Thank you SO much for this amazing interview. We are a Messianic family in Jerusalem and I’m blown away by this bold support and clear theological position! Thanks you Allie and Jeremiah! Toda Raba!!! MaMash!!!
Praying for you and all the Jewish people daily! Praying for the peace of Jerusalem, protection for the IDF, salvation of the Jewish people and that the hostages will get home soon. ❤
@callie, how does it feel to look around you and find so much hostility coming from various sources against the Jewish ppl? Atheists, secularists, Muslims, and sadly Christians, too. While it is true that evangelical Christians are Israel's biggest supporters, there is a huge segment that is rabidly anti Jewish. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem 🇮🇱 🕎
@@linak7155 While the hostility towards the Jews (antisemitism) is horrible, I can understand why Christians are frustrated with the way the Isreali government is bombing churches and killing innocent civilians in Gaza.
@@linak7155 Thank you for asking such a caring question. I think I might expand on it in a different context, but it's somewhere between painful and utterly frustrating. Antisemitism can be really subtle and its hard to see it, call it out, and then be gas lit.
Hi Allie thank you for having Dr Jeremiah Johnston. I have loved this episode. All the way from South Africa. The podcast is really helping me grow in my faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and how to have hope in this Godless world. I am 22 years old and believe that more GenZ will be saved by watching content like yours. Thank you so much for your show.
According to end time prophecy, Jesus will come back to the mount of Olives. Every Jew will see Him. They will mourn for what they had done to Him. They will repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah. That is how they will be saved. We find this in Zechariah 12:10. We also find this in Revelation. God still has a heart for His people, which means that we must too.
@@saltandlight316 that does NOT mean that God supports the state of Israel or thwart Christian’s have to as well. That’s twisting scripture. They’re under Gods wrath for their rejection of Christ and immorality
@ProtestantKing7 God disciplined Israel for their rejection of Christ in 70 AD. However, just like He has grace for us, He will have grace for them. They are still His people, and God knows the end from the beginning. The state of Israel was also prophesied in Scripture. My question to you would be if you don't believe that the state of Israel should exist, does that mean that you believe Revelation isn't true? Most of the events take place in Israel, which means that they have to be back in the land for Revelation to even take place.
Loved how Dr. Jeremiah simplified prayer even though he is a an expert in the bible and history. This brought me so much peace. Thank you for your wisdom.
I am still growing in my faith and have a long way to go. Not even a third through the Bible but I have been brought up Christian since birth 35 years ago. But I was told by very biblically educated people that The Jews are supposed to get a second chance when Jesus comes back and that some will still deny him. Something that like almost 2/3 will not be saved but one third will. Just throwing in my two cents.
@@cokesmocker39 you’re given a second chance every single day, Jewish or anything else. Waiting for Him to come back to be saved is foolish. Get saved today!!
They will be saved by faith, because they are chosen by God the same any of us was chosen, the promises of God from the Old Testament are not erased in the new one, it is tha same God!
@@fitforchrist1990 Romans 11:26-27 26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: 27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
My Bible study group is reading through the New Testament, and we just started the book of Acts. You guys addressed and answered so many of the questions we have been asking along the way! Thank you, and please bring Jeremiah on the show again.
Yes, she definitely had a bit of a makeover. It's as if she visited the Emerald City, had a session with those 3 ladies, and came out the other end. "That's how we laugh the day away in the merry ol' land of Relatable!"
I have gotten more understanding from listening to Dr Jeremiah Johnson. Thank you Allie Beth for having him on. This is a blessing to listen to true Doctrine.
May your faith in God bring you peace hope and love to your heart and everlasting joy to your soul may God shine upon you this blessed holy resurrection Sunday and always praise God praying for Everyone everyday God bless you all
I am So Thankful I watched this today, 12/13/24 to hear this valuable information from Pastor Johnston. I will listen again & take more notes to help me be the Best Me for Jesus!
All Israel is the True Israel which is made up of believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not a racist nor does He have a 'lucky sperm club" in His Kingdom. If you believe and are baptised you are part of All Israel. If you are Jewish and do not believe you are not part of Israel as you are no different than a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Secularist or an Atheist. You deny the Son you deny the Father also.
The Church is the New Jerusalem (Revelations 21:2). I understand many modern Protestants reject this, but I think it's plainly Scriptural. Israel was set apart as God's people in the Old Covenant, and in the New Covenant, gentiles were grafted in via Christ's mystical body. It's true that God will bless those who bless the children of Abraham (Genesis 12:3). But here's the thing: We're ALSO children of Abraham now (Galations 3:7, 3:29) In the New Covenant, God's people are the Christians. That includes ethnic Jews who accept Christ, but isn't limited to them. There is no longer Jew or gentile, for all is one in Christ Jesus (Galations 3:28). The transition from old Israel to new Israel was finalized with the destruction of the second temple in AD 70 - Ezekiel 10:18 prophesized that God's glory would one day depart from the temple, and Revelations 11:1-2 foretell of the trampling of the temple. Most importantly, Christ Himself says that He will tear down the temple, and rebuild it in 3 days (John 2:19). The temple is indeed destroyed as part of God's judgment on the old Israel, but the rebuilt temple isn't a physical building. It's the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27-28), which is resurrected after 3 days and which we become enjoined to as Christians. God established a family through Abraham, a people through Israel (Jacob), a nation through Moses, a Kingdom through David, and finally a Church through Peter. A hardening has come over most ethnic Jews for the time being, and eventually the Jews as a people will convert (Romans 11:25-26). In the meantime, Christians shouldn't have a particular affection for the modern state of Israel, or certainly for Judaism. Modern Israel isn't the same Israel from the Old Testament, and Talmudic Judaism is quite literally the successor to the religion of the pharisees. It's the 'traditions of men' Christ expicitly condemns. As it stands, the old Israel largely rejects Christ. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Still, we should NOT resent ethnic Jews. Paul warns us against this in Romans 11:17-18. We must pray their conversion happens quickly, for their own sake. The Jews are our older brothers in the faith - This is what the Catholic Church teaches. That sounds reverential, but think Esau and Jacob. Think Ishmael and Isaac. Most importantly, think Cain and Abel. Throughout the Old Testament, God talks about how animal sacrifices will end (Psalm 50) and be replaced by sacrifices of thanksgiving (Greek: Eucharistia = Eucharist). In Malachi 1, we see that God is angry with Israel for offering Him half-hearted animal sacrifices. He says He will no longer accept offerings from the hands of Israel. Instead, He will accept pure offerings from gentiles (verse 11). This directly mirrors how God was not pleased by Cain's, the older brother's, sacrifice, and was pleased by Abel's. In the Eucharist, we re-present the once-and-for-all pure offering of the spotless lamb, meaning that Cain is a type of old Israel and Abel is a type of both Christ (having been killed by His own people) and the new Israel generally (who make pure offerings). Dispensationalism was invented by John Nelson Darby in the 19th century. What I'm articulating here isn't 'Replacement theology' - it's Fulfillment theology, and it's held by every single ancient, apostolic Church. Covenant theologians, who are often Presbytarians, also understand this.
I wish this episode went more into some other points. I realize there’s not time for it all. But clearly the Olivet Discourse and Jesus in other parts of the gospels is pronouncing judgement on Jerusalem/Jews, fulfilled in 70AD. Seems to me the church does inherit the blessings and promises made to Israel to inherit the land, etc (seems this will be fulfilled in the New Heaven and Earth so of course Israel IF they repent will also receive it). Also seems it is true that God is not finished using Israel and there will be mass revival before Christ’s coming in the flesh. There’s a lot to unpack. The side of “replacement theology” wasn’t fairly represented. Neither was the side that favours Israel. Most dispensationalists don’t believe Jews/Israelis don’t need the gospel. But it dooooes seem like they don’t see Jews/Israel doing any wrong and do have inherit privileges which I don’t think is scriptural. I think ultimately our hearts should mourn over their rejection of Jesus as Messiah and pray for their repentance - same as any other nation.
ur a Jew thats why... Christ is King, he is the Messiah Ms. GOLDsberry We don't want these Zio anti Christian people around us at all anymore spreading lies and filth against the our Lord. We are also American not Israelian, so we dont care. Those people need to change to Christians and we pray for it to happen everyday. This guy can kick rocks
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and that he Rose again the third day praise God praying for everyone everyday God Bless you all....
Can you imagine if all Christians had the settled confidence in the gospel that this man has? This is one to re-watch and take notes on. My goodness, what a treasure trove of wisdom and truth this episode was!
How the heck do only 33% of young Christians believe in the resurrection of Christ?! Apostle Paul writes that our religion is completely void and false if Jesus did not bodily and historically rise from the dead as the Scriptures foretell. Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah being cut off from the land of the living, dying, and rising again. This prophecy can be found in Isaiah 53:8-10. It says, "By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." This prophecy speaks of the Messiah's suffering, death, and ultimate victory through resurrection.
Many millennials with boomer parents were taught about the Bible and about God as: "This is what we believe because I said so." We weren't taught how to read the Bible, study it, or interpret theology. Asking any hard questions (or questions our teachers or parents didn't know the answers to) was considered disrespectful. This led to many unanswered questions and, in turn, unbelief. That's how it happened. I'm hopeful that many of my generation will find their way back just as I did. I know I won't make the same mistakes with my kids.
