You keep getting better and better I stumble across this you have made an old raver very very happy and I am listening from Ontario Canada just to let you know hardcore will never die rather keep it off thank you so much
cleaning on the fly I use an alcohol based vinyl cleaner, with lint free cloth, If its really grubby and not an expensive record, I tend to give it a quick wash in the sink with some
@@TheRaveShed tried searching for rhythm n rhyme love drug it’s not o. UA-cam :( is there any way u could upload this tune mayhe one copy of this track if possible thanks matey
Absolutely loving this mark😁
Love that krispy krouton vol.2 🌞track
love the last tune big up,,paino,,,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You keep getting better and better I stumble across this you have made an old raver very very happy and I am listening from Ontario Canada just to let you know hardcore will never die rather keep it off thank you so much
Welcome Canada!
Great work. An amazing era 92
Another excellent job m8, enjoying the Rave Shed immensely 👍👍👍🌈🌈🌈😎
Trying to reply to everyone! So big ups to you. Again! 🤣
All 💎 my friend
Props for playing DJ DD Haas Mark, my copy of that was white label. Who's Housin' is a great track too, I'll have to 'suggest' it in future :)
have to check that one!
@@TheRaveShed My white label had 4 tracks on it, Who's Housin' was one of them and I only tracked it down on YT a few weeks back, not many posted it.
Great set🔥 .. respect
Cheers! Big respect to you for joining in!
Só música show
Yes yes ! Thankyou!
@@TheRaveShed have a tracklist for this mate be great what’s name of the track playing 42 mins in ole see thanks
Hi mate what's the tune that kicks at 15:20 absolutely loved that as a kid 🤪
Just wanna hold you tight.. dj Red Alert and Mike slammer.
@@TheRaveShed nice one mate 👍
Loving this mate, wish I still had these in my collection. What do you use to clean your vinyl?
cleaning on the fly I use an alcohol based vinyl cleaner, with lint free cloth, If its really grubby and not an expensive record, I tend to give it a quick wash in the sink with some
Ok mate cool, nice one lol 🙂👍
Tracklist please sir 🙏
just added to description
Ironic start
Large Tune! Flippin thing
Hi can have a tracklist please mate what’s the name of the tune playing 42 mins in love sound of it cheers
Playing from 40 mins in
Rhythm n rhyme - love drug
@@TheRaveShed thanks mate have so many rave tracks over 600 so surprised don’t have it but I have a listen to ur mixes love this music so much
@@TheRaveShed can’t seem to find the track on UA-cam :( what u happen to upload it on there like the tune pal if possible thanks
@@TheRaveShed tried searching for rhythm n rhyme love drug it’s not o. UA-cam :( is there any way u could upload this tune mayhe one copy of this track if possible thanks matey