Make a Gundam Video talking about the three Mobile tank models in Mobile Suit Gundam: the Hildolfr, Guntank( early, assault and Project V/ MP type) and the Zaku Tank.
Thought I heard a little choke up when you said "and that's all there is to say" at the end lol Don't worry spook, we all get emotional about our favorite US military research projects not progressing past testing. I still have a daily fit about the ACR program.
TBH it probably has more to do with trying to record voiceover with a respiratory infection, but I do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about the HSTV-L.
It had nothing to do with economics, US wastes money on military projects all the time. It was the fact that the round couldn't reliably penetrate modern tank armor from the front.
Ah, so that's how the HSTV-L "revolving breech" worked. Neat. This tank was peak 80s coolness. If only it could be revived in the modern day. A 21st centruy version of it would be amazing.
Had the U.S. Navy not stopped researching the hstv l, it would have become an MBT with a 120mm gun, 1s reload time and high-angle composite armor capable of stopping any apfsd tank in front. The new 38 ton US light tank loses in all aspects compared to the HSTVL, the new US light tank is just a big brick for shooting practice.
I would argue that the HSTV-L and systems of the like would not actually be as expensive as you think. While they do have advanced fire control systems, they used steel and aluminum armor with high slopes. This would significantly reduce cost because you don’t have to pay for insane amounts of composite armor and ERA. Replacing the gas turbine with a diesel or turbo diesel would also cut costs. On top of all this, the lack of unnecessary “doo-dads” like a movable hydro pneumatic suspension and top mount HMG (like on the MBT 70) would also cut costs. Great video as always!
Lord Solar Matthius they are when they add insane costs to a tank project. They also are unnecessary when the tank is being protected by Anti-aircraft vehicles and air support. They do nothing but complicate the building/design process and add cost + weight to a vehicle. Therefore yes: unnecessary doo-dads
True but if done right could be fairly potent as it would make a very small target while preventing an enemy from even seeing the hull. Only problem I see is it would be very easy to gunk up or sabotage.
Yeah, but when you put a Raven Cannon on an adjustable elevated gun platform; it can be quite lethal despite looking weird. You basically get the ultimate form of hulldown.
Well, I can imagine some of the tech is wrong. For example, Bumblebee flamethrowers is not your typical flamethrower but is a thermobaric rocket. More flexible that way. And the HESH shell on tanks doesn't really fit there since its fired from a smoothbore. Better that its a thermobaric or metal-augmented charge. Then, there is the Euro's VIRCATOR shell which should be an EPG or rather a more flexible MAHEM that can potentially do both EMP and shaped charge penetration.
As like WT's HSTV-L is not the attended performance what US army and the company desired of. HIMAG was gun test bed, so carousel could be the gun's only autoloading compartment. But HSVT series was inital testbed of "how this gun is properly manned and be used in the field with new tactics?" So it was planned to have 60 round maximum ammo rack circled around the main gun&turret. Carousel is not the ammo rack but the one of the part of the gun. Nice research you had made the crew fill the your 'carousel' by themselves by their own hands. U.S army should rejected the HSTV-L to be made from the blueprints if the company really intended to make like that s***. You made HSTV-L HIMAG. GREAT WORK SIR
Not sure if many of you War Thunder folks do tabletop gaming, but the WW3/post-apocalypse game Twilight 2000 features the HSTV-L in a production mode called the "LAV-75". The game was developed in the early 1980s, and the writers assumed that the HSTV-L (which was featured in Popular Mechanics, prominently, at least once) would be adopted into service. It's iconic, it's the "+1 longsword" of the game despite not really being a match for a head-on fight against the odd T72 or T80 still roaming around on the post-nuke battlefields of the year 1999/2000.
With modern propellants, and APFSDS rounds, it's possible for a 70mm cannon to pierce modern armor. There are tank arounds that use rocket motors as well to extend range and accuracy as well. A 70mm rocket assisted tandem HEAT round might be able to pierce modern armor as well.
Иван Батура I meant more like could it be adapted so that tank is able to intercept aerial targets because of the increased verticality or if the tank would be able to act as a mortar using the correct angle and shell, adaptability-type shit
Nascome There was NOT an HSTV-H because the whole premise of the ACVT program was that a light weight (under 20 tons), very maneuverable, packed with high technology vehicle that could quickly be deployed (could be extracted from the rear of a C130 via parachute), could hold it's own against soviet MBT's. I was a part of the ACVT team at the time. I hope that answers the question of why no Heavy test vehicle.