Easy they have never been saved and have an empty and false profession of faith. No one who has been born from above and has the Holy Spirit could doubt or disbelieve the resurrection as you show. A Christian may get knocked off balance for a short time and experience a bout with unbelief, but God will not let any of His redeemed children go to long in such a condition. Dominque Crossan a rank unbeliever in many ways and a NT scholar says he is a Christian but only in a philosophical or political way because of the moral goodness and virtue he sees in the Christian faith. He only believes that Jesus was a good moral teacher and nothing more. He denies his divinity, the Trinity and the resurrection as merely symbolic of Jesus revolutionary teachings with respect to what he calls radical justice and the brotherhood of man. The golden rule philosophy of life. Many Bible scholars are in this category. So, it is no surprise that only a third of young professors actually believe in the resurrection.
You shouldn't call the 66% who don't believe in the resurrection, "Christians". They aren't Christians. How do we know that? Listen carefully to Romans 10:9 which says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD HAS RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, YOU WILL BE SAVED." Hence, sadly, they are not saved if they do not believe in their heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Thus, they are not Christians by the Bible's definition of a real Christian.
He said they don’t believe it is a “historical fact”…meaning they themselves may believe it but they think it is just a belief christians hold in faith, not realizing it is a provable historical fact…at least that’s the way I understood it.
WRONG, the verses say "when the fullness of the gentiles come in SO/this will BE all israel being saved". ISRAEL = BELIEVING Jews and Gentiles, UNBELIEVING Jews are not israel. the last gentiles being saved will be "all israel being saved".
@@jamesba-xd7xfYou are the one who is wrong. Gentiles remain Gentiles and Jews remain Jews. We are one spiritually in Christ, but Gentiles are the wild olive branches grafted onto the natural tree - the Jews. When the fullness of the Gentiles is complete and Christ returns, the Jews will mourn for the One they have pierced and turn to Him. Replacement theory dressed up as “fulfillment theory” is a lie. God will not break His covenant with His chosen people, and His Word tells us exactly what will happen.
@@amyk87 God did not break his covenant with the Jews, THEY Did by rejecting christ. Jesus told the jews in john 8 "IF God were your father you would love me" AND "you are of your father the devil" you are saying those jews in john 8 STILL had a covenant with God?? . NEXT, Jews are NOT the olive tree!, the Root is GOD, the tree is israel, and the branches are Jewish and Gentile believers who are ALL Israel. hence the bible says "a PARTIAL hardening has come upon israel UNTILL the fullness of the gentiles comes in and SO all israel will be saved" OR "IN THIS WAY all israel will be saved". Jews already had the Gospel preached to them and most rejected it but the remnant accepted it, THEN and now the gentiles ( those who will, NOT every gentile) who believe in christ are the FULL number of israel being saved. NOWHERE does the bible say there will be a mass conversion of Jews or gentiles in the end times. NEXT, "they will look upon him whom they have pierced" was fullfilled 2000 years ago at the cross. NO ONE alive today pierced christ or looked upon him. NEXT, when Jesus returns he will be teturning to bring death, vengance and wrath upon ALL Jews and Gentiles who rejected him. NO ONE will be saved at Jesus coming.
@@amyk87Grafted in means that believing Gentiles are now a part of the tree of true believing Israel by ingrafting. Think of it this way, believing Jews are a part of true Israel and believing Gentiles are a part of true Israel. They are still, ethnically, Jews and Gentiles, but together, spiritually, they are true Israel (Eph 2:12), all are true sons of Abraham and heirs of the promises (Galatians).
Without the Gospel you have no salvation. There is no remnant without Christ. The modern and biblical Jews hated Christ and anyone that is outside of Judaism. They believe that you, Christian, are beneath them. However, we are called to love those that persecute you… but that doesn’t mean we don’t speak truth. The Gospel offends all by itself.
@@Utjb27 Amen. Is this man replacing the word "remnant" in Romans 9:27 with the word "nation"? Romans Chapter 11: In its New Covenant context... There is no Plan B of salvation outside of the New Covenant Church in this passage. Plan A is found in verses 23 and 24. In Romans 1:16 Paul said the Gospel was taken "first" to the Jews. This time period can be found in Matt. 10:5-7, and Acts 10:36-38, and Gal. 1:14-18. Many try to claim God never gave the Jews a chance to accept Christ, so there must be some Plan B of salvation before or during the Second Coming of Christ. Romans 1:16 proves they are wrong, since Paul said the Gospel went "first" to the Jews. Many ignore the fact that Peter addressed the crowd as "men of Judea", and as "men of Israel", and as "all the house of Israel" on the Day of Pentecost, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted the New Covenant fulfilled in blood at Calvary. The Gentiles were not grafted in until several years later. This passage proves Paul was right about the Gospel being taken "first" to the Jews. Were all of the Israelites "partially" hardened in Romans 11, or were part hardened and another part were not hardened? The answer is found in the "remnant" of Romans 11:5. Paul reveals two different groups of Israelites in Romans 9:6-8. There is an Israel of the promise, and an Israel of the flesh. This is part of the context of Romans 11. Paul speaks about the "remnant" of Israel in Romans 9:27. This is also part of the context of Romans 11. Paul starts Romans 11 with two different groups of Israelites. In verse one Paul reveals he is still an Israelite, even after his conversion. Then Paul refers to two different groups of Israelites during the time of Elijah. There were the Baal worshippers, and there was the faithful "remnant". In verse five Paul says there is also a faithful "remnant" of Israelites during his time. This must be the Israelites who have accepted Christ, as on the Day of Pentecost. Paul uses the two olive trees as a symbol of the New Covenant Church made up of believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles grafted together into the same tree. The unbelieving Israelites have been broken off but can be grafted back in through faith in Christ in verses 23-24. Verse 26 is the problem for many modern Christians. What does the verse actually say, and how is it changed by many in the modern Church. I have heard two of our nations famous preachers say the following. "And then all Israel will be saved..." I have heard another say the following. "And all Israel will be saved..." What does God's Word, recorded by the Apostle Paul actually say? Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: The English word "so" is translated from the Greek word "houto", which is an adverb of manner, instead of an adverb of timing. Some have changed the word from "so" to "then", in order to change the meaning of the verse. How will all of the "remnant" of Israel from Romans 9:27 be saved? The answer is found in the verses that precede verse 26 and are found below. Rom 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. Rom 11:24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree? Paul quoted from the OT in referring to the Deliverer coming out of Sion to pay for sin. Did this happen at Calvary, or will Jesus die again for His people in the future? Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. Verse 28 can only be understood by looking at how Paul started the passage. He started with two different groups of Israelites and he ends the passage in the same way. There are two different groups of "they" in verse 28. One group of "they" reject Christ and are the enemies of God, and another group of "they" are the election which accept Christ through hearing the Gospel and faith. Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. Based on Luke 21:24b-28, the times of the Gentiles comes to fullness at the Second Coming of Christ. This agrees with what Paul said in Romans 1:16 about the Gospel going “first” to the Jews.
During the time of the Messiah's visitation, many of the Jewish ppl did, in fact, believe in and follow Jesus. All the apostles save for Mark were Jewish, too. "...because on account of him many of the Jews were going away [from the teaching and traditions of the Jewish leaders] and believing in Jesus" [following Him as Savior and Messiah] John 12 (AB). We can not paint all Jews with the same brush. I have mingled with many Believing Jews who have forfeited family and inheritance for the gospel. Many secular and religious Jews do not feel superior to the rest of us. They are guarded and protective because they have experienced persecution for centuries from religious Chritian leaders. The Crusades and the Holocaust were horrific in nature. Our mandate is to pray they would come to Messiah in masse numbers Rom 9 -11🙏
God will never turn his back on Israel. We have a choice to turn to or away from God. He will always be there for all believers. Replacement theology is false. Salvation is for all who believe.
The Israel of the Bible and the secular nation-state created by the Rothschilds are completely different. Believers are the ones who are saved whether jew or gentile.
