I felt and I feel better than I did today than I did yesterday . I was always writing before but fell off because I’m guessing complacency and well life in general . I need to go back to it. God bless you and everyone .
@@VirtuousJerm I had totally forgotten about this comment I made and it’s fun to come back to a promise that I actually fulfilled😄 I’ve been writing everyday and it has helped me identify my feelings and my triggers for anxiety, it’s really helpful. Thank you for your comment, God bless you too, and please keep journaling, even in those days that you feel like you have nothing to write, you’d be surprised at the things you don’t notice you want to journal about until you start writing❤️🩹
Yep if you journaled everyday you wouldn't even have a breaking point
@@breakfastonuranus Totally! Thanks for the reminder by the way, I’ll try to keep a constant of journaling everyday❤️🩹
I am more able to express myself better in writing than talking. Thank you for your guidance in the proper way of processing my feelings in writing. May God continue to bless you in everything that you do.
Thank you! ❤
I don't know why I never started the habit of journaling. As a student, I often brain-dumped or made diagrams to solve complex problems for essays or projects, but it never occurred to me to use that logic for my mental health issues. Can't wait to start applying it to my life. Thank you for such an informative video!
I've always found writing and journaling thoughts and feelings immensely helpful. That you for teaching how to do it correctly.
I think writing of any kind can be helpful, but there are lots of options to try to see what works best for you.
In these comments someone asked what you should do with the journal when you're done. Everyone should choose what works for them & I chose to save my journals in a foot locker with a padlock. I started this over 40 years ago. Sometimes I read over them & feel grateful for my progress.
I've already been journaling my anxiety for some time now to help me get a better view of how much I progress. I started because my family kept telling I don't do enough to get rid of my anxiety, so I tried to prove them wrong. They have no idea how difficult the smallest tasks can be.
Used to journal all the time in high school. Had notebooks with my closest friends to that we would pass back and forth all the time. It was fun and helpful during those years.
This tip might help some of you. We face two problems beginning to do this. Firstly, we have a tendency to write coherently, a narrative. But our feelings and thoughts are opposite that. Secondly, some of us face fear writing down our thoughts feelings and interpretations down on a book or a paper. I have figured a way out of it. I got myself a 300+ page book and started writing.Not from the beginning. I write on random pages. You can try that too. Just write anywhere. After two or three sentences flip to another random page, write there. You can flip the book upside down and write. I write diagonally, vertically, horizontally, in the middle, in the bottom,on the top, on the left side or the right side.
When you are no longer wanting to be coherent our imagination and thought production becomes more efficient. Plus, no one is going to figure out what is written down.
I found it to be helping me in more ways than I have described already.
I’m afraid that would trigger my perfectionism/OCD 😏
I actually love this idea… I am so consumed with getting it right that doing it sporadically on purpose makes it feel doable… Otherwise journaling seems overwhelming… I get sick feeling in my stomach and my throat tightens up… This is been happening for years… I really want to be a journaler and think it would be a positive thing in my life if I could get past this initial anxiety
I really like the "brain dump" tip that you gave since I have implemented this unknowingly in the past. I am a university student and I have noticed that when there are instances when I get stressed or anxious about an assignment, if I write down all my ideas and thoughts without thinking of my penmanship or grammar my mind clears up and I feel relieved.
As a fiction writer, my characters take away my anxiety and stress. 2022 has been a rough year for me, due to my severe anxiety. This video was truly helpful! Thanks!
I have been journaling since I was 12 years old. I am 45 now and I filled hundreds of journals. I can’t even imagine to be without it. I really am not myself when I can’t do it.
I been journaling for two years about my myself and thoughts(both positive, negative, realistic, and fictional) and events from past, present and future and still do it right now.
