Joesph and Daniel’s reactions to Hope dating 😹😹😹 Joesph: “Absolutely not.” Julie: “There’s a boy.” Joesph:”What?!” Daniel: “Gross.” Me : dying of laughter 😹😹😹😹
Joseph isn't Klaus Mikaelson. Klaus in TO wouldn't give a damn. Too busy wanting to win back city, connecting to one certain soulmate, saving daughter, and dying with brother ;) Go Klaus!!!
She had the audacity to kill of Hayley like it was nothing and Elijah didn't even remember her so his reaction was like: *looks at Klaus* *looks at Hayley* *looks at Klaus* "BISH who dat?!"
@@caramelhoney29 Her Caracter was one of the best.Badas Moma Wolf Alpha Ruthless and cruel not like some Female Caracters just crying and with boyfriend's.Every Caracter in TO was perfect and it's not Teen Show.
Kennedy Watkins It’s a show. People are allowed to ship whatever they want. Also Caroline’s husband is dead & so is the girl they say was “Klaus’ love”. Btw I posted that comment 6 months ago lmao. If you don’t like my opinion then leave 🙃
Kennedy Watkins it’s a show and he probably made that face purposely and just for fun and it’s Caroline and Klaus are not real so we can ship them as much as we want but in real life I’m really happy for Joseph and his wife Persia they’re so cute!
Holy shit, I just watched the 100 interview and they always give zero spoilers, and then I watched this and it was like spoiler after spoiler! Culture shock! 😱
Potato Sack you're right. Though they're not usually this opened about the new season. But I think they want the fans to know what they're going to see since it's the last season so they won't be disappointed when the show starts.
@@parisw05 No it's because Show ending and she probably knew already how her Caracter will end.And she needs to to all this press knowing that.She and Paul break up earlier like end 2016 and just then where on and of.It's not end of the World when you finish realashionship and she also had food poisinig.I don't think it's because of Paul these People where everyday in her life, it's sad when comes end.
@@lararistic4610 not the end of the world? its incredibly sad when you break up with someone you love especially in their scenario where they had been together 4 years regardless if it was on and off, they also broke up during 2017, of course none of us know the actual reason bc we aren't her and she never stated but they are in an interview talking about tvdu so of course she's going to be sad given how recent their break up was. which is why I said it "may" have been the reason
I know this was posted two years ago but I feel like she was having a really crappy day, I think she had recently broken up with her boyfriend Paul, and in another interview she looked uncomfortable I mean to me it looks like period cramps that’s what other people were saying to but who knows 🤷🏽♀️
also yes she probably broke up with paul a while before that. in another interview of this exact day the looked really sad when they mentioned the vampire diaries and stefan
He so shy but he has a amazing character he plays....being the hero ..saving the kids . I can see why Finn took over the powerful Vincent . Bonnie and Vincent would if been perfect cute couple if age was not a issue..he is not vamp, he is powerful,he hates vampires too, he would not back stab Bonnie like Luka and his dad. I think Vincent and Bonnie would been a cute couple. 6
Hope isn’t here! The three in the back are Marcel, Joseph and Vincent (I only know Krauss’ real name sorry) and then the one in the purple is Riley (Freya) then Julie next to her is Phoebe (Hayley) and then Daniel (Elijah)
Is wandering why Charles " Marcel" have a sticker on him saying trashy...trashy Marcel never been. Love Hayley Love Declan Jackson..wish they did not kill hayley off
Please Please Please show the 60‘s and 70‘s in The Originals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These are The only time who would be very very very cool with Vampires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We Europeans in Europe want see that,we would love that very very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😔☺️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😍😍😍☮️🌸✌🏼❤️❤️❤️
Hate when klaus and elija died s5e13 , why they both b dead , hope should be why why, I watched the show since vampire diaries s.1 e 1 I was in my graduation 1st yr. And it's been so many years . Stefan ended himself and now these 2 , what a bulshit thing the director Julia plec has done . Legacies suck it always will. I am not gonna watch more. It's over.
Interviewer :"Hope is now 15, is she dating ? "
Joseph :"No absolutely not."
Julie : "there's a boy...."
Joseph : "WHAT?!" I laughed too hard.
