Why is the linear portion (Region II ?) important? Why do we only consider Region II and ignore the non-linear portions of the log-log curve above and below?
You are absolutely right that all three regions are important. Before we could do advanced modelling, the steady state middle region was simply the easiest to model since it was linear.
Thank you. This helped clear up 4 hours of me getting nowhere
My pleasure!!
thank you. It's great these videos are short and to the point.
Thank you for explaining this topic so clearly!
Great comprehensive video, thanks!
Thank you so much Taylor. Can you please give the source link for Table 6.3 at the end of the video ?
Awesome video, thanks!
Hi Taylor. Please could you provide a full reference for the Barsom ‘n’ and ‘A’ tabulated values (7 min 24s). Thanks.
Why is the linear portion (Region II ?) important? Why do we only consider Region II and ignore the non-linear portions of the log-log curve above and below?
You are absolutely right that all three regions are important. Before we could do advanced modelling, the steady state middle region was simply the easiest to model since it was linear.
Do we have to make an adjustment for the net section as the crack starts to become larger in determining the critical crack length?
Yes. Paris law only works for the steady state region not the initial or the final regions
rate of crake propagation increases with increase in mean stress or not?
Sir, may i request your slide please if it is possible . Thanks
Sure, shoot me an email.