I started journaling/morning pages since last year and I have to say it help me tons on my journey, especially if you still have lots of trauma or wounds to process on. We often get trapped in our mental and our brain replay the same things over and over again. Writing it all down help to process it and surprisingly we can start see some new perspective or pattern that's repeating during our healing process, how our mind thinks and how we truly feel about the topics. I really recommend it a lot, just pick a pen and paper, and write whatever your thoughts is. Just try it and see if it brings you relief then it's a good therapy
There are literally thousands of videos on UA-cam about how to help with anxiety and depression , and I must have watched most of them. This one is probably the most helpful one I’ve seen. 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve been able to write for decades but only recently had it blow my mind at how tangibly therapeutic and helpful it can be. I’m *loving* it.
I realize why I like you…you give me tools so I can do self-therapy. I actually seem to need it one hour a day. Thank you so much
I’m currently working on a conceptual mobile app that helps people build a habit for journaling. Thank you so much for this!
What is Conceptual App? How does it work? Where do you get it? I’m new to all these internet things. I’m 61 years old.
Imagine you had an idea for a beautiful chair. So, you sketched it - you made drawings of how it would look, what color it would have and everything else unique about it.
Later, a craftsman would see your sketches and decide to make the chair.
Now, a lot designers make sketches of websites and applications before actually making them. I happen to be such a designer.
When I make a concept for an app, it can later be used to program (write code, and properly implement it so it runs on mobiles and computers).
These are called User Interface and User Experience designers :) I happen to be one!
@@TheSoundofTanay That is so lovely dear. Blessings. 🌬💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
@@patricialynnmoore Thank you! Stay blessed, take care.
You’re a really easy speaker to listen to. I can’t pinpoint what it is.., just you seem to be a natural at it, and enjoyable to listen to and watch.
Loved what you said about writing an alternate ending: "Write about the actions you would take to get your life back and live your dream." ;_; Really needed to hear this. Thank you.
I have started journalising daily for a month now. I was on and off for sometime but writing my thoughts daily makes me realise a lot of things and calms my mind down. I will definitely try the locus of control as I believe in my situation I stress too much on things which I don't have a control at and I would also try writing alternative ending.
Thank you for this amazing vid. I will be improving my ability to express my emotions better this way and be aware of how I am thinking /reacting.
Since two years ago I've been journalling. To start with I had one where I put all positives in, quotes, bits and pieces I found useful. I had a 'rant' book and I was always worse when it was time of month. Though I'm getting better. Now I've incorporated both and put 'well done' stickers next to my successes. I also have a book where I cut out positive words and useful things and also now have a book that I write jokes in and have an affirmation jar which started at one of the groups I do and everyone had to write something nice about someone else. All these things help me and open to trying new things. Thank you
I have been journaling for quite some time, and my new journal came with a card that said something along the lines of, “journaling is thinking with the hand”. I thought it summed journaling up so beautifully. Thank you for encouraging people to journal, it’s really a life changing habit ☺️
Last month I've been journaling like “early morning/morning” “afternoon” “evening” on one or two pages a day....its been helping...i use to video blog my day on here on yputubry...its been even stressful to edit and post, then it would be public...this writing journaling in private has been helping so much
I journal everyday and when I’m dealing with something I always write it down and see things clearly. Sometimes it’s hard, but most of the time journaling make me see things clearly
Your words sound so soothing like a therapy session
have been keeping a journal since l turned 14, more almost 50 years ago and do it on an almost daily basis...my own private library! Thank you for putting out the word!
I am grateful for this channel beyond words. This is the first video about journaling that is not vague but really gives useful advice on how to do it.
I have found it cathartic to write things in the third person, incense like an allegory.
Oh yeah! What a good idea! Did you come up with that? It's fantastic!
That's really good! I always get so invested in my own situation, even when writing thoughts down, but writing about it through a character or poem always helped me see things more rationally.
Maybe I should try it bcz I can't write in 1st person.. It feels like living the trauma again and again and head starts hurting but looking at it like a story from others pov might be good
@@Phoenix.219 I've done it a few times now and after a few minutes I can't help but write I. so it may work for u.
My older sister told me she would write her personal essays in third person first, then change them to first person. It would help her disconnect her experiences from herself. She is the wisest person I know.
