Gurdjieff-Movements - Konya Performance, 2013

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @pwheatstraw7647
    @pwheatstraw7647  10 років тому +130

    The Konya Festival is dedicated to ancient and for the majority sacred traditions. It is a high level festival and the most important one for this area in the world today. Having been present this particular evening I have experienced the all envading silence, concentration and deep seriousness these Movements evoked in all those present, unifying performers and spectators in a unique bond. The word ‘entertainment’ couldn’t be farther removed from the truth shared during this performance. The short video selection is only a wittnes and hopefully an impulse to investigate this legacy of Gurdjieff further. What for some is ‘entertainment’ for others can be a revelation.

  • @davecacela7473
    @davecacela7473 10 років тому +27

    p wheatstraw, Can you provide any information about the group presenting? Clearly they have put much time and effort into this work, so I'd like to know more about them. The quality of the presentation is among the cleanest I've ever seen. I'm also curious about the context of the presentation. Was it part of the annual Rumi remembrance festival in Konya? What sort of response from the general audience was evoked? Does the group presenting identify themselves, or GIG and his work, as part of a Sufi line?

    • @pwheatstraw7647
      @pwheatstraw7647  10 років тому +36

      This performance was part of the 10th 'Konya International Mystic Music Festival' and given by the 'Movements Foundation', an independent organization dedicated to the research of Gurdjieff's Movements and study of his teaching. The performers were from Germany, Holland and Norway. You can find more information both regarding this Foundation as well as about
      this particular performance on the website : www.
      The Movements Foundation has no other ties with Sufi-communittees than those of mutual respect and friendship. For many people in the audience it was the first time to have an impression of Gurdjieff's Movements, but being familiar with religious rituals they were sensitive to a high degree.

  • @pwheatstraw7647
    @pwheatstraw7647  10 років тому +84

    To qualify the participants of this performance as belonging to a 'cult' is untrue and, to be honest, ridiculous. The further remarks about the 'Fourth Way' are such that they do not deserve a serious answer.

    • @kevinyourk5592
      @kevinyourk5592 10 років тому +17

      This is how someone who is "collected" responds to mechanical nonsenses put forth by people who lie when they speak but do not realize it.

  • @willieff
    @willieff 10 років тому +30

    Very neat the movements, we must to keep the tradition of the Gurdjieff movements teaching, it is good to see the Movements Foundation still doing the movements, to keep the legomonism.

    • @sigideuti9221
      @sigideuti9221 10 років тому +5

      Very nice to see such elaborated movements are performed with such a clarity of choreography and sharpness of moves to the music.

    • @willieff
      @willieff 10 років тому

      Thanks Sigi

  • @merwynwestbroek5773
    @merwynwestbroek5773 10 років тому +27

    If these dances are intended for the development of physical/body consciousness is it fitting to use them for entertaining purposes??

    • @Sisudio
      @Sisudio 10 років тому +27

      no it is not fitting, that is why this is not presented for the purpose of entertainment. why did Mr. Gurdjieff present the Movements publicly in 1924, and why did Mme. De Salzmann do the same in 1950?