Sight Fishing for Spawning Largemouth Bass | Best Lure for Bed Fishing - Johns Lake

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @traviscole9761
    @traviscole9761 5 років тому +1

    Been fishing here for a while where would you say is a good spawning sight fishing area of the lake?

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      RoyalFinessin At John’s Lake? They’re on just about every shoreline we looked. Super easy to find in 5’ or less water

    • @traviscole9761
      @traviscole9761 5 років тому +1

      Chuck Pippin yes it’s home body of mine but new to boat fishing I just don’t know if the east or west side is better right now because I know the west side is deep and clear and the east is more darker water what would you suggest?

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому +1

      RoyalFinessin I stayed I. The clearer areas of the lakes, around and in between docks, grass, & lily pads.

    • @traviscole9761
      @traviscole9761 5 років тому

      Chuck Pippin thanks man appreciate the knowledge 💯 awesome vids man

  • @kennyhaworth9606
    @kennyhaworth9606 3 роки тому +1


  • @allieandbo
    @allieandbo 5 років тому

    That looks like a blast. Sweet vid Chuck.

  • @octaviofuentes7781
    @octaviofuentes7781 5 років тому +1

    at 4:12 that was close call to set the hook on the guy neck hahhaha nice quality fish are starting to get shallow

  • @thomashardwick673
    @thomashardwick673 4 роки тому

    That is a nice lake. There are some decent size fish there.

  • @eriktilson342
    @eriktilson342 5 років тому

    Awesome stuff. My favorite lure to use while bed fishing is a giant treble hook. Works every time!

  • @jimcash4875
    @jimcash4875 5 років тому

    Fished John's 3 years ago. Caught loads of squealers. Reminds me of Lake Harris. Rich boys flying their seaplanes in formation over the lake.

  • @WhackinAxes
    @WhackinAxes 5 років тому +1

    It’s still crappy weather here. Been raining for like 2 weeks it seems like. Can’t wait for the trip!

  • @wonderdock922
    @wonderdock922 5 років тому +1

    Literally was just talked to some people about how swimbaits are a go to of mine for sight fishing gonna make them watch this video !

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      Outdoors man Phillip Glenn sweet! I agree. Thanks for sharing the video! 👊🏻

  • @chadwilson7103
    @chadwilson7103 5 років тому +1

    Big Easy no doubt 🤙🏼🎣

  • @InfantryOutdoors
    @InfantryOutdoors 5 років тому +1

    Great flippin video Chuck. Amazing how changing to a swim jig made the difference. Great video!

  • @gmoneystrong2477
    @gmoneystrong2477 5 років тому +1

    Nice! I definitely wouldn't have thought swim jig for bed fishing, but was definitely the right choice

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      Gmoneystrong Outdoors Thanks. I already had it tied on, and it worked great for us that day.

  • @kend3900
    @kend3900 5 років тому +1

    Bet that swim jig would be killer at Conway... LOL

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      K Dennis lol. We may never know...

    • @kend3900
      @kend3900 5 років тому

      @@ChuckPippinBassFishing it's all good man just cracking on you LOL

    • @TheBlindkiller85407
      @TheBlindkiller85407 5 років тому

      It is. That’s the primary bait we use is a jig head and a smaller swimbait. Generally speaking for how Conway fishes, they are in 10+ ft of water except maybe this time of year.

  • @timaugustine9479
    @timaugustine9479 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe your swim jig worked so well because it looked like a good imitation of a bull minnow.

  • @averagejoebassfishing8875
    @averagejoebassfishing8875 5 років тому +1

    Those "blackout" series rods are awesome. Curious why they stopped making them though.

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      +Average joe bass fishing They were under the brand of No 8 Tackle, which was phased out. Now, everything is under the 13 Fishing/One 3 brand.

  • @sikassscivic
    @sikassscivic 5 років тому +1

    Does your go pro just run all day? I’m thinking about doing some filming.

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому +1

      +Hammer Head it runs all day, but I record in 5 min loops. Saves a lot of time when editing

  • @ralphgarbiras5450
    @ralphgarbiras5450 5 років тому +1

    What kind of swim jig head is that chuck ??

    • @ChuckPippinBassFishing
      @ChuckPippinBassFishing  5 років тому

      Ralph Garbiras not sure. It’s was from some random skirted swim jig I picked up at a tackle shop. 3/8 ounce.

  • @fishingmojados1121
    @fishingmojados1121 5 років тому +1

    I'm using a rage craw

  • @chuckhurst1839
    @chuckhurst1839 5 років тому +1

    Who do you buy your flukes from in bulk?

  • @walkerreynolds4694
    @walkerreynolds4694 5 років тому +1

    Yo. My friend just told me bout u. U seem pretty cool. His yt name is SLIMMYEEL

  • @FillALimitFishing
    @FillALimitFishing 5 років тому

    Awesome stuff man. Florida is a special place. Ive been on the hunt for the big girls and have been able to capture some good content on my channel. Check it out when you're bored. I subbed and hit the bell. Keep the good footage coming!