Downhill Racing the STREETS of Mexico - Finals Day

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @danielboghossian8688
    @danielboghossian8688 Рік тому +172

    Jono dude I speak on behalf of everyone who watches you we love the content and we need more races like this love the switch up from the dh riding so sick dude keep it up 🤘🏻

  • @darrenwright6713
    @darrenwright6713 Рік тому +32

    Jono.... you are a hero for the working class 👏 . What a bloody legend.

  • @RomanMoroniesFargingWall
    @RomanMoroniesFargingWall Рік тому +56

    First ever attempt and your mid-pack? That's hugely impressive. I was bummed that you didn't make it when I watched the live event, but I'm super stoked you didn't take a huge slam like so many others did! Did you get to chat with the cat who missed the landing coming out of the second house? Absolutely bonkers!

  • @DeluxPlays_
    @DeluxPlays_ Рік тому +55

    You smashed it mate it looks bloody intense!

  • @Flopster2632
    @Flopster2632 Рік тому +26

    Brendan came 14th and your confidence was knocked by how fast he was, surely that should show you just how fast 19th actually was. Epic job ride man

  • @lizvickers7156
    @lizvickers7156 Рік тому +5

    You tried your best, you came out of it unscathed and that's all anyone could ask for. Well done for an epic ride.

  • @ep5796
    @ep5796 Рік тому +5

    I'm proud of you jono, You're always a top gentleman even when you're learning. Honesty, integrity and humanity. You're a great man your parents I'm sure are proud. Peace out

  • @philmcd1969
    @philmcd1969 Рік тому +5

    Big balls Jono , well done bud ,first attempt at the race and come 19th I would be over the moon with that,
    One false move on that track and it’s a ticket to hospital, live to ride another day is always a winner 👍👊

  • @HazeePublications
    @HazeePublications Рік тому +2

    In that field that's a decent placing. I'm also stoked this is a race series now, it's amazing. South America shows such another vibrant and passionate side to mtb

  • @angelfiscal5716
    @angelfiscal5716 Рік тому +3

    Hey Jono, you are an excellent and versatile rider. Glad I watch you live at the event. Thanks for being nice to all the fans (it goes a long way). Keep it up, and see you next year.

  • @NoodleFlame
    @NoodleFlame Рік тому +6

    I've watched loads of these events on here, really cool to see behind the scenes and watching you compete. Awesome run!!

  • @Fantic156
    @Fantic156 Рік тому +4

    Realistically a good result, maybe not what you wanted, but when you see what the urban race specialists ride like .... Amazing! Kudos for taking the time to chat to people when you stopped on the practice run, so many throw the cold shoulder, but a bit of human contact from a rider goes a helluva lot further than you might think! Great video man, great!!

  • @Justforfun-ek7et
    @Justforfun-ek7et Рік тому +3

    Congratulations on riding and finishing without injury, that looks like a great place to get hurt. Thanks for sharing this!

  • @fourutubez7294
    @fourutubez7294 Рік тому +1

    19th in that company is a very respectable result. Loved the videos too.

  • @jamieroe5292
    @jamieroe5292 Рік тому +2

    Its been epic watching this series of videos from practice to race time. Love it. Looking forward to the next one!

  • @BlueKnows
    @BlueKnows Рік тому +15

    Watched the event live and already knew you didn't make the final but watching this I was still hoping you'd get through 😂
    Mad event, awesome achievement even getting an invite 👏🏻 👏🏻

  • @samanthaferneley6042
    @samanthaferneley6042 Рік тому

    Great job Jono, 19th an amazing result in that company doing this crazy race. Have loved all the videos. ❤🎉

  • @InnyShears
    @InnyShears Рік тому +1

    Toes were curled, cheeks were clenched. Well done Jono that was sick!

  • @neilstevens9796
    @neilstevens9796 Рік тому

    Great seeing you guys out there having so much fun. Props to you Jono and Brendog and to Olly for his handy work!

  • @Jf-reviews
    @Jf-reviews Рік тому +2

    Mate. You pull in my attention more than any of the other UA-camrs. Awesome content. Please keep it coming. Amazing runs and great to see what you really go through.

