Very Wonderful Greek Music ,,it reminded me about those wonderful times when I was in two trips before in GREECE ,,thanks so much ,,very nice people too.
i love greeeece and loveeeeee Greek , it's my studies , i love citiZen, air , water , snow , Atheina , salonik of greeeeece , every thing 💜💜💜 i want to visit Greece 💔
I like to see this country and see many interesting things ...Amazing video and nature too..Thx for sharing , keep going and best regards from Canada ! ✌💕🍁🍸🍷🍁👍
Ne kadar bizim oryantal müziğimize benziyor harika melodiler emeği geçenlere teşekkür ediyorum.Yunan halkı ile dostluğumuzun devamını diliyorum.Her şeyimizle birbirimize çok benziyoruz sevgi mükemmel bir duygu.Çok teşekkür ediyorum.İzmir,den sevgiler.
I have so much Greek pride! Both my Grandparents are from Macedonia (and yes I mean the one and only Greek region) and the parents from my Mum's side were from Pontos and my Dad's Mother's Parents were from Pontos and my Dad's Father's Parents were from Pelagonia (now in Southern FYROM as Bitola and Ohrid)
Culturally and geographically, Greece is turned to the east, not to the west. Since the coming of the acheans, the greek cities of Asia, then Alexander, the Byzantines, and then the Ottomans, from the first alphabet coming from phoenicia to the great library of Alexandria, Greece remains more orientalised than westernised. Which gives us a wonderful mixed culture that we all appreciate !
Love from Persia. The same as Greece, we are of the first civilization. We also love music like Greeks but the after Arab invasion and pushing Islam into our culture about 1,400 years ago, we lost many things.
i love this is song too even if i couldn't understant but i fell the music , love from Egypt and Islam has nothing about what did you say Mr Abbas Bafkar.
When you grow up, you will understand what Isalm has done to our culture, music, life, human right, etc. Just going back to Egyption civilization and history, you can understand the before Isalm you had been a highly advanced country and people. But now, Egypt is almost always in deep problem now, the same as many Middle East countries or other islamic countries. Brain washing is the first thing that Islam is doing as if you get blinded shortly. If you are a true and original Egyption, you will soon understand what I mean. But if your originality is of the same Arabs who invaded Egypt long time ago, then I am sure that you will not want to change your mind. والسلام
Mr Abbas , i agree with you in every point's you said but there are a differents between what's the real Islam , and what the islamics do.I am Egyption sir , and don't like that sound " when you grow up"..actually i am doing my master degree in philosophy , the first thing we put it in our mind how to get better solutions for the problems . Islam issue it's a very important and there are a lot of obsticles we want to dissolution it's for our turns. السلام عليك إستمتعت بالمناقشة مع حضرتك .
Ms. Aya, Thanks for your reply. I wish all the best for you. I apologize if you feel bad about some part of my previous message. But in my eyes, any religion must be only personal case for helping us to have good thingking, good behaviour and good speaking. The religion must set you free while the Isalm is alwasy putting obsticles and obigations in social life. Religous ruller are misusing the nations and people. The Egyption have been very wise to put away the Islamic rulers like Akhavan ol moslemin or Mr. Morci because they do not want to go backward again. This message shows that Isalm or religion is a big problem. Eurpeans understood this importnat issue and now they are having better life and justice for people and society. I am sure that if there might be a Heaven or Hell, most of the moslems will go to hell becasue they are not living right. What is real Isalm and Christianity ? They arre all the same game from the rulers to keep power. If Isalm is the religion of peace, please study the history of so many crimes and wars when Isalm started to grow. If you study Quran, there are a lot of versese for fighting, killing, humulating women. In Qoran, you can see that women are considered as half value of a man, etc. A man can have 4 official wifes, etc. Please study and think about it. Please do not follow what you have heard about Islam from your parents. I hope this will help you find better ways of reseach and undestanding life details. We all need to do so, I think to make a better life for next generation without wars and killing that is happening in most Islamic countries.
Never mind .So do i Mr.Abbas Bafkar. i put this is issue on my shoulder ; building my critical thinking by the way too become more humanunity ,best wishes from Egypt.
Hi, Im from Mexico and I like a lot the greek music and I love Greece!, but I dont speak greek yet :(, please, Could you tell me the name of the singer?, thanks a lot!
hombopoulos Hi!!!, Thank you a lot!, this man has a beautiful voice, very difficult to find, be proud for being greek!, blessings for you from Mexico to Greece! *_*
dieser mix ist wesentlich besser, es geht doch nichts über einen start in den tag mit griechischer musik, da werden erinnerungen wach und ein bisschen heimweh stellt sich ein, leider muss ich moch noch einen monat bis ich zurück in meiner heimat hellas bin
Very Wonderful Greek Music ,,it reminded me about those wonderful times when I was in two trips before in GREECE ,,thanks so much ,,very nice people too.
Greek, turkish and Egyptian music almost the same in its rythm and wonderful tunes. Greeting to Greece.