I think he already has... the next few years will unveil whether he has or not as they are surrounded by enelies there and US is becoming more weaker and may not be able to protect in future ...lets see
Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham. The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU." So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. (Gal 3:7-9) For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God. (Rom 2:28-29)
We are Israel Paul makes it pretty clear; Romans 9:6-8 6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, 7 and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” 8 This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. Also in Galatians 3:29 we are told that if we are Christ’s, we ARE Abraham’s offspring Ephesians 2:11-20 tells us that WE now have the promise of the covenants Galatians 6:16 says that if you walk with Christ you are part of the Israel of God Romans 2:28-29 declared that Christians are spiritual Jews as they have circumcision of the heart
NO, WE ARE NOT. You need to read with understanding. Who is Paul talking about in verses 1-3? MY BROTHER'S, MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. How is that you, or the church? Paul is wishing himself a cursed and separated from God if only that would save the church? Isn't the church saved by repentance and trust in Christ? Isn't this what makes the Church the Church? Paul is clearly talking about unbelieving Israel, his physical DNA brothers, his ethnic people. Just as Moses asked God to blow his name out of His book if He was going to destroy Israel bc he loved his rebellious people so much, so also Paul loves his Jewish people and is in pain and anguish for their salvation. In vs. 6-8, Paul makes the point that not every last Jew is truly a Jew, just as every descendant of Abraham is not an heir of the promise. Esau's descendants and Ishmael's descendants, while being descendants of Abraham are not the children of the promise bc Isaac's seed only, also descendants of Abraham are the children of the promise. Just so, every last Jew won't be saved just bc he's ethnically Jewish, but the Jewish nation as a whole will be saved one day. Read the entirety of the Scriptures from Romans 9:1-Romans 11, understanding that the Scriptures were not written with chapter breaks. Read it in context. CONTEXT IS KING. Read asking who? What? When? Where? Why? Who was Paul talking TO? His letter is to believers. Who's he talking about? His unbelieving physical Jewish brethren, his nation. Etc. Your exegis is way off. Apply the rules for literary analysis.
this was such an incredible episode! i've been wondering a lot about this lately, so this conversation was super helpful. definitely one of my favorites.
And being ingrafted means we are a part of God's chosen people. Likewise, all unbelieving Jews are broken off from true Israel, while those who believe are re-grafted. So, all believing Gentiles and all believing Jews are a part of the true tree of elect israel.
Allie, I listen to every one of your Relatable podcasts, and I have to say that today's is near the TOP! As a relatabro who is a member of a Messianic Congregation, I LOVE to hear about the Jewish context of the Bible, including the Gospels. My rabbi/pastor, Jonathan Cahn, has written many best-selling books. You should have him on Relatable one day!
Dr. Johnston suggested that the Resurrection is only preached in Easter and is not preached enough. I have found a church that preaches the resurrection every Sunday, in fact every day. It is called the Catholic Church, where the resurrection is at the center of the mass. I’ll give you that Unfortunately many of those there do not truly understand it, they don’t understand what they are celebrating, and they see themselves just us attending a service like many other churches do on Sundays.
Great interview and podcast and an amazing testimony about the triplets. I was shouting when he said.. “I want to be saved” Really enjoyed every minute of this.
Thank you for this interview and for your podcast. Jeremiah is right. You speak the truth, ask great questions and give hope. I’m a 50 year old relatabro and I definitely appreciated the question about prayer. Wish there was more time to dive into that. I struggle with that question. But thank you for all you do! 🙏
She wouldn't be able to have him on without addressing the elephant in the room, which would be Hank's departure from mainstream evangelical Christianity, and into Eastern Orthodoxy. That can't be ignored, especially by someone like Allie who believes deeply in the 5 Solas.
I really agree with this guy on his great description of praying! Not only do I agree with him about long redundant prayers in church along with traditional meaningless procedures so much that I haven't attended for years now.
Thank you Dr Jeremiah and Allie. I pray that your ministry will flourish more and more to be used for God’s glory and for the people to be awakened too about the truth of His Word- The Bible. I am originally from Philippines but now live in UK, I arrived in 2002. I suggest that you will consider subtitles even in English? so that a lot of people will understand and be ministered. I remember when I first arrived in England, even we where taught English back home, hearing different accents is a struggle in order to understand, well, as time goes by, by God’s grace I get used to it and able to comprehend well. Thank you. 🙏✝️🌏
Selfishly I wished this episode would go on for another hour or two! I so enjoyed listening to you both. I have to admit that I was so surprised that there are people that do not accept that Jesus was and is Jewish. Again excellent episode and so appropriate for Easter Monday.❤
Spiritual Israel is all that have crossed over into the faith. Remember there was a mixed multitude at Mount Sinai. God called all his believers the word Israel. We are grafted in once we believe and cross over into faith in Yeshua. 🎉
Dispensationalism is the epitome of eisegesis - to believe in this theology is to blatantly ignore Jesus’s own teaching. Remember this, for 1800 year the church did not believe dispensationalism. It was the byproduct of Darby and his teaching in the 1800’s.
I think you meant eisegesis, in which case, I agree with you. I believe dispensationalism (which I call Scofield futurism) is not just wrong, but is evil.
It’s ironic that he mentions heretics who make up their own interpretations every Sunday and then gives his own paraphrase of what he thinks Paul is saying about the nation of Israel is God’s plan for the nations. This is completely against church history and Christian Theology. The biblical state of Israel has nothing to do the modern state of Israel which is agnostic and secular. “Replacement Theology” (his term) is the idea that Christ and his apostles have replaced Herod and the Pharisees as the true nation of Israel. The church through Christ’s establishment is the true Israel of God as all the early apostles were Christians were Jewish. Attempting to make Netanyahu in his government may fulfillment of biblical prophecy is about as heretical as one can get. Dispensationalist is a modern doctrine that should be shunned by Christian’s.
Yea, this guy is giving off major "i'm not like the others" energy with comments like that. He also made some point about always "using scripture to interpret scripture" which is kinda like... ok... that's totally circular, but go off...
@@GonRogue-85it’s called supercessionism, fulfillment theology, covenantal theology. Replacement theology is a pejorative used to slander the historic Christian view. Dispensationalism came from Darby and the Scofield Study Bible which was mass disseminated in the US during a time when cults sprang up. Scofield was a part of the Lotus Financial Group. His funding came from a Zionist Jew who had close associations with Theodore Hertzel (Father of Zionism) in the 1890s. Wake up!
Please consider having John Moffitt on to discuss “replacement theology” Of course we love Israel as we love all people. However, there are a large number of people, like myself, that are married to and or whose children are service members that will doing the engagement. As the wife of a service member who just spent 8.5 months in the Mediterranean we simply do not want to go to war. A war we will lose… similar to the last war my husband fought in. It seems as if this episode is being presented to combat antisemitism while ignoring entirely that perhaps some folks just don’t want to go to war. It is frustrating being gaslighted into an anti-Semite, and or bigot, when I simply do not want to go to war. It’s interesting that the only person that is accurately covered the reality of American wars and recent history is Candace.
My husband is a Palestinian Christian. I've never felt more abandoned by my faith than listening to what his family is going through over seas and hearing nothing but horrible slurs about them at home. ☹️
@@atd2502 Many American evangelicals have no idea that there are Arab Christians living in the Palestinian Territories. Even more disturbing is that many American Evangelicals are completely unaware that Israeli Christians are frequently the target of harassment and abuse at the hands of Orthodox Jews. I am so sorry you are having to deal with all that, you are in my prayers!
@atd2502 I cry for you and my heart is turning black because what I see and I can’t do anything😢😢😢😢😞😢. And I am not even Christian 😞. my may God’s peace with you Your were the first among Christians and God willing will be the last Christian in this world. Far outlasting any of those want exterminate you, take your home and committing ungodly level of cruelty and barbarism against you while the mighty Christian state of this world not only stand watching idly but also sending sky and sea bridges of arms to keep you in perpetual state of suffering and misery. (Aren’t Christian supposed to be brothern in joy and misery regardless of origin ??? If not being fair to call when they see wrong ??? I am crying and I can only weep in my alone. My God’ peace be to you from Columbus Ohio
Replacement theology is a smear. God did not abandon the Jews. The Jews rejected Him. Jesus gives many parables about this. The parable of the banquet. It is worse for a Jew to reject Christ because they have been given all the promises.
All of Gods elect will be effectually called , that includes all elect Polish , Russian , Chinese , Dutch , Palestinian and Jews. Thank you and God bless
@@dpastor6631To Israel's own olive tree, into which God is able to graft back in the natural branches since he grafted in a wild branch like you. And He will. All Israel will be saved, i.e., the natural branches.
Great, I'm sure that's exactly what Jesus wants you to do, use His name as a taunt to push people away, you should pray long and hard about how you use the NAME. He is King to be sure, but guard your heart
@@chadjohns6955 I said christ is king, and I don’t care who that offends, because that’s the truth. You can continue to bear false witness. That shows the kind of person you are. If that offends you that’s YOUR problem. You can get behind me
I loved this interview, but thats not actually true. When Jesus goes to the garden he asks his disciples why they couldn't pray for on hour. Then in the upper room, they prayed for days until the Holy Spirit fell. So all prayers matter, but people did pray for long hours.
God's plan for Israel is the same plan for all mankind...become part of the church, the Bride of Christ, as the Bible describes and follow him...the gospel is for all-the Jew and the Gentile.
This was outstanding! I’m also so relieved! Something you said in the episode about Christ Is King trending made me fear you were supporting replacement theology. 😅 Please make him a returning guest! So much great theology in a concise and understandable delivery. I definitely want to get his Bible study. Thanks so much for this episode!
Allie, i appreciate your perspective on many topics. However, on this one, I think you need to do more research before you opine on it. The antithesis of your view isn't "replacement theology" it's "fulfillment theology." Also, no one is denying that Jesus was not a Jew. In this video, you and Jeremiah attack the fringes and don't seriously address the arguments for covenant theology. Please have Jon Moffitt on from Theocast. I think it would be a very edifying conversation for your listeners.