  • @Ads_stanion
    @Ads_stanion Рік тому

    Well done Jono, love watching your videos. Look forward to more. 👍💪🏻🤛

  • @garyhall4449
    @garyhall4449 Рік тому

    I've loved watching this. You should no way be disappointed as you were on it... amazing racing Jono. To the belly 🤙

  • @jerryw5282
    @jerryw5282 Рік тому

    Ive never been more invested in a race as i was with this race. Please keep it up and keep killing it!

  • @paulshilton
    @paulshilton Рік тому +1

    Oh Jono. Nicest guy in MTB.

  • @JakeWolven
    @JakeWolven Рік тому +1

    Man!! You absolutely crushed it!

  • @tjcosta5769
    @tjcosta5769 Рік тому

    Thanks for bringing us along! Cheers on a great effort and really good content. Hyped for your season.

  • @psyghtseer
    @psyghtseer Рік тому

    the drone crashing footage is amazing and hilarious! never seen that before. awesome riding!!!! looks so fun

  • @danh925
    @danh925 Рік тому

    Great spirit Jono. Making the most of life for sure! To the belly!

  • @stujm8376
    @stujm8376 Рік тому

    19th for your first time is excellent. You should be proud. Another great vid, you’re a true gentleman with the crowds, and I reckon you’ve got a future as a red bull commentator.

  • @andyf518
    @andyf518 Рік тому

    Epic ride Jono, 19th place is impressive given the riders involved, totally sick video, loved it, good on ye for having the balls to give this a go.

  • @Elim_84
    @Elim_84 Рік тому

    Jono this is such a epic experience, the track looks mental and intense. Certainly be proud of the placing and kick on even more! 🤘

  • @juaniiikoo
    @juaniiikoo Рік тому

    People’s champ right here! Fantastic job Mate! Keep it up!

  • @Dash41198
    @Dash41198 Рік тому

    Champion work Jono. Can't wait to see you at it again!

  • @benjybluehat
    @benjybluehat Рік тому

    Saw the Red Bull stream before I saw this, and I was gutted to see you hadn't got the place you'd hoped for, but kudos to you for putting in a great shift. That looked sooo gnarly and those South Americans have got it dialled. Get in on the next urban, I reckon these are gonna get much much bigger as an international spectator event.

  • @christopherhand1092
    @christopherhand1092 Рік тому +1

    Well done you should be stoked even tho u didn’t quite get the place you wanted but you should go home and be proud that you even raced it. Loving the UA-cam

  • @coldshoulder3753
    @coldshoulder3753 Рік тому +1

    Good job making it down safe , when you weren't in the final I figured you had an off .way to go boyo proud of you🤙

  • @andyukh1625
    @andyukh1625 Рік тому

    Outstanding performance Jono, build on that and move forward 👏🏽

  • @JJ_plays3729
    @JJ_plays3729 Рік тому

    Quality ride Jono, was waiting for this to drop. Quality channel buddy. Looking forward to seeing some more street racing from you 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @ashleytombs
    @ashleytombs Рік тому +1

    Fair-play Jono these Urban downhill races are a different Kettle of Fish to EWS an WC
    A big thank you to Red Bull and all the people who made this series happen much appreciated Hopefully more races can be put on the calendar next year. and a big congratulations to Camilo Sanchez and velez These South American boys don’t race much throughout the season. so these crazy urban downhill Races is there World. Cup season and it really shows how emotional they get at the end of a race and GWS Martin Bzra After that nasty Crash

  • @wisp666
    @wisp666 Рік тому +1

    Great job, Jono! 10/10 for effort. That was a huge ask, and you managed to beat 11 of the 30 top urban racers. Awesome. 😅

  • @ryanleonardjones
    @ryanleonardjones Рік тому

    Was shouting go on Jono at the screen during your run, still smashed it mate more of this please!

  • @DeLaCroix1211
    @DeLaCroix1211 Рік тому

    What an experience! I was locked in watching your run, super excited for the next one

  • @robmooremtb
    @robmooremtb Рік тому

    19th is an awesome result .. Great riding Jono .. legend .