Thank you, I didn't know where to start
The best cure is to get off social media and the internet completely. Go take a walk, go to the gym, pick up a hobby.... live life. Sitting home and doing anything is bad for you. Get out of the house and just do something else. Sitting around and focusing on your issues all day is making them worse.
Fr we're never programmed for living in devices that's the cause of misery or lack of motivation especially sleep deprivation
Yeah it's helped me a lot ever since my eldest sibling was cruelly taken away from us earlier in the year with a brain aneurysm. I am still not there yet but I do need to pick up the habit again over my summer holidays
The acorn image is incredible. It changed everything right in this moment for me. Thank you! 🧡 we’ll continue to support you! 🧡
I discovered journaling accidentially, when I got frustrated at my second interview of my autism diagnosis and decided to write out everything I would had said or thought, it made me write 10 pages :D in a very short time and I felt so relieved, I stopped feeling negative towards the diagnostic psychologist and stopped the rumination cycle..:))).I think it will be useful for me to do it in the morning to catch my negative thoughts and process them straight away, instead of letting them accumulate furthere, and do additional journalings during the day if necessary. It also helps to see the perspectives more objectively and helps to prevent acting from anger and ego. Or as a post process after a burst out, it seems to help ease the guilt after saying hurtful things. It helps to regulate the energy created by emotions, tame them and direct or transform them to become energy of growth and compassion. :)
When I was in the 5th grade I started keeping a diary and I'd been using it as a therapy tool for years without even realizing it as an adult when I decided to reread some of my old diaries 😁 Now I journal once in a while purposely to clear my head out. Thank you for helpful advice! 💚 I'll definitely try all these points out - I hope it'll help me get through a terrible time in my life, at least a little bit.
Can I like your video a thousand times? They are all amazing!
When you were talking about the alternate version, I could feel the resistance building up, almost as if I'm not allowed to feel good. That was powerful, I'll go and explore that. Thank you Emma!
I am just learning how to write about my feelings because i find it hard to talk to a therapist about my feelings because i am not use to opening up to people. This was really helpful to me and also her voice is very calming and subsided my anxiety just hearing her . Thank you
I have been journaling since I was a kid. I don't know why I originally started, but I was always encouraged by the adults around me. However, having some guidelines means that now my journaling is actually helping me recover from trauma. Thanks for the video!
The Acorn to Oak check in journal is brilliant! I got a copy right away - and THANK YOU for the variety of ways to journal! I learn so much from you - and I am gaining confidence in processing my emotions. THANK YOU!!
I NEEDED THIS!!! "ways of Journaling to process through emotions..."
For anxiety & depression, THANK YOU!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👍😃
It feels great seeing a license therapist talk about this. It's really helping me a lot! Anyways, I've noticed that every time I write an entry in my journal, I would sense a small wave of calmness but being razor focused with the things I have to write about. Also, I like the ideas of writing letters I would never send. Will definite try that this morning after finishing up my brain dump entry (don't care how many pages, but I care about getting things out in writing each day).
Journaling saves my life. I can keep track what my mind;s thinking about in the present moment. Pen on a white sheet. Thank you
Thank you!! I haven't been able to see my new therapist for 4 weeks and it will be another 2 before I can see him. Because I have Medicaid I don't have much choice in who I get to see and all the therapists are so over booked it's impossible to get good consistent treatment. This helps. All of your videos has been a good resource for getting me through and getting my life back. Thank you!!
THE LETTER!!! Is a great idea. Sometimes I don't want to hurt people but I'm choking with thing I need to say.
I am someone who is good at expressing her emotions in writing more than talking. I tend to get nervous when I express my feelings and thoughts, verbally, especially, in face-to-face when someone wronged me.
It's amazing how our body and mind sometimes leads us to doing some of these things while not even realizing they are therapeutic techniques and healthy coping mechanisms subhanAllah. As a child, I used to always write long letters to those I hated, to those who were unkind to me, to those who I had many things to say to but knew I couldn't! Sometimes I used to also write long letters to those I loved but also couldn't tell them, who meant a lot to me and I appreciated them a lot. Anyhow, it was very relieving to write all these things down, even though, of course, I never sent them or showed them to anyone. I'd get rid of them right away but anyhow it was very interesting to see this point mentioned as I did not know anyone else ever did this! Let alone that others recommended it!