Please have on Jon Moffitt. As someone married to an active duty service member that just spent 8.5 months on the Mediterranean it’s frustrating to see the fringes being addressed while the vast majority simply does not want involved in another war to which we will lose. We will lose our loved ones.
Calling replacement theory by a different name doesn’t change it or make it less erroneous. Paul cautioned Gentiles not to become haughty thinking they were greater than the Jews or had replaced the Jews. If we as wild olive branches are grafted in, how much more will the natural branches be regrafted in? As Dr. Johnson said, there is a hardening among the Jews in general right now (there is obviously a Messianic remnant), but they will eventually recognize the One they have pierced and return to Him. Evangelicals that hold to this unbiblical theory that God is done with the Jews need to read their Bibles and pray for understanding. God is not a covenant breaker and He has promised the Jews will return to Him.
Dispensationalism is a theological innovation, it is very new compared to covenant theology. Dispensationalism is theology of escapism and defeatism. Defeatism is built into it. People who believe in it have untethered themselves from the protestants of the past and most christians from the last 1900 years.
Saying Hadrian renamed the land of Israel as Palestine is misleading. It makes it sound as though the term Palestine was never used before. Herodotus talks about Palestine way before Hadrian existed. To be precise and fair, he is only referring to the part of land that skirts the Mediterranean sea, but saying that Palestine is a pejorative word because Hadrian hijacked it centuries after Herodotus used it is a little strange.
Well ya it was Hadrian who gave the name palestine at that time the name was Judea but just to mock the Jews coz they rebelled against him so he changed the name by their old enemy the philistine from the old testament completely diferent from current Palestine so ya he is right it was Hadrian who named Judea Palestine in the 135 AD , nothing misleading here the history is very clear but ppl choose to deny it .
@@Eaa30mnu Do you know Herodotus? Why did Herodotus talk about Palestine in the 5th century BC? What was he referring to? As I said, the territory that borders the sea. Also, I’m not saying that to make a political statement regarding what is sadly happening in that region right now. I love Allie Beth’s show, it’s just hard to keep listening to a specific guest when he affirms as fact something that doesn’t quite hold chronologically. The name Palestine was used hundreds of years before Hadrian had anything to do in this world. If I’m missing the point, I’d be happy to be enlightened. But you haven’t brought anything new to the table: your comment is just a repetition of what he said, so I fail to understand what point you’re trying to make.
@@sourclam904Interesting you call Him by His JEWISH name yet make Zionism something you hate. Jesus would never want Israel to not exist. If you claim to be a Christian, your hatred needs to be rooted out of you. You speak in ignorance
@@sourclam904 It's spelled Israel, and I suggest you read Romans 11:25 if you want to know that YES, the actual ethnic Jewish including "Zionists" WILL be SAVED. St. Paul tells you very clearly why this veil or hardening has been allowed to the Jewish people in order that you, me, and all the non Jewish believers will come to know Jesus
Thankfully, my Presbyterian Church speaks about the resurrection of Jesus often! The gospel is presented every week on Sunday and the sacraments are given every week. There are lots of Christian churches who are like that! Thankfully.
ABS, I know you come from a Southern Baptist/Evangelical background and you are going to draw from that to inform your beliefs, and after all this is your show so you can promote what you want. However, this is a really important topic and I think you owe it to your listeners to provide an array of perspectives within the Christian tradition. I would have like to have heard the perspective of the Eastern Orthodox church (my church) as well as the Roman Catholic and perhaps some mainline Protestant opinions as well. No personal disrespect to your guest, but I found a lot of what he said to be problematic from really any Christian perspective other than his. Dispensationalism, for example, is not based on scripture or Church tradition, it all comes from the ideas of one 19th century Englishman. Yet, many American Christians believe it is the word of God, and our nation's foreign policy is informed by this conviction. More voices need to be heard on this, is all I'm saying.
If you want to hear other perspectives from other denominations,go make your own channel. Why watch and criticize a creator's religious background and add what *you* would want in *her* channel? Me,me,me. I,I,I🙄
@@jl453 I am just trying to help. If you cared to read everything I said, I clearly stated she has no obligation to do so, only that it would be of benefit to her audience and possibly help grow said audience and ultimately her brand. If you want to grow, you have to get out of your comfort zone. If you want to stay in an ideological circle jerk forever, that's fine, but it can hurt your brand in the long term. Does all of that make sense to you or do I need to say it slower?
Wow. Wonderful episode with Scholar mr Johnston! All you said about Israel is biblically true! As a Christian believer, I LOVE ISRAEL & THE JEWS! ✝️💜✡️
Great question! "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water." (1 Pet. 3:18-20)
The Bible doesn't teach that. "Christians" believes in that foolishness because of how they incorrectly read 1 Pet. 3:18-20. The passage says that Christ spoke to spirits who were in prison, but it never says He spoke to dead ppl while He was dead. If they read Jhn 8:34-36, they would know that Peter was talking about ppl who were slaves to sin. The idea that Christ went to "Christianity's" fictional hell demands one to believe that He didn't really die.
Something to keep in mind is that it says 'will be' future tense. That means they aren't saved yet meaning that they are still in rebellion against God. So what should we do as Christians? We should pray that they be saved, we should love them by sharing the gospel to them, we shouldn't hate them but we definitely should not support or partake in their sins either. This is blattently clear in the Bible.
Thank you SO much for this amazing interview. We are a Messianic family in Jerusalem and I’m blown away by this bold support and clear theological position! Thanks you Allie and Jeremiah! Toda Raba!!! MaMash!!!
Praying for you and all the Jewish people daily! Praying for the peace of Jerusalem, protection for the IDF, salvation of the Jewish people and that the hostages will get home soon. ❤
@callie, how does it feel to look around you and find so much hostility coming from various sources against the Jewish ppl? Atheists, secularists, Muslims, and sadly Christians, too. While it is true that evangelical Christians are Israel's biggest supporters, there is a huge segment that is rabidly anti Jewish. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem 🇮🇱 🕎
God Bless you! I have a question, what are ways to support Jews without supporting their government committing genocide?
@@linak7155 While the hostility towards the Jews (antisemitism) is horrible, I can understand why Christians are frustrated with the way the Isreali government is bombing churches and killing innocent civilians in Gaza.
@@linak7155 Thank you for asking such a caring question. I think I might expand on it in a different context, but it's somewhere between painful and utterly frustrating. Antisemitism can be really subtle and its hard to see it, call it out, and then be gas lit.
Hi Allie thank you for having Dr Jeremiah Johnston. I have loved this episode. All the way from South Africa. The podcast is really helping me grow in my faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and how to have hope in this Godless world. I am 22 years old and believe that more GenZ will be saved by watching content like yours. Thank you so much for your show.
This is one of my FAVORITE VIDEOS you have ever made! My hope is restored! Praise THE LORD!!
Not Jews, not Nobody is Saved unless you have been Born Again..!
..and Remain Saved.
Then how do you interpret Romans 11 where it says all Israel will be saved? God does something supernatural and different with them at the end.
According to end time prophecy, Jesus will come back to the mount of Olives. Every Jew will see Him. They will mourn for what they had done to Him. They will repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah. That is how they will be saved. We find this in Zechariah 12:10. We also find this in Revelation. God still has a heart for His people, which means that we must too.
@@saltandlight316 that does NOT mean that God supports the state of Israel or thwart Christian’s have to as well. That’s twisting scripture. They’re under Gods wrath for their rejection of Christ and immorality
@@karricompton That doesn’t mean Christian’s need to support Israel
@ProtestantKing7 God disciplined Israel for their rejection of Christ in 70 AD. However, just like He has grace for us, He will have grace for them. They are still His people, and God knows the end from the beginning. The state of Israel was also prophesied in Scripture. My question to you would be if you don't believe that the state of Israel should exist, does that mean that you believe Revelation isn't true? Most of the events take place in Israel, which means that they have to be back in the land for Revelation to even take place.
Loved how Dr. Jeremiah simplified prayer even though he is a an expert in the bible and history. This brought me so much peace. Thank you for your wisdom.
If they don’t have the Son, they don’t have the Father
Ready your bible book for romans says the Jews are judged on the law.
I am still growing in my faith and have a long way to go. Not even a third through the Bible but I have been brought up Christian since birth 35 years ago. But I was told by very biblically educated people that The Jews are supposed to get a second chance when Jesus comes back and that some will still deny him. Something that like almost 2/3 will not be saved but one third will. Just throwing in my two cents.
@@cokesmocker39 you’re given a second chance every single day, Jewish or anything else. Waiting for Him to come back to be saved is foolish. Get saved today!!
You are only ever saved through grace and faith in Jesus. Your ethnicity has nothing to do with salvation in the new covenant
Exactly even Jesus rebuked the jews for using there linage of Abraham
They will be saved by faith, because they are chosen by God the same any of us was chosen, the promises of God from the Old Testament are not erased in the new one, it is tha same God!
@@OlgaSmirnova1 The ones who believe in Jesus will be saved, the ones who reject him will not be
@@fitforchrist1990 Romans 11:26-27
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
@OlgaSmirnova1 Israel is referring to all believers jews and gentiles not the nation state created in 1948.