Long live to Greece and its beautiful culture.
Love to Greece from Serbia!!! Opaaaaaa
Im armenian, but I love greek mussic very-very much!!!!!!!
Im Samoan half Greek got to love the music ❤️
Σ' αγαπώ Ελλάδα... Γεια σας από λευκορωσία
I am from Guatemala and I have an Greek dad an we love the language a lot!!
Sagapo agapi mou!!
Try to learn the language also! Bravo!
[[iqiepwiuer[yt]atyyqpay]wquqoqy\i[to[oi\ ]athe]qpowy]eeqp\eq\q]usqoq]ywpw]w\]eat[te[q\etp[uiqupapq[q\yy[eeopq]q]w\e[wiqpoqrp[qrq[]the[quaoq\yow[qwpat\qw]ew\wpw]q
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Greeks making kids all around the world since 1900 🤣
@@dani38623 lol
Greatest songs ! Love from Bulgaria !~
i love greeeece and loveeeeee Greek , it's my studies , i love citiZen, air , water , snow , Atheina , salonik of greeeeece , every thing
i want to visit Greece 💔
Another one big romanian fan of greek music.
In Bulgaria we're big fans of this kind of music we love it lol respect !
Im greek!! Much love from united states of america!!!!
I like to see this country and see many interesting things ...Amazing video and nature too..Thx for sharing , keep going and best regards from Canada ! ✌💕🍁🍸🍷🍁👍
N 🐼🐜🐼🐼🐼😋😛😬🙄🤥. CZ😲😲😵z
italian chick here... greek music sounds soo good....omg
The same from a Romanian and part Greek friend! Yasou file! Ola kala!
Ne kadar bizim oryantal müziğimize benziyor harika melodiler emeği geçenlere teşekkür ediyorum.Yunan halkı ile dostluğumuzun devamını diliyorum.Her şeyimizle birbirimize çok benziyoruz sevgi mükemmel bir duygu.Çok teşekkür ediyorum.İzmir,den sevgiler.
we love Serbia to ,from Thessalonika, alatissss
I have so much Greek pride! Both my Grandparents are from Macedonia (and yes I mean the one and only Greek region) and the parents from my Mum's side were from Pontos and my Dad's Mother's Parents were from Pontos and my Dad's Father's Parents were from Pelagonia (now in Southern FYROM as Bitola and Ohrid)
It’s ok when you live it ! But don’t insult turkish people :)
It's a veeeery nice music i love it!
Greetings from Serbia
Orthodox brothers and sisters
i love this music greetings from germany ❤
Culturally and geographically, Greece is turned to the east, not to the west. Since the coming of the acheans, the greek cities of Asia, then Alexander, the Byzantines, and then the Ottomans, from the first alphabet coming from phoenicia to the great library of Alexandria, Greece remains more orientalised than westernised.
Which gives us a wonderful mixed culture that we all appreciate !
YC Very true ! Many people don’t see that ottomans brought also many positive things . Greek , Turkish , Albanian , Arabian etc are very close ! :)
I love this kind of musik
Bravo muzika grece na kënaq gjithmonë ju këndoftë zemra bravooo
Beautiful Music..
Opa I'm Peter and I am Macedonian Canadian love this stuff now
Greetings from Romania!
We need the songs in this playlist ;-) !
Η μουσική εισαγωγή με την Ακρόπολη στην φώτο είναι σίγουρα το πιο ταιριαστό πράγμα στον κόσμο :P
Happy New Year Greece
Poli oreo♥♥♥ Love from Varna , bulgaria♥♥♥♥
Wonderfullllllllll :-D i love GREECE !!!!!!
Thank you. Great joyful music.
Kala ine. .. elaa!
Bellissima sequenza musicale 👏👍
παρακαλούμε όπως τον τίτλο του αυτό το τραγούδι στην αρχή
thank you... this mix is my favorite mix ever
great song mix !!!!!!! :-)
Proud to be greek!
köszönöm ,, nagyon szuper !!!
Wow I like so nice song...
Hellas,,Hellas GREECE FOREVER ..
Beautiful nice music love greece forever ♥♥♥ elliniki musicki
I love it.
Love from Persia. The same as Greece, we are of the first civilization. We also love music like Greeks but the after Arab invasion and pushing Islam into our culture about 1,400 years ago, we lost many things.
i love this is song too even if i couldn't understant but i fell the music , love from Egypt and Islam has nothing about what did you say Mr Abbas Bafkar.
When you grow up, you will understand what Isalm has done to our culture, music, life, human right, etc. Just going back to Egyption civilization and history, you can understand the before Isalm you had been a highly advanced country and people. But now, Egypt is almost always in deep problem now, the same as many Middle East countries or other islamic countries.