Thanks for the video, it was great!
This might be the most helpful video I have ever seen for my current circumstances (currently i've been waiting to spreak to a therapist for 8 months, my appointment is at the end of march) The information is so clean and lovingly communicated without judgement. Thank you so much! With these steps I might actually improve my state of mind.
That locus of control idea is a great nuanced idea. Many times I have thought that there are things that were debatable about whether or not they are in my control (how adult people respond to me), but now I have that word of "influence" to capture that in-between state. I will have to watch your video on that to get more information, in case I misunderstood it here. Thanks again, Emma!
Thanks Ruth
I think that last tip is the most powerful one - writing an alternate version of whatever is stressing me out instead of just rambling on about my anxieties and fears (which risks reinforcing them? Just a thought).
I’m terrified about a routine medical diagnostic procedure I need to have, which requires going under anesthesia. I’ve put it off for almost a year, and I’m finally scheduling it because my health is not getting any better until I get a solid diagnosis. I plan to write out my ideal version of how that procedure will go - including an ideal outcome (that I have something easily treatable).
Glad to hear about liver function improvements 😊 So many health benefits. Thank you so very much God and his people for Christian journalists too amen
I’ve been journaling for 15 years, I’ve written over 30 hand written journals. Started my freshman year of High School, all the way through university to now at almost 30. Writing about my emotions and how my day has gone has helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing this.
Wow! That's great.. I finished over 30 too but in 3 years of writing. I started in 2019. Some days I write over 20 pages.
I wished If I started in high school or before 😐
@@ascia158 that’s cool, I use to write double digits in page numbers when I was much number. I’m half way through my 41st journal to be exact.
I had a hard time begining writing about what I feel. But today I needed it and helped me. This video reinforced it. Thank you for your amazing content. Hope the best for everyone that's reading this 😄
Journaling and talk therapy both work the best for me. Exactly as you say, making it concrete, making it solid. Good advice!
Lady, I haven't even watched this video yet (edit: watched!) and I know you're talkin right to me. I've been getting this message from different sources, but honestly seeing it from you is what's pushing me over the edge. I'm a writer, wannabe author, but lately I've stopped writing entirely. I'm in a place where I feel like transferring my feelings and inner thoughts into written word is not safe from prying snd judgemental eyes. But I think it's time to just get over it and do the journaling I know I need to do. It doesn't matter who reads what I have to say. If they don't like it, they didn't need to read it in the first place!
Yep, just like I thought. Talkin right to me. I like all of these methods, but the one I'm definitely needing to do is the letter I never send. I have a lot of thoughts and emotions to express that I know will never be understood, so writing them down is a fantastic idea.
I also love your Acorn Journal! I'm going to go check that out 😁👍
@@gordythecat write snarky poems to your detractors!
These videos are quite wonderful !!
Even after I find some balance in my feelings/thoughts...there is still room for improvement.
I am very grateful for your productions🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks Mauricio
This is such a wonderful series !!!! It eliminates the inner stigma & hesitancy to go into therapy !!!! Wish I had this epi about 4 yrs ago !!!!
I just did a 'brain dump' (I love that term!) of some junk in my head that I've recently been stewing over. I feel better after doing it and definitely less than before. It really helps to put your thoughts on paper and to get a better perspective on things. And you can be creative with it, too!
Thank you so much, this is very helpful for me this week.
My boss is going through a hard time and copes with it by mistreating me and my team. I respected her and it's sad to see her abuse her position of power. I'll focus on what I can do and what I can influence about the situation. These are really great exercises to help me get through that.
i was in the middle of a stretch routine ...
... realizing now that i can't even appropriately comment on THIS INCREDIBLY VALUABLE VIDEO!!!!
