• @hazza335
    @hazza335 13 років тому

    This is awesome, the song is so perfect,
    "you think I'm pretty without any makeup on"
    cause he did actually say she looked better with no makeup.
    Well done!!

  • @misspansyparkinson
    @misspansyparkinson 14 років тому

    Nathan/Kelly! So perfect! I'm so, so happy you made this because I love Misfits, and those two especially =D

  • @KatieS9
    @KatieS9 14 років тому

    Yayyyyy! :D this is so amazingg! i didnt even realise u made it until now, & i love it so much! you matched the lyrics so well, & i love kelly/nathan. Amazing jobb! :))

  • @smexiiangel
    @smexiiangel 14 років тому

    @KatieS9 hehe :) aw thanks so much xxx ive written a dedication to you in the video info so ^^ sorry i think i meant to send it you but i ended up forgetting !! :( or did i actually end up sending it? i cant remember haha.
    ah me too! i love nathan. i dreamt about him the other night.. freaky.
    moving swiftly on :P haha. i wish my videos got more views though : ( !!

  • @hazza335
    @hazza335 13 років тому

    @smexiiangel Haha yeah it was awesome!
    Especially the whole "mammoth clunge" thing

  • @smexiiangel
    @smexiiangel 14 років тому

    @misspansyparkinson ah i love nathan/kelly too

  • @smexiiangel
    @smexiiangel 13 років тому

    @next5km ah thanks :) yeah i know, it's just the longer the video the longer it is to save and upload etc. Alot of hassle really :P Thanks again for commenting x

  • @next5km
    @next5km 13 років тому

    Fucking great.Ya should make a version with the full music!

  • @smexiiangel
    @smexiiangel 13 років тому

    @explodingplant2 haha cheers ;)

  • @explodingplant2
    @explodingplant2 13 років тому

    nathan/kelly ʘ‿ʘ nice vid

  • @smexiiangel
    @smexiiangel 13 років тому

    @hazza335 haha i know ;D kelly and nathan are sweet. have you watched the new episode yet? I couldn't stop laughing.