Brain washing is the first thing that Islam is doing as if you get blinded shortly. If you are a true and original Egyption, you will soon understand what I mean. But if your originality is of the same Arabs who invaded Egypt long time ago, then I am sure that you will not want to change your mind. والسلام
Mr Abbas , i agree with you in every point's you said but there are a differents between what's the real Islam , and what the islamics do.I am Egyption sir , and don't like that sound " when you grow up"..actually i am doing my master degree in philosophy , the first thing we put it in our mind how to get better solutions for the problems . Islam issue it's a very important and there are a lot of obsticles we want to dissolution it's for our turns. السلام عليك إستمتعت بالمناقشة مع حضرتك .
Ms. Aya,
Thanks for your reply. I wish all the best for you. I apologize if you feel bad about some part of my previous message.
But in my eyes, any religion must be only personal case for helping us to have good thingking, good behaviour and good speaking. The religion must set you free while the Isalm is alwasy putting obsticles and obigations in social life. Religous ruller are misusing the nations and people. The Egyption have been very wise to put away the Islamic rulers like Akhavan ol moslemin or Mr. Morci because they do not want to go backward again. This message shows that Isalm or religion is a big problem. Eurpeans understood this importnat issue and now they are having better life and justice for people and society. I am sure that if there might be a Heaven or Hell, most of the moslems will go to hell becasue they are not living right.
What is real Isalm and Christianity ? They arre all the same game from the rulers to keep power. If Isalm is the religion of peace, please study the history of so many crimes and wars when Isalm started to grow. If you study Quran, there are a lot of versese for fighting, killing, humulating women. In Qoran, you can see that women are considered as half value of a man, etc. A man can have 4 official wifes, etc.
Please study and think about it. Please do not follow what you have heard about Islam from your parents. I hope this will help you find better ways of reseach and undestanding life details. We all need to do so, I think to make a better life for next generation without wars and killing that is happening in most Islamic countries.
Never mind .So do i Mr.Abbas Bafkar. i put this is issue on my shoulder ; building my critical thinking by the way too become more humanunity ,best wishes from Egypt.
Greek-Albanian Brotherhood. Proud to be both. Love this video! Love Ellada, Cyprus and Albania
It's nikos vertis pes to mou ksana but it is sining by somebody else.. i dont know who
I think that is Nikos Vertis pes to mou ksana
I'm from Azerbaijan and I love these musics
I want to know the names of all musics
Please write me
Tarkhan Jabrail αυτο ακριβως κανουμε! σε γραφουμε.
Σταματίστε να είσαστε φίλι με την τουρκία! Αυτί σκωτόνουνε παιδιά!
Hi, Im from Mexico and I like a lot the greek music and I love Greece!, but I dont speak greek yet :(, please, Could you tell me the name of the singer?, thanks a lot!
Hi friend. The singer is Giorgos Daskoulidis (Γιώργος Δασκουλίδης)
hombopoulos Hi!!!, Thank you a lot!, this man has a beautiful voice, very difficult to find, be proud for being greek!, blessings for you from Mexico to Greece! *_*
Vassili karas
Οπα πάμε στα σιθερα 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
hajde niko mou! Poli orea.. Ksaderfe ;-)
It's awesome
Ωραίο opening, θα μου κλείσεις το σπίτι!!! xD
very good mix!! I am very greek lol
I'm learning greek dancing at my school itch my class
whats the first song?!
greetings from Armenia!
Can anyone tell me the names of the songs , please ?!
Thank you
Can someone tell me the names of these song?
Γεια σου Ελλάδα :) Opaaa :)
Fantastiko Kala ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beautiful ,, tragoudia ,,,,,,
уникален микс
Grece forever
a ma maman qui es decede mama sagapo polie homage vic
Ellaaaa Pameeeeeeeee Opaaaaaa
bravo re good songs
einfach geil
Who sing this songs, name please
Last song.... Προσευχη- Ζαγοραιος or try Γιώργος Μαρίνης - Προσευχή [LIVE]
Where can I buy this music! What artist sings these songs?
where can i find these songs full? from giorgos? thanks
the name of the song from 3.01?
tittle of all songs?
Same story here :D
ka ndonje njeri qe do na i shkruaj titujt e kengeve ??? :-(
What is the Name of the Song 4:55 thanks
What melody start's at 1:45 until 3:00 ??? pls tell me
pes ta mou ksana
that is the song :)
telio ;) thumbs up yia sena
What is the song that starts at 1:50?
allah allah ,,,,very nice music :) great
Could somebody tell my song at 03;02 ? Thank you :)
hellas, wegen nicos like hier :)
who's the singer of all these songs????????
N1 please, what's the name? THANKS :)))
dieser mix ist wesentlich besser, es geht doch nichts über einen start in den tag mit griechischer musik, da werden erinnerungen wach und ein bisschen heimweh stellt sich ein, leider muss ich moch noch einen monat bis ich zurück in meiner heimat hellas bin
Superurlaub 😉😉😉👍👍👍🍇🍇🍇
what are the names if these songs ??????
Πες το μου ξανά
what's the full set list