the two tracks together making my body feel like its shaking but im still, now im starting to feel light like energy being replenished thanks for your help
A few years ago I had no problems in getting into deep meditative states and experiencing joy. I am not even close anymore. The entity seems to be very intelligent as if designed to bypass any known technique to remove it. It will simply come back when I am not ready
Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. (Isaiah 49:13). Thank you for this video. (Smile).
I was synchronically navigating from one link to another looking for something clean, simple and powerfull, I´m happy to have found your channel. Thank you very much for these captivating and necessary creations of yours.
youve got to learn how to balance out negativity with positivity. ying and yang - positivity is as essential as negativity is - just gotta control how u deal with negativity. law of attraction helps alot to. the more ur negative - the more negativity ull attract - the more positive the more positivity ull attract. ur number 1 goal in this life is to accept urself and master urself in all aspects - mind, body, and spirit....after doing so - ull learn how to deal with ur shadow! hope this helps!
I do agree with you that this one is more calming than the the 30 min. ver. The 30 min ver. is more suitable towards physical activity in the space that you are playing it in.
Yes, even my marriage has given me the most devastating heartache to date! Which began in the fall of 2008. I turned into a person that I still cannot believe I turned into, and then the paranormal things around the house started and things got worse, in every way. And now, I'm here. lol
I understand, I'm experiencing it to and have been for quite some time. I have 3 harassing Me, Not jellyfish looking, but white and transparent. I had to get professional help. I pray, I am a good person, it can happen to anyone. It is still a process even with professional help. I have also found out that it is a part of My spiritual awakening. Even though they have been keeping Me awake, abusing Me all day. I have come to realize that there is a reason for everything. I wish You all the Best.
Very glad to hear someone having the same kind of experience! Right, there are peaks! Sometimes I even get convinced "finally its gone, ladidaaa" and the next day its worse than ever. I also have improved spiritually a whole lot, and keep doing, but i betcha a snickers bar that it would go faster if my chakras would just be balanced
LOL....I bet Your Right! I have seen some spiritual growth, finally! And It has been noticed by others, and that's always good to know. I have 3 of them still here with Me, but it only means that I still have some growing to do. Thanks for the reply.
Awh you poor poor girl... I think it is possible that these entities has fed/is feeding off the wast amounts of energy of broken love... which in the light realm still is love but not crystallized love.. if no broken love then no feeding entities.. Your experience sounds truly heart aching! I say to you if I would be with you now I would give you the biggest hug and through this hug you would understand that I understand. But in the long run you will be the strongest woman possible I believe :-)
Hey Alexis this video here made whatever is trapped in my auric field go nuts. . It was swirling like a vortex and made me vibrate super fast. It was crazy
it is only tones/frequencies. If you are using Windows, there are two volume controls to be concerned about: (1) The UA-cam player's volume - make sure it is not muted, if it isn't try increasing the volume level (2) click on Start(window icon with a circle) and then click on Run, and type in SNDVOL and then click on OK. Make sure none of those volumes are muted especially the Master volume.
Well I tried this one and the other recommended video at the same time. I at first I started to feel very heavy almost like pressure on various parts of my body, then after several minutes I start taking in deep breaths, followed by deep exhales ( not intentionally, just naturally occurred ). After that I felt a big release of the pressure and I started to feel very light and relaxed. About the last say 2 minutes I suddenly started sneezing like crazy which lasted till end of video. Over all was nice experience. No idea what I got from it as I don't know that I understand the whole energy thing but I liked what I experienced : )
Thank you, Terry, your feedback is most appreciated. Sometimes the sneezing occurs when the body rids itself of bad energy/vibrations. Some people may even feel heat, among other things. Take care for now!