Daniela Hernandez And Daniel (Uncle Elijah) said "gross". 😂
Daniela Hernandez 😹😹😹
Omg when lmao
Daniel is like "Gross".....😂😂😂😂😂😂
he acts like a real father to her soo cute I wish Phoebe Joseph and Danielle were a cute little fam
Joesph and Daniel’s reactions to Hope dating 😹😹😹
Joesph: “Absolutely not.”
Julie: “There’s a boy.”
Daniel: “Gross.”
Me : dying of laughter 😹😹😹😹
Love his reaction
Exactly my reaction and Phoebe's just like: What's going on?
Well Daniels reaction was more like ‘grOOoss’
Does anyone know the time stamp?
I love how Joseph looked happy when they mentioned Caroline but as soon as Julie said Salvatore he looked hella pissed😂
Stephanie Banks ikr lol
Joseph isn't Klaus Mikaelson. Klaus in TO wouldn't give a damn. Too busy wanting to win back city, connecting to one certain soulmate, saving daughter, and dying with brother ;) Go Klaus!!!
Newhorizon303 and that soulmate is Caroline
Joseph is klaroline shipper 😂♥️
@@MyrtleMumian ok?
She had the audacity to kill of Hayley like it was nothing and Elijah didn't even remember her so his reaction was like: *looks at Klaus* *looks at Hayley* *looks at Klaus* "BISH who dat?!"
I mean Elijah did know her but he knew her as Andrea, not Hayley.
@@Cool_kailaaa I know sorry for the mess up lol
Oml this comment had me dead😂💀 I laughed way to hard at this
I was glad. Hayley was a bore. She should've died at the end of season 1.
5:03 the dimples on joseph’s face 😩😭❤️🤗
Phoebe Tonkins is very pretty.....
@@5Lion5ofGod7 well kakayama i said what i said
Agreed. But her character was boring.
@@caramelhoney29 Her Caracter was one of the best.Badas Moma Wolf Alpha Ruthless and cruel not like some Female Caracters just crying and with boyfriend's.Every Caracter in TO was perfect and it's not Teen Show.
oh no there is no such thing. Klaus just DIED. OOPS
nononono i don't think so she is married and he is in love with someone else and is also dead .
Kennedy Watkins It’s a show. People are allowed to ship whatever they want. Also Caroline’s husband is dead & so is the girl they say was “Klaus’ love”. Btw I posted that comment 6 months ago lmao. If you don’t like my opinion then leave 🙃
Kennedy Watkins it’s a show and he probably made that face purposely and just for fun and it’s Caroline and Klaus are not real so we can ship them as much as we want but in real life I’m really happy for Joseph and his wife Persia they’re so cute!
Julie : Hayley's got a friend with benefits
Phoebe : I think he has an Accent
Joseph : everybody has an accent 💀
2:12 joshep and phobe eye contact
Yusuf is so quiet in these and he's one of my favourites. Why dont they ever ask him and Charles questions
Because they BLACK,HATERS
I don’t think it has anything to do with their colour. it’s probably just because their characters aren’t as important ig
Francis Turner chill please, nobody is hating on blacks it’s just the characters they play are just not as important
OlIvia Metlege marcel is one of the main characters- he was in more of the episodes than rebekah even
Holy shit, I just watched the 100 interview and they always give zero spoilers, and then I watched this and it was like spoiler after spoiler! Culture shock! 😱
Potato Sack you're right. Though they're not usually this opened about the new season. But I think they want the fans to know what they're going to see since it's the last season so they won't be disappointed when the show starts.
Why does phoebe Tonkin look so sad?
ReleasedEn3rgy she kinda looks like she is sick or maybe jetleg
ReleasedEn3rgy I cant say for sure, but it could involve her and Paul Wesley's breakup
Haylee dies in this series watched a video on youtube and paused screen zoomed in on white board and haylee dies by been set on fire
Gary Beadnell yes she does die before the season is over..
Coz shes playin Hayley.
phoebe looks really upset i wanna hug her
She and Paul Wesley had just broken up
I love how Charles laughs at everything
if the last words in the series arent “always and forever” im gonna cry.
Klaus face when Julie talks about Hayleys friends with benefits
What's the time
@@Duniyaisalie @3:31
Love how fast klaus face changed when Julie called Caroline Forbes Salvatore
Hayley looks like she’s about to cry🥺
her and Paul had just recently broken up, that may have been why
@@parisw05 No it's because Show ending and she probably knew already how her Caracter will end.And she needs to to all this press knowing that.She and Paul break up earlier like end 2016 and just then where on and of.It's not end of the World when you finish realashionship and she also had food poisinig.I don't think it's because of Paul these People where everyday in her life, it's sad when comes end.