Those things are massive. So much bigger than they look during gameplay. They're each like a corvette on wheels, and then there's the actual, literal driving cities, with manufacturing industries in their hulls... I'd really like to see what Spook makes of them.
@@dashiellgillingham4579 he'd probably mock them despite planet being a giant desert that has a habit of just "swallowing" traditional roads, bases and even towns.
Fun Fact - I thought this vehicle was simply fake for the longest time until I saw it in War Thunder... I first saw it back during the 1980's in the cartoon series "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" where it was known as the "Mauler M.B.T."
One thing that's very unfortunate for me is that I was thinking of creating a story concept for a military that uses 3 different types of tanks with one of them being a light tank based off of the HSTV-L with some of my own personal changes to the design but unfortunately from talking to experts I've found that the vehicle isn't practical in modern time and this is making me very uncomfortable because of how much I like the idea for the HSTV-L I see why Spookston likes it
I think of the HSTV-L and its counterparts as where armored vehicle design would go in the case of an alien invasion boasting superior technology. Not because of the looks, but because of the fast mobility, light armor, high firepower in the rate of fire and penetration, and electronic warfare.
Wish war thunder would work in mechanics where if living crew members can take over from their station they would rather than trying to swap around, like the commander on many MBTs has access to the gunnery controls
Hey Spookston, I had the idea the other day that you should look at some of the Gi-Joe toys as some of the tanks can get pretty wacky, especially Cobra vehicles.
The OTOMAGIC was actually good enough. It was never accepted into service because the Cold War ended and the need for SPAAGs in Western armies became far less critical. Today they are developing a moder version, the Draco, using guided ammunition to act as a do-it-all platform.
No. It's a battlecruiser tank that double taps T-72s and runs away really quick. It never worked because HOTROD (a heavily modified M113 with something like 90 hp/ton PWR) showed the U.S. Army that anything more than 30 hp/ton is generally bad (in a few not-uncommon-but-not-ubiquitous soils) as some soil types will cause it to dig a trench instead of move around on the ground. HSTV-L was mostly an AAI thing by this point because the U.S. Army lost interest in HIMAG when it realized that tanks would never move fast enough to actually avoid determined counter-fire from an ambushed armor platoon. 30 hp/ton is what the M1 Abrams had when it first deployed to the US Army, so you'd about similar mobility in the light tank, and that isn't fast enough to evade countershots. So the whole "armor is useless" thing turned out to be a bad fad that passed quickly between around 1968-1972 in the USA. It ended faster in Germany because they built VT 1-2 and discovered two cannons won't let you double tap tanks and not even VT 1-2 with its retarded strong engine and lighter end weight could move fast enough to get out of the way of enemy shots. Turret traverse and the push-button rangefinder ultimately won that round.
@@SecuR0M Wait, wait. But the HSTV-L have very fast (57 degree/sec) turret traverse, but why they rejected? Also is the gun have the same mechanic as RAVEN or something?
@@SecuR0M You are ignoring expense and the fact that for a long time, people couldn't design a tank that could absorb 100 or 105mm guns at moderately close range AND be decently mobile.
