Woops - turns out the Shaman video had most audio channels disabled - my bad for not checking the uploaded video before releasing it. I'll have to reupload that so in the meantime we do a switcheroo with todays second video. ~ Jens
Not sure if Sylvanas would steal the 3/3 deathrattle guy, but even then that's an easy Flamestrike - considering that he has no outs other than a Doomsayer play.
What the fuck was that play at 15:00? Send the 1/1 to Sylvanas and the 3/4 to The Beast. So it only has Hon Cho and Coldarra up when you flamestrike. Good god they all even got buffed by the 2/2 deathrattle.
kthxbye22222 Sorry mate. Its just Im used to Trump making these awesome predictions about the game, and then I see something like that that makes me shrugs
14:55 So, can anyone tell me what was wrong with 1/1 into sylv, 3/4 into beast, flamestrike? seems a hell of a lot better than what ends up happening. edit: i should watch more video.
Peik Korhonen I was thinking about it while he was making the play. We actually don't know, it depends on which doppelgangster is summoned first. Depending on that, the sylvana's death rattle would trigger after/before the beast's. It was extremely tricky, I wish I had seen how it goes.
15:00 - The 3 atk into Don Hancho, the 1 Atk into Sylvana, the first polymorph into beast, the second into drake. Leaves 21 dmg on the board with a full board (and all minions on 4 health). It's not ideal, but it gives you a chance. If he has no 3 direct dmg you can play flamestrike plus Mistress.
i love evolve card.it was one of the reasons for me to play shaman. since i am new and didnt had cards at all, but i had golden evolve. it was sooo cool
I feel like inkmaster solia and greater arcane missiles are for a deck who wants to do facedamage at the same time of trying to keep atleast some minions low. for example make a 10 mana spell with kazakus or run pyroblast to face with inkmaster possibly.
Llorrac TN not full aggro deck but a mid range with focus on aggro or something. i made a deck with kazakus but i dont have solia so mines less mana cost cards and its fairly good atleast around rank 12-15' ish
At the point when you did the flamestrike against the huge board with Ysaera, rather than playing Inkmaster you could have Arcane blasted Ysera and then Forbidden Flamed it after Arcane Intellect, setting up for an Inkmaster -> Flamestrike -> Volcanic Potion full board clear rather than leaving behind some minions for the opponent. Your opponent at the time didn't have Lethal to pop your secret unless they had double Blackwing Corruptor.
Cutpurse, Master of Disguise Yeah, but hadn't his normal turn draw been that Reno the game was over. Also 1 HP after the invincible part was cinematic as fuck.
on the shaman evolve turn why didnt u run ur 3/4 into the the 9/7 and ur 1/1 into sylvanas then flame strike leaving only a 7/3 and a 6/3 and u get a 3/3 on ur side, a deck like that probably doesnt run many direct dmg spell so its almost impossible for him to pop ur block on ur next turn then u can dig for answeres and reno on the following turn with him only having 3 cards left in hand. My heart trump... my heart...
I played only reno mage and got to rank 4 with an above 70% winrate. And never ever lost the control matchups. Although it was wild so i had echo of medivh, scientist and duplicate :D Trump definitely would need to fix this deck tho, way less card draw. Can't win control matchups if you fatigue.
Elyse Brown Nah it does, and theres other ways to get card advantage over drawing. Discovering is much better than drawing control matchups. His build honestly just loses to everything. Hes not even playing courier, which is amazing.
Fatigue is one of the most irrelevant and overatted things in Hearthstone. Even in the slowest of the slow, it's not something that should be prepared for and expected to happen.
TheReccher If you think that you're a dumbass. Trump straight up lost because he ran out of value in his deck, Thats why discover is way better than draw in control mirrors, he plays way too much draw. His deck is ass lmao. And yeah it should be prepared for because this is mostly a control meta other than the face decks, so you need to have enough value in your deck, not just card draw.
How can any deck out value a reno mage? Maniac soulcaster reno, forgottem torch and elise to slows down fatigue, brann and cheap discovers to combo like brann + book + kazakus + scrarab in one turn, or bran + kabal courier + scrab + book. You can also throw in a panda to reuse battle cries, archmage + medivh for values, alextrasza for healing....
What's really incredible about it is that Dragon Priest only got...what, two new cards? Drakonid Operative and Dragonfire Potion. But those two cards were all that was needed for it to suddenly become a highly competitive deck. It's ridiculous in the most awesome way, although I agree it's really weird that Mage can no longer successfully play a control game against the other two Kabal classes.