You know, that kind of Makes sense! It's kind of a coincidence that it's when the energy around here, the entity's appeared, and things escalated over the last several years ;-)
I do not now much if any of the satanic realm. Oh believe me I chanted over and over for a whole day almost how I will get the spirit and kick its ass, whenever I can, As soon as I am dead I tried to tell it that i will really get it. I do not feel fear, only frustration that my chakras arent balanced. Only one thing helps and it is crying which I do more and more often, but it also takes a lot of energy
perhaps this is the reason why Archangel Michael seems to let this stuff go on.. I mean that the higher nonphysical spirits understand what its really about and go kind of "Hey why would we help you go against your own higher will?"
Wow, the same situation here. I have tried everything. I hope that all has worked out for You. I have Improved Spiritually....but things are still the same here. There are peaks, one minute it's kind of quiet, the next...I am being tortured from all angles!
also when you meditate you may somtimes astro travel this is how these beings see people and follow them dont be calm with it let it know that you dont want anything to do with it and pray pray pray as this is your best weapon against a wicked these being dont play.
I need a really strong way to heal myself, I have nothing else, no one to help me and talk to and with sound I can heal myself I body has been through so much and I try to help myself but cannot do is just so damaged.
seen this message of you. sounds similar like me. did you find a way out. (in the last 2 year)s. message was written then.( if not tell me) . Maybe i have some video- links for you. perhaps you didnt seen These before. Kind regards
@@janet9690 hi, i Need Details. what do you want - Need... what wanted you left behind. ..or whatever. …. i cant give you Right links without Information - with no Details or Goals or Problems,...Back in few hours
@@luisejones I am so sorry I apologize about that I've been going through some demonic attacks on my head and I can feel those feels like flying around my head on top of my head touching my head and they cut off my dreams
Hi, has anyone else had the experience of being very sick after listening to this one? I listened last night before sleep. When I woke up my muscles were so stiff; pinching all over in random spots on my body. I feel overloaded and my head is fuzzy with a very mild headache. It's the end of the night and this hasn't let up at all..... in sharing and caring.
Remember to watch in HD to improve sound quality and turn off any Surround Sound features that your computer may have. There are situations when negative energy comes to the surface for release and it may not feel pleasant. Situations are different for each individual. You may also want to listen to the Schumann Resonance frequency (natures frequency) to help you process these lower vibrations out of your energy fields.
you have to do war fear prayers dont play with deal with them or they will deal with you.let them know that they cant mess with you.any time you see or dream them send fire to them they will soon know that you are not somone that they can take advantage of.
Sorry for not answering for a while, I have some stuff going on in my life. I have tried lots of prayers, to Archangel Michael, to God, to my higher self, to my Guardians, and so on and so on. I have played through tons and tons of binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies. I can all the time feel how my crown chakra has tension and I can not do anything to open it.. My hair har started to turn grey and I am only 26
Nothing can stop us from evolving we are already there. For lack of better words, we are in a temporal paradox, either planned or a result of or part of the evolutionary process. Required to defeat the negatives.
I've been working on a major upgrade to this one, its taken 3 years worth of work on and off. I'm very critical of my work, and every frequency I add has to vibrate just perfect.
Yes I think you are right. The higher lesson is being learned now I think. Some people just simulate a whole bunch of stuff, and they are damn good at it. And having a victim mentality well, yeah how does that help anything?
What is this reason? I am travelling towards some kind of insight about this. Could it be something like that the higher self has chosen to allow this so we can help others in the future? Kind of like a training for the soul?
I listened to both of these together for the first time. When I was done for about two minutes after removing my headphones, all I can hear is is like an old modem sound or picture like downloading from the Matrix movie. Anyone else have this? It is pretty intense, almost louder that the videos. Just curious.
I started listening to this video all relaxed when towards then end I felt a stabbing pain in my left upper arm, where the deltoid muscles is. I checked and it's the exact spot that a vaccination was given to me when I was a child and that leaves a mark? Hmmm any input would be greatly appreciated ~~
Hi I'm a targeted individual with radio frequency technology. I looking for something that counteract the radio frequency. I need something that will block all frequencies they are using against me .