Anyway since this is somewhat obscure (not really but tank nerds don't know about it) when a vehicle is moving and you miss because it suddenly changes direction or speed and throws off your lead or whatever, this is called target induced error. The idea behind HIMAG/ACVT/HSTV-L (really, HIMAG was a part of ACVT, which also included HOTROD [not an acronym], and HSTV-L was along similar lines but separate since it was a private industry design) was that the vehicle would move fast enough to respond to gunfire to cause target induced error. This would require absurd amounts of acceleration (for a tank) and attentive drivers who would be cued by gunfire detectors or something to move. Or a computer hits the brakes and throws the crew forward and possibly out of their seats. DARPA brought the idea back a few years ago with one of their dumb idea tanks i.e. Ground X-Vehicle or something. It went nowhere, naturally, as ACVT did, for much the same reasons: target induced error is hard to make practical when dealing with hypervelocity ammunition like sabots. When something can cover 1-2 kilometers in about a second, give or take half a second, then you need a robotic controlled system. This is what ACVT found out. Ground X-Vehicle probably figured computers are smart enough now to do it, but then they found out that it requires a bit too much acceleration to dodge a tank shell fired at a kilometer or so and probably gave up. It was also supposed to be fast enough to make gunsight tracking hard, but this is literally impossible for a main battle tank (HOTROD was a good attempt though, trench digging aside). Or any ground vehicle. A helicopter gunship, a particularly fast one (like RAH-66 or Mi-24), can just about do it, to slower moving turret drives like found on ZSU-23-4 (40 degrees/second traverse drive). Against a faster turret drive, closer to 60 degrees/second (like 2K22), it would be sorta fucked though. And finally it was just going to be generally fast to reduce exposure time, because it's skirting around at like 40-50 miles per hour instead of a more stately 10-15 miles an hour, open country. What ACVT ultimately found was that 29 hp/ton at the sprocket (comparable to HOTROD, actually) is a reasonable sprocket PWR ratio for the time being (barring some massive improvements in automotives, which hasn't materialized yet c. 2020), given tanks of sufficient flotation (read: track width) and the limits of railway gauges (3.6 meters in the standard gauge) being among the prime factors. Wider tanks (Song for Denise tier) could possibly handle higher PWRs, but may not move faster. It also found that improvements in sprocket power transmission would be helpful even in weak soils where trench digging became apparent. With that in mind, M1 has a gross PWR of ~27, but I don't know what the sprocket PWR is. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it's close to around 15-18 hp/t, though. Probably edging towards the lower bound of that. Conversely, M60A1 had a sprocket pwr of 8.9 hp/t and a gross of like 15.
I would like to know the sound the engine of the HSTVL makes, because in war thunder it is the M1A2’s engine sound and for a so called SCOUT TANK it’s very loud.. Seriously I hear them coming before they even make it to the battle.
@@YourePrettyGood and that wheeled vehicle with the stingray turret and the tracked light tank with the Stryker's turret (forgot their names) Edit: the LAV-600 and the Expeditionary Tank, also the LAV-105, plus there are 90mm and 76mm armed armoured cars (like the LAV-150)
You could make a video on the tanks and other vehicles in Batman Arkham Knight you could use that as an oportunity to talk about unmaned tanks. Plus I'm interested on what do you have to say about the batmoblie in the game.
i know that its less about tanks and more about navy and etc. But would you cover railguns and how practical they would be? (especially if the reliability problem would be fixed)
@@Spookston it may be youtube algorithm tricks but i have not seem you making this video (i have the bell notification nonsense on). Anyhows thanks for the reply
Everytime I hear "HEAT and APFSDS make tanks obsolete now" I think "oh, so then bullets exist so people are obsolete", or "missiles exist, so planes are obsolete", or "aircraft carriers exist so surface ships are obsolete". When a new system comes into play that counters an older one, it doesn't make it obsolete, just makes it challenged in that domain and no longer having god-tier status there.
They became obsolete anyway. Soldiers started wearing more advanced gear and tacticts to avoid being shot. Planes needed to change their way to fight and also implement new things like flares. It's like when choosing a cellphone: you can pick Samsung Pocket, but it is almost useless due to today's standards of quality, therefore obsolete. Just see how a WW2 tank perform against cold war vehicles, they get blown up by superior firepower and mobility
im just wondering but how would you feel if the "captured" king tiger by the americans during ww2 was added into war thunder and maybe what br would you think it would be im thinking 7.3 but idk lol
@@ARTEMISXIX HSTV-L was built and tested LOL
@@emaoreee4420 Doesn't matter, it was built and tested for 2 years, even MBT-70, KPZ-70, Leopard A1A1 L/44 and most tanks in War Thunder never seen the battlefield but they were built and tested
Give a look on the Supreme Commander : Forged alliance vehicles (mainly the tracked ones). Most of the vehicles are actually gigantic, but given the threat they face, would be cool seeing you analyze it.
Damn, this sounds like it would have been a great little supporting tank for a light combat role, it sounds like it would have been better for CQC city fighting in the middle east than the huge M1A1s.
Are the changes made to the M3 Bradley valid? The 25mm APDS nerf to 82mm, the launcher having to retract above 3mph, the amount of crew being 3 instead of 5 and the weaker alloy change? If there's anyone that has the source to any of these I would imagine it's you, I hope someone finds something to buff the M3 Bradley.
A lot of vehicles in war thunder have issues with reload and mobility not being accurate. I think they make it that way so the game isn't super fast paced.
