I believe the probability to make profit in long run is a lot better if I only buy what I know (I work in the Tech industry, fortunately, it usually has good return.). It is very dangerous to buy something I don't understand which I have little idea why it goes up or down. Making less return does not mean losing money. I am very happy if I could achieve 30% average annual return in next 20 years. Last year, I did well due to the bull market. Assuming 30% average annual return, 1M investment would be 1.3^15=51 or 51M after 15 years (1.3^20=190X or 190M after 20 years). I doubt most could achieve it. The ones who could make 2X to even 100X in short period of time are just lucky. It is like winning a Powerball lottery.
Thank you for sharing Cfu!!
施傅偶像,我睇左你YT既投資分享/教學,大約5年幾了,靠你既視頻,啟發了我如何投資,我近3年投資港股年回報>工資年收入,搞到返工都冇心機了。在等2月19日live,睇你個收費課程幾錢,我真係好想認真學你套投資系統,希望有日做到全職交易員 =3=
第 976 個人按讚 ! 👍🙏
C Fu,好想做對沖,但要通過IB嘅trade permission去買SQQQ等ETF要先答一啲問題,但我唔識答,可以講埋答案嗎?😅
已是20年前開戶, 實在不記得了, 主要是問你有沒有槓桿的經驗, 是否知道風險, 有朋友可以幫忙解答嗎?
印象中幾條問題係關於有多少年做此種類的投資經驗 ,
可能廿四小時後批准或拒絕你的申請。視乎那一種投資工具,有一些若經驗短便不被接受。SQQQ 應該不需要多年經驗才批准。(若有錯漏請糾正)
請問我報左名了,但未收到confirmation!應該再報名 or 等待!
HELLO 請找小助手幫手 cs@money-tab.com ;)
多謝給我 like , pls take your time , i can wait, thank you for your hard work, wish you all happy new!
過去十八歲沒戴錶不過有 QE~~~😥
I believe the probability to make profit in long run is a lot better if I only buy what I know (I work in the Tech industry, fortunately, it usually has good return.).
It is very dangerous to buy something I don't understand which I have little idea why it goes up or down.
Making less return does not mean losing money. I am very happy if I could achieve 30% average annual return in next 20 years. Last year, I did well due to the bull market.
Assuming 30% average annual return, 1M investment would be 1.3^15=51 or 51M after 15 years (1.3^20=190X or 190M after 20 years). I doubt most could achieve it.
The ones who could make 2X to even 100X in short period of time are just lucky. It is like winning a Powerball lottery.