Ice Ahn There's no denying that Drakonid Operative is an extremely powerful card, but did you compare it to a 1 mana 5/5? That's not really a fair analogy even with the steals...and AoE hasn't been viable in a long time with the exception of Shaman, so it's not just the two cards. Priest had most of the pieces; they just needed that last push to be viable and since it was a big push they became top-tier competitive.
Carlos Murillo "AOE hasn't been viable" thats pretty vague statement and it's not even true. It's the matter of how much state it has, not the mechanism itself. Blizzard made arcane explosion cost 2 when it only has value of 1 so it sees no play whatsoever. Flamestrike has 7 actual value and it costs 7 so it sees play. if ur minions are all dragons, dragonfire potion has 9 value, but the card cost 6. I would understand if it costed 7 or 8 but undercosting by 3 is just too much. Dragonfire potion corresponds to exactly 1 mana 5/5 level of overstating. That's why i used as an example
Ice Ahn When I say AoE hasn't been viable I mean that nobody ran it except Shamans because it was too slow. Twisting Nether, Flamestrike, Holy Nova...only Excavated Evil was run in Priest and Priest sucked, and Paladins only ran Consecration because they had equality (and nobody was playing Paladin regardless). As for Dragonfire Potion, I think on an ideal board state it's super strong but that's true for any board clear. If it only affected your opponent's side of the board I'd agree, but it's a universal clear. A good Dragon Priest deck runs around 10 actual dragons; the rest are synergistic cards and removal. So when the majority of the time you're losing something by using the clear, it's fair. Also, where are you getting your numbers from? You say that Flamestrike has 7 mana worth of value; how did you reach that conclusion? I agree with that assessment but unless you're using some sort of formula you're just giving your opinion.
So I made a similar reno mage and it does pretty well against aggro and not too bad against midrange either but it fails miserably against big lategame stuff. Does anyone have any idea for a good win condition? I tried elise for a time but it was just too slow.
I haven't tried this since I don't have solia nor alex, but it's possible that running Alex + lots of burn (even pyroblast) can give you a win condition. Antonidas + a few lower cost spells may also work pretty well.
I don't get Blizzard's thought path on Kabal. They gave the spellcasters the "if you deck has no duplicates" mechanic. The obvious goal is to make a late game deck. But, spells are simply not a late game presence. Nothing that is single use is a PRESENCE. They may be able to handle late game situations. But, that's not enough to win. Besides, spells are much more effective when there are two of them. You can handle more things. Then again, it's not like mage or warlock needed much help. And, the help they gave Priest didn't really rely on the Kabal. I guess they knew what they were doing.
Kalani Orr It's all about their cost and function... if there were a 10 mana spell that deal 30 damage to the enemy hero how is that not a late game spell?
River Capulet Firelands portal isn't much of a late game presence. You summon on average a 3/4. That's not late game. 10 mana Kazakus Potion will have good presence (assuming you attach some kind of minions to it), but that's not a spell you put in a deck. It's more akin to a delayed battlecry. Ice Ahn A card that just immediately wins the game is not a presence. It's a win condition. And, typically, any kind of miracle deck that would work like that will be functioning by running 2 copies of cards. But, anyway, my major point here is that spells are mostly reactive (especially in these three classes). That's not a presence, that's a reaction. It has no lingering existence. And, you'll never have enough of those spells to also kill the face unless you have multiple copies of them. Which is why the Kabal deck that is getting the most play is a Dragon Kabal deck. It has the most actually worth playing minions in it.
15:15 Hit Sylvanas with the book, hit Beast with the 3/4, Flamestrike, and he only has the Drake and Don Han'Cho left on the board. What was Trump doing?
why didnt you flame strike, attack slyv with your book, attack the beast with your psychotron. drop the 2/2 that heals with the remaining 1 mana.. would have been fine...
Should Trump have, in the Shaman game, have traded the bot into the beast and 1/1 into the drake and then flamestrike? That would have cleared the board except for a 5/1 don hancho.
First deck I crafted was reno mage legendaries this expansion, it was knda disappointing finding out just how weak the deck is, built right it may have an alright matchup against fast decks but it gets easily outmuscled by the hand palis, and dragon priest plus it gets completely shit on by jade druid in particular. It has too hard a time applying pressure when you need it and and against the new breed of powerful midrange and control decks it falls short in consistently finding the answers and value needed. Inkmaster is ironically a card that would be much better in almost any mage deck outside of reno mage but can only work in a reno deck. While the ability to play a 5/5 along with a heavy spell is very good tempo you're not always going to find yourself in a position where the 5/5 body is going to be significant enough to turn most games in your favor by turn 7. Not including the fact that reno decks don't really care about tempo to win games ,in the long run a 7 mana 5/5 play with a big spell is too slow against aggressive decks and completelt insignificant versus control decks.
