Funnily enough, MAMACOO's replicas are perfect for people who can actually afford a luxury watch. Because in those social circles, it wouldn't matter and everybody would just assume it's real. You have a yacht and a beach house in Tuscany, of course that replica is real. There isn't a millionaire out there going around with a jeweller's loupe to scrutinize their acquaintance's watch. They'll just go "Oh is that a Patek? Nice, I should really get my hands on one of those, they look great."
Love the collection and the journey in getting the beautiful timepieces.
Funnily enough, MAMACOO's replicas are perfect for people who can actually afford a luxury watch. Because in those social circles, it wouldn't matter and everybody would just assume it's real. You have a yacht and a beach house in Tuscany, of course that replica is real. There isn't a millionaire out there going around with a jeweller's loupe to scrutinize their acquaintance's watch. They'll just go "Oh is that a Patek? Nice, I should really get my hands on one of those, they look great."