Hey Spookston. Do you have any opinions on the merits of designs like this prioritising mobility over armour? Given that ATGM’s seem to advance faster than armour can react, and increasingly tanks are a nightmare to deploy because of weight/ground pressure on bridges etc.
It says it has a diesel engine but in the xray its just a tiny little jet engine looking thing. Did war thunder model it wrong or am i missing something
This video is depressing. The HSTV-L is way too good and eradicates everything in every game it's in. I can only play it for a couple games before getting sick
As tempted as I am to make a "The HSTV-L is still broken" video, this will probably be the last HSTV video for a while.
Make "IRL Bradley" video.
Could you take a look at the vehicles of Drop-zone Commander? It's a tabletop wargame that's fairly hard sci fi with some interesting tank designs.
Spookston: I shall reveal my inner pillbox
Make a Gundam Video talking about the three Mobile tank models in Mobile Suit Gundam: the Hildolfr, Guntank( early, assault and Project V/ MP type) and the Zaku Tank.
What would be the pros and cons of a tank that has a low caliber gun like a 90/100 mm but with a really long barrel?
Thought I heard a little choke up when you said "and that's all there is to say" at the end lol
Don't worry spook, we all get emotional about our favorite US military research projects not progressing past testing. I still have a daily fit about the ACR program.
TBH it probably has more to do with trying to record voiceover with a respiratory infection, but I do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about the HSTV-L.
Two words: Turbo Sherman
Turbo Sherman
Bottom Text
which ACR in the program in particular?
@@matthiuskoenig3378 yes
Awesome tech idea: *exists*
Economics: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
It had nothing to do with economics, US wastes money on military projects all the time. It was the fact that the round couldn't reliably penetrate modern tank armor from the front.
Ah, so that's how the HSTV-L "revolving breech" worked. Neat.
This tank was peak 80s coolness. If only it could be revived in the modern day. A 21st centruy version of it would be amazing.
The XM8 will probably become the light tank of choice, I believe it's going in to LRIP in 2023.
Had the U.S. Navy not stopped researching the hstv l, it would have become an MBT with a 120mm gun, 1s reload time and high-angle composite armor capable of stopping any apfsd tank in front. The new 38 ton US light tank loses in all aspects compared to the HSTVL, the new US light tank is just a big brick for shooting practice.
The Booker is not a Light tank.
Its a dedicated assault gun
Dance of the Cryptek is an amazing track. Glad someone recognizes it.
In the future you should make a review on the Star Citizen Nova tank. It would be very interesting.
Agreed but it may take about a year to get implemented.
Is being added in like 2 weeks
I would argue that the HSTV-L and systems of the like would not actually be as expensive as you think. While they do have advanced fire control systems, they used steel and aluminum armor with high slopes. This would significantly reduce cost because you don’t have to pay for insane amounts of composite armor and ERA. Replacing the gas turbine with a diesel or turbo diesel would also cut costs. On top of all this, the lack of unnecessary “doo-dads” like a movable hydro pneumatic suspension and top mount HMG (like on the MBT 70) would also cut costs. Great video as always!
top mount HMGs are not unnecessary doo-dads
Lord Solar Matthius they are when they add insane costs to a tank project. They also are unnecessary when the tank is being protected by Anti-aircraft vehicles and air support. They do nothing but complicate the building/design process and add cost + weight to a vehicle.
Therefore yes: unnecessary doo-dads
@@brycewalker7797very late but no they can be used against infantry hiding behind cover(50 cal)
Elevated gun platforms always looks weird...
Like the HK-Tank from the Terminator series. Why can't it just be a normal tank, why does it have to be a flying-bird-shaped chess tower?
@@Stribog1337 This is the one in T3?
True but if done right could be fairly potent as it would make a very small target while preventing an enemy from even seeing the hull. Only problem I see is it would be very easy to gunk up or sabotage.
@@PilotTed And strictly speaking, the Maus would be a fairly potent if you could get it to work
Yeah, but when you put a Raven Cannon on an adjustable elevated gun platform; it can be quite lethal despite looking weird. You basically get the ultimate form of hulldown.
I noticed you had Endwar music in the video. When are we going to get an Everything Wrong with video about Endwar?
I would love that.