UncommonReality UncommonReality Because you usually don't consider being in danger at 24 health against Priest, since it generally doesn't have burst damage; althought we could have easily guessed that the opponent's hand was full of Nightmares. Besides, since Trump was running out of cards, he was searching other ways to kill his opponents like the 8/8 demon, while picking the armor would have just delayed Trump's own death. But yeah, he missplayed numerous times in this game in my opinion.
I took Acolyte of Pain out of my reno mage because you just draw too many cards and die to fatigue against control decks with it, and against aggro decks you don't have time to play it.
Getting tired of Trump surrendering so early. I'm sure he knows something I don't, but he doesn't state (at least in these videos) why he's conceding. At 16:30 Reno, Cone of cold on the left 3 minions gives him at least another turn.
Rafiiki64 ya but dragonpriest was a thing not too long ago and then for some reason it just disapeared but i still saw a few on ladder and lost everytime so idk whats up with that
MoDRun it stopped being à thing when they lost lightbomb mainly, of course people try with every expansion but in the end only dragonfire potion bought it back to life
I am still having a hard time believing they going to remove reno out of the standard next year I mean come on... reno deck solely depended on that one card to stay alive the one card that reno deck actually worked ... without it none of the exist deck will be able to run reno deck safely
In the last game he could have gotten reno out of kazakus potion that summons 3 friendly minions that died and then from ethereal conjurer he would have gotten eco of medivh ez reno
I think it's largely in part due to Trump always taking so long to try to come up with a really smart play that the rope forces him to make a really dumb play.
He only had to leave up Coldarra Drake and Don Hancho, and he could have gotten the minion off the beast deathrattle. He wouldn't have been in that bad of a spot. Instead, he digs for freeze which even in a best case scenario only delays getting killed by one turn.
alexcrouch9 someone explained that 0 health minions aren't counted as dead until all effects end, meaning that spawn of nzoth would the beast, sylvanas and paletress
ugh... you used your great arcane missles without spell power while you got flamestrike in your hand wich was better value... you polymorphed wrong minion your enemy out lucked you yea... deck is bad -_-
Hunter qwertz they are best when used with spell power when you use it with spell power its gaining 3 more damage instead of 1! it deals 12 damage instead o 9 yea 5 damage flamestrike is cool too but 4 and 5 has not too much diffrence mostly if enemy played to fill board. yet 3 and 4 has diffrence of totem golem and many 3 drop minion
Here's the thing about greater arcane missiles. It is unreliable and honestly just shit so when the card can give the slightest value you fucking use it. Flamestrike on the other hand has huge potential and is definitely worth saving. This video provides a nice example of this. Look at when Trump used the flamestrike. Now imagine that was greater arcane missiles. He would probably have killed one maybe two minions and damaged one or two other ones. Instead he got to kille 3 and damage 2. The tempo provided by killing one more minion is miles away from making up for what the flamestrike did more than missiles would've. The polymorph was a mistake but I doubt you would've done any different, seeing as you believe spellpower + greater arcane missiles is worth anything.
The deck doesn't suck, it could be easily improved indeed, but the one that sucks is the player. And let's be honest Trump isnt even that good, he makes too many missplays to be considered a pro player.
galen stone um not really? Mage has been given some pretty good cards, its just that they havent been given insanely op cards because they dont need them, the class is doing fine
Aiden Denike my main problem with the class is that blizzard insists on keeping the basic freeze mage viable and so that limits what you can do as far as op cards.
galen stone i actually support blizzard on keeping freeze mage viable, its such a unique deck with no other being the same. It does limit what they can do though. Even if freeze mage wasn't a thing i wonder if blizzard would even give mages more cards, since tempo is a thing, and mages have a very big pool of very strong cards and they might like to keep mage as a rather consistent class, regardless of standard rotation
Aiden Denike Good points and We agree that freeze mage indeed limits the cards that they can print for the class. I don't hate freeze mage but it makes me angry to see other classes get new creative decks while mage is forced to play the same old stuff.
galen stone true, the only cards they can print have to either be the same power level or worse and are meant to go in reno mage. Maybe one day they will have a new mage deck though. One can only dream
they should release a trump legendary which says: choose one: 4/4 president trump who summons 2 2/2 tokens with taunt or a card player trump with 10/10
Woops - turns out the Shaman video had most audio channels disabled - my bad for not checking the uploaded video before releasing it. I'll have to reupload that so in the meantime we do a switcheroo with todays second video.