Hello. I have big problems with some type of negative entitity. It has followed my for a long time now, I have tried lots of things, sending it love, placing salt in every corner in the room and well anything I can think of. I have seen it (astral vision), it is a type of whiteish transparent slobbery jellyfish looking with yucky tentacles. It messes with me so I cant even sleep, I am getting very very tired of this. It affects people I meet and especially friends and family. Please help!
I think that the more you think about the more sense it will make... what happened in the house, what sort of paranormal things? Things disappearing and reappearing? Lights flashing by, or dark smokey things? It seems the entities got strong because of this... Was your husband messed up? I think peoples dark entities messing around with them like to attack good hearted people through relationships... like some kind of super meal of energy, and after the meal they party with their stolen power
Forget religion!!!...just focus on what Jesus stood for...PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He truly did not want a religion created in His name. Man-made religion has caused too much trouble in the world!
Now this makes scense! How about other negative aspects and thoughts about me? I do think in multidimensional ways if I try to compare myself with others and friends, and some people dont understand my efforts at all, I try to make people face their own lies because I am so sick of this planet being a negative junkyard.. there is enough bullshit as it is and so people seem to think of me in very negative ways,sometimes when they dont understand (lets face it, most people are dumb! really dumb!)
hi. I am working with this lady name Tara , who has helped me with the same sitation you have , I no what it's like to have something evil around you , and she has helped me and i no she can help you
Brittany..."Christ" is not King and would not want you to consider him a king...know why? Because the Christ consciousness had no EGO with which to consider himself advice anyone else! Just one of MANY REASONS why you guys should forget the bible until you meet a code breaker!!
you are adhering to fiction used to control humanity and prevent ascension. google the Merovingians...they are the ones who named JESUS ...twenty years after his presence here.
+ Soleado Renacer: Para tì y los que lean èsto recientemente, respecto a lo que dices, que es una gran mentirota, pues nadie ha visto a JESÙS, segùn tu edad, A dos siglos de su muerte; si acaso, solamente en sueños. Primeramente no confundan a JESÙS con un Cristo, ya que Cristo es una elevada Energìa espiritual, mas elevada aun que la Energìa Espiritual o de los Espìritus que es la 5ta. Energìa a la cual pertenece JESÙS actualmente, y ya ascendido a un LOGOS SOLAR del planeta Tierra. JESÙS nunca vino a ser Rey y menos Rey de Reyes, Èl nunca vino a salvar ni a redimir de sus pecados a nadie y menos a dar su vida por nadie; por lo cual, no volverà nunca mas a la tierra ni en una segunda ni tercera Venida a hacer nada por nadie aquì, ni a buscar a los l44 mil elegidos ni a las 12 Tribus de Israel, por lo cual no habrà mas transfiguraciòn, ni ningùn arrebatamiento de la Iglesia y menos un Juicio Final ni ningùn fin del mundo; por los momentos no. Las señales siempre de los siempre han existido. Bòrrense esa mentirota religiosa de la mente y de sus vidas. Pues, JESÙS, solo vino a cumplir una misiòn de guìa y de enseñanza para indicarnos el verdadero camino y la realidad espiritual; pero, sus mensajes fueron casi todos cambiados y arreglados o tergiversados para hacernos creer que no solo era hijo unigènito de Dios, sino que era Dios y, asì, engrandecer su persona con fines de mantener un imperio religioso, con la nueva Iglesia y nueva religiòn Catòlica creada en el Concilio de NICEA el 325 d.c., por CONSTANTINO I, El Grande y la Curia religiosa de esa època y asì borraron o eliminaron los mensajes mas reales y bellos de Jesùs y, nos han mantenido como Corderitos, engañados detràs de unas mentirotas religiosas que han sido dificil extirpar de la mente de los inoculados con esta DROGA bìblica. Asì que JESÙS no tiene ningùn Reino, porque nunca fue Rey, no se dejò manejar nunca por el Ego, que, es el enemigo nùmero uno de la Esencia y de la humanidad espiritual; o sea, de el Alma inmortal, como sì sucediò, con el ELOHIM Jehovà, quien fue un Dios menor y su Ego lo convirtiò, cuando vino a la Tierra a cumplir una Misiòn, enviado junto a otros ELOHIM o Dioses menores a cumplir la misiòn encomendada por el Supremo y verdadero Dios EL ABSOLUTO, y al ser atrapado por su Ego, se convirtiò, en lo que la misma biblia describe en sus pàginas, en un dios Cruel, Carnicero, Criminal y Destructor. Ese fue Jehovà, vuestro falso dios engrandecido por la biblia y las religiones. .