Endwar was a really good rts game, I had so much fun with it
Well, I can imagine some of the tech is wrong. For example, Bumblebee flamethrowers is not your typical flamethrower but is a thermobaric rocket. More flexible that way. And the HESH shell on tanks doesn't really fit there since its fired from a smoothbore. Better that its a thermobaric or metal-augmented charge. Then, there is the Euro's VIRCATOR shell which should be an EPG or rather a more flexible MAHEM that can potentially do both EMP and shaped charge penetration.
@@samuelmendoza9356 whoa now buddy. Leave it to Spookston
Fun fact: The HSTVL was immortalized as the MBT Mauler in the old GI Joe toy line. It's the HSTVL enlarged to MBT size.
great vid my guy
As like WT's HSTV-L is not the attended performance what US army and the company desired of. HIMAG was gun test bed, so carousel could be the gun's only autoloading compartment. But HSVT series was inital testbed of "how this gun is properly manned and be used in the field with new tactics?" So it was planned to have 60 round maximum ammo rack circled around the main gun&turret. Carousel is not the ammo rack but the one of the part of the gun.
Nice research you had made the crew fill the your 'carousel' by themselves by their own hands. U.S army should rejected the HSTV-L to be made from the blueprints if the company really intended to make like that s***.
Not sure if many of you War Thunder folks do tabletop gaming, but the WW3/post-apocalypse game Twilight 2000 features the HSTV-L in a production mode called the "LAV-75". The game was developed in the early 1980s, and the writers assumed that the HSTV-L (which was featured in Popular Mechanics, prominently, at least once) would be adopted into service. It's iconic, it's the "+1 longsword" of the game despite not really being a match for a head-on fight against the odd T72 or T80 still roaming around on the post-nuke battlefields of the year 1999/2000.
With modern propellants, and APFSDS rounds, it's possible for a 70mm cannon to pierce modern armor. There are tank arounds that use rocket motors as well to extend range and accuracy as well. A 70mm rocket assisted tandem HEAT round might be able to pierce modern armor as well.
Can you also talk about the ElKE program and elevated turrets (their purpose, advantages, etc.)
Purpose: shoot enemy from cover without exposing yourself
Advantage: you can shoot enemy but they can't shoot you
Иван Батура
I meant more like could it be adapted so that tank is able to intercept aerial targets because of the increased verticality or if the tank would be able to act as a mortar using the correct angle and shell, adaptability-type shit
Great video, sir. I read an article on the HSTV in one of my late Dad's magazines. Didn't know much of it then.
By far one of my most favorite prototype tanks
I remember when they also labeled this as the RDFLT - Rapid Deployment Force Light Tank. So much for the ‘80’s.
Thanks for the video chief love the info I got today.
Does a HSTV-H(eavyweight) ever exist ? You know, in oppostion to the HSTV-L x)
Nascome why would you need one
@@nova1726 Why not?😅
@@nova1726 You know, curiosity is a thing. Sooo i'm asking to someone who as more knowledge than me :')
MBTs were already survivable enough.
There was NOT an HSTV-H because the whole premise of the ACVT program was that a light weight (under 20 tons), very maneuverable, packed with high technology vehicle that could quickly be deployed (could be extracted from the rear of a C130 via parachute), could hold it's own against soviet MBT's.
I was a part of the ACVT team at the time.
I hope that answers the question of why no Heavy test vehicle.
Your content is amazing, even if I subscribed for the “if the (tank name) was historically accurate” series
Love your content man, any chance you’ll review Deserts of Kharak vehicles in the future??
Those things are massive. So much bigger than they look during gameplay. They're each like a corvette on wheels, and then there's the actual, literal driving cities, with manufacturing industries in their hulls...
I'd really like to see what Spook makes of them.
@@dashiellgillingham4579 he'd probably mock them despite planet being a giant desert that has a habit of just "swallowing" traditional roads, bases and even towns.
thank you your videos are always so well made and you deserve more subs
Aries Autocannon is my new favourite thing to say
This vid was sicker than my friend with cancer
really sorry to hear that. my mother is currently dieing from stage 4 cancer and its horrible to see her slowly go
Man this channel will get big some day
Fun Fact - I thought this vehicle was simply fake for the longest time until I saw it in War Thunder... I first saw it back during the 1980's in the cartoon series "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" where it was known as the "Mauler M.B.T."
Glory to the Nod Light Tank.