There are no words for this interview... Thanks, Allie, for Ep 977... It has been a blessing...
My Bible study group is reading through the New Testament, and we just started the book of Acts. You guys addressed and answered so many of the questions we have been asking along the way! Thank you, and please bring Jeremiah on the show again.
Just want to say that you’re glowing lately, ABS! As always, love you and your much needed heart, wisdom, and voice!
Yes, she definitely had a bit of a makeover. It's as if she visited the Emerald City, had a session with those 3 ladies, and came out the other end. "That's how we laugh the day away in the merry ol' land of Relatable!"
I fully agree with Dr. Johnston, Allie asks the best questions!
I have gotten more understanding from listening to Dr Jeremiah Johnson. Thank you Allie Beth for having him on. This is a blessing to listen to true Doctrine.
Hope everyone had a blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is risen! ✝
I am the way the truth, and the life, no one cometh to the father except thru me. "Jesus" said it.
Yes. And He authored Romans 9-11 as well.
May your faith in God bring you peace hope and love to your heart and everlasting joy to your soul may God shine upon you this blessed holy resurrection Sunday and always praise God praying for Everyone everyday God bless you all
I am So Thankful I watched this today, 12/13/24 to hear this valuable information from Pastor Johnston. I will listen again & take more notes to help me be the Best Me for Jesus!
But who is “all Israel?” Feel like this was somewhat avoided and it’s so crucial.
Read Romans 9-11. The context is clear. Paul EXPLICITLY STATES He's taking about his brethren AFTER THE FLESH, not his spiritual brethren, the Church.
All Israel is the True Israel which is made up of believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not a racist nor does He have a 'lucky sperm club" in His Kingdom. If you believe and are baptised you are part of All Israel. If you are Jewish and do not believe you are not part of Israel as you are no different than a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Secularist or an Atheist. You deny the Son you deny the Father also.
This was beautiful. Please do this again! Deep dives with long answers are the best, and this guy knows how to deliver!
The Church is the New Jerusalem (Revelations 21:2). I understand many modern Protestants reject this, but I think it's plainly Scriptural. Israel was set apart as God's people in the Old Covenant, and in the New Covenant, gentiles were grafted in via Christ's mystical body. It's true that God will bless those who bless the children of Abraham (Genesis 12:3). But here's the thing: We're ALSO children of Abraham now (Galations 3:7, 3:29) In the New Covenant, God's people are the Christians. That includes ethnic Jews who accept Christ, but isn't limited to them. There is no longer Jew or gentile, for all is one in Christ Jesus (Galations 3:28). The transition from old Israel to new Israel was finalized with the destruction of the second temple in AD 70 - Ezekiel 10:18 prophesized that God's glory would one day depart from the temple, and Revelations 11:1-2 foretell of the trampling of the temple. Most importantly, Christ Himself says that He will tear down the temple, and rebuild it in 3 days (John 2:19). The temple is indeed destroyed as part of God's judgment on the old Israel, but the rebuilt temple isn't a physical building. It's the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27-28), which is resurrected after 3 days and which we become enjoined to as Christians.
God established a family through Abraham, a people through Israel (Jacob), a nation through Moses, a Kingdom through David, and finally a Church through Peter.
A hardening has come over most ethnic Jews for the time being, and eventually the Jews as a people will convert (Romans 11:25-26). In the meantime, Christians shouldn't have a particular affection for the modern state of Israel, or certainly for Judaism. Modern Israel isn't the same Israel from the Old Testament, and Talmudic Judaism is quite literally the successor to the religion of the pharisees. It's the 'traditions of men' Christ expicitly condemns. As it stands, the old Israel largely rejects Christ. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Still, we should NOT resent ethnic Jews. Paul warns us against this in Romans 11:17-18. We must pray their conversion happens quickly, for their own sake.
The Jews are our older brothers in the faith - This is what the Catholic Church teaches. That sounds reverential, but think Esau and Jacob. Think Ishmael and Isaac. Most importantly, think Cain and Abel. Throughout the Old Testament, God talks about how animal sacrifices will end (Psalm 50) and be replaced by sacrifices of thanksgiving (Greek: Eucharistia = Eucharist). In Malachi 1, we see that God is angry with Israel for offering Him half-hearted animal sacrifices. He says He will no longer accept offerings from the hands of Israel. Instead, He will accept pure offerings from gentiles (verse 11). This directly mirrors how God was not pleased by Cain's, the older brother's, sacrifice, and was pleased by Abel's. In the Eucharist, we re-present the once-and-for-all pure offering of the spotless lamb, meaning that Cain is a type of old Israel and Abel is a type of both Christ (having been killed by His own people) and the new Israel generally (who make pure offerings).
Dispensationalism was invented by John Nelson Darby in the 19th century. What I'm articulating here isn't 'Replacement theology' - it's Fulfillment theology, and it's held by every single ancient, apostolic Church. Covenant theologians, who are often Presbytarians, also understand this.
Fully agree. So well said.
Poor Jews can't even trust their own God
I wish this episode went more into some other points. I realize there’s not time for it all. But clearly the Olivet Discourse and Jesus in other parts of the gospels is pronouncing judgement on Jerusalem/Jews, fulfilled in 70AD. Seems to me the church does inherit the blessings and promises made to Israel to inherit the land, etc (seems this will be fulfilled in the New Heaven and Earth so of course Israel IF they repent will also receive it). Also seems it is true that God is not finished using Israel and there will be mass revival before Christ’s coming in the flesh.
There’s a lot to unpack. The side of “replacement theology” wasn’t fairly represented. Neither was the side that favours Israel. Most dispensationalists don’t believe Jews/Israelis don’t need the gospel. But it dooooes seem like they don’t see Jews/Israel doing any wrong and do have inherit privileges which I don’t think is scriptural.
I think ultimately our hearts should mourn over their rejection of Jesus as Messiah and pray for their repentance - same as any other nation.
I think you mean John Nelson Darby. John Wayne was an actor. John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer.
I have twins who are 7 and this just melted my heart! I cant wait to hear those words come out of their mouths! This was so encouraging!
I could listen to this man all day. Have him back!
ur a Jew thats why... Christ is King, he is the Messiah Ms. GOLDsberry We don't want these Zio anti Christian people around us at all anymore spreading lies and filth against the our Lord. We are also American not Israelian, so we dont care. Those people need to change to Christians and we pray for it to happen everyday. This guy can kick rocks
As a Messianic Jewish, I am thankful for this interview. Shalom!
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and that he Rose again the third day praise God praying for everyone everyday God Bless you all....
Might be my favorite episode I’ve listened to so far! Great questions, great answers! Consider me edified.
These shows just keep getting better and better! Wow! So much encouragement in this one!!!
I agree!! Allie’s love for God and others shows up in each episode!! 👍🏼🙏
Can you imagine if all Christians had the settled confidence in the gospel that this man has? This is one to re-watch and take notes on. My goodness, what a treasure trove of wisdom and truth this episode was!
How the heck do only 33% of young Christians believe in the resurrection of Christ?! Apostle Paul writes that our religion is completely void and false if Jesus did not bodily and historically rise from the dead as the Scriptures foretell.
Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah being cut off from the land of the living, dying, and rising again. This prophecy can be found in Isaiah 53:8-10. It says, "By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." This prophecy speaks of the Messiah's suffering, death, and ultimate victory through resurrection.
Because it's unbelievable
Many millennials with boomer parents were taught about the Bible and about God as: "This is what we believe because I said so." We weren't taught how to read the Bible, study it, or interpret theology. Asking any hard questions (or questions our teachers or parents didn't know the answers to) was considered disrespectful. This led to many unanswered questions and, in turn, unbelief. That's how it happened. I'm hopeful that many of my generation will find their way back just as I did. I know I won't make the same mistakes with my kids.
Easy they have never been saved and have an empty and false profession of faith. No one who has been born from above and has the Holy Spirit could doubt or disbelieve the resurrection as you show. A Christian may get knocked off balance for a short time and experience a bout with unbelief, but God will not let any of His redeemed children go to long in such a condition. Dominque Crossan a rank unbeliever in many ways and a NT scholar says he is a Christian but only in a philosophical or political way because of the moral goodness and virtue he sees in the Christian faith. He only believes that Jesus was a good moral teacher and nothing more. He denies his divinity, the Trinity and the resurrection as merely symbolic of Jesus revolutionary teachings with respect to what he calls radical justice and the brotherhood of man. The golden rule philosophy of life. Many Bible scholars are in this category. So, it is no surprise that only a third of young professors actually believe in the resurrection.
You shouldn't call the 66% who don't believe in the resurrection, "Christians". They aren't Christians. How do we know that? Listen carefully to Romans 10:9 which says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD HAS RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, YOU WILL BE SAVED."
Hence, sadly, they are not saved if they do not believe in their heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Thus, they are not Christians by the Bible's definition of a real Christian.
He said they don’t believe it is a “historical fact”…meaning they themselves may believe it but they think it is just a belief christians hold in faith, not realizing it is a provable historical fact…at least that’s the way I understood it.
