Bodycare and Haircare Empties November 2022 + Mini Reviews 💁🏻‍♀️ Did I Repurchase Any of these?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @pujas134
    @pujas134 Рік тому

    As winter is approaching, I'm watching these videos from last year. I love your mini review, empties videos ❤.

  • @aishwaryapaikaray2439
    @aishwaryapaikaray2439 2 роки тому +4

    I loveeeee empties videos. I am definitely eyeing on the Aveda range and waiting for good discounts on them. Thanks for the reviews😘

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому

      I Love empties videos too! Really helps to know what products I really want to restock and which ones I don’t 😅 also Aveda has amazing sales now in nykaa sales! Get em :)
      much love! 🥰

  • @dishamaheshwari4755
    @dishamaheshwari4755 2 роки тому +1

    Love your content. And "Skincare Empties" Is the most awaited video of your channel.
    Nykaa products are amazing 💙 Their haircare and body care ranges are superb.
    And my second favorite is Plum.
    Much love yo you!

  • @dorjeedema7663
    @dorjeedema7663 2 роки тому +5

    I always wait for ur recommendations. N I kno even before watching it is going to be dope!

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому

      You’re too sweet!! Thank you for the love and loooove your energy 🥹💜🌸

  • @shailyy3202
    @shailyy3202 Рік тому

    Thnx for d reviews prieti❤.. Hv u tried arata n ashba range of products? If yes cud u suggest if ashba leave in conditioner is gud for chemically treated n damaged dry hair?
    Also if u cud suggest sm other v gud leave in conditioner which won't weigh dwn your hair ( for the above mentioned hair type) 🙃...
    Stay Blessed Stay Happy Always 🥰😘🤗🧚‍♀️🦄🌈🧿

  • @Queenifying
    @Queenifying 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Preiti🌸 Can u PLEASE tell which one is better for the glow and overall, out of both of these two :
    A) Beauty Of Jeoson's Ginseng Essence Water
    B) One Thing Niacinamide Extract Toner
    Waiting for your Honest Response. ♥

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      Hey! Haven’t tried either one of those so can’t comment 😅

  • @adityakapoor7029
    @adityakapoor7029 2 роки тому +1

    Love your empties videos...waiting for skincare empties. Also wish to see your favorite Kbeauty products. 💕

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you 🥰 I’ll definitely do a crueltyfree k beauty video very soon! I’ve covered it in shorts and Instagram reels already a while ago. Pls check that out also in the meanwhile! Big love 🥰

    • @adityakapoor7029
      @adityakapoor7029 2 роки тому

      @@PreitiBhamra sure i'll check that out!

  • @ace2846
    @ace2846 2 роки тому

    Loved your videos and soo true about the body shop shower gels 🥴......🌻💜

  • @manikkk
    @manikkk 2 роки тому

    Hiii i agree with the plum body oil and i experienced the same issue of the scent fading away 😔 also their pit crean is such a disaster . Please don't ever make the mistake of buying the vanilla one. 😩😩😩

  • @maiydaaamir7235
    @maiydaaamir7235 2 роки тому +1

    Hi dii💜 please make a video on protein free haircare products for protein sensitive hair

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      Sure thing! Great video suggestion 💜

    • @maiydaaamir7235
      @maiydaaamir7235 2 роки тому +1

      @@PreitiBhamra thank you so much ❤️ will be waiting

  • @anjaliirawat
    @anjaliirawat Рік тому

    Love your videos ❣️ watch them in repeat

  • @drishtisharma8486
    @drishtisharma8486 2 роки тому

    Wow! I'm so glad that UA-cam recommended me your YT channel! Gold!

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks Drishti! You’re too sweet 💜💜💜

  • @gargee6356
    @gargee6356 Рік тому

    Try dove body scrub

  • @srish_848
    @srish_848 2 роки тому

    Hey! Can you please do affordable perfume recommendations? Even I like sexy , mysterious perfume but couldn't find good recommendations. Most o them are about floral and citrine. I hope u read my comment ❤️🥺. Love your content ❤️

  • @ashrafmallick1037
    @ashrafmallick1037 2 роки тому +1

    Preiti ma'am have u done something ur eyebrows in ur past or they are like that from beginning only....(like thin short nd limited)
    I'm saying this becoz I had thick eyebrows in past but then I did eyebrow threading nd made them i regret it extremely!!!
    Lots of love to u ma'am ❤️❤️🤗

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +2

      Hey! I shave and shape my eyebrows myself. :) I don’t Thread or pluck as that can reduce the hair growth in case I plan to change the shape of my eyebrows which I do almost always 😆

  • @nikieP
    @nikieP 2 роки тому

    I'm late.. But i saved it to watch now
    Again your content feels calming and soothing to me

  • @drishtisharma8486
    @drishtisharma8486 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for your recommendations!

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      I’m glad you loved them 💜💜💜

  • @anjaligarg8884
    @anjaligarg8884 2 роки тому

    Great content!! I've been following your videos since an year now and in your last body care video you mentioned about Irinic body oil. I was planning to purchase it, but now I'm bit doubtful as you've not mentioned about it in this video and I've sensitive and dry skin so want to be really sure. Please suggest?

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      Hey! Thanks :) this is an empties video and I haven’t emptied it so haven’t mentioned it. Body oils are great for dry skin regardless of the brand honestly!

  • @vishuutube
    @vishuutube 2 роки тому

    What's your review for Dove intense damage repair hair mask (blue one)....I have frizzy and dry ends and oily scalp...should I purchase it??

    • @PreitiBhamra
      @PreitiBhamra  2 роки тому +1

      It’s not crueltyfree and tests on animals so I don’t recommend it . I also haven’t used the brand in over 15 years

  • @nikieP
    @nikieP 2 роки тому

    What are u wearing on lips?

  • @nitu5521
    @nitu5521 2 роки тому +1