~ Jens
When you're so organized you got the next video lined up already. Jens pro c:
Trump ok.
Jens Jens best Jens
Nice save, sir.
"What is dopplegangster doing in a Shaman deck?" - Famous last words
The Timmy in me wants pyroblast in this deck so much
The timmy in me made me run mediv over arcane giant
sometimes we just have to cater to our inner timmy
i run both pyroblast and medivh lol rank 16 4 life
booty clinched when i saw the deathwing
Holy shit... that fucking evolve..
I still can't understand why Trump didn't flamestrike. He could have cleared most of the board, including sylvanas and the beast.
Flamestrike was the best play, idk why Trump did that... Greed?
Not sure if Sylvanas would steal the 3/3 deathrattle guy, but even then that's an easy Flamestrike - considering that he has no outs other than a Doomsayer play.
cause he is a fucking pro..................pro my ass.
He didn't flamestrike because of the Spawn of N'zoth's deathrattle.
What the fuck was that play at 15:00? Send the 1/1 to Sylvanas and the 3/4 to The Beast. So it only has Hon Cho and Coldarra up when you flamestrike. Good god they all even got buffed by the 2/2 deathrattle.
wow dude that play must've really upset you.
kthxbye22222 Sorry mate. Its just Im used to Trump making these awesome predictions about the game, and then I see something like that that makes me shrugs
Yeah, you would've fucked up that one pretty miserably. Spawn of N'zoth would've saved Paletress and The Beast aswell after the flamestrike.
Orshabaal Im pretty sure it wouldnt. Wouldnt the minions die and then the surviving minions get the buff?
No, minions with 0 health are not considered dead until all effects are resolved. Which means they would've got the buff from the deathrattle.
best thing about this video is that it has sound! marvelous!
14:55 So, can anyone tell me what was wrong with 1/1 into sylv, 3/4 into beast, flamestrike? seems a hell of a lot better than what ends up happening.
edit: i should watch more video.
TheScholesie09 Ofc that was the best play. Idk how he missed it.
was cringing so hard when he decides to go full on RNG instead of making the clearly better play....
Sylvanas would steal the 3/3
Peik Korhonen
I was thinking about it while he was making the play. We actually don't know, it depends on which doppelgangster is summoned first. Depending on that, the sylvana's death rattle would trigger after/before the beast's. It was extremely tricky, I wish I had seen how it goes.
Theoretically the Spawn of N'zoth would save every 4 health minion after the flamestrike.
15:00 - The 3 atk into Don Hancho, the 1 Atk into Sylvana, the first polymorph into beast, the second into drake.
Leaves 21 dmg on the board with a full board (and all minions on 4 health).
It's not ideal, but it gives you a chance. If he has no 3 direct dmg you can play flamestrike plus Mistress.
Audio messes up 11:40 onward in parts of this video too
@trump in your final turn at 16:30 s you could have used cone of cold and reno to stay alive an extra turn
Wow I myself made a Reno mage deck and it's very similar to Trump's, I think there's only like a 3 card difference.
14:40 why didn't he flamestrike? the guy had coldarra drake and confessor palatress plus full board (sorry for botched spelling)
i love evolve card.it was one of the reasons for me to play shaman. since i am new and didnt had cards at all, but i had golden evolve. it was sooo cool
I feel like inkmaster solia and greater arcane missiles are for a deck who wants to do facedamage at the same time of trying to keep atleast some minions low.
for example make a 10 mana spell with kazakus or run pyroblast to face with inkmaster possibly.
MoDRun I don't think any aggro deck could work without duplicates, it makes them too inconsistent.
Llorrac TN not full aggro deck but a mid range with focus on aggro or something. i made a deck with kazakus but i dont have solia so mines less mana cost cards and its fairly good atleast around rank 12-15' ish
soooo...were just gonna ignore than jade shaman mute upload...
Alex Rodriguez yeah i saw that and now its removed
Yeah i was just about to watch it but then "poof" gone
***** someone is a little angry man
Nah he's just calling you out for being weirdly pedantic
At the point when you did the flamestrike against the huge board with Ysaera, rather than playing Inkmaster you could have Arcane blasted Ysera and then Forbidden Flamed it after Arcane Intellect, setting up for an Inkmaster -> Flamestrike -> Volcanic Potion full board clear rather than leaving behind some minions for the opponent. Your opponent at the time didn't have Lethal to pop your secret unless they had double Blackwing Corruptor.