- yes all Israel shall be saved
WRONG, the verses say "when the fullness of the gentiles come in SO/this will BE all israel being saved". ISRAEL = BELIEVING Jews and Gentiles, UNBELIEVING Jews are not israel. the last gentiles being saved will be "all israel being saved".
@@jamesba-xd7xfYou are the one who is wrong. Gentiles remain Gentiles and Jews remain Jews. We are one spiritually in Christ, but Gentiles are the wild olive branches grafted onto the natural tree - the Jews. When the fullness of the Gentiles is complete and Christ returns, the Jews will mourn for the One they have pierced and turn to Him.
Replacement theory dressed up as “fulfillment theory” is a lie. God will not break His covenant with His chosen people, and His Word tells us exactly what will happen.
@@amyk87 God did not break his covenant with the Jews, THEY Did by rejecting christ. Jesus told the jews in john 8 "IF God were your father you would love me" AND "you are of your father the devil" you are saying those jews in john 8 STILL had a covenant with God?? . NEXT, Jews are NOT the olive tree!, the Root is GOD, the tree is israel, and the branches are Jewish and Gentile believers who are ALL Israel. hence the bible says "a PARTIAL hardening has come upon israel UNTILL the fullness of the gentiles comes in and SO all israel will be saved" OR "IN THIS WAY all israel will be saved". Jews already had the Gospel preached to them and most rejected it but the remnant accepted it, THEN and now the gentiles ( those who will, NOT every gentile) who believe in christ are the FULL number of israel being saved. NOWHERE does the bible say there will be a mass conversion of Jews or gentiles in the end times. NEXT, "they will look upon him whom they have pierced" was fullfilled 2000 years ago at the cross. NO ONE alive today pierced christ or looked upon him. NEXT, when Jesus returns he will be teturning to bring death, vengance and wrath upon ALL Jews and Gentiles who rejected him. NO ONE will be saved at Jesus coming.
@@amyk87Grafted in means that believing Gentiles are now a part of the tree of true believing Israel by ingrafting. Think of it this way, believing Jews are a part of true Israel and believing Gentiles are a part of true Israel. They are still, ethnically, Jews and Gentiles, but together, spiritually, they are true Israel (Eph 2:12), all are true sons of Abraham and heirs of the promises (Galatians).
The only 'chosen' people, are the people that chose CHRIST JESUS.
This is a beautiful conversation. 😢I cried with revelation filling my heart. Thank you, thank you Lord Jesus.
Without the Gospel you have no salvation. There is no remnant without Christ. The modern and biblical Jews hated Christ and anyone that is outside of Judaism. They believe that you, Christian, are beneath them. However, we are called to love those that persecute you… but that doesn’t mean we don’t speak truth. The Gospel offends all by itself.
Is this man replacing the word "remnant" in Romans 9:27 with the word "nation"?
Romans Chapter 11: In its New Covenant context... There is no Plan B of salvation outside of the New Covenant Church in this passage. Plan A is found in verses 23 and 24.
In Romans 1:16 Paul said the Gospel was taken "first" to the Jews. This time period can be found in Matt. 10:5-7, and Acts 10:36-38, and Gal. 1:14-18. Many try to claim God never gave the Jews a chance to accept Christ, so there must be some Plan B of salvation before or during the Second Coming of Christ. Romans 1:16 proves they are wrong, since Paul said the Gospel went "first" to the Jews. Many ignore the fact that Peter addressed the crowd as "men of Judea", and as "men of Israel", and as "all the house of Israel" on the Day of Pentecost, when about 3,000 Israelites accepted the New Covenant fulfilled in blood at Calvary. The Gentiles were not grafted in until several years later. This passage proves Paul was right about the Gospel being taken "first" to the Jews.
Were all of the Israelites "partially" hardened in Romans 11, or were part hardened and another part were not hardened? The answer is found in the "remnant" of Romans 11:5.
Paul reveals two different groups of Israelites in Romans 9:6-8. There is an Israel of the promise, and an Israel of the flesh. This is part of the context of Romans 11.
Paul speaks about the "remnant" of Israel in Romans 9:27. This is also part of the context of Romans 11.
Paul starts Romans 11 with two different groups of Israelites. In verse one Paul reveals he is still an Israelite, even after his conversion. Then Paul refers to two different groups of Israelites during the time of Elijah. There were the Baal worshippers, and there was the faithful "remnant". In verse five Paul says there is also a faithful "remnant" of Israelites during his time. This must be the Israelites who have accepted Christ, as on the Day of Pentecost.
Paul uses the two olive trees as a symbol of the New Covenant Church made up of believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles grafted together into the same tree. The unbelieving Israelites have been broken off but can be grafted back in through faith in Christ in verses 23-24.
Verse 26 is the problem for many modern Christians. What does the verse actually say, and how is it changed by many in the modern Church.
I have heard two of our nations famous preachers say the following.
"And then all Israel will be saved..."
I have heard another say the following.
"And all Israel will be saved..."
What does God's Word, recorded by the Apostle Paul actually say?
Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
The English word "so" is translated from the Greek word "houto", which is an adverb of manner, instead of an adverb of timing. Some have changed the word from "so" to "then", in order to change the meaning of the verse.
How will all of the "remnant" of Israel from Romans 9:27 be saved? The answer is found in the verses that precede verse 26 and are found below.
Rom 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
Rom 11:24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?
Paul quoted from the OT in referring to the Deliverer coming out of Sion to pay for sin. Did this happen at Calvary, or will Jesus die again for His people in the future?
Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Verse 28 can only be understood by looking at how Paul started the passage. He started with two different groups of Israelites and he ends the passage in the same way. There are two different groups of "they" in verse 28. One group of "they" reject Christ and are the enemies of God, and another group of "they" are the election which accept Christ through hearing the Gospel and faith.
Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Based on Luke 21:24b-28, the times of the Gentiles comes to fullness at the Second Coming of Christ. This agrees with what Paul said in Romans 1:16 about the Gospel going “first” to the Jews.
During the time of the Messiah's visitation, many of the Jewish ppl did, in fact, believe in and follow Jesus. All the apostles save for Mark were Jewish, too.
"...because on account of him many of the Jews were going away [from the teaching and traditions of the Jewish leaders] and believing in Jesus" [following Him as Savior and Messiah] John 12 (AB).
We can not paint all Jews with the same brush. I have mingled with many Believing Jews who have forfeited family and inheritance for the gospel. Many secular and religious Jews do not feel superior to the rest of us. They are guarded and protective because they have experienced persecution for centuries from religious Chritian leaders. The Crusades and the Holocaust were horrific in nature. Our mandate is to pray they would come to Messiah in masse numbers Rom 9 -11🙏
it sounds like you are the hate filled one here.
@@marchess286 go read the Talmud then get back to us
Jesus Christ is risen have faith in him and he will always be there for you praise God praying for Everyone Everyday God bless you all
I don’t know how to pray long prayers. Always felt like I’m doing it wrong when mine are short. Thank you for this encouragement! ❤
Sometimes, the best prayer is a short prayer.
Wow, what a great and eye-opening episode. Thank you for being willing to ask the important questions-ones that I might not even know I have!
Except he badly misrepresented Amillennialists, who DON'T believe in replacement theology. That's a common error among Dispensationalists.
God will never turn his back on Israel. We have a choice to turn to or away from God. He will always be there for all believers. Replacement theology is false. Salvation is for all who believe.
The Israel of the Bible and the secular nation-state created by the Rothschilds are completely different. Believers are the ones who are saved whether jew or gentile.
I think he already has... the next few years will unveil whether he has or not as they are surrounded by enelies there and US is becoming more weaker and may not be able to protect in future ...lets see
Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham. The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU." So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer.
(Gal 3:7-9)
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.
(Rom 2:28-29)
We are Israel
Paul makes it pretty clear;
Romans 9:6-8
6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, 7 and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” 8 This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.
Also in Galatians 3:29 we are told that if we are Christ’s, we ARE Abraham’s offspring
Ephesians 2:11-20 tells us that WE now have the promise of the covenants
Galatians 6:16 says that if you walk with Christ you are part of the Israel of God
Romans 2:28-29 declared that Christians are spiritual Jews as they have circumcision of the heart
The unbelieving Jews have been broken off and believing gentiles grafted in to Israel
Put this in context with Romans 9-11.
NO, WE ARE NOT. You need to read with understanding. Who is Paul talking about in verses 1-3? MY BROTHER'S, MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. How is that you, or the church? Paul is wishing himself a cursed and separated from God if only that would save the church? Isn't the church saved by repentance and trust in Christ? Isn't this what makes the Church the Church? Paul is clearly talking about unbelieving Israel, his physical DNA brothers, his ethnic people. Just as Moses asked God to blow his name out of His book if He was going to destroy Israel bc he loved his rebellious people so much, so also Paul loves his Jewish people and is in pain and anguish for their salvation. In vs. 6-8, Paul makes the point that not every last Jew is truly a Jew, just as every descendant of Abraham is not an heir of the promise. Esau's descendants and Ishmael's descendants, while being descendants of Abraham are not the children of the promise bc Isaac's seed only, also descendants of Abraham are the children of the promise. Just so, every last Jew won't be saved just bc he's ethnically Jewish, but the Jewish nation as a whole will be saved one day. Read the entirety of the Scriptures from Romans 9:1-Romans 11, understanding that the Scriptures were not written with chapter breaks. Read it in context. CONTEXT IS KING. Read asking who? What? When? Where? Why? Who was Paul talking TO? His letter is to believers. Who's he talking about? His unbelieving physical Jewish brethren, his nation. Etc. Your exegis is way off. Apply the rules for literary analysis.
