I loved my creative writing classes! I was very lucky that a lot of my professors allowed us to write genre fiction and really enjoyed getting to work on my classmate's work. I also went to a really small university (graduating class of less than 500) so I got to be really close with my professors. It's because of my degree that I'm able to be confident enough to sell my services as a freelance editor and I hope to one day go back and get my MFA.
That's amazing! It's good to know you had such an open-minded program and professors. I didn't mention it here, but my classes have also boosted my own confidence in my writing for my full-time job in marketing. They benefit you in so many ways, sometimes not even obvious ones 😃
Really enjoyed this video! Thanks for sharing I've never taken any formal class - I just watched a ton of UA-cam videos on craft and that helped me grow a lot as a writer
Hi Andrea, Have you checked out Brandon Sanderson's Creative writing classes? They are on youtube for free. He does the course every year at BYU and uploads the classes for free on youtube. The 2020 classes have been uploaded recently. If you haven't watched it yet, I would highly recommend it. It's great. How do you workshop now? Really hard finding writers.
I've watched some of his classes, and they're fantastic! It would have been amazing to have a fantasy writer like him for a teacher at my university (but this is one of the great things about this kind of content being available online 😃). I haven't seen the 2020 ones yet, but I will definitely add them to my watch list.
Only took one creative writing course while studying literature. I have a master's degree in literature but I wonder if I would have done more interesting work if I only stuck with creative writing. I submit to three separate pages online and I feel like I'm doing well, but I wonder if i missed something... Oh, and new sub! Very seductive with the black sweater and glasses... 👓
You make me feel anxious about majoring in this lol. I'm supposed to be going in the fall and I'm so nervous. I just like writing music so idk if this would be a good field to major in, but I'm glad that this video gives me a glimpse into my future, and it sounds worth it!
Regarding dialogue. I feel the same way about exclamation points. I’ve gone 25 years without using one in fiction. Only three or four times can I remember ever considering using them. At times I see 20 in one story.
Hi! I'm really glad I came upon your video/channel! I'd be starting my MFA this fall and am nervous about being a TA. I was wondering if you could share any tips or experiences regarding that?
Once there was a young man who didn't study at university, for he was disabled, ill, and very poor. "I want to be a writer," he said and set himself the task of writing the greatest novel ever told. He studied every book he could find, watched every video on writing he could find, and took multiple online courses. Ultimately, he failed in his quest to write the greatest novel ever told and he gave up writing stories... Or did he? It's not difficult, just write and keep on writing. Don't worry if you're never published, the whole point is to be a writer, that is all that matters. Just write.
Not necessarily there are writer residences where people go to work on their craft ( fiction, poetry, plays, etc) however you need to apply and get approved before joining one of these.
I loved my creative writing classes! I was very lucky that a lot of my professors allowed us to write genre fiction and really enjoyed getting to work on my classmate's work. I also went to a really small university (graduating class of less than 500) so I got to be really close with my professors. It's because of my degree that I'm able to be confident enough to sell my services as a freelance editor and I hope to one day go back and get my MFA.
That's amazing! It's good to know you had such an open-minded program and professors. I didn't mention it here, but my classes have also boosted my own confidence in my writing for my full-time job in marketing. They benefit you in so many ways, sometimes not even obvious ones 😃
Really enjoyed this video! Thanks for sharing
I've never taken any formal class - I just watched a ton of UA-cam videos on craft and that helped me grow a lot as a writer
Thank you! UA-cam has become one of my top resources now too - there is SO much valuable insight to be found on this platform 🙌
I just want to say before watching...YOU HAVE THE EVENSTAR NECKLACE OMGGGG
The Elven necklace from LOTR!!! So pretty!
Hi Andrea,
Have you checked out Brandon Sanderson's Creative writing classes? They are on youtube for free. He does the course every year at BYU and uploads the classes for free on youtube. The 2020 classes have been uploaded recently. If you haven't watched it yet, I would highly recommend it. It's great.
How do you workshop now? Really hard finding writers.
I've watched some of his classes, and they're fantastic! It would have been amazing to have a fantasy writer like him for a teacher at my university (but this is one of the great things about this kind of content being available online 😃). I haven't seen the 2020 ones yet, but I will definitely add them to my watch list.
Only took one creative writing course while studying literature. I have a master's degree in literature but I wonder if I would have done more interesting work if I only stuck with creative writing. I submit to three separate pages online and I feel like I'm doing well, but I wonder if i missed something...
Oh, and new sub! Very seductive with the black sweater and glasses... 👓
You make me feel anxious about majoring in this lol. I'm supposed to be going in the fall and I'm so nervous. I just like writing music so idk if this would be a good field to major in, but I'm glad that this video gives me a glimpse into my future, and it sounds worth it!
i love your content! inspiring videos! 💖
Regarding dialogue. I feel the same way about exclamation points. I’ve gone 25 years without using one in fiction. Only three or four times can I remember ever considering using them. At times I see 20 in one story.
Hi! I'm really glad I came upon your video/channel!
I'd be starting my MFA this fall and am nervous about being a TA. I was wondering if you could share any tips or experiences regarding that?
I love your background
Once there was a young man who didn't study at university, for he was disabled, ill, and very poor.
"I want to be a writer," he said and set himself the task of writing the greatest novel ever told.
He studied every book he could find, watched every video on writing he could find, and took
multiple online courses.
Ultimately, he failed in his quest to write the greatest novel ever told and he gave up writing
Or did he?
It's not difficult, just write and keep on writing. Don't worry if you're never published,
the whole point is to be a writer, that is all that matters.
Just write.
You can be a poet without ever writing a single poem.
Do u have to go to college to do creativing writing?
Not necessarily there are writer residences where people go to work on their craft ( fiction, poetry, plays, etc) however you need to apply and get approved before joining one of these.
@@sakunaruful To go to jail would be much better... free board and lodging, free security 24/7.
I’m surprised you haven’t wrote a book
Don't spoil the beginning
Wow….what a long introduction. Save yourself some time and go to 3:10 minute mark.