Shame you didn't pick the +8 armor. Could've gotten you out of that situation.
In which game?
DieEnteable The last one.
That Reno was the most lucky thing I've seen. Your card combination shouldn't have worked that well haha
I wouldn't call that lucky. He had to do a lot of digging to get to it.
Cutpurse, Master of Disguise Yeah, but hadn't his normal turn draw been that Reno the game was over. Also 1 HP after the invincible part was cinematic as fuck.
I've tried Reno mage several times. Same with Reno Warlock. It hasn't been working for me.
on the shaman evolve turn why didnt u run ur 3/4 into the the 9/7 and ur 1/1 into sylvanas then flame strike leaving only a 7/3 and a 6/3 and u get a 3/3 on ur side, a deck like that probably doesnt run many direct dmg spell so its almost impossible for him to pop ur block on ur next turn then u can dig for answeres and reno on the following turn with him only having 3 cards left in hand. My heart trump... my heart...
What do you guys think swapping Arcane out for Yogg?
What's your opinion on including the Rhonin + Antonidas combo? :)
I played only reno mage and got to rank 4 with an above 70% winrate. And never ever lost the control matchups. Although it was wild so i had echo of medivh, scientist and duplicate :D Trump definitely would need to fix this deck tho, way less card draw. Can't win control matchups if you fatigue.
I think he is more worried about Jade matchups. In those it is all about Card advantage and value. Never gets to fatigue with Jade decks.
Elyse Brown Nah it does, and theres other ways to get card advantage over drawing. Discovering is much better than drawing control matchups. His build honestly just loses to everything. Hes not even playing courier, which is amazing.
Fatigue is one of the most irrelevant and overatted things in Hearthstone. Even in the slowest of the slow, it's not something that should be prepared for and expected to happen.
TheReccher If you think that you're a dumbass. Trump straight up lost because he ran out of value in his deck, Thats why discover is way better than draw in control mirrors, he plays way too much draw. His deck is ass lmao. And yeah it should be prepared for because this is mostly a control meta other than the face decks, so you need to have enough value in your deck, not just card draw.
How can any deck out value a reno mage? Maniac soulcaster reno, forgottem torch and elise to slows down fatigue, brann and cheap discovers to combo like brann + book + kazakus + scrarab in one turn, or bran + kabal courier + scrab + book. You can also throw in a panda to reuse battle cries, archmage + medivh for values, alextrasza for healing....
So Warlock and _Priest_ are eating Mage's lunch? What a strange new world we live in.
What's really incredible about it is that Dragon Priest only got...what, two new cards? Drakonid Operative and Dragonfire Potion. But those two cards were all that was needed for it to suddenly become a highly competitive deck. It's ridiculous in the most awesome way, although I agree it's really weird that Mage can no longer successfully play a control game against the other two Kabal classes.
Carlos Murillo i mean.. those 2 are clearly overstated. if u give rogue 1 mana 5/5 and 3 mana deal 4 dmg to all minion, control rogue may be viable.
Ice Ahn There's no denying that Drakonid Operative is an extremely powerful card, but did you compare it to a 1 mana 5/5? That's not really a fair analogy even with the steals...and AoE hasn't been viable in a long time with the exception of Shaman, so it's not just the two cards. Priest had most of the pieces; they just needed that last push to be viable and since it was a big push they became top-tier competitive.
Carlos Murillo "AOE hasn't been viable" thats pretty vague statement and it's not even true. It's the matter of how much state it has, not the mechanism itself. Blizzard made arcane explosion cost 2 when it only has value of 1 so it sees no play whatsoever. Flamestrike has 7 actual value and it costs 7 so it sees play. if ur minions are all dragons, dragonfire potion has 9 value, but the card cost 6. I would understand if it costed 7 or 8 but undercosting by 3 is just too much. Dragonfire potion corresponds to exactly 1 mana 5/5 level of overstating. That's why i used as an example
Ice Ahn When I say AoE hasn't been viable I mean that nobody ran it except Shamans because it was too slow. Twisting Nether, Flamestrike, Holy Nova...only Excavated Evil was run in Priest and Priest sucked, and Paladins only ran Consecration because they had equality (and nobody was playing Paladin regardless). As for Dragonfire Potion, I think on an ideal board state it's super strong but that's true for any board clear. If it only affected your opponent's side of the board I'd agree, but it's a universal clear. A good Dragon Priest deck runs around 10 actual dragons; the rest are synergistic cards and removal. So when the majority of the time you're losing something by using the clear, it's fair.