Forget religion!!!...just focus on what Jesus stood for...PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He truly did not want a religion created in His name. Man-made religion has caused too much trouble in the world!
Hi there - easier said than done - thats what everyone says to do - and when you have tried everything and it has been going on for 3 years you start to loose faith in Archangel Michael and Yeshua (they don't always appear instantly and no they don't guide you - perhaps they do for some but not all) and all the others I have called on for help with no real success.... instead of just re-writing or saying what others have said, try having the experience yourself first then give advice...
Sorry to hear the problem you are experiencing., but you may have to clear your web browsers cache, or experiment with another web browser. Opera is a good web browser as well.
dude sounds like you have become victim to someones self created entity, just a creation of someones mind and emotions designed to feed off your energy by creating the illusion of disconnection wi higherself. salt baths are good, asking divine source to clear you of such things and remove all souring of your energetic interactions between urself and others. But its happening for a reason there will be a higher lesson, like a victim mentality which needs to be overcome and healed. peace & love
Change your mind set. You are creating it.
I am glad you found my channel! And you're welcome!
the two tracks together making my body feel like its shaking but im still, now im starting to feel light like energy being replenished thanks for your help
This was so awesome! I had such crazy anxiety and this worked I feel as light as a feather with no worries thank you much gratitude
A few years ago I had no problems in getting into deep meditative states and experiencing joy. I am not even close anymore. The entity seems to be very intelligent as if designed to bypass any known technique to remove it. It will simply come back when I am not ready
Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. (Isaiah 49:13).
Thank you for this video. (Smile).
I was synchronically navigating from one link to another looking for something clean, simple and powerfull, I´m happy to have found your channel. Thank you very much for these captivating and necessary creations of yours.
youve got to learn how to balance out negativity with positivity. ying and yang - positivity is as essential as negativity is - just gotta control how u deal with negativity. law of attraction helps alot to. the more ur negative - the more negativity ull attract - the more positive the more positivity ull attract.
ur number 1 goal in this life is to accept urself and master urself in all aspects - mind, body, and spirit....after doing so - ull learn how to deal with ur shadow!
hope this helps!
AWESOMENESS 16 minutes meditation... thank you. LOVE & LIGHT.
I do agree with you that this one is more calming than the the 30 min. ver.
The 30 min ver. is more suitable towards physical activity in the space that you are playing it in.
Yes, even my marriage has given me the most devastating heartache to date! Which began in the fall of 2008. I turned into a person that I still cannot believe I turned into, and then the paranormal things around the house started and things got worse, in every way. And now, I'm here. lol
Nothing is impossible! Never limit yourself
Like this version more than 30 min.. It's much more calming.
thank you. this helped me clear a nasty attachment and i was not expecting that!!
glad this worked out for you! thanks for the feedback!
I understand, I'm experiencing it to and have been for quite some time. I have 3 harassing Me, Not jellyfish looking, but white and transparent. I had to get professional help. I pray, I am a good person, it can happen to anyone. It is still a process even with professional help. I have also found out that it is a part of My spiritual awakening. Even though they have been keeping Me awake, abusing Me all day. I have come to realize that there is a reason for everything. I wish You all the Best.
Same shit here for 9 years I can't take another day of it. I'm ready to end it.
