- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
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Growtopia, growtopia, Giveaway, How, How to, How to Profit, How to profit in gt, How to profit in growtopia, How to profit in growtopias, How to profit in Growtopia 2020, How to profit 2020, How to Profit 2021, How to profit in Growtopia, How to profit no mass, How to profit no farm, Growtopia giveaway, Giveaway Growtopia, Growtopia profit, growtopia profit, Growtopia profit ways, Growtopia Profit Method, Growtopia fast profit, Growtopia Easy Profit, Growtopia fast profit, How to profit easy, How to profit easy in growtopia, gt, How to profit easy in growtopia 2020, Growtopia fast profit, Easy profit in Growtopia, Lazy Profit in growtopia, How to get wl, How to get dl, How to get wl in gt, How to get dl in gt, How to get wl in growtopia, How to get dl in growtopia, fastest way to profit growtopia, Growtopia profit 2020, Growtopia profit method 2020, Growtopia best profit, Growtopia profit method, Growtopia best way to profit, Growtopia best way to profit 2020. Dirt, to, Dl, Dirt to dl, Dirt to diamond lock, Dirt to diamond lock growtopia, Dirt to dl growtopia, dirt to dl 2020, dirt to dl 24 hr, dirt to dl fast method, How to get dl fast, How to get wl in growtopia, How to get dl in growtopia, dirt to dl 1 hour, dirt to dl 1 episode, fast way to profit, Easy Profit 2020, Easy profit in growtopia, How to profit in gt no massing no farming, How to profit in gt no mass, How to profit in gt no farm, How to profit in gt no farm no mass, How to profit fast in growtopia, How to profit in growtopia no farming, How to profit in growtopia no massing, How to profit in growtopia no farm, How to profit in growtopia no mass, Lazy profit method 2020, Lazy Profit 2020, How to profit in gt without mass, How to profit in gt without farm, How to profit in growtopia without mass and farm. How to be rich, How to be rich in gt, How to be rich in growtopia, How to be rich no mass, How to be rich no farm, How to be rich in growtopia no farm, How to be rich in growtopia no mass, How to trade profit, How to farm, How to mass, How to profit 2020 Growtopia, How to become rich in growtopia, How to become rich in gt, How to earn wl, How to earn dl, How to earn profit in growtopia, How to earn 1dl, How to earn wl no farm, How to earn wl no mass, How to earn dl no farm, How to earn dl no mass, Quick profit gt 2020, How to profit with 1dl, How to profit with 1 wl, How to profit with 10 wl, How to profit fast, How to profit fast in gt, How to profit fast method, Fast method to profit, Lazy Profit in growtopia, Fast method profit 2020, Lazy profit 2020, Lazy profit no farm, Lazy profit no mass, Lazy profit growtopia, Lazy profit gt, How to profit gt 2020 no mass, How to profit gt, How to profit gt no farm, Cara Cepat profit growtopia, No clickbait, Growtopia profit, Growtopia profit no farm, Growtopia profit no clickbait, Growtopia How to get rich fast, How to get rich in gt, Profit gt no clickbait, How to profit event, How to profit summerfest, Growtopia Event, Growtopia Animation, Growtopia How To Profit
Share guys :)
a slow but good way to profit
is to farm about 3 full lgrid farms
and sell one, for around 130 wls (1 dl and 30 wls) then farm the other two untill you get another full lgrid farm
(sell seeds and blocks on the side for even more profit)
So you say I need 3 farms to generate enough seeds for 4th farm? I have only one farm
@@Vanduo610 no, you can start with only ONE farm, then farm untill you have enough for another, then keep farming untill you have 3 farms or so, keep those 3 farms, from the gem profit, you can buy like 10wls , and buy a mined out farm world, to fill up with lgrid seeds, then let them grow, then sell for 1 dl , I was gonna do this but I don't have the time , but if you do become rich one day, remember me friend 😀
I dont understand this…. Can someone explain..? U break a world full of lgrid then what??
Im sulap, not break
@@TaturrOfficial hello sulap
U buy seeds, plant them, harvest, sell blocks, and then repeat
After a while you will have a lot of gems from trees that u can profit with
U only harvest 1 world, but how can u sell so many seed and block?
jadi itu profit dari gems harvest, sisa block sulap, sama lebihan seed harvest?
@@TaturrOfficial oke
The best possible early easy/lazy profit is buying full seed worlds when theyre just been planted and selling when theyre fully grown
How much a full planted world costs
@elinajarvela2039 I wouldn't know much of it I'm not active in the game anymore
@@Puhdi.T_._._._._0Depend which seeds
Halo bro, kalo buat modalnya berapa tuh kira2 bisa profit sampai 40dls?