Also, where are you getting your numbers from? You say that Flamestrike has 7 mana worth of value; how did you reach that conclusion? I agree with that assessment but unless you're using some sort of formula you're just giving your opinion.
15:00, you can leave up just don and the drake, and you chose to dig? You what?
What are those icons under the cost of some of the cards? Its a little animated I think....
What does it show/mean?
Are you referring to the tri-class banner?
Considering you still had a Conjurer coming vs that Priest, why not see how it played out?
You should try out the evolve shaman since midrange ft. Jade Golems isn't as promising as you anticipated. Btw I love your content
Id really like to see a Reno Warlock deck sounds interesting.
You can have more value if you want. The version I made is pretty greedy and runs both alextrazsa for burst and Rhonin and Sylvanas with N'zoth.
Hey, this prototype has audio!
estou adorando as musicas de fundo de World of Warcraft , bate uma nostalgia ^^
greater arcane missiles adds an extra projectile for speed damage thats cool
I was excited about the jade shamen
Interesting how greater arcane missiles gets effectively 3 times as much benefit from spell power than most spells.
That moment when you laugh at your opponent playing your own card reveal and he wrecks you with super value evolve.
What about Harrison Jones because of all those aggro piratedecks ?
Maybe you run too much draw and not enough discover for a value game
So I made a similar reno mage and it does pretty well against aggro and not too bad against midrange either but it fails miserably against big lategame stuff. Does anyone have any idea for a good win condition? I tried elise for a time but it was just too slow.
I haven't tried this since I don't have solia nor alex, but it's possible that running Alex + lots of burn (even pyroblast) can give you a win condition. Antonidas + a few lower cost spells may also work pretty well.
+jacob norris That's an interesting idea actually. I sadly don't have antonidas but I do run a good bit of burn so I'll try alex.
I don't get Blizzard's thought path on Kabal. They gave the spellcasters the "if you deck has no duplicates" mechanic. The obvious goal is to make a late game deck. But, spells are simply not a late game presence. Nothing that is single use is a PRESENCE. They may be able to handle late game situations. But, that's not enough to win. Besides, spells are much more effective when there are two of them. You can handle more things.
Then again, it's not like mage or warlock needed much help. And, the help they gave Priest didn't really rely on the Kabal. I guess they knew what they were doing.
TheDisarminghinkle "spells are simply not a late game" that's really vague sentence.. you really have no point at all
TheDisarminghinkle cabalist tome, firelance portal, and kazakus potion all are very good late game.
Ice Ahn how's that a vague sentence?
Kalani Orr It's all about their cost and function... if there were a 10 mana spell that deal 30 damage to the enemy hero how is that not a late game spell?
River Capulet
Firelands portal isn't much of a late game presence. You summon on average a 3/4. That's not late game. 10 mana Kazakus Potion will have good presence (assuming you attach some kind of minions to it), but that's not a spell you put in a deck. It's more akin to a delayed battlecry.
Ice Ahn A card that just immediately wins the game is not a presence. It's a win condition. And, typically, any kind of miracle deck that would work like that will be functioning by running 2 copies of cards.
But, anyway, my major point here is that spells are mostly reactive (especially in these three classes). That's not a presence, that's a reaction. It has no lingering existence. And, you'll never have enough of those spells to also kill the face unless you have multiple copies of them.
Which is why the Kabal deck that is getting the most play is a Dragon Kabal deck. It has the most actually worth playing minions in it.
Trump your hair is wack today bro :(
blood elf cosplay
omg im laughing so hard
how Can I make the deck List That he has on the left also to My hearth Stone? its really useful
imBlur3 thx
i witnessed the jade shaman video removal! #feelsgoodman
15:15 Hit Sylvanas with the book, hit Beast with the 3/4, Flamestrike, and he only has the Drake and Don Han'Cho left on the board. What was Trump doing?
why didnt you flame strike, attack slyv with your book, attack the beast with your psychotron. drop the 2/2 that heals with the remaining 1 mana.. would have been fine...
"Not only new cards, but Inkmaster Solia"... a new card.
I got a golden inkmaster, very first golden legendary.
I still regret dusting her all for the reason that I dont play mage
gamerx112 My goodness.....but u must be swimming in that ocean of dust now brah 👍
Debraj Sarkar
literally just a free legendary after her.
I needed don han'cho for my paladin deck.
Why does a stolen Kazakhus trigger even tho the theif has duplicates in their deck?
It probably didn't, he's allowed to have dups in his entire deck so long as he's drawn at least one of each of his two ofs
Hey trump, why don't you play golden cards?
