What Is Gaza? | Norman Finkelstein Teach-in on Gaza, Israel, and Hamas

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Political scientist and bestselling author Norman Finkelstein conducted a teach-in on the current situation in Gaza and Israel at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, via Zoom, on Tuesday October 17th, 2023.


  • @854Z
    @854Z 10 місяців тому +32

    I no longer can take this conflict. The lies the deception, the double standards and the criminality of the whole occupation is eating me up inside. Not only are those people helpless while being bombed, I also feel just as helpless as they do. I cry everyday day.

  • @Heart101
    @Heart101 8 місяців тому +4

    Thanks for having on Dr. Finkelstein, a real hero.

  • @lianecornils6603
    @lianecornils6603 9 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for being you Norman

  • @Arthur19751
    @Arthur19751 11 місяців тому +15

    Excellent presentation, makes one able to judge what’s root cause. Many thanks

  • @filippomilani2746
    @filippomilani2746 4 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Norman Finkelstein, a lighthouse in the dark! 👍

  • @barnabyvonrudal1
    @barnabyvonrudal1 10 місяців тому +3

    Good clear information!

  • @JackOoggle
    @JackOoggle 11 місяців тому +10

    Thank you for the good presentation and concise information

  • @ahsenzafar8037
    @ahsenzafar8037 7 місяців тому +1

  • @pearlnicol2443
    @pearlnicol2443 11 місяців тому +4

    Mr F. - We in the West are perhaps used to the expression "sovereign territory" meaning land which is possessed by an identifiable people. That is, you can locate a people and a land together. What is the status, in these terms, of Gaza? Thank you so much.

    • @WilhelmDrake
      @WilhelmDrake 10 місяців тому +2

      The term "Sovereign territory" has do with nation states not people or ethnic groups. That being said, Gaza and the West Bank are, by international law, considered to be under a foreign military occupation.

    • @dennispacelli1007
      @dennispacelli1007 10 місяців тому

      @@WilhelmDrake AWESOME!

  • @sannefristed
    @sannefristed 10 місяців тому +1

    So where can i here the q&a?

  • @Rekaert
    @Rekaert 5 місяців тому +1

    Wow, with a region so small, and so densely packed, it's probably not a good idea to divert aid resources into building terror tunnels and rocket batteries. Seems like a sub-optimal use of both land and resources which could be put to better use for the benefit of the Palestinian people. Firing those rockets indiscriminately into another country, which invites reprisal is similarly not wise when you have a high population density and a habit of hiding your military assets beneath civilian structures and centers. No matter what measures Israel takes, that's only going to end in tears for everyone.
    But after all, this is an concentration camp, except that omfg no it isn't. We have examples of concentration camps, and none of them had 4.5 star hotels with hot-tubes and swanky restaurants on the beach. Also nobody is packing people into the region from outside and locking the door after them. It isn't an open air prison either. It's a region dominated by radical Islamism which is under blockade by two countries for their own safety, in order to stop weapons being brought in, or supplies to create them. Yes, two, because Egypt also blockades it, despite being a Muslim majority country.
    Both Egypt and Israel have always stated they want more aid to get to the people of Gaza, but they don't want it ending in the hands of Hamas who squander it for their own purposes, often violent ones. They're between a rock and a hard place. Don't allow massive aid and the Palestinian people suffer. Do allow it, and inevitably Hamas get supplies to make weapons and the area descends into conflict, and the Palestinian people suffer.
    And yes, it's one of the highest population densities in the world, despite claims of genocide, though lower than successful areas like Macau, Monaco, Singapore and Honk Kong who manage to exist without firing thousands of rockets over their borders. And yes the majority of the population is under 25. Why is that? Well it's also the region of the world where the fewest number of women work outside the home, and Gazans have a high fertility rate. On average each woman will have 4.4 children. Also, until 1995 the minimum age for marriage was, er ... puberty, so often from the age of 9 for girls because, you know, Islam. This was changed in 1995 to 15 for girls thanks to Jordanian influence. The PA then finally changed this to 18 in 2019. Polygynous marriage is permitted, so one man can marry and impregnate multiple women, and do.
    Now it's true that it's difficult to come and go with a blockade in effect, because it's a blockade, but it used to be much easier before the Palestinians elected a terrorist organisation into power with the express mandate of destroying the country which used to grant access for work, social life and medical attention. Countries predictably don't want suicide bombers in their midst. Funny that. It's almost like they have a duty to protect their own citizens, which unfortunately is something Hamas neglects.
    And yes, there is food scarcity. Why is that? Oh, the government of Gaza neglected the food and water supply, which led to Israel perversely having to supply their enemies with humanitarian aid. Also, foreign aid which comes in ends up being confiscated by Hamas. Hamas even dug up vast networks of water supplying pipes to convert them into rocket launchers. If you're getting the impression that Gaza does not give a damn about the Palestinian people, you would be correct.
    At some point, we're going to have to face the uncomfortable truth that in times of peace Israel bizarrely does more for the wellbeing of the Palestinian people than the elected Gazan authority does. In times of war, everyone suffers.

  • @MagdiNonDuality
    @MagdiNonDuality 7 місяців тому

    Gaza: An open air prison...
    And now a death camp

  • @chriskelly1320
    @chriskelly1320 11 місяців тому +4

    Gaza is the same square miles as Philadelphia, (141) including 16 sq. miles of parkland. Gaza is not the most densely populated city.

    • @nv6791
      @nv6791 11 місяців тому +17

      Norman did not claim that Gaza is the most densely populated city in the world.

    • @nv6791
      @nv6791 11 місяців тому +4

      Further, the Gaza Strip is 141 sq. miles. It is not a city. If you are referring to Gaza City, it is 17.4 sq. miles...

    • @gppg6290
      @gppg6290 11 місяців тому +34

      This is all you got out of this video?

    • @johnsmith5139
      @johnsmith5139 11 місяців тому +12

      He never said it was. He said it was 'amongst the most densely populated places on God's Earth', not the most densely populated.

    • @hortonweller5088
      @hortonweller5088 11 місяців тому +4

      It's very clear you watched to eeact, not understand.