  • @rekrapish
    @rekrapish Рік тому

    Upset I didnt get to see you race Live but after watching this video, You KILLED it. That track is crazy

  • @KeironStarr
    @KeironStarr Рік тому +2

    2:04 Redbull seriously stepping up the security 😂

  • @Mank159
    @Mank159 Рік тому +3

    You should be proud of yourself Jono mate 19th out of 30 in a type of race you haven't done before on a rig you had to change the set up on the day of the event is really really good, just changing the set up would throw so many riders off 👍

  • @Coolcmsc
    @Coolcmsc Рік тому +2

    Great shot at a great race. The locals are properly recognised for their skill ‘cos it’s impossible for most to afford to ride the UCI and CrankWorks circuits. Time for them to be sponsored better IMHO. I bet you’d agree Jono. PS: what do you think of Jackson Goldstone? Hardline winner 2022 and 2nd here having only ridden one before….

  • @mock988
    @mock988 Рік тому

    You're an inspiration, Jono! Your content is just amazing; keep it coming!

  • @flyingsrn
    @flyingsrn Рік тому +1

    simply stunning, man.... 🔥

  • @kendrickcarroll680
    @kendrickcarroll680 Рік тому

    I don't know if you and Matt were doing a test, but I chose to watch your video first. Looks so sketchy! Great video, I can see you getting better results in your next attempt. The improvements from your first run to your qualifying run are insane!

  • @onearmedscissor4122
    @onearmedscissor4122 Рік тому

    TransMadeira! Can't wait for the vids on that. The last one still on Matt's channel was awesome

  • @breadbah
    @breadbah Рік тому

    Always stellar content mate. Thank you!

  • @MidwestMountainBike
    @MidwestMountainBike Рік тому

    That was awesome man, super fun to watch! Thank you!

  • @Shredjunky
    @Shredjunky Рік тому

    That's a Hard Race and so Crazy to see....But you are the Hero...Ride On Jono 🤟👽

  • @turdwarbler
    @turdwarbler Рік тому

    You and Brendog make great interesting vids. thanks.

  • @johngreen787
    @johngreen787 Рік тому

    Jono we are so proud of you for your efforts, keep up the great work 👏 👍 🤘,

  • @GeezeILoveMTB
    @GeezeILoveMTB Рік тому

    wow, that race run was epic, fair play!!! Loved watching!

  • @ocbyn
    @ocbyn Рік тому +2

    Watched the final boys and was disappointed not to see you race.
    However, for a part time, semi pro rider, fitting it all round a full time job - you are pretty f**kin’ all time Jonno!
    Love your attitude, approach and your videos so much. Come down to Cornwall for a holiday weekend with ‘your Julie’ and race a local enduro - a little less scary, but still good training.

  • @adrianclifford2545
    @adrianclifford2545 Рік тому

    Well done mate! Looks absolutely mad!! Epic content.

  • @the_trooper_72
    @the_trooper_72 Рік тому

    Bloody good racing mate!! 🤟🏻😎💯🙏🏻

  • @miinan75
    @miinan75 Рік тому

    i think u did just great, an awesome run, never stop riding.

  • @nathanshipman4900
    @nathanshipman4900 Рік тому +1

    It’s totally different for sure! 19th isn’t bad !

  • @bmanferlife
    @bmanferlife Рік тому

    Jono your the man dude. Love the content as always! So sick

  • @bananas700
    @bananas700 Рік тому

    good racing jono could tell you gave it everything and you looked really solid going down it its such a crazy race unless you've been there or live there i cant imagine riding it and racing it for the first time mental

  • @glitchman3194
    @glitchman3194 Рік тому

    Congratulations! I'm guessing the time difference from 19th to 15th isn't much so get on that cardio and you got it. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the ride

  • @Josh-io5uh
    @Josh-io5uh 11 місяців тому

    Jono - I hope you don't mind me saying, but you're getting visibly better these days. Your riding is elevated for sure.

  • @cjay91_
    @cjay91_ Рік тому

    Awesome run dude! Really enjoyed these videos!

  • @MikeF814
    @MikeF814 Рік тому

    Felt every breath from You on that run. Fun times

  • @johnymadball
    @johnymadball Рік тому

    Good show Jono! And damn if Brendon was 14th there are some seriously fast guys there.

  • @andrewrussell7000
    @andrewrussell7000 Рік тому

    Bro, respect 19th is very respectable I feel like your a better rider than you give yourself credit for. your a beast. “To the belly”.

  • @bikevault2302
    @bikevault2302 Рік тому

    brilliant series of vids - respect bro' that was awesome.