My guess is that a lot of people don't like to have decks with mismatched gold cards. All or Nothing, if you will.
Yeah that makes sense
That first game warrior is exactly why I Squelch 90% of my matches, get fucked ShadowDragon
So glad he got destroyed.
28:16 "Too soon, insect!"
I stupidly dumped all of my dust into Kazakus and Ink Master....I NEED a good Reno deck.
Christopher Johnson play renolock then
Why don't you use golden cards?
Casual 4 legendaries from evolve
Arcane Giant rather than Antonidas?!
And you dare complain about value?
Antonidas is one of the main win conditions of this deck.
Should Trump have, in the Shaman game, have traded the bot into the beast and 1/1 into the drake and then flamestrike? That would have cleared the board except for a 5/1 don hancho.
Whats the outro song
After Dark from Machinimasound
zim57 thx bro
Yo trump can u make a renolock vedio
Trump is actually a super cool dude to watch. He gives us cringe players a home to go.
long have we waited now we jebaited
trump: "whelp i guess that makes sense"
me: gg
You run Elise to not get outvalued in the very late game. That's why she's important to the deck.
First deck I crafted was reno mage legendaries this expansion, it was knda disappointing finding out just how weak the deck is, built right it may have an alright matchup against fast decks but it gets easily outmuscled by the hand palis, and dragon priest plus it gets completely shit on by jade druid in particular. It has too hard a time applying pressure when you need it and and against the new breed of powerful midrange and control decks it falls short in consistently finding the answers and value needed. Inkmaster is ironically a card that would be much better in almost any mage deck outside of reno mage but can only work in a reno deck. While the ability to play a 5/5 along with a heavy spell is very good tempo you're not always going to find yourself in a position where the 5/5 body is going to be significant enough to turn most games in your favor by turn 7. Not including the fact that reno decks don't really care about tempo to win games ,in the long run a 7 mana 5/5 play with a big spell is too slow against aggressive decks and completelt insignificant versus control decks.
At least there is audio
The only way this deck works is with Archmage. That's your win condition for control match ups.
why didn't he pick aoe poly + armor and whatever + 8/8?
UncommonReality UncommonReality Because you usually don't consider being in danger at 24 health against Priest, since it generally doesn't have burst damage; althought we could have easily guessed that the opponent's hand was full of Nightmares.
Besides, since Trump was running out of cards, he was searching other ways to kill his opponents like the 8/8 demon, while picking the armor would have just delayed Trump's own death.
But yeah, he missplayed numerous times in this game in my opinion.
You don't have frost nova in your deck...
I took Acolyte of Pain out of my reno mage because you just draw too many cards and die to fatigue against control decks with it, and against aggro decks you don't have time to play it.
Getting tired of Trump surrendering so early. I'm sure he knows something I don't, but he doesn't state (at least in these videos) why he's conceding. At 16:30 Reno, Cone of cold on the left 3 minions gives him at least another turn.
yes it would have given him 1 more turn, but he had no way to remove it the next turn.
are you going to do a F2P?!!?
I wish Reno would stay before the next rotation...
Playing shambler in a deck with hand buff cards seems bad since if it hits the shambler the buff is useless
he got a shambler from "I know a guy"...
oh ok
priest gone from worst class to best class? right so why wasnt dragon priest good if its good...
MoDRun because dragonfire potion is a card
Rafiiki64 ya but dragonpriest was a thing not too long ago and then for some reason it just disapeared but i still saw a few on ladder and lost everytime so idk whats up with that
MoDRun it stopped being à thing when they lost lightbomb mainly, of course people try with every expansion but in the end only dragonfire potion bought it back to life
And the better turn five in the game maybe
New cards. Drakonid OP and Dragonfire Potion both made this deck way better.
Either my ears fixed themselves or my laptop did. Magic?
why not having archmage? what a 0 mana 8/8 has done in any game? eat a spell? also where is sylvanas?
I am still having a hard time believing they going to remove reno out of the standard next year I mean come on... reno deck solely depended on that one card to stay alive the one card that reno deck actually worked ... without it none of the exist deck will be able to run reno deck safely
They can just release a new card that does something similar. Just look at MtG.
Bl4ckDr4co that will be 2 healing card for reno in wild that is kinda op
Janhyua nobody cares about wild
I don't run Inkmaster in my Reno Mage
Kai H you monster.
Why not?
I run 30 fireballs in my reno mage.
World of Warcraft music, yess i love it!
Embrace the Power of the Kabal!!!!