Hey can you look into the mobile tanks of Gundam? The Hildolfr, Guntank( all one year war variants), Loto, Guntank R44 and Zaku Tank.
Yes, please do!
Gundam tanks are nuts, they can make for an interesting episode.
Yes it would make sense too since mobile suits are even comparable to tanks
Make sure to compare the Thunderbolt version of the Guntank too, that thing is like the OG Guntank on fuckin steroids
I'm curious to know if the HSTV would make a good modern light tank today if militaries started using light tanks again
Tbh this would be way better than the Bradley as a recon element.
One thing that's very unfortunate for me is that I was thinking of creating a story concept for a military that uses 3 different types of tanks with one of them being a light tank based off of the HSTV-L with some of my own personal changes to the design but unfortunately from talking to experts I've found that the vehicle isn't practical in modern time and this is making me very uncomfortable because of how much I like the idea for the HSTV-L I see why Spookston likes it
I think of the HSTV-L and its counterparts as where armored vehicle design would go in the case of an alien invasion boasting superior technology. Not because of the looks, but because of the fast mobility, light armor, high firepower in the rate of fire and penetration, and electronic warfare.
Great video of a very interesting and awesome looking tank.
Would love if you could expand upon this topic. Love you content keep it up.
Wish war thunder would work in mechanics where if living crew members can take over from their station they would rather than trying to swap around, like the commander on many MBTs has access to the gunnery controls
The Omnissiah is pleased.
It is a sharp looking tank.
High mobility agility vehicle. Or HMAG. Wonderful acronym
This is how tank destroyer translates into modern warfare
Hey Spookston, I had the idea the other day that you should look at some of the Gi-Joe toys as some of the tanks can get pretty wacky, especially Cobra vehicles.
Hiss tanks alone get weird.
The HSTV looks like the mauler
Give it up for the MOBAT.
It really bothers me that it's autoloader isn't modelled as part of the breech in game
So it's basically a far cousin of OTOMATIC that has the same "it's not enough good" situation?
The OTOMAGIC was actually good enough. It was never accepted into service because the Cold War ended and the need for SPAAGs in Western armies became far less critical.
Today they are developing a moder version, the Draco, using guided ammunition to act as a do-it-all platform.
No. It's a battlecruiser tank that double taps T-72s and runs away really quick.
It never worked because HOTROD (a heavily modified M113 with something like 90 hp/ton PWR) showed the U.S. Army that anything more than 30 hp/ton is generally bad (in a few not-uncommon-but-not-ubiquitous soils) as some soil types will cause it to dig a trench instead of move around on the ground. HSTV-L was mostly an AAI thing by this point because the U.S. Army lost interest in HIMAG when it realized that tanks would never move fast enough to actually avoid determined counter-fire from an ambushed armor platoon.
30 hp/ton is what the M1 Abrams had when it first deployed to the US Army, so you'd about similar mobility in the light tank, and that isn't fast enough to evade countershots. So the whole "armor is useless" thing turned out to be a bad fad that passed quickly between around 1968-1972 in the USA. It ended faster in Germany because they built VT 1-2 and discovered two cannons won't let you double tap tanks and not even VT 1-2 with its retarded strong engine and lighter end weight could move fast enough to get out of the way of enemy shots.
Turret traverse and the push-button rangefinder ultimately won that round.
@@SecuR0M Wait, wait. But the HSTV-L have very fast (57 degree/sec) turret traverse, but why they rejected? Also is the gun have the same mechanic as RAVEN or something?
@@SecuR0M You are ignoring expense and the fact that for a long time, people couldn't design a tank that could absorb 100 or 105mm guns at moderately close range AND be decently mobile.
Anyway since this is somewhat obscure (not really but tank nerds don't know about it) when a vehicle is moving and you miss because it suddenly changes direction or speed and throws off your lead or whatever, this is called target induced error. The idea behind HIMAG/ACVT/HSTV-L (really, HIMAG was a part of ACVT, which also included HOTROD [not an acronym], and HSTV-L was along similar lines but separate since it was a private industry design) was that the vehicle would move fast enough to respond to gunfire to cause target induced error.