Very glad to hear someone having the same kind of experience! Right, there are peaks! Sometimes I even get convinced "finally its gone, ladidaaa" and the next day its worse than ever. I also have improved spiritually a whole lot, and keep doing, but i betcha a snickers bar that it would go faster if my chakras would just be balanced
Thanks. This worked great
LOL....I bet Your Right! I have seen some spiritual growth, finally! And It has been noticed by others, and that's always good to know. I have 3 of them still here with Me, but it only means that I still have some growing to do. Thanks for the reply.
Awh you poor poor girl... I think it is possible that these entities has fed/is feeding off the wast amounts of energy of broken love... which in the light realm still is love but not crystallized love.. if no broken love then no feeding entities.. Your experience sounds truly heart aching! I say to you if I would be with you now I would give you the biggest hug and through this hug you would understand that I understand. But in the long run you will be the strongest woman possible I believe :-)
Hey Alexis this video here made whatever is trapped in my auric field go nuts. . It was swirling like a vortex and made me vibrate super fast. It was crazy
Glad you had a reaction to it. This is only the beginning!
Well I had strange things happen to my body . and then it was a miracle ? ? I Was Healed . Thank you 4 my healing .
what were you healed from, if you don't mind sharing?
Good video Alexis.Thanks for creating it.
Sheunesu, I love to hear feedback like yours! Thank for sharing :)
This is good. It works fast. Thank you.
Aww, Thank You.....Big Hugs and Love for Your Support :-)
I played this and the other simultaneously......thoroughly enjoyable, thankyou
You are quite welcome. Glad you enjoyed it!
That was nice thank you. Peace love and joy.
I started sweating while listening to this! thanks for posting
it is only tones/frequencies. If you are using Windows, there are two volume controls to be concerned about: (1) The UA-cam player's volume - make sure it is not muted, if it isn't try increasing the volume level (2) click on Start(window icon with a circle) and then click on Run, and type in SNDVOL and then click on OK. Make sure none of those volumes are muted especially the Master volume.
Well I tried this one and the other recommended video at the same time. I at first I started to feel very heavy almost like pressure on various parts of my body, then after several minutes I start taking in deep breaths, followed by deep exhales ( not intentionally, just naturally occurred ). After that I felt a big release of the pressure and I started to feel very light and relaxed. About the last say 2 minutes I suddenly started sneezing like crazy which lasted till end of video. Over all was nice experience. No idea what I got from it as I don't know that I understand the whole energy thing but I liked what I experienced : )
Thank you, Terry, your feedback is most appreciated. Sometimes the sneezing occurs when the body rids itself of bad energy/vibrations. Some people may even feel heat, among other things. Take care for now!
Thank you ...real nice!!!
Thank you,great job ,excellent
OMG Alexis just what I very needed THANK YOU;)
+Brandy awesome! and your welcome!
OH YA like warm bath you rock!
Chakras thank U, I thank U.✌💙🔆
You know, that kind of Makes sense! It's kind of a coincidence that it's when the energy around here, the entity's appeared, and things escalated over the last several years ;-)
The last one made my head buzz ;D
I do not now much if any of the satanic realm. Oh believe me I chanted over and over for a whole day almost how I will get the spirit and kick its ass, whenever I can, As soon as I am dead I tried to tell it that i will really get it. I do not feel fear, only frustration that my chakras arent balanced. Only one thing helps and it is crying which I do more and more often, but it also takes a lot of energy
perhaps this is the reason why Archangel Michael seems to let this stuff go on.. I mean that the higher nonphysical spirits understand what its really about and go kind of "Hey why would we help you go against your own higher will?"
Wow, the same situation here. I have tried everything. I hope that all has worked out for You. I have Improved Spiritually....but things are still the same here. There are peaks, one minute it's kind of quiet, the next...I am being tortured from all angles!
you can also do an aura of protection meditation...
also when you meditate you may somtimes astro travel this is how these beings see people and follow them dont be calm with it let it know that you dont want anything to do with it and pray pray pray as this is your best weapon against a wicked these being dont play.