In the last game he could have gotten reno out of kazakus potion that summons 3 friendly minions that died and then from ethereal conjurer he would have gotten eco of medivh ez reno
echo of medivh is not in standard bro
lol really? I didn't really see it played much so I kinda didn't notice xD
at first i thought trump had a girlfriend then i realized he was talking about a Disney movie
Damn trump got destroyed by that shaman. He had trump in the bent over position. 14:17
Lmao my volume was muted and I though.. Damn. Audio is messed up again. Haha
That shaman is a bot. Never hovers over cards, all moves are fast and perfectly timed, no thinking.
That's just Shaman instinct now. The cards may rotate but they, they are changed for good
I JUST crafted Aya. If I disenchant all my golds I can have 5600 dust... don't want to do that...
That moment when he says moana and your like boi
>doesn't put a win condition in his deck
>complains about his deck not having enough value
And you could have had turn all minions into sheep gain 10 armor :(
In that 2nd game? Wouldn'T have done anything. He had like 2 cards left in his deck and no more minions and not enough damage. Was a loss either way.
Hair all fleek
15:00 worst play ever...................
I think it's largely in part due to Trump always taking so long to try to come up with a really smart play that the rope forces him to make a really dumb play.
He only had to leave up Coldarra Drake and Don Hancho, and he could have gotten the minion off the beast deathrattle. He wouldn't have been in that bad of a spot. Instead, he digs for freeze which even in a best case scenario only delays getting killed by one turn.
alexcrouch9 someone explained that 0 health minions aren't counted as dead until all effects end, meaning that spawn of nzoth would the beast, sylvanas and paletress
I'm almost positive it doesn't work that way
ugh... you used your great arcane missles without spell power while you got flamestrike in your hand wich was better value...
you polymorphed wrong minion
your enemy out lucked you
yea... deck is bad -_-
great arcane missles is not so usefull with spellpower
Hunter qwertz they are best when used with spell power
when you use it with spell power its gaining 3 more damage instead of 1! it deals 12 damage instead o 9
yea 5 damage flamestrike is cool too but 4 and 5 has not too much diffrence mostly if enemy played to fill board. yet 3 and 4 has diffrence of totem golem and many 3 drop minion
Here's the thing about greater arcane missiles. It is unreliable and honestly just shit so when the card can give the slightest value you fucking use it. Flamestrike on the other hand has huge potential and is definitely worth saving.
This video provides a nice example of this. Look at when Trump used the flamestrike. Now imagine that was greater arcane missiles. He would probably have killed one maybe two minions and damaged one or two other ones. Instead he got to kille 3 and damage 2. The tempo provided by killing one more minion is miles away from making up for what the flamestrike did more than missiles would've.
The polymorph was a mistake but I doubt you would've done any different, seeing as you believe spellpower + greater arcane missiles is worth anything.
The deck doesn't suck, it could be easily improved indeed, but the one that sucks is the player.
And let's be honest Trump isnt even that good, he makes too many missplays to be considered a pro player.
mavanero I don't think anyone is saying Trump is pro. I wouldn't call him bad but I think we can all agree there are better players out there.
°^° This has sound!
mages got screwed in Karazhan cards and now in Gadgetzan. I hate fuckin' blizzard most days.
galen stone um not really? Mage has been given some pretty good cards, its just that they havent been given insanely op cards because they dont need them, the class is doing fine
Aiden Denike
my main problem with the class is that blizzard insists on keeping the basic freeze mage viable and so that limits what you can do as far as op cards.
galen stone i actually support blizzard on keeping freeze mage viable, its such a unique deck with no other being the same. It does limit what they can do though. Even if freeze mage wasn't a thing i wonder if blizzard would even give mages more cards, since tempo is a thing, and mages have a very big pool of very strong cards and they might like to keep mage as a rather consistent class, regardless of standard rotation
Aiden Denike Good points and We agree that freeze mage indeed limits the cards that they can print for the class. I don't hate freeze mage but it makes me angry to see other classes get new creative decks while mage is forced to play the same old stuff.
galen stone true, the only cards they can print have to either be the same power level or worse and are meant to go in reno mage. Maybe one day they will have a new mage deck though. One can only dream
I thought the title was a joke but I guess not
You need Sylvannas
they should release a trump legendary which says: choose one: 4/4 president trump who summons 2 2/2 tokens with taunt or a card player trump with 10/10
Am I the only one here who thinks Inkmaster Solia is pretty cute?
BloodRaptor nope. she is waifu.
She is cute but Aya Blackpaw is much cuter :D
ɖɛǟɖᏦռɨɢɦᏆ12 true waifu.
Trump is best waifu!