Wisconsin Gray Wolf Release

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2021
  • I'm a coyote trapper in Wisconsin. This wolf checked out one of my coyote/fox sets and got caught. This is the 3rd wolf I've caught and released this season. It is a 2 year old female that was in heat. Trapping is a legal, humane, and necessary method of conservation that is very important to the balance of all species, humans included. We harvest coyotes, fox, coon, and dozens of other furbearers when the furs are prime and make fur clothing and hats to wear during the cold winter months here in Wisconsin. Our wolf season is not scheduled until November 2021, therefore I was required by law to release this wolf. Make no mistake, if we would have had an open season, I would have harvested it.
    The set: Bridger #2 Dogless fully modified (offset and laminated) on 8 feet of chain with an in-line shock springs (to absorb the energy) and a sabor drag. This set was a sifted snow set at the entrance to a culvert where the coyote and fox hunted frequently. No scent, lure, urine, or bait were used.
    Because I use these very humane traps, I can safely release any unwanted animals from my traps completely unharmed. They do not have any paw damage. The shock spring also helps to make sure they do not acquire any shoulder injuries by absorbing the energy. The traps also have extra swivels so that the animal can continuously turn freely without harming itself.