... just smh in GRATITUDE ... and pressing THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE!!!!
... will submit another comment at another time because right now all i want to do, all i'm going to do is replay THIS...UNBELIEVABLY VALUABLE (to me, at least, especially being a writer) VIDEO AT LEAST ONCE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... as i continue my stretch routine!!!!
(later, i'll look more into this WONDERFUL WOMAN, her channel, and anything else she writes, and says ...)
After 32 years
And many therepists
Still no relief from anxiety/depression
Good to found
Somebody who knows things that practically work.
I guess what works for me atleast not the concepts
But how we can use them practicality.
Thank alot
Tough work
But only you can help yourself
Relying on professional solely wont work.
Start early ,increase your knowledge
Start working on yourself
You are worth it.
This was interesting to listen to. I have been journaling for about 29 years. I started when I was 8. I started journaling because I never thought anyone would accept this (me). In journaling I found acceptance instead of judgement. Friendship instead of anger or resentment. I found a good listener who wanted to be there for me no matter what I was going through. A friend who would never tell me to get over it or it is not a big deal. I've said "My best friend is a dead tree." for a long time. I still believe this. I tell my journal about the good and the bad and everything else. The most commonly ask question is "I want to journal, what do I write about?" No one is satisfied with any answer I have. Journaling is easier done than taught I guess. I find it so natural to do. If I go for a walk I am more likely to bring my journal than I am to bring my phone.
I am replying to my own post. I have been told by various people that my relationship with my journal is "rediculous" and that it prevents me from have actual friendships with people. Hahaha 🤣 I have friends. Less is more.
I am so pleased to have found this woman therapist! I think she is very skilled and produces meaningful and helpful lectures. Thank you so much.
I love how it looks like you will tearn into laughter at anymoment . Somehow it just makes it even better to watch. Thanks for the joy snd the education doctor.
Thank you so much, Emma! You are doing exactly what I endeavor to do before taking my last breath. I followed your advice because I like so many others am dealing with so much. No pity party here, though. I typed out my feelings. I look at life like a book where the pages are always turning and the chapters are constantly changing. So, I name them. My new chapter is called So Much. There is so much to do. There is so much going on in 2021. There is so much to be grateful for. There is only so much that I can and will be able to do for my family and friends. I appreciate your channel so much. Take care as we all only have so much time on this earth. Blessings!
Just seeing this woman’s face fills me with tears of gratitude
I am so glad to see this video! I was literally searching your playlists this morning to see if you had a video about journaling. Thank you so much!
I started journaling before I learned about feelings or alexithymia, so while I journal every day, I have some habits that really serve me (dream journaling!) and others that I'm working on changing (avoiding my feelings because I don't know what's going on in there). I've had a few experiences in the past few years where I've identified a Mystery Feeling and felt much better than I had in the days leading up to it, so that gives me incentive to continue to work on it!
I have picked up writing a couple of times. I used to write in a diary. Then I tried documents online and that wasn’t the same. I also try writing stories that have characters who resemble conflict. Now, I write between 1-6 full pages a few times per week. I don’t even have a pain or stress anymore, but still writing just makes me feel healthy and I can improve my thoughts and learn more. There was A lot of things I didn’t know about writing that now I can keep in mind! Wonderful video indeed
I am a recently new subscriber. You got some great content. Thanks for these tips!
To you and anyone else reading this, remember always that you are worthy and valued.
May you be happy, safe peaceful, and live with ease. ❤
Wow, thank you so so so much! I am finally in a good place with my anxiety and depression but my partner is undiagnosed and I believe he is suffering from severe anxiety. These tips will be SO helpful, I’m not sure how else to help him. He believes that the situation is the problem, but I’m trying to show him that as much as that is true- there are ways we can help ourselves to cope with those situations rather than turning to unhelpful habits like smoking and falling into the ‘doomsday pit of hopelessness’. Again, thank you for this video 🙏🏼
Very helpful. From time to timeI go back to counseling. But I only learned journaling my feelings and spewed out my anger. With you I learned two , maybe three new things that I can try to see if they fit. As always, Thank you. I Thank God you were born.