I meant blot, not blow.
this was such an incredible episode! i've been wondering a lot about this lately, so this conversation was super helpful. definitely one of my favorites.
Again we are grafted onto the chosen people!!
And being ingrafted means we are a part of God's chosen people. Likewise, all unbelieving Jews are broken off from true Israel, while those who believe are re-grafted. So, all believing Gentiles and all believing Jews are a part of the true tree of elect israel.
@@dpastor6631No, this is wrong it is political, don’t fall for it. It is evil genocide!
Amen. Praise the GOD. The episode gave me a lot of wisdom. So thankful for you guys. From Mongolia.
Allie, I listen to every one of your Relatable podcasts, and I have to say that today's is near the TOP! As a relatabro who is a member of a Messianic Congregation, I LOVE to hear about the Jewish context of the Bible, including the Gospels. My rabbi/pastor, Jonathan Cahn, has written many best-selling books. You should have him on Relatable one day!
I didn’t realize Cahn was a pastor or that he was a Jew. Fascinating!
@@cappylover192he is a Messianic Jew
Dr. Johnston suggested that the Resurrection is only preached in Easter and is not preached enough. I have found a church that preaches the resurrection every Sunday, in fact every day. It is called the Catholic Church, where the resurrection is at the center of the mass. I’ll give you that Unfortunately many of those there do not truly understand it, they don’t understand what they are celebrating, and they see themselves just us attending a service like many other churches do on Sundays.
Not all of israel is israel. A remnant of Israel will be saved just like a remnant of gentiles.
Maybe Jeremiah Johnston should be a regular guest on Relatable. I enjoyed hearing and meeting him recently. He is knowledgeable and presents well.
Yes and AMEN to the whole show! 🙌🏻
Great interview and podcast and an amazing testimony about the triplets.
I was shouting when he said.. “I want to be saved”
Really enjoyed every minute of this.
Praise God that HE IS GOD and we are not...
Thank you for this interview and for your podcast. Jeremiah is right. You speak the truth, ask great questions and give hope. I’m a 50 year old relatabro and I definitely appreciated the question about prayer. Wish there was more time to dive into that. I struggle with that question. But thank you for all you do! 🙏
Allie. Would you consider having Hank Hannegraff on the show to discuss Biblical prophecy?
That would be awesome, I’m going to pray about it, excellent recommendation
Please don’t. Be supports Palestinian Liberation Theology which is unbiblical from all angles. He’s not sound.
She wouldn't be able to have him on without addressing the elephant in the room, which would be Hank's departure from mainstream evangelical Christianity, and into Eastern Orthodoxy. That can't be ignored, especially by someone like Allie who believes deeply in the 5 Solas.
@@heartofalegend and that's a real shame, tbh
@@williammollyvanronzelen8241 What Hank did, or the fact that it would have to be addressed if he was invited?
I really agree with this guy on his great description of praying! Not only do I agree with him about long redundant prayers in church along with traditional meaningless procedures so much that I haven't attended for years now.
Praise God He still heals today ✝️
Great conversation. The part on prayer was so good. "Help me Jesus" is more powerful than anyone can know.
Friends don't let friends be dispensational.
What's dispensational?
@@chriss2452 a terrible interpretive method dreamed up by Darby in the 1800s
@@sharamadsen3080 It's a theology of escapism and defeatism. Long term thinking is prohibited by its doctrines and that's why our enemies win.
Thank you Dr Jeremiah and Allie. I pray that your ministry will flourish more and more to be used for God’s glory and for the people to be awakened too about the truth of His Word- The Bible. I am originally from Philippines but now live in UK, I arrived in 2002. I suggest that you will consider subtitles even in English? so that a lot of people will understand and be ministered. I remember when I first arrived in England, even we where taught English back home, hearing different accents is a struggle in order to understand, well, as time goes by, by God’s grace I get used to it and able to comprehend well. Thank you. 🙏✝️🌏
Selfishly I wished this episode would go on for another hour or two! I so enjoyed listening to you both.
I have to admit that I was so surprised that there are people that do not accept that Jesus was and is Jewish.
Again excellent episode and so appropriate for Easter Monday.❤
My prayer is my prayer. I will pray how I want to pray, short, long, repetitive, like you said, it’s a relationship.
Spiritual Israel is all that have crossed over into the faith. Remember there was a mixed multitude at Mount Sinai. God called all his believers the word Israel. We are grafted in once we believe and cross over into faith in Yeshua. 🎉
So perfectly said you two! Truth spoken right from the Bible! Ignore the hateful comments! It really is expected in these last days!
Dispensationalism is the epitome of eisegesis - to believe in this theology is to blatantly ignore Jesus’s own teaching.
Remember this, for 1800 year the church did not believe dispensationalism. It was the byproduct of Darby and his teaching in the 1800’s.
So true
Watch the UA-cam video "Genesis of Dispensational Theology", to see the original source of the doctrine in black and white.
Did you mean eisegesis?
I think you meant eisegesis, in which case, I agree with you. I believe dispensationalism (which I call Scofield futurism) is not just wrong, but is evil.
Great show! Amen the Resurrection needs taught in detail to many people. There is so much history backing it.
It’s ironic that he mentions heretics who make up their own interpretations every Sunday and then gives his own paraphrase of what he thinks Paul is saying about the nation of Israel is God’s plan for the nations. This is completely against church history and Christian Theology. The biblical state of Israel has nothing to do the modern state of Israel which is agnostic and secular. “Replacement Theology” (his term) is the idea that Christ and his apostles have replaced Herod and the Pharisees as the true nation of Israel. The church through Christ’s establishment is the true Israel of God as all the early apostles were Christians were Jewish. Attempting to make Netanyahu in his government may fulfillment of biblical prophecy is about as heretical as one can get. Dispensationalist is a modern doctrine that should be shunned by Christian’s.
Yea, this guy is giving off major "i'm not like the others" energy with comments like that. He also made some point about always "using scripture to interpret scripture" which is kinda like... ok... that's totally circular, but go off...
Oh no they're secular also you do know the Isarelites were originally polytheistsic
Guess you just made up your own interpretation as well. Replacement theology is just another interpretation
Replacement theology should also be shunned by christians.
@@GonRogue-85it’s called supercessionism, fulfillment theology, covenantal theology. Replacement theology is a pejorative used to slander the historic Christian view. Dispensationalism came from Darby and the Scofield Study Bible which was mass disseminated in the US during a time when cults sprang up. Scofield was a part of the Lotus Financial Group. His funding came from a Zionist Jew who had close associations with Theodore Hertzel (Father of Zionism) in the 1890s. Wake up!
Allie Beth thank you for these amazing questions!
Praise God for these little ones!!!
We need a part 2 to go through more questions!
This was amazing need more of him on the show! I love it!!! Thanks allie!!
Please consider having John Moffitt on to discuss “replacement theology”
Of course we love Israel as we love all people.
However, there are a large number of people, like myself, that are married to and or whose children are service members that will doing the engagement.
As the wife of a service member who just spent 8.5 months in the Mediterranean we simply do not want to go to war. A war we will lose… similar to the last war my husband fought in.
It seems as if this episode is being presented to combat antisemitism while ignoring entirely that perhaps some folks just don’t want to go to war.
It is frustrating being gaslighted into an anti-Semite, and or bigot, when I simply do not want to go to war. It’s interesting that the only person that is accurately covered the reality of American wars and recent history is Candace.
My husband is a Palestinian Christian. I've never felt more abandoned by my faith than listening to what his family is going through over seas and hearing nothing but horrible slurs about them at home. ☹️
@@atd2502 Many American evangelicals have no idea that there are Arab Christians living in the Palestinian Territories. Even more disturbing is that many American Evangelicals are completely unaware that Israeli Christians are frequently the target of harassment and abuse at the hands of Orthodox Jews. I am so sorry you are having to deal with all that, you are in my prayers!
I cry for you and my heart is turning black because what I see and I can’t do anything😢😢😢😢😞😢.
And I am not even Christian 😞.
my may God’s peace with you
Your were the first among Christians and God willing will be the last Christian in this world.
Far outlasting any of those want exterminate you, take your home and committing ungodly level of cruelty and barbarism against you while the mighty Christian state of this world not only stand watching idly but also sending sky and sea bridges of arms to keep you in perpetual state of suffering and misery. (Aren’t Christian supposed to be brothern in joy and misery regardless of origin ??? If not being fair to call when they see wrong ???
I am crying and I can only weep in my alone. My God’ peace be to you from Columbus Ohio
Which part is anti - s…..?
No I think you've just missed the whole point of the discussion.
Gosh loved this episode SO much!