@@lararistic4610 not the end of the world? its incredibly sad when you break up with someone you love especially in their scenario where they had been together 4 years regardless if it was on and off, they also broke up during 2017, of course none of us know the actual reason bc we aren't her and she never stated but they are in an interview talking about tvdu so of course she's going to be sad given how recent their break up was. which is why I said it "may" have been the reason
4:30 caroline
why is Claire never in any of these? :(
charlotte I think it’s cause she left with kol
And Kol
Neither Claire nor Nate (Kol) is a series regular.
it’s bc she’s a guest star, in spite of being one of the original siblings, notice her frequent absences?
Riley's reaction when asked about hope dating is so cute 😊 love her!
watching Pheobe a mood throughout the video is so entertaining
Charles Michael Davis was really great, underrated even on this show especially interviews
Julie Plec is racist! She treated the Bonnie character like trash.
Riley lookin sassy & badass as fudge! Why the blue hell can't this show go on? 😭😭😭
Elisa Taylor Ik 😭😭😭😭
1 word. Legacies. And the fact that Klaus, Hayley and Elijah died.
klaus was like 😀 when they mentioned candice/ caroline...then julie said caroline forbes SALVATORE he was like🤨🙁
hope is 15, is she dating?
joseph: no absolutely not
julie: there's a boy
joseph: WHAT!?
daniel: gross 😂😂
Time ?
@@elizabethpoarch4944 2:05
5:27 What is Phobe doing?
Being angry with Julie Plec 😂
I know this was posted two years ago but I feel like she was having a really crappy day, I think she had recently broken up with her boyfriend Paul, and in another interview she looked uncomfortable I mean to me it looks like period cramps that’s what other people were saying to but who knows 🤷🏽♀️
i thought that she was just thinking and expressing her trying to/her frustration to quickly come up with or remember something physically
also yes she probably broke up with paul a while before that. in another interview of this exact day the looked really sad when they mentioned the vampire diaries and stefan
The originals forever 😊
music girl always and forever
Phoebe and Paul broke up around this time which i think is why Phoebe looks so sad
@@samariawilliams495 ikr i love her so much
I don't want Hayley to die in season 5 plz I want a happy ending with Elijah
Sabrina Garcia MEEEE TOOOO
she dead 😂😂😂
Guess what they all die Hayley Klaus and Elijah
Sabrina Garcia fucking hell she died
this is awkward
5:53 lol charles is wereing a trash badge on his shirt 😂
Joseph face at 4:32 when Julie said “there’s something about Caroline Forbes... Saltzman - Salvatore” 😂😂 he’s different a Klaroline shipper 🛳
Vincent was absolutely left out...🤣🤣🤣
He so shy but he has a amazing character he plays....being the hero ..saving the kids . I can see why Finn took over the powerful Vincent . Bonnie and Vincent would if been perfect cute couple if age was not a issue..he is not vamp, he is powerful,he hates vampires too, he would not back stab Bonnie like Luka and his dad. I think Vincent and Bonnie would been a cute couple. 6
You’re here for @2:05
no im here for 4;35 😂😂😂
@@leticiaferreira9752 4:35
no 4:31 acccc
@@leticiaferreira9752 4:31
Daniel looks so triggered
I would be too :,)
What is it with Joseph and Daniel nodding at each other in every interview 😂
Why wasn't Yusuf asked about his character or anything for that matter or was it just not included in the video?
Julie:Caroline forbers salvatore
Joseph:wtf is that😑
We want originals to be continued including Elijah nikalus Haley without them series is incomplete so please make sure to start again it's my request
Vampire's never dies forever, they always find a way to come back to life
I want to see Haley and Klaus together in season 5
Drea Lock caroline**
Drea Lock Elijah and Hayley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍🤵🏻👰🏻❤️❤️❤️
Caroline and klaus
Wasn’t the whole suit thing from an emotinal trauma and he has let that go so thats why i don’t know but maybe it was the reason why
yeah it was
I'm so excited yet I'm so sad the originals is ending 😭
In the thumbnail phoebe looks like shes crying😂
#nohayleynoshow #savehayley
I will miss you all so much 😢😭😭😭
Great questions for the most part! I enjoy this interview
where the bloody hell is Rebecca?:)
Can't wait to see the episode with Caroline and Klaus
Deanna Gallie My fragile heart wont be able to take it 💙
I am waiting for that one as well. It's linked from the Vampire Diaries at some point because of the school
Daniel wandered into his own world. Very pisces 🤣
Joseph is so cute🥺❤️
4:29 Julie: Caroline Forbes Salvatore …meanwhile Joseph: 💀
hayley looked so sad on the thumnail
I can't wait
I love how Charles had a trashy sticker on LMAO
How come I NEVER see Claire Holt aka REBEKAH MIKAELSON in these interviews??!