Butuh 40 farm
bg kok banyak buyer bg ? Cari di mana bg ? Share ilmu dikit dong
Bang lu mah enak punya growscan, jual lgrid yang banyak gitu bisa tau berapa jumlahnya. Kalo yang ga punya lgrid gimana tuh segitu banyak diitungin
Aku ndak pakai growscan, aku pakai growscan seller sulap
@@TaturrOfficialwhat is it
Bang mau tanya lu pake 10Farmkan? Di bagi 1farm 1farm apa gabung 10farm langsung sulapnya sama mau tanya itu profitnya berarti dari gems sama lebihan block dan Seed kan?
Di gabung 10 farm ya
Iya lebihan ya itulah profit ya
@@TaturrOfficial jadi contoh saya punya 10 farm, dengan metode ini profitnya berapa wls?
@@sugimansenewen2777 kalau 10 farm bisa profit 2 - 3 DL
Itu farm nya diswapkh? Atau nunggu harvest? Atau lu gunanya 20 farm? Soalny di vid keknya lu sulap lebih 100k block..Trs itu kn ada seed profit..nah dijual apa ditanem? Ama bagi link discord ny buat sulap
Nunggu harvest, aku pakai 40 farm, seed profit sisa hasil tanam yang lebih itu saya jual, dan link discord ya ada di deskripsi vidio ini
@@TaturrOfficial kuat bener bang :v
@@TaturrOfficial gems nya diapain terus bg
@@aldirukmana8041 dijual
Bro noone cares when u harvest or drop, just speed it up.
Oke , im sorry, next video i want give you method profit
wdym no one? how u so sure lmao
i get satisfied when someones harvesting, and im pretty sure im not the only one lol..
@@TaturrOfficial he just have slow wifi and he doesn't have time lol😂😂😂
@@TaturrOfficial Dont listen to him 👍🏻
Hi sir I'm new in Growtopia where you buy seed and block what world name? Hehe already subscribe
In world AFNESIA
That’s how u find everything in gt
Bro How Many U Spend For all farms and how much the profit back?
40 farm i spent
U buy ready farm? Or buy seed than plant?
Buy ready farm
@@TaturrOfficial how many buy ready farms?
@@pieetv minimum 40 farm
bro kalo modal cmn 5farm doang gpp kah?
Minimal 10 farm
how much capital did you spend? and capital for farm equipment etc
Mau nanya nih itu lu semua yang break harvest nya bang kalau bener sih gila banget
How many seeds that it take to place in 1 dirty farm ?? And how much rate it now can u answer me sir😅
2645 seed total in 1 dirt farm
How much farm do you have bro ?
40 farm
Nyari kang sulap skrng dimana?
Di discord
@@TaturrOfficial di gtid v2 udh gada bukan?
@@xarphy_ iya udah ngak ada
How many total farms do you have for sulap
10 farm
@@TaturrOfficial oh ok
@@TaturrOfficial hm
Where do you get profit up to 40dl Do you do it repeatedly?
@@ahmadhafi5190 yes
Semangat terus bro 😊
Still dont understand where the profit comes from
This profit come harvest gems and seed plant more
Sulap 10k block dapet brp seed bang jawab saya udh subscribe 🎉
jdi harvest trus sulap tanam lagi bang?
wait??? just buying a lgrid farm, harvest and sell? how
After harvest, move block and then sulap
@@TaturrOfficial what is sulap uhh
@@TaturrOfficialbro what is sulap
Sulap = Magic
apaan bg klo gini mana ada yg paham kasih penjelasan kek di deskripsi, modal lu spent aja kgk ada, dan lu harvest kan cuma 1 world kok bnyk amat laser gridnya jir
amazing video bro
Bg harus punya growscan?
Growscan nanti udah disediakan sama penjual sulap
@@TaturrOfficial bg mau tanya kalau gak pakek dcs bisa 10k block g?
@@aditsamas334 ndak bisa, harus pakai dcs
@tattur i know im bit late for this vid but could ya help me make some stonks i have around 20 available dl i think i came back to this game after 2 years with 2000 hours total
Lu cari kang swap sama sulapnya dmn aku nyari gk nemu² soalnya
Di discord
Bang jelasin secara detail dong, gw masih ga paham. Nanti gw subs pake 3 akun dah
Jadi tu kamu beli farm sebanyak 10 farm, setelah tu kamu harvest semua farm ya dan pindahkan block ya ke world kosong, terus kamu cari orang yang bisa tukar block kamu dengan seed, terus kamu tanam lagi deh seed ya, jadi kamu untung di gems harvest dan seed lebih(kalau ada)
@@TaturrOfficial oh berarti kerjaan kita cuma farming 10 farm tersebut, trade block nya jadi seed, terus tanam lagi seed tersebut dan ulangi terus proses nya?