I need a really strong way to heal myself, I have nothing else, no one to help me and talk to and with sound I can heal myself I body has been through so much and I try to help myself but cannot do is just so damaged.
Kyuubi hope...hold on pain ends
seen this message of you. sounds similar like me. did you find a way out. (in the last 2 year)s. message was written then.( if not tell me) . Maybe i have some video- links for you. perhaps you didnt seen These before. Kind regards
@@luisejones Is there any videos you can link me to I truly need help in getting better from all of these energetic spirits
@@janet9690 hi, i Need Details. what do you want - Need... what wanted you left behind. ..or whatever. …. i cant give you Right links without Information - with no Details or Goals or Problems,...Back in few hours
@@luisejones I am so sorry I apologize about that I've been going through some demonic attacks on my head and I can feel those feels like flying around my head on top of my head touching my head and they cut off my dreams
Hi, has anyone else had the experience of being very sick after listening to this one? I listened last night before sleep. When I woke up my muscles were so stiff; pinching all over in random spots on my body. I feel overloaded and my head is fuzzy with a very mild headache. It's the end of the night and this hasn't let up at all..... in sharing and caring.
Remember to watch in HD to improve sound quality and turn off any Surround Sound features that your computer may have. There are situations when negative energy comes to the surface for release and it may not feel pleasant. Situations are different for each individual. You may also want to listen to the Schumann Resonance frequency (natures frequency) to help you process these lower vibrations out of your energy fields.
Alexis Macatula can you plz tell me more suggestions for dark entity removal frequencies or binaurals such as the one you mention plz
Thank you.
you have to do war fear prayers dont play with deal with them or they will deal with you.let them know that they cant mess with you.any time you see or dream them send fire to them they will soon know that you are not somone that they can take advantage of.
Sorry for not answering for a while, I have some stuff going on in my life. I have tried lots of prayers, to Archangel Michael, to God, to my higher self, to my Guardians, and so on and so on. I have played through tons and tons of binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies. I can all the time feel how my crown chakra has tension and I can not do anything to open it.. My hair har started to turn grey and I am only 26
trying to clear a female energy from my aura - hope this works !! - will let you know - any other ideas I can try ??
thank you!!
Nothing can stop us from evolving we are already there. For lack of better words, we are in a temporal paradox, either planned or a result of or part of the evolutionary process. Required to defeat the negatives.
not bad had my body vibrating my head tingling & i also feel sort of light is this the only one available. ?
I've been working on a major upgrade to this one, its taken 3 years worth of work on and off. I'm very critical of my work, and every frequency I add has to vibrate just perfect.
Yes I think you are right. The higher lesson is being learned now I think.
Some people just simulate a whole bunch of stuff, and they are damn good at it. And having a victim mentality well, yeah how does that help anything?
What is this reason? I am travelling towards some kind of insight about this. Could it be something like that the higher self has chosen to allow this so we can help others in the future? Kind of like a training for the soul?
I listened to both of these together for the first time. When I was done for about two minutes after removing my headphones, all I can hear is is like an old modem sound or picture like downloading from the Matrix movie. Anyone else have this? It is pretty intense, almost louder that the videos. Just curious.
Try it without the headphones as well, so that the subtle energy will work with your entire energy body system too
You are quite welcome :)
o yes I love love it
I started listening to this video all relaxed when towards then end I felt a stabbing pain in my left upper arm, where the deltoid muscles is. I checked and it's the exact spot that a vaccination was given to me when I was a child and that leaves a mark? Hmmm any input would be greatly appreciated ~~
Teresa Singley maybe an implant was destroyed?
Hi I'm a targeted individual with radio frequency technology. I looking for something that counteract the radio frequency.
I need something that will block all frequencies they are using against me .
hi. I,am chevell and i no some one that can help you with your problem. she has helped me and she is really good at what she does
i start coughing when i listen to this type of thing. is that my removal of negitive entices??
yes , also a feeling of pin pricks on the legs and feet this combined with meditation is great to remove them nasty mfers
Very snazzy!
