Passions Episode 614 Ss

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @darleenhickson3718
    @darleenhickson3718 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Steffy! I've enjoyed watching!

  • @user-et5ng4wy2i
    @user-et5ng4wy2i 2 роки тому +13

    Spoilers- Theresa took one pill that afternoon before she and Ethan were intimate that night before their wedding. You need to be on it for awhile/a cycle in order for it to work but Theresa is so afraid right now she is not thinking clearly. Did she bother reading the box to see if she followed the directions properly? meaning the one pill wasn’t effective? meaning that the night she was with Ethan they actually got pregnant? Poor Theresa, it didn’t look good for her how Bruce and his friends set her up to make her think Julian was a possible “ex-lover” (thinking that she wasn’t on anything when she woke up in Bermuda with Julian). If Theresa knew the truth that Ethan was the father all along? Ethan never would have left her over this misunderstanding.

  • @annmarierebecseaton4982
    @annmarierebecseaton4982 Рік тому +5

    One thing i know Theresa is going to loose Ethan soon , but Gwen is weasling her way back to Ethan, but i dont like Ethan and Gwen together they are not romantic to me .

  • @blackmontez5422
    @blackmontez5422 4 місяці тому

    Then shardon should go to harmony to get back her memories

  • @ronblockbassin
    @ronblockbassin 3 місяці тому

    Oh no julians

  • @CD-yp5tz
    @CD-yp5tz Рік тому +1

    Isn’t Sheridan from Harmony? Come on folks let’s connect the dots here. Lol. Love this show.

  • @TootieTheMUA
    @TootieTheMUA 2 роки тому +4

    Omg Theresa! Better hope it’s Ethan’s!

  • @annmarierebecseaton4982
    @annmarierebecseaton4982 Рік тому +2

    I dont like how they write the show them let Theresa suffer and the child is Ethan , what about DNA test.

  • @BluEyedBlondie143
    @BluEyedBlondie143 Рік тому +3

    How old was Antonio "Brian" when he left home.. and what was the reasoning?

  • @ginnymorgan4468
    @ginnymorgan4468 3 місяці тому

    I dont get louis is a cop yet why is he not questioning why the boay blew up? And digging deeper? I hate their story line they deserved a happy ending since noone else truly had one and stayed together from day 1 of being together...

  • @BluEyedBlondie143
    @BluEyedBlondie143 Рік тому +1

    Who is Liz and what is her connection to Harmony??

    • @1JaSi1986
      @1JaSi1986 Рік тому +3

      I'm thinking Chad's mom!!

    • @CD-yp5tz
      @CD-yp5tz Рік тому +3

      Dr. Russel’s sister.

    • @BluEyedBlondie143
      @BluEyedBlondie143 Рік тому +1

      @@1JaSi1986 I found out Liz & Alistar are Chad's parents but right now everyone thinks Eve & Julian are so him and Whitney committed "insest"

    • @1JaSi1986
      @1JaSi1986 Рік тому

      @@BluEyedBlondie143 woooooooow

  • @lanahusain9367
    @lanahusain9367 Рік тому +4

    I want to see theresa in misery

    • @Ah_Niks
      @Ah_Niks 11 місяців тому

      I'm starting to think that you're jealous of how beautiful Theresa is lol You keep calling her a slut when she's only freely given herself to one man...the man she loves. Ethan.

    • @hotchocolate6320
      @hotchocolate6320 8 місяців тому +1

      She really didn't do anything wrong

    • @Durome02
      @Durome02 5 місяців тому +1

      @@hotchocolate6320she stole Gwen’s man and has been lying about everything since the beginning??!

    • @user-et5ng4wy2i
      @user-et5ng4wy2i 3 місяці тому +1

      Your wrong, Gwen is the manipulative, lying, witch here. Theresa made mistakes but she didn’t steal anything, Ethan fell in love with her and he left Gwen on his own!