@@TaturrOfficial bang, rekomen world trading sulap dong.
iya bener banget, untuk sekarang karena udah lama saya ndak lakukan sulap, jadi udah kurang tau
where u tradeing worlds ?
Are u buying seeds and sell blocks? İ dont understood
im rotation , buy full farm lgrid , harvest , Move Block to different world and sulap
40 ready to farm Lgrid how much you spent and profit p
I spent total 50 dl
But in use 7 ut so i spent 70 - 80 dl
@@TaturrOfficial whats your profit
Jadi sebenarnya profit nya tuh dari mana ya?
Dari sisa seed sama gems harvest dan block lebih dari harvest
Gems nya mending pake beli apa ya?
Kira kira berapa profit seed nya?
@@J0N5TH4N tergantung berapa banyak dapat seed ya
@@J0N5TH4N gems ya kalau saya beli surg pack atau pun ssp pack
Can you make one with low budget I only got like 2-3dls
Btw trusted GK bang itu
what disc to u find sulap? cant find it anymore
In my deskripsi , if you want link discord
@@TaturrOfficialanjg in my deskripsi😂
Where did he get 400k gems??
ngitungnya gimana sih bisa sampe 40dls
What world you sulap?
In discord
Klo gpunya gscan gmna bang?
Nanti buyer sulap ya ada gs
40 farm dapet berapa gems harvest tuh bang ?
Bisa 1 juta an
Skrnh masih whort it kah bang?
Sulap block lgrit nya di mana
Di discord
Bang beli gaut dimna
Susah bang nyari seller sulap
Jauh dari 40dl per day. Cuma. 3 dlan mana capek banget
Gw tau soalnya dulu gw juga pernah. 10 jam ngeht, pindah BLOCK, plant profit 200k gems + 1 dl seed daily karena gw swap g punya 40 farm cmn ada 10
40dl/day 🤣 yep mhm maybe if you spend like 80hours a day for this
Nyari sulap dmn BG
Di discord
link dc nya boleh bang?
@@novaladrian2954 ada di deskripsi
Sulap dimana bang?
Bang yang kau pakai seperti hantu terbang tu apa namanya dn drp dl
Death scarf
@@TaturrOfficial brp dl
@@abiesyahreza1911 bisa cek di buyscarf
Bukan bang yang bikin badan bisa terbang
@@abiesyahreza1911 ghotsking, cek aja di buycrown
how much you spent dls
20 DL
Where you can find sulap?
In discord
Hello what tools u use to farm fast?
Use 7 ut or 1 magplant
@@TaturrOfficial what is that again?
@@mikosantos6651 use sorrow or tractor
@@TaturrOfficial how can i have diggerspade
Is pickaxe and diamond pickaxe same?
how many you profit
40 Dls
Profit is dls after - dls u spent before not 40 dls
Mayan bang ada fossil
Explanation pls? Didn't really get it😢
You can check my before video
Bang kalo gak punya gs gimana
Udah disediakan gs sama seller sulap
Maksudnya gini kan udah numpuk block 100k gw gak punya gs gimana bakalan boleh bisa di cek ama sellernya?
@@orangbiasa3167 pas saat selesai trade, nanti si seller langsung gs ya, dan harus pakai jaminan juga pas saat trade ya
@@TaturrOfficial emang berapa bang penghasilan dari 10farm lgrid gw mau swap sulap karena aku ingin jual dl karena gw ingin nabung duit buat beli pc ama hp baru semoga aja tercapai lah soalnya aku tu orangnya keluarga sederhana :) gak keluarga kaya gw ingin jadi youtuber soalnya
Would this work as good and fast with pepper?
Pepper very hard to find seller sulap, but laser grid is to be easy find seller sulap
Can you give me 200 laser grid?
Sulap world?
In discord
@@TaturrOfficial ihemos?
@@mandevis2516 in my deskripsi
Taturr name ?
@@khientlayno5982 in my deskripsi this video
Satu hari?
Anjay sulap
Go faster
Nah not 40dls
Tempat sulap nya dimana bang
Di discord
@Mansur Mansur link ya ada di deskripsi