It is impossible to get carburetor kit for a Russian chainsaw these days. But as a collector I was able to fabricate diafragms out of a LPG evaporator diafragm kit. Problem is that Russians did not use any Tillotson or Zama Carb, but made their own.. And then they stopped providing spare parts as communism felt.
Habe auch noch so eine rumliegen, aber leider bräuchte ich eine neue Vergaserdichtung
It is impossible to get carburetor kit for a Russian chainsaw these days. But as a collector I was able to fabricate diafragms out of a LPG evaporator diafragm kit. Problem is that Russians did not use any Tillotson or Zama Carb, but made their own.. And then they stopped providing spare parts as communism felt.
I have a taiga and I have a problem with the carburetor, I don't know how to fix it, can anyone help me.How to adjust carburetor?
Все дело в мембранах - поставь из французского материала, и горя с заводкой знать не будешь