I was actually listening to rc Blake's, but this came on afterwards as I was walking around. I just want to say I appreciate your insight! I'm glad I found you!❤️
i was in severe depression which went away this start year and journaling helped me a ton
The diagram tip is so helpful! I found this on my own by making a chart of which things affected my self-worth. Writing them all out helped me realize some really toxic thought processes I had. I was putting way too much self-worth on some things and not giving appropriate self-worth to other things. After I wrote it out, I made a copy (i sketched it on my ipad) and I moved elements around. I bumped the toxic things down, and pushed positive traits up. I designed it the way I WANTED to be. I guess it was an alternate situation!
Thank you for this. I started daily journaling at the beginning of this year. I don't always want to do it, but it's the one thing I keep telling myself I need to absolutely commit to. It's incredibly hard for me to keep routines and such, so now I have this one thing I can hold myself accountable for. Anyways, thanks to this video I have some new ways to journal (: even when I don't feel like it lol
I think I will call it a Journey for happiness.
I keep a diary since 9 years ago. And I can say this, things start to change once you get comfortable with the idea of putting your thoughts into writing (scripta manent...) and you start being honest, explicit. So my advice is: find yourself a diary (or journal) that gives you enough sense of security, to make you feel safe enough to write down your darkest, most shameful, most painful thoughts. To me, a digital journal password coded changed the game.
Really, I'm curious about that😅I also had problem of security,I want to capture my deep ,dark etc...but can't...can you suggest anything for this?
I have journaled for years and have found it so helpful. Thank you for providing ideas that could enhance my writing and get greater benefits from it.
I am saving this video. My therapist suggested me similar tools. 1 year therapy brought so much change in me. Will surely want to use writing techniques.
I just started journaling and brain dumping and at this very moment I actually can tell a difference. This is something wow...😌 Your video came up when I searched for brain dump... Glad it did your tips are good. 🙋🏾♀️
I love this. I used to write poetry to release the overwhelming feelings. It's interesting that you mention writing an alternate version of your life. I get ideas for stories that way. I'm going to try these because i kind of lost myself in my family and relationship wounds. I have been struggling with getting back to being more in control of my mental health. My traumas and triggers from my childhood has made daily life difficult but one day i will find peace. That's what I'm fighting for. I'm a survivor but i really want to find out who calm chris looks like because i haven't seen him yet.
This is really helpful. I've journaled for many years and have always found it helpful. But, the one I never heard before is "Clarify Your Locus of Control". I think I will try this one tonight.
I learnt so much from your videos it also helped me to withdraw from antidepressants after 4 years of use.i just want to say thank you .
I do this. It. Helps me identify my traumas and triggers easily
Thank you for sharing the "locus of control" distinctions.
It's one of the key parts of keeping my generative drive and sense of agency high which generally helps me feel like I'm winning :)
From someone who's used to write her feelings but stopped for over a year bc it gets overwhelming, I want to say thank you. I have been struggling to write again (and tried other things that I can vent to) and seeing this in my recommendations made me reflect whether or not I should pick up journaling or just writing in general. This vid is my one baby step towards getting the courage in writing back - it may not happen overnight, but it'll get there eventually. 💜
Thank you for validating my coping mechanisms!
Journaling helped me process my complicated feelings of anger, resentment, and guilt. Brain dumping, diagramming, and clarifying locus of control have helped me research major life changes and write down my step by step solutions so I could navigate through them effectively.
Perhaps I shall try writing letters I won't send and alternate versions of a situation. ^^
My always favourite channel for my healing process.
Oh you were in Argentina! I am from Córdoba, Argentina, started following recently. Thank you for your videos, they are sooo helpful 🫶🏼💕
I thought this was BS until I actually tried it myself this morning and it is a relief. Sometimes we have all of these thoughts in our heads that we cannot articulate, or think nobody would understand. That's why it's recommended to get them down onto paper