This would require absurd amounts of acceleration (for a tank) and attentive drivers who would be cued by gunfire detectors or something to move. Or a computer hits the brakes and throws the crew forward and possibly out of their seats. DARPA brought the idea back a few years ago with one of their dumb idea tanks i.e. Ground X-Vehicle or something. It went nowhere, naturally, as ACVT did, for much the same reasons: target induced error is hard to make practical when dealing with hypervelocity ammunition like sabots. When something can cover 1-2 kilometers in about a second, give or take half a second, then you need a robotic controlled system. This is what ACVT found out. Ground X-Vehicle probably figured computers are smart enough now to do it, but then they found out that it requires a bit too much acceleration to dodge a tank shell fired at a kilometer or so and probably gave up.
It was also supposed to be fast enough to make gunsight tracking hard, but this is literally impossible for a main battle tank (HOTROD was a good attempt though, trench digging aside). Or any ground vehicle. A helicopter gunship, a particularly fast one (like RAH-66 or Mi-24), can just about do it, to slower moving turret drives like found on ZSU-23-4 (40 degrees/second traverse drive). Against a faster turret drive, closer to 60 degrees/second (like 2K22), it would be sorta fucked though.
And finally it was just going to be generally fast to reduce exposure time, because it's skirting around at like 40-50 miles per hour instead of a more stately 10-15 miles an hour, open country.
What ACVT ultimately found was that 29 hp/ton at the sprocket (comparable to HOTROD, actually) is a reasonable sprocket PWR ratio for the time being (barring some massive improvements in automotives, which hasn't materialized yet c. 2020), given tanks of sufficient flotation (read: track width) and the limits of railway gauges (3.6 meters in the standard gauge) being among the prime factors. Wider tanks (Song for Denise tier) could possibly handle higher PWRs, but may not move faster. It also found that improvements in sprocket power transmission would be helpful even in weak soils where trench digging became apparent. With that in mind, M1 has a gross PWR of ~27, but I don't know what the sprocket PWR is. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it's close to around 15-18 hp/t, though. Probably edging towards the lower bound of that. Conversely, M60A1 had a sprocket pwr of 8.9 hp/t and a gross of like 15.
I think a modernized version of this tank- wheeled and with a 50mm airburst capable CTA cannon- would be a good fit for the USMC.
This is your new favorite toy...
HSTV-L is bro favorite tank
It’s a good looking vehicle
Can you make a vid about the BMP series?
The tanks used by the Colonial Marines in Aliens highly resemble the HSTV-L, might be something to look into
I would like to know the sound the engine of the HSTVL makes, because in war thunder it is the M1A2’s engine sound and for a so called SCOUT TANK it’s very loud.. Seriously I hear them coming before they even make it to the battle.
Its a turbine.
@@theneef174 and turbines are loud
@@matthiuskoenig3378 only up close, but you wouldn't hear one like you would a diesel from afar
ukA Well that’s what I thought, but in game you can clearly hear them from 500 meters away.
Think we'll see the M8 Buford in the game?
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw XM8 along with the Stingray light tank and M1128 Stryker MGS.
@@YourePrettyGood and that wheeled vehicle with the stingray turret and the tracked light tank with the Stryker's turret (forgot their names)
Edit: the LAV-600 and the Expeditionary Tank, also the LAV-105, plus there are 90mm and 76mm armed armoured cars (like the LAV-150)
Spook, could we get a video on another prototype light armored vehicle, the Begleitpanzer 57?
What a beast!
Put the HSTV-L in a science fiction film, and I'd bet hardly anyone would bat an eye at it.
I don't see why is this more suitable for a main tech tree than Maus.
Great video! Maybe talk about the tank/mech hybrids from Terminator? These machines look like mechs but have a tracked base
Love ur vids
You could make a video on the tanks and other vehicles in Batman Arkham Knight you could use that as an oportunity to talk about unmaned tanks. Plus I'm interested on what do you have to say about the batmoblie in the game.
in the Twilight:2000 RPG they called it the LAV-75
Anyone know where he gets this sort of information? I would love to know
probably books and war thunder forums
@@grievetan it seems he gets it from some official sources though
Im going to ask once and once only
i know that its less about tanks and more about navy and etc. But would you cover railguns and how practical they would be? (especially if the reliability problem would be fixed)
He has
@@Spookston it may be youtube algorithm tricks but i have not seem you making this video (i have the bell notification nonsense on). Anyhows thanks for the reply
Hey Spookston do you think you can make a video describing the advantages and disadvantages of elevating gun turrets in tanks?
Nice vid
The long waited UFO tanks have finally made it into WT... meanwhile some super heavy vehicles are removedc, some are not...