Replacement theology is a smear. God did not abandon the Jews. The Jews rejected Him. Jesus gives many parables about this. The parable of the banquet. It is worse for a Jew to reject Christ because they have been given all the promises.
Thank you, thank you 💕. Thank God 🙏 for this wonderful interview.
All of Gods elect will be effectually called , that includes all elect Polish , Russian , Chinese , Dutch , Palestinian and Jews. Thank you and God bless
1000%!! Amen🙂
A fantastically encouraging show!
I was grafted in! 💥📖
To what? To the tree of true Israel, which makes you a part of true Israel by ingrafting.
@@dpastor6631To Israel's own olive tree, into which God is able to graft back in the natural branches since he grafted in a wild branch like you. And He will. All Israel will be saved, i.e., the natural branches.
Dr. Jeremiah’s trips had their earthly birthday and spiritual birthday on the same days. How very cool is that. Only Yeshua Jesus!
Christ is King. I don’t care who that offends
It doesn’t offend any Christian
yes… but make sure you’re saying it because it’s true and you want to share the Good News, and not in some prideful act of defiance.
Great, I'm sure that's exactly what Jesus wants you to do, use His name as a taunt to push people away, you should pray long and hard about how you use the NAME. He is King to be sure, but guard your heart
@@MrKingishere1 pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
@@chadjohns6955 I said christ is king, and I don’t care who that offends, because that’s the truth. You can continue to bear false witness. That shows the kind of person you are. If that offends you that’s YOUR problem. You can get behind me
Great episode, thank you!
God’s plan for Israel was Messiah. Still is. Same as everyone else.
Please make the part where he talks about prayer a short. I would like to share this with my youth group kids
I loved this interview, but thats not actually true. When Jesus goes to the garden he asks his disciples why they couldn't pray for on hour. Then in the upper room, they prayed for days until the Holy Spirit fell. So all prayers matter, but people did pray for long hours.
Topic apropos considering the drama between Shapiro and Owens! Between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism just now. PTL Thank you~
One of my favorite interviews ever! This episode was so good that I listened to it twice (which I never do)!
God's plan for Israel is the same plan for all mankind...become part of the church, the Bride of Christ, as the Bible describes and follow him...the gospel is for all-the Jew and the Gentile.
Such a great episode. Would love to have him return again!
Beth God bless you
This was outstanding! I’m also so relieved! Something you said in the episode about Christ Is King trending made me fear you were supporting replacement theology. 😅 Please make him a returning guest! So much great theology in a concise and understandable delivery. I definitely want to get his Bible study. Thanks so much for this episode!
First thing I totally disagree with you and your guest, Allie. Still love you though!
Such a great video - can’t wait to get my hands on this book
Allie, i appreciate your perspective on many topics. However, on this one, I think you need to do more research before you opine on it. The antithesis of your view isn't "replacement theology" it's "fulfillment theology." Also, no one is denying that Jesus was not a Jew. In this video, you and Jeremiah attack the fringes and don't seriously address the arguments for covenant theology. Please have Jon Moffitt on from Theocast. I think it would be a very edifying conversation for your listeners.
Please have on Jon Moffitt.
As someone married to an active duty service member that just spent 8.5 months on the Mediterranean it’s frustrating to see the fringes being addressed while the vast majority simply does not want involved in another war to which we will lose. We will lose our loved ones.
Calling replacement theory by a different name doesn’t change it or make it less erroneous. Paul cautioned Gentiles not to become haughty thinking they were greater than the Jews or had replaced the Jews. If we as wild olive branches are grafted in, how much more will the natural branches be regrafted in?
As Dr. Johnson said, there is a hardening among the Jews in general right now (there is obviously a Messianic remnant), but they will eventually recognize the One they have pierced and return to Him.
Evangelicals that hold to this unbiblical theory that God is done with the Jews need to read their Bibles and pray for understanding. God is not a covenant breaker and He has promised the Jews will return to Him.
Dispensationalism is a theological innovation, it is very new compared to covenant theology. Dispensationalism is theology of escapism and defeatism. Defeatism is built into it. People who believe in it have untethered themselves from the protestants of the past and most christians from the last 1900 years.
@@josephm2357listening to the critics rather than the evidence.
Ty! For those who hunger for Gods word the Bible is clear that there is a purpose for Israel and the chosen Jews from Genesis through Revelation!
Christ is king
What a beautiful episode. I am smiling ear to ear
Saying Hadrian renamed the land of Israel as Palestine is misleading. It makes it sound as though the term Palestine was never used before. Herodotus talks about Palestine way before Hadrian existed. To be precise and fair, he is only referring to the part of land that skirts the Mediterranean sea, but saying that Palestine is a pejorative word because Hadrian hijacked it centuries after Herodotus used it is a little strange.
Well ya it was Hadrian who gave the name palestine at that time the name was Judea but just to mock the Jews coz they rebelled against him so he changed the name by their old enemy the philistine from the old testament completely diferent from current Palestine so ya he is right it was Hadrian who named Judea Palestine in the 135 AD , nothing misleading here the history is very clear but ppl choose to deny it .
@@Eaa30mnu Do you know Herodotus? Why did Herodotus talk about Palestine in the 5th century BC? What was he referring to? As I said, the territory that borders the sea. Also, I’m not saying that to make a political statement regarding what is sadly happening in that region right now. I love Allie Beth’s show, it’s just hard to keep listening to a specific guest when he affirms as fact something that doesn’t quite hold chronologically. The name Palestine was used hundreds of years before Hadrian had anything to do in this world. If I’m missing the point, I’d be happy to be enlightened. But you haven’t brought anything new to the table: your comment is just a repetition of what he said, so I fail to understand what point you’re trying to make.
Beautiful exposition ❤ so Holy Spirit inspiring especially towards the end of the episode
Of course all Israel will be saved. We are the Israel of God.✌️
Praise God, I’m so glad you said, hope you get 100k likes
Amen. Believers in Yeshua are the Isreal of God... not ethnic zionist Isreal. We pray for their salvation as we pray for all in the Middle East.
How do you get that from the whole chapter speaking about the Jewish people?
@@sourclam904Interesting you call Him by His JEWISH name yet make Zionism something you hate. Jesus would never want Israel to not exist. If you claim to be a Christian, your hatred needs to be rooted out of you. You speak in ignorance
@@sourclam904 It's spelled Israel, and I suggest you read Romans 11:25 if you want to know that YES, the actual ethnic Jewish including "Zionists" WILL be SAVED. St. Paul tells you very clearly why this veil or hardening has been allowed to the Jewish people in order that you, me, and all the non Jewish believers will come to know Jesus
Thankfully, my Presbyterian Church speaks about the resurrection of Jesus often! The gospel is presented every week on Sunday and the sacraments are given every week. There are lots of Christian churches who are like that! Thankfully.
ABS, I know you come from a Southern Baptist/Evangelical background and you are going to draw from that to inform your beliefs, and after all this is your show so you can promote what you want. However, this is a really important topic and I think you owe it to your listeners to provide an array of perspectives within the Christian tradition. I would have like to have heard the perspective of the Eastern Orthodox church (my church) as well as the Roman Catholic and perhaps some mainline Protestant opinions as well. No personal disrespect to your guest, but I found a lot of what he said to be problematic from really any Christian perspective other than his. Dispensationalism, for example, is not based on scripture or Church tradition, it all comes from the ideas of one 19th century Englishman. Yet, many American Christians believe it is the word of God, and our nation's foreign policy is informed by this conviction. More voices need to be heard on this, is all I'm saying.
If you want to hear other perspectives from other denominations,go make your own channel. Why watch and criticize a creator's religious background and add what *you* would want in *her* channel?
Me,me,me. I,I,I🙄
@@jl453 I am just trying to help. If you cared to read everything I said, I clearly stated she has no obligation to do so, only that it would be of benefit to her audience and possibly help grow said audience and ultimately her brand. If you want to grow, you have to get out of your comfort zone. If you want to stay in an ideological circle jerk forever, that's fine, but it can hurt your brand in the long term. Does all of that make sense to you or do I need to say it slower?
Enjoyed this conversation so much!
Wow. Wonderful episode with Scholar mr Johnston! All you said about Israel is biblically true! As a Christian believer, I LOVE ISRAEL & THE JEWS! ✝️💜✡️
This was so great!! Thank you both. ❤
I'm sorry, but did he say Christ reached gospel on His descent to hell? What is that about? Where in the Bible is that?
Great question! "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water." (1 Pet. 3:18-20)
The Bible doesn't teach that. "Christians" believes in that foolishness because of how they incorrectly read 1 Pet. 3:18-20. The passage says that Christ spoke to spirits who were in prison, but it never says He spoke to dead ppl while He was dead. If they read Jhn 8:34-36, they would know that Peter was talking about ppl who were slaves to sin. The idea that Christ went to "Christianity's" fictional hell demands one to believe that He didn't really die.
Something to keep in mind is that it says 'will be' future tense. That means they aren't saved yet meaning that they are still in rebellion against God. So what should we do as Christians? We should pray that they be saved, we should love them by sharing the gospel to them, we shouldn't hate them but we definitely should not support or partake in their sins either. This is blattently clear in the Bible.