I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy luxrul bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
i don’t remember exactly what i searched to find it, aliexpress’ search engines are usually pretty good so i probably searched “stand oil bag” or maybe try “black pocket shoulder bag” variations of those should work!!
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *luxrul* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
Black opium is gorgeous
Obsessed with your bag and how you decorated it with bts merch!!! Love love love!!! 💗💗
Thank you so much!!
and yes we need another version
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy luxrul bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Love uuuuu
Can u tell about the terms used for different bags I'm so confused 😭😭how to shop a bag
i don’t remember exactly what i searched to find it, aliexpress’ search engines are usually pretty good so i probably searched “stand oil bag” or maybe try “black pocket shoulder bag” variations of those should work!!
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *luxrul* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
Do you never have pads and panty liners with you?
Girl why do you care such a weird comment