Everytime I hear "HEAT and APFSDS make tanks obsolete now" I think "oh, so then bullets exist so people are obsolete", or "missiles exist, so planes are obsolete", or "aircraft carriers exist so surface ships are obsolete".
When a new system comes into play that counters an older one, it doesn't make it obsolete, just makes it challenged in that domain and no longer having god-tier status there.
They became obsolete anyway. Soldiers started wearing more advanced gear and tacticts to avoid being shot. Planes needed to change their way to fight and also implement new things like flares. It's like when choosing a cellphone: you can pick Samsung Pocket, but it is almost useless due to today's standards of quality, therefore obsolete. Just see how a WW2 tank perform against cold war vehicles, they get blown up by superior firepower and mobility
Does the M1128 Mobile Gun System (Stryker) essentially fill the role the HSTV-L was aiming for?
im just wondering but how would you feel if the "captured" king tiger by the americans during ww2 was added into war thunder and maybe what br would you think it would be im thinking 7.3 but idk lol
Hey Spook, for your next future armor video could you do one about Deployable UAVs for increasing SA and/or even point defense?
Would love to see you cover the R-3000/T08A2 "Think tank" from the original Ghost In The Shell Movie or the HAW 206 from GITS Standalone Complex
Do a vid on the lst, landing ship tank
if the HST VL was historically accurate?
Wouldn't even exist LOL
@@ARTEMISXIX HSTV-L was built and tested LOL
Maverick but it never see the battlefield
@@emaoreee4420 Doesn't matter, it was built and tested for 2 years, even MBT-70, KPZ-70, Leopard A1A1 L/44 and most tanks in War Thunder never seen the battlefield but they were built and tested
High repair cost
Great video, taught me some things I hadn't learned in my own research. Does anyone know anything about the air defence variant of the LAV-75?
Give a look on the Supreme Commander : Forged alliance vehicles (mainly the tracked ones). Most of the vehicles are actually gigantic, but given the threat they face, would be cool seeing you analyze it.
Please make a video about the mechs from the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise
Fun fact: the Mauler from G.I.Joe is based on the HSTV-L
Would you ever consider taking a look at vehicles and mechs in the lost planet series?
Maybe you can talk about the XM808 program next?
Damn, this sounds like it would have been a great little supporting tank for a light combat role, it sounds like it would have been better for CQC city fighting in the middle east than the huge M1A1s.
absolutely not
a heavy machinegun / any explosive bigger than a grenade is deadly to this vehicle
@@doktork3406 I'm saying the concept would be great, obviously it would need some more R&D before it battlefield ready.
@@essex3777 City fighting? It wouldn't do good in a city the armor is too light it would get hit with one rpg and it would be a mission kill.
Please review the magachs
Can you do a video on the "Taran" aka the object 120.
Hey spookston if you could even make a tank what would it be
Is there going to be HE-VT shell for the HSTV-L?
5:16 *[Visible confusion]*
Are the changes made to the M3 Bradley valid? The 25mm APDS nerf to 82mm, the launcher having to retract above 3mph, the amount of crew being 3 instead of 5 and the weaker alloy change?
If there's anyone that has the source to any of these I would imagine it's you, I hope someone finds something to buff the M3 Bradley.
Hope they make the hstvl in warthunder more historical
A lot of vehicles in war thunder have issues with reload and mobility not being accurate. I think they make it that way so the game isn't super fast paced.
Good vid, Nice match tho.
Hey Spookston. Do you have any opinions on the merits of designs like this prioritising mobility over armour? Given that ATGM’s seem to advance faster than armour can react, and increasingly tanks are a nightmare to deploy because of weight/ground pressure on bridges etc.
*Clap clap* TANK REVIEW
That's one long thin gun
It says it has a diesel engine but in the xray its just a tiny little jet engine looking thing. Did war thunder model it wrong or am i missing something
what is your source for most of this information?
hi can you look at the tanks in metal slug.
This video is depressing. The HSTV-L is way too good and eradicates everything in every game it's in. I can only play it for a couple games before getting sick
@Alex Stan it’s APFSDS got nerfed pretty hard
So... could you make a video on the british "speed" boi A39 Tortoise?
How many people would donate their entire life savings to bring hstvl back and make it not a test vehicle
Pls do the vehicles from Helldivers. They have lots of Walkers and Vehicles