Rebekah isn't main character
Joseph is such a baby 😭😭
I am very very sad that it's finished...I missed everyone ... specially KLAUS....😭
Haylee dies in this series watched a video on youtube and paused screen zoomed in on white board and haylee dies by been set on fire
Gary Beadnell yes she does
They still🤣🤣
anyone here 2021??
CAROLINE AND KLAUS CAN'T WAIT YASSSSS!!!!!!! Who else just watch the trailer that just come out?!
someone just hug phoebe
Alguém pode traduzir 😢😭😭
kol and davina had a good eight years
Charles is the real gentleman
i'm so sad phoebe tonkin cut her hair
it's just hair.
I love it
2:00 must see
Are those 3 boys standing at the back??
who ever set up and edited audio here needs to lose a job its probably worst audio in the interview I've ever heard
Am i the only one pheobe seems upset and sad in this video and she is overthinking while she is trying to conceal it
hope dating part
I love Riley
Klaus és Caroline💗
Now they are 😂
Why are we ending this the Vampire Diaries Hurt this is gonna kill me
There faces got to me there where like oh god no please no
Is that hope with the orange hair????
Hope isn’t here! The three in the back are Marcel, Joseph and Vincent (I only know Krauss’ real name sorry) and then the one in the purple is Riley (Freya) then Julie next to her is Phoebe (Hayley) and then Daniel (Elijah)
An Originals cast with two originals only. Kol, Rebekah, and Finn not being series regulars
Hayley and Declen I swear all they did was talk and then boom gone. How the fuck does that make them “date” ?
Why does phoebe look so sad 😂
Poebe is attractive but Freya (idk her name) is damn cute 💜
Freya's name is Riley
@@arcane3005 thank you ❤️
Só eu que acho a Freya parecida com a Paola Oliveira?
Geeesh do they have crap this vedio up with politic ads crap
Is wandering why Charles " Marcel" have a sticker on him saying trashy...trashy Marcel never been. Love Hayley Love Declan Jackson..wish they did not kill hayley off
Elijah for the win
Am from the future . Klaroline is endgame. Hayley dies. Bye my time machine doesn’t last long enough to give you all the information
dyliz 11 Klaroline isn't endgame, the show isn't over yet. Maybe Klaus dies.
the only bait JP has left after the terrible writing. Too bad for you, never happened, but trust me, it's a good thing it would have had been awful.
Why does Phoebe have serious bags under her eyes
She looks like been crying
Please Please Please show the 60‘s and 70‘s in The Originals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These are The only time who would be very very very cool with Vampires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We Europeans in Europe want see that,we would love that very very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😔☺️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😍😍😍☮️🌸✌🏼❤️❤️❤️
Camille better come back. And fill the hole in Klause’s heart.
Sill Sydney she's dead sorry
Caroline will be doing that... sorry lol
Sill Sydney NO! Caroline forever
Carolines got that covered
she will be back and i can't wait. FINALLY JESUS.
here from tik tok
ɪ ʟɪᴠᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴ ʜᴏᴜʀ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ғʀᴏᴍ ɴᴇᴡ ᴏʀʟᴇᴀɴs
Bree Mouton I live in new orleans
do you like it there? I would love to live there sometime in my life!
I just came back from new Orleans vacation, I loved it..I'd love to live there
Danielle Leigh Mouton keep an eye out for vampires
Hate when klaus and elija died s5e13 , why they both b dead , hope should be why why, I watched the show since vampire diaries s.1 e 1 I was in my graduation 1st yr. And it's been so many years . Stefan ended himself and now these 2 , what a bulshit thing the director Julia plec has done . Legacies suck it always will. I am not gonna watch more. It's over.
I’m curious what happened to Aurora? They just left her laying in a casket? I need answers people!! Lol
They killed her
@@thatonelesbiandork7050 no they did not, watch legacies