Felt like my body had turned into air close to the end
thats what she said
How are you doing; have you tried the prayers?
can i put this song on when i go to bed to make me fall asleep?
yes, you can play this while you sleep, BUT make sure they are STEREO speakers and/or headphones or it will not work properly.
can i use my iphone instead? i can't disturb my flatmates.
s smith you can use it to sleep or while sleeping, as long as you have stereo headphones or stereo speakers, or else it will not work properly.
Hello. I have big problems with some type of negative entitity. It has followed my for a long time now, I have tried lots of things, sending it love, placing salt in every corner in the room and well anything I can think of. I have seen it (astral vision), it is a type of whiteish transparent slobbery jellyfish looking with yucky tentacles. It messes with me so I cant even sleep, I am getting very very tired of this. It affects people I meet and especially friends and family. Please help!
May I ask, do you have earlier sad/broken relationships?
My seem to have something to do with an earlier female friend of mine..
My head and neck arevibrating. How snazzy
How do you know if this is working, eg what are you meant to feel?
do i need to use headphone`? .cuz i cant hear nothing,,very low frequency
can it just be left on in the background while u do something else around the house?
Yes, it works as you do other things around the house. Be sure to use stereo speakers though.
Hi Chevell. I have figured out some stuff but the sitations is not good. How can you help me?
I think that the more you think about the more sense it will make... what happened in the house, what sort of paranormal things? Things disappearing and reappearing? Lights flashing by, or dark smokey things? It seems the entities got strong because of this... Was your husband messed up? I think peoples dark entities messing around with them like to attack good hearted people through relationships... like some kind of super meal of energy, and after the meal they party with their stolen power
They don't discriminate. I'm an angry person. I've had alot of trauma. They will also go after a calm person who even is a person of god.
Have you been to confession lately? Might help, listen to binaural beats for hair colour restoration.
I can't hear anything?
I can hear no sound. Does anyone experience the same or is it just me?
+barozra I can definitely hear sounds!
Homie you deaf
+Nana Nanananaan and you re the bully...
Christ is King
***** The soul it has no gender. The body incarnate does have
gender, both female from his/her mother and male from his/her father ovum and sperm....
Forget religion!!!...just focus on what Jesus stood for...PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He truly did not want a religion created in His name. Man-made religion has caused too much trouble in the world!
Carolyn Wilfred Awesome
this is called your shadow - its the negative version of u.
this is your negative entity - or "demon"
work on urself - every aspect - and itll leave.
Now this makes scense! How about other negative aspects and thoughts about me? I do think in multidimensional ways if I try to compare myself with others and friends, and some people dont understand my efforts at all, I try to make people face their own lies because I am so sick of this planet being a negative junkyard.. there is enough bullshit as it is and so people seem to think of me in very negative ways,sometimes when they dont understand (lets face it, most people are dumb! really dumb!)
you made this based on what?
I do alot of meditation and am guided by energy
@@sentient1705 a Bob Dratch search brought me here and the name appeared in the playlist, but not here? Any connection to Bob Dratch?
Advice= Above in previous comment
hi. I am working with this lady name Tara , who has helped me with the same sitation you have , I no what it's like to have something evil around you , and she has helped me and i no she can help you
just ignore it and it will decipate
What is this? I Don't get it? I'm being sincere... I've been dealing with negative energy lately... I am seeking balance.
the trick is just to not give fuck lol any energy that is ignored will be weaker and weaker
Brittany..."Christ" is not King and would not want you to consider him a king...know why? Because the Christ consciousness had no EGO with which to consider himself advice anyone else! Just one of MANY REASONS why you guys should forget the bible until you meet a code breaker!!
you are adhering to fiction used to control humanity and prevent ascension.
google the Merovingians...they are the ones who named JESUS ...twenty years after his presence here.