  • @domgray7587
    @domgray7587 Рік тому

    Well done Jono sick result dude you may feel deflated about the position but that was an epic effort the next one will be way easier now you know what it’s all about you can prepare yourself.
    Fair play 🤙

  • @Heyy.its.C
    @Heyy.its.C Рік тому +1

    This was beyond impressive! I think this is way scarier than what you normally do because when you fall on this is straight concrete! I’m extremely impressed and happy you were able to make it down safely. To make it 19th on your first run I think it’s also some thing to allow yourself to enjoy! Great job can’t wait to see the difference from this time to next time! The only thing that I would like to give some advice on, is try to circulate your breathing more through your nose and mouth. I think you are plenty strong enough and skilled enough to make it to the end, but I think it’s the way that you breathe that kills you. Keep up the great work!

  • @El-Tel63-Terry.
    @El-Tel63-Terry. Рік тому

    That was epic, thanks for filming it all !! Next time Jono.

  • @josephelliott1252
    @josephelliott1252 Рік тому

    Amazing job Jono 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @05GDF
    @05GDF Рік тому

    Helllll yea Jono🤙 lovin these vlogs 🙌🔥🔥

  • @och1
    @och1 Рік тому

    You are number 1 in our hearts😁👏

  • @amzaraiman
    @amzaraiman Рік тому

    U were going really fast i couldn’t imagine how fast the local was. Nice one jonno


    Well done ! you crushed it

  • @outthere8839
    @outthere8839 Рік тому

    30th would’ve been great for me! Well done!

  • @cashousbarnes7705
    @cashousbarnes7705 Рік тому

    Super impressive mate keep it up love the content

  • @HawkEyedSaint7
    @HawkEyedSaint7 Рік тому

    Sorry you didn’t make it mate, but it was such an awesome set of videos! It’s so much fun to watch you just enjoy life and do what you love!

  • @clint2627
    @clint2627 Рік тому

    You're a mad man! Well done!

  • @liamsnake9919
    @liamsnake9919 Рік тому

    Yes dude 🙌
    Loving the videos ❤

  • @RobHill00
    @RobHill00 Рік тому

    Yes Jono!🤙🏻

  • @jasonprfrost1
    @jasonprfrost1 Рік тому

    I did one of these at the Alhambra palace in Spain with a local guide more freestyle than this cos these wasn't any built stuff of course but me and the crew still talk about it !! Well done on your result

  • @lancesantos2249
    @lancesantos2249 Рік тому

    congratulations jono safe run 👌🤘💪🇵🇭

  • @renebarger3667
    @renebarger3667 Рік тому

    Been waiting for this. So gnarly!!

    @NORFOLKIAN Рік тому

    I’ve randomly seen these races before but never with a rider I subscribe to. Shits crazy! Can you imagine attacking this course on a box store bike? It wouldn’t last a minute.

  • @trailjockeytj6160
    @trailjockeytj6160 Рік тому

    Nice riding! And disappointment seems like a natural reaction, but this was your first rodeo, at least this time, so come on back and give them hell I can’t wait to see it

  • @jamestaylor-ward7045
    @jamestaylor-ward7045 Рік тому

    That was SICK! Well done Jono:)

  • @kingdeano2540
    @kingdeano2540 Рік тому

    Awesome Content Jono!

  • @Laughitupfuzzball439
    @Laughitupfuzzball439 Рік тому

    Great set of videos - you are all fu@king mad 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

  • @jamesm7721
    @jamesm7721 Рік тому +4

    Loving the clothing brand your riding for jono, any1 ever said you look just like the owner?

    • @VejiSTAR
      @VejiSTAR Рік тому +2

      probaly he never heard that before :D

  • @moderategnar3259
    @moderategnar3259 Рік тому

    Good job Jono!

  • @MrSuprachris
    @MrSuprachris Рік тому

    Cracking effort Jono. 🎉

  • @onemanandhisdog9
    @onemanandhisdog9 Рік тому

    Going through houses is just bizarre, can't wait to see what they think of in the next few years!!

  • @nofxphil75
    @nofxphil75 Рік тому


  • @robbrookes1497
    @robbrookes1497 Рік тому

    Fair play jono 🔥

  • @stevenwhalley2522
    @stevenwhalley2522 Рік тому

    Top ride mate you got more guts than me 👍😎