+ Soleado Renacer: Para tì y los que lean èsto recientemente, respecto a lo que dices, que es una gran mentirota, pues nadie ha visto a JESÙS, segùn tu edad, A dos siglos de su muerte; si acaso, solamente en sueños. Primeramente no confundan a JESÙS con un Cristo, ya que Cristo es una elevada Energìa espiritual, mas elevada aun que la Energìa Espiritual o de los Espìritus que es la 5ta. Energìa a la cual pertenece JESÙS actualmente, y ya ascendido a un LOGOS SOLAR del planeta Tierra. JESÙS nunca vino a ser Rey y menos Rey de Reyes, Èl nunca vino a salvar ni a redimir de sus pecados a nadie y menos a dar su vida por nadie; por lo cual, no volverà nunca mas a la tierra ni en una segunda ni tercera Venida a hacer nada por nadie aquì, ni a buscar a los l44 mil elegidos ni a las 12 Tribus de Israel, por lo cual no habrà mas transfiguraciòn, ni ningùn arrebatamiento de la Iglesia y menos un Juicio Final ni ningùn fin del mundo; por los momentos no. Las señales siempre de los siempre han existido. Bòrrense esa mentirota religiosa de la mente y de sus vidas. Pues, JESÙS, solo vino a cumplir una misiòn de guìa y de enseñanza para indicarnos el verdadero camino y la realidad espiritual; pero, sus mensajes fueron casi todos cambiados y arreglados o tergiversados para hacernos creer que no solo era hijo unigènito de Dios, sino que era Dios y, asì, engrandecer su persona con fines de mantener un imperio religioso, con la nueva Iglesia y nueva religiòn Catòlica creada en el Concilio de NICEA el 325 d.c., por CONSTANTINO I, El Grande y la Curia religiosa de esa època y asì borraron o eliminaron los mensajes mas reales y bellos de Jesùs y, nos han mantenido como Corderitos, engañados detràs de unas mentirotas religiosas que han sido dificil extirpar de la mente de los inoculados con esta DROGA bìblica. Asì que JESÙS no tiene ningùn Reino, porque nunca fue Rey, no se dejò manejar nunca por el Ego, que, es el enemigo nùmero uno de la Esencia y de la humanidad espiritual; o sea, de el Alma inmortal, como sì sucediò, con el ELOHIM Jehovà, quien fue un Dios menor y su Ego lo convirtiò, cuando vino a la Tierra a cumplir una Misiòn, enviado junto a otros ELOHIM o Dioses menores a cumplir la misiòn encomendada por el Supremo y verdadero Dios EL ABSOLUTO, y al ser atrapado por su Ego, se convirtiò, en lo que la misma biblia describe en sus pàginas, en un dios Cruel, Carnicero, Criminal y Destructor. Ese fue Jehovà, vuestro falso dios engrandecido por la biblia y las religiones. .
Forget religion!!!...just focus on what Jesus stood for...PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He truly did not want a religion created in His name. Man-made religion has caused too much trouble in the world!
Dawnatilla the Hun qq
Hi there - easier said than done - thats what everyone says to do - and when you have tried everything and it has been going on for 3 years you start to loose faith in Archangel Michael and Yeshua (they don't always appear instantly and no they don't guide you - perhaps they do for some but not all) and all the others I have called on for help with no real success.... instead of just re-writing or saying what others have said, try having the experience yourself first then give advice...
Those 2 are not helpful in this case. I've tried and tried. Eventually this will kill me either from it. Or myself killing myself
Can hear nothing..
Sorry to hear the problem you are experiencing., but you may have to clear your web browsers cache, or experiment with another web browser. Opera is a good web browser as well.
dude sounds like you have become victim to someones self created entity, just a creation of someones mind and emotions designed to feed off your energy by creating the illusion of disconnection wi higherself. salt baths are good, asking divine source to clear you of such things and remove all souring of your energetic interactions between urself and others. But its happening for a reason there will be a higher lesson, like a victim mentality which needs to be overcome and healed. peace & love